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Featured researches published by Heloisa Moulin de Alencar.

Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2006

Moralidade e homicídio: um estudo sobre a motivação do transgressor

Luciana Souza Borges; Heloisa Moulin de Alencar

We investigated the judgment of representation of reality (JRR), and the judgment of moral value (JVM) of 20 homicidal subjects (30 to 49) as to the reasons of the crime, at the time of the homicide and at the present moment. Individual interviews were carried out. We verified that the most indicated JRR, in the present and in the past, was the physical aggression suffered by the aggressor, justified in the present because the aggressor felt humiliated and, in the past, for having wished to take revenge due to his or the victims characteristics; the most mentioned JVM in the past was that that their reasons were right due to the characteristics of the interviewees or those of the victims, for the humiliations suffered or because they needed to defend a life, whereas in the present, the most cited judgment was that their motives were wrong, in face of the negative consequences, and religious arguments.

Educação e Pesquisa | 2012

Educação moral: o aprender e o ensinar sobre justiça na escola

Adriana Müller; Heloisa Moulin de Alencar

Moral education is an important theme from the point of view of the field of morality, since learning and teaching moral values are among the actions that promote the humanization of man, both in its moral sense (answering the question how should I live?), and in the ethical sense (answering the question what life do I want to live?). Moral education can happen within different social contexts. The present research focuses on the school. The study of this kind of education involves several moral themes. The objective of this research was to investigate how those who teach have themselves learned, and how those who learned the moral value of justice teach. For that, we interviewed 20 teachers from the sixth to the ninth year of fundamental education from five private schools of the city of Vitoria, Espirito Santo, trying to identify how they thought they had learned about justice during their school lives and how they reckoned they taught this moral value in their pedagogical practices. Our proposal included also to investigate the existence of changes in the practices mentioned above and, if so, to analyze such transformations. The results demonstrate that most teachers describe that they have learned about the moral value of justice through mandatory actions. The way in which they believe they teach about this value is manifested in examples in which imposition is still present, even if related to conversations, revealing that teachers teach the way they learned. This information can contribute to intervene in the pedagogical practice of these professionals and to improve their education, helping to break up the vicious circle of learning and teaching through imposition.

Psicologia Escolar e Educacional | 2014

Educação em valores morais: juízos de profissionais no contexto escolar

Heloisa Moulin de Alencar; Barbara Frigini De Marchi; Leandra Lúcia Moraes Couto; Mariana Santolin Romaneli; Mayara Gama de Lima

This study aims to investigate the judgments of Education professionals, such as teachers, principals, coordinators, pedagogical supervisors and pedagogues in fundamental public schools (6th to 9th grades) and secondary education in Espírito Santo, regarding education related to moral values (EMV). We used a questionnaire as an instrument for data collection, mailed and made available online. From the data, it was noted that the majority of the sample (1) stated that EMV addresses the “moral or ethical values” (2) considered that schools should provide this kind of education, (3) argued that the educational institution should educate morally because this “is the function of the school” and (4) mentioned as a possible procedure for EVM, the verbal and active methods. Thus, it was pointed out that the participants recognized the importance of the educational institution in the process of moral development of the students.

Psicologia Escolar e Educacional | 2014

Education in moral values: judgments of professionals in the educational context

Heloisa Moulin de Alencar; Barbara Frigini De Marchi; Leandra Lúcia Moraes Couto; Mariana Santolin Romaneli; Mayara Gama de Lima

This study aims to investigate the judgments of Education professionals, such as teachers, principals, coordinators, pedagogical supervisors and pedagogues in fundamental public schools (6th to 9th grades) and secondary education in Espírito Santo, regarding education related to moral values (EMV). We used a questionnaire as an instrument for data collection, mailed and made available online. From the data, it was noted that the majority of the sample (1) stated that EMV addresses the “moral or ethical values” (2) considered that schools should provide this kind of education, (3) argued that the educational institution should educate morally because this “is the function of the school” and (4) mentioned as a possible procedure for EVM, the verbal and active methods. Thus, it was pointed out that the participants recognized the importance of the educational institution in the process of moral development of the students.

