Featured researches published by Henning Nordmeyer.
9th Young Scientists Meeting 2016, 9th – 11th November in Quedlinburg - Abstracts - | 2016
Jan-Philip Pohl; Dirk Rautmann; Dieter von Hörsten; Henning Nordmeyer
Ryegrass (Lolium spec.) is the most important cool-season forage crop in temperate regions. Though, the seed production is considerably affected by several fungal and bacterial obligate biotrophic pathogens. The overall purpose of this study is directed to developing ryegrass cultivars with multiple pathogen resistance and agronomic adaption to Germany’s agricultural conditions. This aim shall be achieved by combining genes for resistances to stem rust, crown rust and bacterial wilt. The pyramidisation shall be accomplished by the use of specific molecular markers which will be derived by bulked segregant analysis combined with next generation sequencing based massive analysis of cDNA ends (MACE) transcriptome profiling. RNA was isolated from bulks of infected and noninfected leaf segments from susceptible and resistant genotypes of various fullsibling mapping populations (n ≥ 200) and their respective parental lines for every investigated pathogen. After MACE was performed, bioinformatic analysis detects SNPs and transcripts that were exclusively expressed in the resistant bulk. Thus, 30 molecular markers were genetically mapped to a 50.8 cM spanning region surrounding the stem rust resistance locus LpPg1. The development of this high efficient molecular selection tool marks MACE as a fast and reliable method that detects polymorphisms for genetic mapping of candidate genes and obtains to be the method of choice for investigating the molecular and genetic base of resistances to stem rust, crown rust and bacterial wilt.The current production systems in arable farming have reached their limits. Sizes of machinery are continuously increasing. Compaction and limits on the road are the consequences. Productionrelated restrictions like nitrogen pressure and development of resistances against plant protection products are further problems. Last but not least, the sociopolitical acceptance of crop production is questioned in public opinion. Due to these circumstances the question arises if the system of crop farming which has been adapted to the machinery available on the market is the right strategy for the future. Why not going the other way round and decide what a plant production system has to look like to be at an optimum and then decide what kind of machinery is needed to cultivate? Following this idea the plants must be in the focus.
Julius-Kühn-Archiv | 2012
Henning Nordmeyer
Herbizidruckstande im Boden konnen den Anbau von Kulturpflanzen beeintrachtigen. Untersucht wurde der Einfluss des Wirkstoffes Aminopyralid in Rindermist auf die folgenden Acker- und Gemusekulturen: Kartoffel ( Solanum tuberosum ), Zuckerrube ( Beta vulgaris ), Mais ( Zea mays ), Acker-Senf ( Sinapis arvensis ), Sonnenblume ( Helianthus annuus ), Sommerraps ( Brassica napus ), Sommergerste ( Hordeum vulgare ), Tomate ( Solanum lycopersicum ), Gurke ( Cucumis sativus ), Erbse ( Pisum sativum ), Kopfsalat ( Lactuca sativa ), Buschbohne ( Phaseolus vulgaris ), Porree ( Allium ampeloprasum ), Karotte ( Daucus carota ) und Blumenkohl ( Brassica oleracea ). Es wurden Mikroplotversuche mit Mistmengen von entsprechend 7,5; 15 und 30 Tonnen Mist pro Hektar durchgefuhrt. Alle Gemusekulturen reagierten mehr oder weniger empfindlich auf Wirkstoffruckstande. Als empfindlichste Kulturen sind Erbsen und Tomaten einzustufen. Bereits Ruckstandsgehalte von weniger als zwei Mikrogramm Aminopyralid pro kg Boden fuhrten zu Pflanzenschadigungen. Auch die Ackerkulturen Kartoffel, Zuckerrube und Sonnenblume reagierten sehr empfindlich auf Aminopyralid. Der Wirkstoff war dagegen fur monokotyle Pflanzen sehr gut vertraglich. Bei Sommergerste und Mais traten keine Wuchsschaden auf. Stichworter: Ackerkulturen, Boden, Ertrag, Gemusekulturen, Herbizid, Nachbau, Pflanzenschadigung, Wirkstoff Aminopyralid Impact of cattle manure containing aminopyralid on crop growth Herbicide residues in soils can affect the cultivation of crops. The effect of cattle manure containing the active substance aminopyralid was