Henri Thyrrestrup
Technical University of Denmark
Physical Review Letters | 2008
Toke Lund-Hansen; Søren Stobbe; Brian Julsgaard; Henri Thyrrestrup; T. Sünner; M. Kamp; A. Forchel; Peter Lodahl
We present time-resolved spontaneous emission measurements of single quantum dots embedded in photonic crystal waveguides. Quantum dots that couple to a photonic crystal waveguide are found to decay up to 27 times faster than uncoupled quantum dots. From these measurements beta-factors of up to 0.89 are derived, and an unprecedented large bandwidth of 20 nm is demonstrated. This shows the promising potential of photonic crystal waveguides for efficient single-photon sources. The scaled frequency range over which the enhancement is observed is in excellent agreement with recent theoretical proposals taking into account that the light-matter coupling is strongly enhanced due to the significant slow-down of light in the photonic crystal waveguides.
Science | 2010
Luca Sapienza; Henri Thyrrestrup; Søren Stobbe; Pedro García; Stephan Smolka; Peter Lodahl
Scattered and Coupled Cavity electrodynamics explores the coupling of light with matter—ideally, that of a single photon with a single atom. Typically, this requires that the photon and the atom be confined to increase the likelihood of interaction, but scattering of light is an unavoidable product of an engineered device and is usually considered to be detrimental because it leads to loss of the photons from the cavity. Sapienza et al. (p. 1352; see the Perspective by Wiersma) saw extreme light scattering as an opportunity for the spontaneous generation of localized modes of light that can be exploited to induce light-matter coupling. Thus, working with a process where scattering is considered a resource rather than a nuisance, as in this case, may prove useful for realizing robust quantum information devices. Optical scattering is used to induce quantum coupling between light and an artificial atom. A major challenge in quantum optics and quantum information technology is to enhance the interaction between single photons and single quantum emitters. This requires highly engineered optical cavities that are inherently sensitive to fabrication imperfections. We have demonstrated a fundamentally different approach in which disorder is used as a resource rather than a nuisance. We generated strongly confined Anderson-localized cavity modes by deliberately adding disorder to photonic crystal waveguides. The emission rate of a semiconductor quantum dot embedded in the waveguide was enhanced by a factor of 15 on resonance with the Anderson-localized mode, and 94% of the emitted single photons coupled to the mode. Disordered photonic media thus provide an efficient platform for quantum electrodynamics, offering an approach to inherently disorder-robust quantum information devices.
Optics Express | 2007
P. Kaer Nielsen; Henri Thyrrestrup; Jesper Mørk; Bjarne Tromborg
.A numerical investigation of pulse propagation in a quantum dot structure in the regime of electromagnetically induced transparency is reported. The quantum dot is described as a cone on top of a wetting layer and the calculated energy levels and dipole moments are used in an effective three-level model. Pulse propagation characteristics such as degree of slowdown, absorption, and pulse distortion are investigated with respect to their dependence on the dephasing rates and pulse width. It is seen how Rabi oscillations can seriously distort the pulse when the spectral width of the pulse becomes too large compared to the width of the EIT window.
Applied Physics Letters | 2010
Henri Thyrrestrup; Luca Sapienza; Peter Lodahl
We present measurements of the β-factor, describing the coupling efficiency of light emitted by single InAs/GaAs semiconductor quantum dots into a photonic crystal waveguide mode. The β-factor is evaluated by means of time-resolved frequency-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy. The emission wavelength of single quantum dots is temperature tuned across the band edge of a photonic crystal waveguide and the spontaneous emission rate is recorded. Decay rates up to 5.7 ns−1, corresponding to a Purcell factor of 5.2, are measured and β-factors up to 85% are extracted. These results prove the potential of photonic crystal waveguides in the realization of on-chip single-photon sources.
New Journal of Physics | 2011
Stephan Smolka; Henri Thyrrestrup; Luca Sapienza; Tau B. Lehmann; Kristian R. Rix; L. S. Froufe-Pérez; Pedro García; Peter Lodahl
Wave propagation in disordered media can be strongly modified by multiple scattering and wave interference. Ultimately the so-called Anderson-localized regime is reached when the waves become strongly confined in space. So far, Anderson localization of light has been probed in transmission experiments by measuring the intensity of an external light source after propagation through a disordered medium. However, discriminating between Anderson localization and losses in these experiments remains a major challenge. Here we present an alternative approach where we use quantum emitters embedded in disordered photonic crystal waveguides as light sources. Anderson-localized modes are efficiently excited and the analysis of the photoluminescence spectra allows to explore their statistical properties paving a way for controlling Anderson localization in disordered photonic crystals.
