
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2001

The Ornithine Decarboxylase Gene Is Essential for Cell Survival during Early Murine Development

Hélène Pendeville; Nick Carpino; Jean-Christophe Marine; Yutaka Takahashi; Marc Muller; Joseph Martial; John L. Cleveland

ABSTRACT Overexpression and inhibitor studies have suggested that the c-Myc target gene for ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the enzyme which converts ornithine to putrescine, plays an important role in diverse biological processes, including cell growth, differentiation, transformation, and apoptosis. To explore the physiological function of ODC in mammalian development, we generated mice harboring a disrupted ODC gene.ODC-heterozygous mice were viable, normal, and fertile. Although zygotic ODC is expressed throughout the embryo prior to implantation, loss of ODC did not block normal development to the blastocyst stage. Embryonic day E3.5 ODC-deficient embryos were capable of uterine implantation and induced maternal decidualization yet failed to develop substantially thereafter. Surprisingly, analysis of ODC-deficient blastocysts suggests that loss of ODC does not affect cell growth per se but rather is required for survival of the pluripotent cells of the inner cell mass. Therefore, ODC plays an essential role in murine development, and proper homeostasis of polyamine pools appears to be required for cell survival prior to gastrulation.

Developmental Biology | 2008

Zebrafish Sox7 and Sox18 function together to control arterial-venous identity.

Hélène Pendeville; Marie Winandy; Isabelle Manfroid; Olivier Nivelles; Patrick Motte; Vincent Pasque; Bernard Peers; Ingrid Struman; Joseph Martial; Marianne Voz

Sox7 and Sox18 are members of the F-subgroup of Sox transcription factors family and are mostly expressed in endothelial compartments. In humans, dominant mutations in Sox18 are the underlying cause of the severe hypotrichosis-lymphedema-telangiectasia disorder characterized by vascular defects. However little is known about which vasculogenic processes Sox7 and Sox18 regulate in vivo. We cloned the orthologs of Sox7 and Sox18 in zebrafish, analysed their expression pattern and performed functional analyses. Both genes are expressed in the lateral plate mesoderm during somitogenesis. At later stages, Sox18 is expressed in all axial vessels whereas Sox7 expression is mainly restricted to the dorsal aorta. Knockdown of Sox7 or Sox18 alone failed to reveal any phenotype. In contrast, blocking the two genes simultaneously led to embryos displaying dysmorphogenesis of the proximal aorta and arteriovenous shunts, all of which can account for the lack of circulation observed in the trunk and tail. Gene expression analyses performed with general endothelial markers on double morphants revealed that Sox7 and Sox18 are dispensable for the initial specification and positioning of the major trunk vessels. However, morphants display ectopic expression of the venous Flt4 marker in the dorsal aorta and a concomitant reduction of the artery-specific markers EphrinB2a and Gridlock. The striking similarities between the phenotype of Sox7/Sox18 morphants and Gridlock mutants strongly suggest that Sox7 and Sox18 control arterial-venous identity by regulating Gridlock expression.

Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2004

Mnt loss triggers Myc transcription targets, proliferation, apoptosis, and transformation.

Jonas Nilsson; Kirsteen H. Maclean; Ulrich Keller; Hélène Pendeville; Troy A. Baudino; John L. Cleveland

ABSTRACT Myc oncoproteins are overexpressed in most cancers and are sufficient to accelerate cell proliferation and provoke transformation. However, in normal cells Myc also triggers apoptosis. All of the effects of Myc require its function as a transcription factor that dimerizes with Max. This complex induces genes containing CACGTG E-boxes, such as Ornithine decarboxylase (Odc), which harbors two of these elements. Here we report that in quiescent cells the Odc E-boxes are occupied by Max and Mnt, a putative Myc antagonist, and that this complex is displaced by Myc-Max complexes in proliferating cells. Knockdown of Mnt expression by stable retroviral RNA interference triggers many targets typical of the “Myc” response and provokes accelerated proliferation and apoptosis. Strikingly, these effects of Mnt knockdown are even manifest in cells lacking c-myc. Moreover, Mnt knockdown is sufficient to transform primary fibroblasts in conjunction with Ras. Therefore, Mnt behaves as a tumor suppressor. These findings support a model where Mnt represses Myc target genes and Myc functions as an oncogene by relieving Mnt-mediated repression.

