Hélène Prouvost
Institut de veille sanitaire
Epidemiology | 2006
Alain Le Tertre; Agnès Lefranc; Daniel Eilstein; Christophe Declercq; Sylvia Medina; Myriam Blanchard; Benoit Chardon; Pascal Fabre; Laurent Filleul; J.F. Jusot; Laurence Pascal; Hélène Prouvost; Sylvie Cassadou; Martine Ledrans
Background: A heatwave occurred in France in August 2003, with an accompanying excess of all-cause mortality. This study quantifies this excess mortality and investigates a possible harvesting effect in the few weeks after the heatwave. Methods: A time-series study using a Poisson regression model with regression splines to control for nonlinear confounders was used to analyze the correlation between heatwave variable and mortality in 9 French cities. Results: After controlling for long-term and seasonal time trends and the usual effects of temperature and air pollution, we estimated that 3,096 extra deaths resulted from the heatwave. The maximum daily relative risk of mortality during the heatwave (compared with expected deaths at that time of year) ranged from 1.16 in Le Havre to 5.00 in Paris. There was little evidence of mortality displacement in the few weeks after the heatwave, with an estimated deficit of 253 deaths at the end of the period. Conclusions: The heatwave in France during August 2003 was associated with a large increase in the number of deaths. The impact estimated using a time-series design was consistent with crude previous estimates of the impact of the heatwave. This finding suggests that neither air pollution nor long-term and seasonal trends confounded previous estimates. There was no evidence to suggest that the extras deaths associated with the heatwave were simply brought forward in time.
Environmental Health Perspectives | 2006
Laurent Filleul; Sylvie Cassadou; Sylvia Medina; Pascal Fabres; Agnès Lefranc; Daniel Eilstein; Alain Le Tertre; Laurence Pascal; Benoit Chardon; Myriam Blanchard; Christophe Declercq; J.F. Jusot; Hélène Prouvost; Martine Ledrans
Background During August 2003, record high temperatures were observed across Europe, and France was the country most affected. During this period, elevated ozone concentrations were measured all over the country. Questions were raised concerning the contribution of O3 to the health impact of the summer 2003 heat wave. Methods We used a time-series design to analyze short-term effects of temperature and O3 pollution on mortality. Counts of deaths were regressed on temperatures and O3 levels, controlling for possible confounders: long-term trends, season, influenza outbreaks, day of the week, and bank holiday effects. For comparison with previous results of the nine cities, we calculated pooled excess risk using a random effect approach and an empirical Bayes approach. Findings For the nine cities, the excess risk of death is significant (1.01%; 95% confidence interval, 0.58–1.44) for an increase of 10 μg/m3 in O3 level. For the 3–17 August 2003 period, the excess risk of deaths linked to O3 and temperatures together ranged from 10.6% in Le Havre to 174.7% in Paris. When we compared the relative contributions of O3 and temperature to this joint excess risk, the contribution of O3 varied according to the city, ranging from 2.5% in Bordeaux to 85.3% in Toulouse. Interpretation We observed heterogeneity among the nine cities not only for the joint effect of O3 and temperatures, but also for the relative contribution of each factor. These results confirmed that in urban areas O3 levels have a non-negligible impact in terms of public health.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine | 2007
Sabine Host; S. Larrieu; Laurence Pascal; Myriam Blanchard; Christophe Declercq; Pascal Fabre; J.F. Jusot; Benoit Chardon; A. Le Tertre; Vérène Wagner; Hélène Prouvost; A. Lefranc
Objectives: Little is known about the potential health effects of the coarse fraction of ambient particles. The aim of this study is to estimate the links between fine (PM2.5) and coarse particle (PM2.5−10) levels and cardiorespiratory hospitalisations in six French cities during 2000–2003. Methods: Data on the daily numbers of hospitalisations for respiratory, cardiovascular, cardiac and ischaemic heart diseases were collected. Associations between exposure indicators and hospitalisations were estimated in each city using a Poisson regression model, controlling for confounding factors (seasons, days of the week, holidays, influenza epidemics, pollen counts, temperature) and temporal trends. City-specific findings were combined to obtain excess relative risks (ERRs) associated with a 10 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 and PM2.5−10 levels. Results: We found positive associations between indicators of particulate pollution and hospitalisations for respiratory infection, with an ERR of 4.4% (95% CI 0.9 to 8.0) for PM2.5−10 and 2.5% (95% CI 0.1 to 4.8) for PM2.5. Concerning respiratory diseases, no association was observed with PM2.5, whereas positive trends were found with PM2.5−10, with a significant association for the 0–14-year-old age group (ERR 6.2%, 95% CI 0.4 to 12.3). Concerning cardiovascular diseases, positive associations were observed between PM2.5 levels and each indicator, although some did not reach significance; trends with PM2.5−10 were weaker and non-significant except for ischaemic heart disease in the elderly (ERR 6.4%, 95% CI 1.6 to 11.4). Conclusions: In accordance with other studies, our results indicate that the coarse fraction may have a stronger effect than the fine fraction on some morbidity endpoints, especially respiratory diseases.