Applied Physics Letters | 2013
Pedro García; Alisa Javadi; Henri Thyrrestrup; Peter Lodahl
Residual disorder due to fabrication imperfections has important impact in nanophotonics where it may degrade device performance by increasing radiation loss or spontaneously trap light by Anderson localization. We propose and demonstrate experimentally a method of quantifying the intrinsic amount of disorder in state-of-the-art photonic-crystal waveguides from far-field measurements of the Anderson-localized modes. This is achieved by comparing the spectral range where Anderson localization is observed to numerical simulations, and the method offers sensitivity down to ≃1 nm.
Optics Express | 2014
Alisa Javadi; Sebastian Maibom; Luca Sapienza; Henri Thyrrestrup; Pedro David García; Peter Lodahl
We present a statistical study of the Purcell enhancement of the light emission from quantum dots coupled to Anderson-localized cavities formed in disordered photonic-crystal waveguides. We measure the time-resolved light emission from both single quantum emitters coupled to Anderson-localized cavities and directly from the cavities that are fed by multiple quantum dots. Strongly inhibited and enhanced decay rates are observed relative to the rate of spontaneous emission in a homogeneous medium. From a statistical analysis, we report an average Purcell factor of 4.5 ± 0.4 without applying any spectral tuning. By spectrally tuning individual quantum dots into resonance with Anderson-localized modes, a maximum Purcell factor of 23.8 ± 1.5 is recorded, which is at the onset of the strong-coupling regime. Our data quantify the potential of Anderson-localized cavities for controlling and enhancing the light-matter interaction strength in a photonic-crystal waveguide, which is of relevance for cavity quantum-electrodynamics experiments, efficient energy harvesting and random lasing.
Physical Review B | 2017
Gabija Kiršanskė; Henri Thyrrestrup; Raphaël S. Daveau; Chris L. Dreeßen; Tommaso Pregnolato; Leonardo Midolo; Petru Tighineanu; Alisa Javadi; Søren Stobbe; Rüdiger Schott; Arne Ludwig; Andreas D. Wieck; Suk In Park; Jin D. Song; Andreas V. Kuhlmann; Immo Söllner; Matthias C. Löbl; Richard J. Warburton; Peter Lodahl
We demonstrate a high-purity source of indistinguishable single photons using a quantum dot embedded in a nanophotonic waveguide. The source features a near-unity internal coupling efficiency and the collected photons are efficiently coupled off-chip by implementing a taper that adiabatically couples the photons to an optical fiber. By quasi-resonant excitation of the quantum dot, we measure a single-photon purity larger than 99.4% and a photon indistinguishability of up to 94+-1% by using p-shell excitation combined with spectral filtering to reduce photon jitter. A temperature-dependent study allows pinpointing the residual decoherence processes notably the effect of phonon broadening. Strict resonant excitation is implemented as well as another mean of suppressing photon jitter, and the additional complexity of suppressing the excitation laser source is addressed. The study opens a clear pathway towards the long-standing goal of a fully deterministic source of indistinguishable photons, which is integrated on a planar photonic chip.
Optics Letters | 2010
Qin Wang; Søren Stobbe; Henri Thyrrestrup; H. Hofmann; M. Kamp; T. W. Schlereth; Sven Höfling; Peter Lodahl
We have measured the variation of the spontaneous emission rate with polarization for self-assembled single quantum dots in two-dimensional photonic crystal membranes, and obtained a maximum anisotropy factor of 6 between the decay rates of the two nondegenerate bright states.
Nano Letters | 2018
Henri Thyrrestrup; Gabija Kiršanskė; Hanna Le Jeannic; Tommaso Pregnolato; Liang Zhai; Laust Raahauge; Leonardo Midolo; N. Rotenberg; Alisa Javadi; Rüdiger Schott; Andreas D. Wieck; Arne Ludwig; Matthias C. Löbl; Immo Söllner; Richard J. Warburton; Peter Lodahl
Establishing a highly efficient photon-emitter interface where the intrinsic linewidth broadening is limited solely by spontaneous emission is a key step in quantum optics. It opens a pathway to coherent light-matter interaction for, e.g., the generation of highly indistinguishable photons, few-photon optical nonlinearities, and photon-emitter quantum gates. However, residual broadening mechanisms are ubiquitous and need to be combated. For solid-state emitters charge and nuclear spin noise are of importance, and the influence of photonic nanostructures on the broadening has not been clarified. We present near-lifetime-limited linewidths for quantum dots embedded in nanophotonic waveguides through a resonant transmission experiment. It is found that the scattering of single photons from the quantum dot can be obtained with an extinction of 66 ± 4%, which is limited by the coupling of the quantum dot to the nanostructure rather than the linewidth broadening. This is obtained by embedding the quantum dot in an electrically contacted nanophotonic membrane. A clear pathway to obtaining even larger single-photon extinction is laid out; i.e., the approach enables a fully deterministic and coherent photon-emitter interface in the solid state that is operated at optical frequencies.