Oncogene | 2004

Microarray screening for target genes of the proto-oncogene PLAG1

Marianne Voz; Janick Mathys; Karen Hensen; Hélène Pendeville; Isabelle Van Valckenborgh; Christophe Van Huffel; Marcela Chavez; Boudewijn Van Damme; Bart De Moor; Yves Moreau; Wim J.M. Van de Ven

PLAG1 is a proto-oncogene whose ectopic expression can trigger the development of pleomorphic adenomas of the salivary glands and of lipoblastomas. As PLAG1 is a transcription factor, able to activate transcription through the binding to the consensus sequence GRGGC(N)6–8GGG, its ectopic expression presumably results in the deregulation of target genes, leading to uncontrolled cell proliferation. The identification of PLAG1 target genes is therefore a crucial step in understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in PLAG1-induced tumorigenesis. To this end, we analysed the changes in gene expression caused by the conditional induction of PLAG1 expression in fetal kidney 293 cell lines. Using oligonucleotide microarray analyses of about 12 000 genes, we consistently identified 47 genes induced and 12 genes repressed by PLAG1. One of the largest classes identified as upregulated PLAG1 targets consists of growth factors such as the insulin-like growth factor II and the cytokine-like factor 1. The in silico search for PLAG1 consensus sequences in the promoter of the upregulated genes reveals that a large proportion of them harbor several copies of the PLAG1-binding motif, suggesting that they represent direct PLAG1 targets. Our approach was complemented by the comparison of the expression profiles of pleomorphic adenomas induced by PLAG1 versus normal salivary glands. Concordance between these two sets of experiments pinpointed 12 genes that were significantly and consistently upregulated in pleomorphic adenomas and in PLAG1-expressing cells, identifying them as putative PLAG1 targets in these tumors.

Mechanisms of Development | 1997

A role for Xenopus Gli-type zinc finger proteins in the early embryonic patterning of mesoderm and neuroectoderm

Jean-Christophe Marine; Eric Bellefroid; Hélène Pendeville; Joseph Martial; Tomas Pieler

Gli-type zinc finger proteins play important regulatory roles in vertebrate and invertebrate embryogenesis. In Xenopus, the Gli-type proteins XGli-3 and XGli-4 are first expressed in earliest stages of mesoderm and neural development. Transient transfection assays reveal that XGli-3 and XGli-4 can function as transcription repressors. Counteracting the Gli-protein repressor activity by ectopic expression of a fusion protein that contains the Gli-zinc finger cluster connected to the E1A activator domain in Xenopus embryos results in specific morphological alterations in the developing somites and in the central nervous system. Altered expression characteristics for a broad set of molecular markers highlighting specific aspects of mesodermal and neural differentiation demonstrate an important role for Gli-type zinc finger proteins in the early mesodermal and neural patterning of Xenopus embryos.

Blood | 2012

Matrix metalloproteinase-2 governs lymphatic vessel formation as an interstitial collagenase

Benoît Detry; Charlotte Erpicum; Jenny Paupert; Silvia Blacher; Catherine Maillard; Françoise Bruyère; Hélène Pendeville; Thibault Remacle; Vincent Lambert; Cédric Balsat; Sandra Ormenese; Françoise Lamaye; Els Janssens; Lieve Moons; Didier Cataldo; Frédérick Kridelka; Peter Carmeliet; Marc Thiry; Jean-Michel Foidart; Ingrid Struman; Agnès Noël

Lymphatic dysfunctions are associated with several human diseases, including lymphedema and metastatic spread of cancer. Although it is well recognized that lymphatic capillaries attach directly to interstitial matrix mainly composed of fibrillar type I collagen, the interactions occurring between lymphatics and their surrounding matrix have been overlooked. In this study, we demonstrate how matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 drives lymphatic morphogenesis through Mmp2-gene ablation in mice, mmp2 knockdown in zebrafish and in 3D-culture systems, and through MMP2 inhibition. In all models used in vivo (3 murine models and thoracic duct development in zebrafish) and in vitro (lymphatic ring and spheroid assays), MMP2 blockage or down-regulation leads to reduced lymphangiogenesis or altered vessel branching. Our data show that lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC) migration through collagen fibers is affected by physical matrix constraints (matrix composition, density, and cross-linking). Transmission electron microscopy and confocal reflection microscopy using DQ-collagen highlight the contribution of MMP2 to mesenchymal-like migration of LECs associated with collagen fiber remodeling. Our findings provide new mechanistic insight into how LECs negotiate an interstitial type I collagen barrier and reveal an unexpected MMP2-driven collagenolytic pathway for lymphatic vessel formation and morphogenesis.

American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A | 2016

Two novel EIF2S3 mutations associated with syndromic intellectual disability with severe microcephaly, growth retardation, and epilepsy.