investigated on field and vegetable crops: Potatoes ( Solanum tuberosum ), sugar beets ( Beta vulgaris ), maize ( Zea mays ), wild mustard ( Sinapis arvensis ), sunflower ( Helianthus annuus ), spring oilseed rape ( Brassica napus ), spring barley ( Hordeum vulgare ), tomatoes ( Solanum lycopersicum ), cucumber ( Cucumis sativus ), peas ( Pisum sativum ), lettuce ( Lactuca sativa ), bush beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris ), leek ( Allium ampeloprasum ), carrots ( Daucus carota ) and cauliflower ( Brassica oleracea ). Microplot trials were carried out with treatments of 7.5; 15 und 30 tons cattle manure per hectare. All vegetable crops reacted more or less sensitive to the herbicide residues. The most sensitive crops were peas and tomatoes. Even residue levels of less than two micrograms aminopyralid per kilogram of soil caused plant damage. Also field crops such as potatoes, sugar beets and sunflower react very sensitive to aminopyralid. In contrast, the active ingredient is well tolerated by monocotyledonous plants. In spring barley and maize, no plant damage was observed. Keywords: Active ingredient aminopyralid, crop injury, field crops, herbicide, soil, succeeding crops, vegetable crops, yield
Julius-Kühn-Archiv | 2012
Alexander Kluge; Henning Nordmeyer
Eine automatische Unkrauterkennung ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung fur eine teilflachenspezifische Herbizidanwendung nach dem Schadenschwellenwertprinzip Die Segmentierung, als Vorverarbeitungsschritt, erfolgt auf zwei- oder dreidimensionalen Bildern. Im nachgelagerten Schritt werden mit den Methoden des Graphen Matchings, Winkelmessungen innerhalb eines Blattes und des Template Matchings Pflanzen unterschieden. Untersucht wurden die Unkrautarten Galium aparine und Veronica hederifolia . Beim Verfahren des Graphen Matching wurden charakteristische Graphen gefunden, wahrend beim Template Matching idealisierte Templates zur Verringerung des Suchraums erzeugt wurden. Mit dem Verfahren des Template Matchings wurden Erkennungsraten zwischen 72 und 83 % erzielt wahrend bei der Winkelmessung ca. 91 % der Pflanzen erkannt wurden. Durch ein an die Erkennungsverfahren angepasstes wissensbasiertes System ist der Einsatz der Methoden in einem automatischen Unkrauterkennungssystem moglich. Stichworter: Bilderkennungsverfahren, Galium aparine , Matching-Verfahren, Precision farming, Veronica hederifolia , Winkelmessung, wissensbasierte Systeme Procedures of image analysis for weed recognition in cereals An automatic weed recognition system is a prerequisite for site specific weed control when using weed threshold concepts. Segmentation, a preprocessing step, is applied to two- or three-dimensional images. In the following step, methods of graph matching, angular measurements within a leaf, and template matching were used to distinguish plants. The weed species Galium aparine and Veronica hederifolia were exemplary examined. In graph matching, typical graphs were identified and in template matching, idealized templates were constructed. The results of this exercise were used to reduce the dimension of the search-space. In the process of template matching, detection rates ranged from 72-83 %; a detection rate of about 91 % was found using angle measurements. Recognition procedures in a knowledge-based system enable using these methods in an automatic recognition system for weed recognition. Keywords: Galium aparine , image recognition, knowledge-based methods, matching procedures, measuring angles, precision farming, Veronica hederifolia
Julius-Kühn-Archiv | 2012
Janin Rummland; Dirk Kerlen; Henning Nordmeyer; Otto Richter
GIL Jahrestagung | 2017
Jan-Philip Pohl; Dirk Rautmann; Henning Nordmeyer; Dieter von Hörsten
Tagungsband der Tagung Land.Technik für Profis 2016: Pflanzenschutz | 2016
Jens-Karl Wegener; Mathias Krebs; Dirk Rautmann; Henning Nordmeyer
Archive | 2016
Mathias Krebs; Dirk Rautmann; Henning Nordmeyer; Julius Kühn-Institut
Archive | 2016
Michael Pflanz; Henning Nordmeyer; Julius Kühn-Institut
Der Pflanzenarzt | 2016
Henning Nordmeyer; Michael Pflanz
Der Pflanzenarzt | 2016
Jan-Philip Pohl; Dirk Rautmann; Dieter von Hörsten; Henning Nordmeyer; Mathias Krebs