Psicologia Escolar e Educacional | 2010

Juízos de pessoas surdas sobre humilhação: passado e presente

Alline Nunes Andrade; Heloisa Moulin de Alencar

We compared the judgement of the deaf on their reaction to a humiliation situation lived in the past, and on a hypothetical reaction to a similar humiliation in the present. Eleven deaf people took part, their ages from 15-25 and 35-45 years old. We used Piaget’s clinical method in sign language, with a semi-structered interview. As for the past, the main answers indicated ‘no reaction’ and ‘to run or to leave the place’. As for the present, the answer ‘no reaction’ was maintained, but ‘to try to talk’ was prominent, accompanied by a new kind of reaction: ‘to despise’. The justifications on the past reactions are ‘absence or breaking of bonds’ in relation to the aggressor, and ‘defense of the physical integrity’. As for the present, the main justifications deal with the ‘absence or breaking of bonds’, and ‘solution of a conflict’. Humiliation is a theme acknowledged by the participants, and the temporary difference influenced their judgement on reaction.

Paidèia : Graduate Program in Psychology | 2009

Moralidade e homicídio: um estudo sobre a ação do transgressor

Luciana Souza Borges; Heloisa Moulin de Alencar

Investigamos juizos de representacao da realidade e valor moral de 20 homens homicidas, com idade variando entre 30 e 49 anos, sobre a acao transgressora acerca do passado e do presente. Realizamos entrevistas individuais, pelo metodo clinico piagetiano, e verificamos que: o JRR (juizo de representacao da realidade) mais citado no passado foi o de que cometeriam novamente o homicidio, pela humilhacao sofrida ou pelo sentimento negativo experienciado; no presente mencionaram que nao matariam de novo, devido as consequencias negativas do crime, as caracteristicas proprias ou da vitima e ao valor da vida; o JVM (juizo de valor moral) mais mencionado no passado foi o de que a acao seria errada, pelas consequencias negativas; no presente todos julgaram como errado o homicidio cometido, devido as consequencias negativas, ao valor atribuido a vida e a motivos religiosos. Esperamos que essas discussoes possibilitem maior compreensao do sujeito homicida, para que principios universais, como o respeito a vida, possam ser considerados e ensinados.We investigated the judgments of representation of reality (JRR) and judgment of moral value (JMV) about transgressing actions, concerning the past and present time, of 20 homicidal men aged between 30 and 49 years. Individual interviews using the clinical piagetian method were carried out and the following were verified: the most cited JRR in the past was the one that they would commit the homicide again, due the suffered humiliation or the experienced negative feeling; in the present they reported they would not kill again due to the crime negative consequences, to their own or the victims characteristics and lifes value; the JMV most mentioned in the past was the one that the action would be wrong due the negative consequences; in the present all of them considered wrong the committed homicides due to the negative consequences, value attributed to life and religious reasons. We expect that this discussion permit a deeper understanding of the homicidal individual so that universal principles such as respect for life can be taught and taken into consideration.

Revista Psicologia da Educação | 2018

Self- Projections in the Future of Deaf College and Graduates

Alline Nunes Andrade; Heloisa Moulin de Alencar; Andréia Mansk Boone Salles

This study aimed at investigating life projects in an ethical perspective in sixteen deaf people who had enrolled in higher education. It was asked, through the Piagetian clinical method in sign language, about their future projects. The participants presented different projects of life, especially for ‘professional activity, ‘academic’ and ‘loving relationship’. The projects were mainly of type ‘self-centered with self-recognition’ and ‘connected’, implying a reflection on the value of self-recognition, mutual recognition needed and connection with the others, society and the deaf community. This community appeared as the protagonist in the projects of academic and professional activities, focused on educational inclusion specific to deaf people. It was concluded that the life projects of deaf adults of this research were mostly from a moral and ethical perspective, since they presented content of self-respect and moral values related to the good coexistence in society. The results may be useful to reflect on public policies aimed at promoting accessibility in education to deaf people.

Revista Psicologia em Pesquisa | 2017

Concepção de justiça e injustiça de docentes do ensino fundamental

Leandra Lúcia Moraes Couto; Heloisa Moulin de Alencar

Investigamos a concepcao de justica de professoras do ensino fundamental. Realizamos entrevistas com base no metodo clinico piagetiano. Verificamos que a tematica dos direitos foi abordada pelas participantes em todas as perguntas e justificativas do estudo. Por outro lado, obtivemos poucas referencias com relacao a igualdade e a equidade. Tambem encontramos citacoes que versam sobre a oportunidade de desenvolvimento pessoal, o julgamento e a punicao, a valorizacao ou desvalorizacao da vida e da profissao, entre outros. De maneira geral, os dados mostram que as concepcoes de justica possuem predominância de caracteristicas da moral autonoma. No entanto, chamamos a atencao para a ocorrencia de dados que revelam a existencia de tracos de uma moral heteronoma na concepcao das docentes.