Archives of Environmental Health | 2002
Alain Le Tertre; Philippe Quenel; Daniel Eilstein; Sylvia Medina; Hélène Prouvost; Laurence Pascal; Azzedine Boumghar; Philippe Saviuc; Abdelkrim Zeghnoun; Laurent Filleul; Christophe Declercq; S. Cassadou; Corinne Le Goaster
Abstract Between 1990 and 1995, 9 French cities provided data on daily air pollution, total mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and respiratory mortality. Personnel in individual cities performed Poisson regressions, controlling for trends in seasons, calendar effects, influenza epidemics, temperature, and humidity, to assess the short-term effects of air pollution. The authors describe results obtained from the quantitative pooling of these local analyses. When no heterogeneity could be detected, a fixed-effect model was used; otherwise, a random-effect model was used. Significant and positive associations were found between total daily deaths in these cities and the 4 air pollution indicators studied: (1) Black Smoke, (2) sulfur dioxide, (3) nitrogen dioxide, and (4) ozone. A 50-μg/m3 increase in Black Smoke (24 hr), sulfur dioxide (24 hr), nitrogen dioxide (24 hr), or ozone (8 hr) was associated with increases in total mortality of 2.9% (95% confidence interval [Cl]) = 1.3, 4.4), 3.6% (95% Cl = 2.1, 5.2), 3.8% (95% Cl = 2.0, 5.5), and 2.7% (95% Cl = 1.3,4.1), respectively. Similar results were obtained for cardiovascular mortality. Except for sulfur dioxide, positive—but not significant—associations were found with respiratory mortality. The internal consistency among the cities studied, as well as consistency with previously published results, favors a causal interpretation of these associations.
Environment International | 2015
Malek Bentayeb; Vérène Wagner; Morgane Stempfelet; Marie Zins; Marcel Goldberg; Mathilde Pascal; Sophie Larrieu; Pascal Beaudeau; Sylvie Cassadou; Daniel Eilstein; Laurent Filleul; Alain Le Tertre; Sylvia Medina; Laurence Pascal; Hélène Prouvost; Philippe Quénel; Abdelkrim Zeghnoun; Agnès Lefranc
INTRODUCTION Long-term exposure to air pollution (AP) has been shown to have an impact on mortality in numerous countries, but since 2005 no data exists for France. OBJECTIVES We analyzed the association between long-term exposure to air pollution and mortality at the individual level in a large French cohort followed from 1989 to 2013. METHODS The study sample consisted of 20,327 adults working at the French national electricity and gas company EDF-GDF. Annual exposure to PM10, PM10–2.5, PM2.5, NO2, O3, SO2, and benzene was assessed for the place of residence of participants using a chemistry-transport model and taking residential history into account. Hazard ratios were estimated using a Cox proportional-hazards regression model, adjusted for selected individual and contextual risk factors. Hazard ratios were computed for an interquartile range (IQR) increase in air pollutant concentrations. RESULTS The cohort recorded 1967 non-accidental deaths. Long-term exposures to b aseline PM2.5, PM10-25, NO2 and benzene were associated with an increase in non-accidental mortality (Hazard Ratio, HR = 1.09; 95% CI: 0.99, 1.20 per 5.9 μg/m3, PM10-25; HR=1.09; 95% CI: 1.04, 1.15 per 2.2 μg/m3, NO2: HR=1.14; 95% CI: 0.99, 1.31 per 19.3 μg/m3 and benzene: HR=1.10; 95% CI: 1.00, 1.22 per 1.7 μg/m3).The strongest association was found for PM10: HR = 1.14; 95% CI: 1.05, 1.25 per 7.8 μg/m3. PM10, PM10-25 and SO2 were associated with non-accidental mortality when using time varying exposure. No significant associations were observed between air pollution and cardiovascular and respiratory mortality. CONCLUSION Long-term exposure to fine particles, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and benzene is associated with an increased risk of non-accidental mortality in France. Our results strengthen existing evidence that outdoor air pollution is a significant environmental risk factor for mortality. Due to the limited sample size and the nature of our study (occupational), further investigations are needed in France with a larger representative population sample.