Stéphanie Moortgat; Julie Désir; Valérie Benoit; Sébastien Boulanger; Hélène Pendeville; Marie-Cécile Nassogne; Damien Lederer; Isabelle Maystadt

X‐chromosome exome sequencing was performed to identify the genetic cause of syndromic intellectual disability in two unrelated families with suspected X‐linked inheritance. In both families, affected males presented with severe intellectual disability, microcephaly, growth retardation, and epilepsy. A missense mutation (c.777T>G p.(Ile259Met)) and a frameshift mutation (c.1394_1397del p.(Ile465Serfs*4)) were identified in the EIF2S3 gene in the hemizygous state in affected patients, and in the heterozygous states female obligate carriers. A missense mutation in EIF2S3, coding for the gamma‐subunit of the translation initiation factor eIF2, was reported once in a family presenting with similar clinical features. Morpholino‐based knockdown of the zebrafish EIF2S3 ortholog (eif2s3) recapitulates the human microcephaly and short stature phenotype, supporting the pathogenicity of the identified variants. Our data confirm that EIF2S3 mutation is implicated in a rare, but recognizable, form of syndromic intellectual disability.

PLOS ONE | 2012

Dre-miR-2188 Targets Nrp2a and Mediates Proper Intersegmental Vessel Development in Zebrafish Embryos

Ana R. Soares; Marisa Reverendo; Patrícia Pereira; Olivier Nivelles; Hélène Pendeville; Ana R. Bezerra; Gabriela R. Moura; Ingrid Struman; Manuel A. S. Santos

Background MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small RNAs that are implicated in the control of eukaryotic gene expression by binding to the 3′UTR of target mRNAs. Several algorithms have been developed for miRNA target prediction however, experimental validation is still essential for the correct identification of miRNA targets. We have recently predicted that Neuropilin2a (Nrp2a), a vascular endothelial growth factor receptor which is essential for normal developmental angiogenesis in zebrafish, is a dre-miR-2188 target. Methodology Here we show that dre-miR-2188 targets the 3′-untranslated region (3′UTR) of Nrp2a mRNA and is implicated in proper intersegmental vessel development in vivo. Over expression of miR-2188 in zebrafish embryos down regulates Nrp2a expression and results in intersegmental vessel disruption, while its silencing increases Nrp2a expression and intersegmental vessel sprouting. An in vivo GFP sensor assay based on a fusion between the GFP coding region and the Nrp2a 3′UTR confirms that miR-2188 binds to the 3′UTR of Nrp2a and inhibits protein translation. Conclusions We demonstrate that miR-2188 targets Nrp2a and affects intersegmental vessel development in zebrafish embryos.

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries | 2018

Individual identification and marking techniques for zebrafish

Johann Delcourt; Michaël Ovidio; Mathieu Denoël; Marc Muller; Hélène Pendeville; Jean-Louis Deneubourg; Pascal Poncin

In laboratory fish research, the zebrafish Danio rerio (Cyprinidae) represents the equivalent of the mouse in mammalian research. This species has become a major model for studies in developmental and behavioural genetics, neurophysiology, biomedicine, ecotoxicology, and behavioural and evolutionary ecology. To meet the need for accurate and reproducible data in both fundamental and applied sciences, it is of primary importance to be able to tag and/or recognize individual zebrafish. However, classic methods used in fish ecology and aquaculture are generally difficult to apply to such small fish. Recently, various new tagging methods have been developed. This paper presents a first review of current identification and marking methods applied to zebrafish, from external observation methods (such as skin pattern recognition, fin clipping, scale regeneration, colour and transgenic methods) to the most advanced technological developments in electronic (low- and high- radio-frequencies PIT tags, microchip) and image analysis methods (video tracking). This review aims to help researchers and zebrafish facility managers select the identification method (ID) best adapted to their needs. The main characteristics of each ID method are examined (including detection range, durability, speed and repetitiveness, ID code combination, size dependence and ethical considerations), and their pros and cons are summarized in a decision table to help select the most appropriate option for a research or management program. Finally, contextual applications of these ID methods and future developments are discussed.

Developmental Biology | 2006

Evi1 is specifically expressed in the distal tubule and duct of the Xenopus pronephros and plays a role in its formation.

Claude Van Campenhout; Massimo Nichane; Aline Antoniou; Hélène Pendeville; Odile Bronchain; Jean-Christophe Marine; André Mazabraud; Marianne Voz; Eric Bellefroid

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