Temas em Psicologia | 2015

Justice teaching: motivation of elementary school teachers

Leandra Lúcia Moraes Couto; Heloisa Moulin de Alencar; Tatiana Machado Moraes

In the present study, we sought to investigate whether teachers of the 1st and 5th year of elementary school consider they teach justice in their educational practices and, if so, what is the motivation to teach 1 Endereco para correspondencia: Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Centro de Ciencias Humanas e Naturais, Departamento de Psicologia Social e do Desenvolvimento, Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Psicologia, Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514, Goiabeiras, Vitoria, ES, Brasil 29075-910. Fone: (27) 4009-2505; Fax: (27) 4009-2501. E-mail:, e Agradecemos ao Fundo de Apoio a Ciencia e Tecnologia de Vitoria (Facitec) pelo apoio fi nanceiro. Este estudo e decorrente da dissertacao de mestrado da primeira autora sob orientacao da segunda. Couto, L. L. M., Alencar, H. M., Moraes, T. M. 384 this moral value. Besides, the differences among the data from the teachers of the 1st and 5th year were probed. For this, semi-structured, individual interviews with the reference of the Piagetian clinical method were done. It was verifi ed that all participants consider that they teach justice. Most teachers teach the said moral value because this is a responsibility of the school or due to lack of this role by the family. Likewise motivations related to the crisis of values in this present time, the importance of justice for society, the possibility of expanding itself, among others were found. Regarding the differences between the school years studied, it was established that the teachers who work with the 1st year tend to justify the teaching about justice predominantly due to the fact that this is a practice of the school’s responsibility. In turn, the teachers who teach the 5th year seem to teach justice because this practice can promote coexistence in society, human relationships. From the results, the need for continuous education on the teaching of justice, designed and programmed to develop autonomous individuals is emphasized.

Temas em Psicologia | 2015

Ensino da justiça: motivação de docentes do ensino fundamental

Leandra Lúcia Moraes Couto; Heloisa Moulin de Alencar; Tatiana Machado Moraes

In the present study, we sought to investigate whether teachers of the 1st and 5th year of elementary school consider they teach justice in their educational practices and, if so, what is the motivation to teach 1 Endereco para correspondencia: Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Centro de Ciencias Humanas e Naturais, Departamento de Psicologia Social e do Desenvolvimento, Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Psicologia, Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514, Goiabeiras, Vitoria, ES, Brasil 29075-910. Fone: (27) 4009-2505; Fax: (27) 4009-2501. E-mail:, e Agradecemos ao Fundo de Apoio a Ciencia e Tecnologia de Vitoria (Facitec) pelo apoio fi nanceiro. Este estudo e decorrente da dissertacao de mestrado da primeira autora sob orientacao da segunda. Couto, L. L. M., Alencar, H. M., Moraes, T. M. 384 this moral value. Besides, the differences among the data from the teachers of the 1st and 5th year were probed. For this, semi-structured, individual interviews with the reference of the Piagetian clinical method were done. It was verifi ed that all participants consider that they teach justice. Most teachers teach the said moral value because this is a responsibility of the school or due to lack of this role by the family. Likewise motivations related to the crisis of values in this present time, the importance of justice for society, the possibility of expanding itself, among others were found. Regarding the differences between the school years studied, it was established that the teachers who work with the 1st year tend to justify the teaching about justice predominantly due to the fact that this is a practice of the school’s responsibility. In turn, the teachers who teach the 5th year seem to teach justice because this practice can promote coexistence in society, human relationships. From the results, the need for continuous education on the teaching of justice, designed and programmed to develop autonomous individuals is emphasized.


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Antonio Carlos Ortega

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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Ariadne Dettmann Alves

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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Leandra Lúcia Moraes Couto

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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Luciana Souza Borges

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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Mayara Gama de Lima

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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Jussara Abilio Galvão

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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Sávio Silveira de Queiroz

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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Alice Melo Pessotti

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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Alline Nunes Andrade

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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