Presse Medicale | 2004
Daniel Eilstein; Christophe Declercq; Hélène Prouvost; Laurence Pascal; Catherine Nunes; Laurent Filleul; S. Cassadou; A. Le Tertre; Abdelkrim Zeghnoun; Sylvia Medina; A. Lefranc; Philippe Saviuc; Philippe Quenel; Dave Campagna
OBJECTIVES To quantify the short term effects of air pollution on mortality and hospitalisation for cardiovascular or respiratory disorders in the nine French cities (Bordeaux, Le Havre, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Rouen, Strasbourg and Toulouse) of the Surveillance Air et Santé program. METHODS Data were available on mortality and hospitalisation were available, respectively, from 1990 to 1997 and 1995 to 1999. Exposure data were the concentrations of sulphur dioxide, particles with a diameter of less than or equal to 10 mm, black smoke, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and carbon monoxide. The analysis assessed the relationships, in each of the cities, between the daily numbers of deaths and hospitalisations and the daily levels of polluting agents, taking into account confounding factors. A combined relative risk was calculated for all the cities. The number of deaths and hospitalisations attributable to air pollution was then estimated for each of the cities, based on the relative risk. RESULTS Significant relationships were found for mortality, from whatever cause, and for hospitalisations for respiratory disorders in children aged under 15. If the levels of air pollution were reduced to 10 microg/m3 in the nine cities, 2800 premature deaths and 750 hospitalisations for respiratory disorders in children would be avoided, every year. CONCLUSION Today, it is possible to assess the benefits of reducing air pollution in terms of health in the short term. These analyses would provide a sanitary dimension to the strategies for the reduction of urban pollution on local and European level.Resume Objectif Quantifier les effets a court terme de la pollution atmospherique sur la mortalite et les admissions hospitalieres d’origine cardio-vasculaire ou respiratoire, dans les 9 villes (Bordeaux, Le Havre, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Rouen, Strasbourg et Toulouse) du Programme de Surveillance Air et Sante. Methodes Les donnees de mortalite et d’hospitalisation etaient disponibles, respectivement, de 1990 a 1997 et de 1995 a 1999. Les donnees d’exposition concernaient les concentrations du dioxyde de soufre, des particules de diametre inferieur ou egal a 10 mm, des fumees noires, du dioxyde d’azote, de l’ozone, du monoxyde de carbone. L’analyse a mis en relation, dans chacune des villes, les nombres journaliers de deces et d’hospitalisations avec les niveaux journaliers des polluants, en tenant compte d’un ensemble de facteurs de confusion. Un risque relatif combine a ete calcule pour l’ensemble des villes. Les nombres de deces et d’hospitalisations attribuables a la pollution atmospherique dans chacune des villes ont ete estimes a partir de ce risque relatif. Resultats Des associations significatives ont ete observees pour la mortalite, quelle que soit la cause, et pour les hospitalisations pour motifs respiratoires chez les moins de 15 ans. Si les niveaux de pollution atmospherique etaient ramenes a 10 μg/m 3 sur les 9 villes, 2800 deces anticipes au total et 750 hospitalisations respiratoires chez les enfants seraient evitables chaque annee. Conclusion Il est possible d’estimer l’impact de la reduction de la pollution sur la sante pour le court terme. Ces analyses permettent de donner une dimension sanitaire aux politiques de reduction de la pollution urbaine au niveau local et europeen.
Science of The Total Environment | 2007
S. Larrieu; J.F. Jusot; Myriam Blanchard; Hélène Prouvost; Christophe Declercq; Pascal Fabre; Laurence Pascal; Alain Le Tertre; Vérène Wagner; Stéphanie Rivière; Benoit Chardon; David Borrelli; Sylvie Cassadou; Daniel Eilstein; Agnès Lefranc
Pollution atmosphérique | 2006
Sylvie Cassadou; Benoit Chardon; Myriam D'helf; Christophe Declercq; Daniel Eilstein; Pascal Fabre; Laurent Filleul; J.F. Jusot; Agnès Lefranc; Alain Le Tertre; Sylvia Medina; Laurence Pascal; Hélène Prouvost; Martine Ledrans
Sante Publique | 2006
J.F. Jusot; A. Lefranc; S. Cassadou; M. D’Helf-Blanchard; Daniel Eilstein; Benoit Chardon; Laurent Filleul; Laurence Pascal; Pascal Fabre; Christophe Declercq; Hélène Prouvost; A. Le Tertre; Sylvia Medina
Science of The Total Environment | 2006
Laurent Filleul; Abdelkrim Zeghnoun; S. Cassadou; Christophe Declercq; Daniel Eilstein; Alain Le Tertre; Sylvia Medina; Laurence Pascal; Hélène Prouvost; Philippe Saviuc; Philippe Quenel