Henrik Lönn
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Featured researches published by Henrik Lönn.
international conference on computer safety reliability and security | 2008
DeJiu Chen; Rolf Johansson; Henrik Lönn; Yiannis Papadopoulos; Anders Sandberg; Fredrik Törner; Martin Törngren
This paper describes and demonstrates an approach that promises to bridge the gap between model-based systems engineering and the safety process of automotive embedded systems. The basis for this is the integration of safety analysis techniques, a method for developing and managing Safety Cases, and a systematic approach to model-based engineering --- the EAST-ADL2 architecture description language. Three areas are highlighted: (1) System model development on different levels of abstraction. This enables fulfilling many requirements on software development as specified by ISO-CD-26262; (2) Safety Case development in close connection to the system model; (3) Analysis of mal-functional behaviour that may cause hazards, by modelling of errors and error propagation in a (complex and hierarchical) system model.
MBEERTS'07 Proceedings of the 2007 International Dagstuhl conference on Model-based engineering of embedded real-time systems | 2007
Philippe Cuenot; Patrick Frey; Rolf Johansson; Henrik Lönn; Yiannis Papadopoulos; Mark-Oliver Reiser; Anders Sandberg; David Servat; Ramin Tavakoli Kolagari; Martin Törngren; Matthias Weber
Current trends in automotive embedded systems focus on how to manage the increasing software content, with a strong emphasis on standardization of the embedded software structure. The management of engineering information remains a critical challenge in order to support development and other stages of the life-cycle. System modelling based on an Architecture Description Language (ADL) is a way to keep these assets within one information structure. This paper presents the EAST- ADL2 modelling language, developed in the ITEA EAST-EEA project and further enhanced in the ATESST project (www.atesst.org). EAST- ADL2 supports comprehensive model-based development of embedded systems and provides dedicated constructs to facilitate variability and product line management, requirements engineering, representation of functional as well as software/hardware solutions, and timing and safety analysis.
computer assisted radiology and surgery | 2010
Yiannis Papadopoulos; Martin Walker; Mark-Oliver Reiser; Matthias Weber; DeJiu Chen; Martin Törngren; David Servat; Andreas Abele; Friedhelm Stappert; Henrik Lönn; L. Berntsson; Rolf Johansson; Fulvio Tagliabo; Sandra Torchiaro; Anders Sandberg
In this paper, we describe a concept for the automatic allocation of general Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) to subsystems and components of complex hierarchical networked architectures that deliver sets of safety critical functions. The concept is generic and can be adapted to facilitate the safety engineering approach defined in several standards that employ the concept of integrity or assurance levels including ISO 26262, the emerging automotive safety standard. SIL allocation is facilitated by HiP-HOPS, an automated safety analysis tool, and can be performed in the context of development using EAST-ADL2, an automotive architecture description language. The process rationalizes complex risk allocation and leads to optimal/economic allocation of SILs.
international conference on engineering of complex computer systems | 2007
Philippe Cuenot; DeJiu Chen; Sébastien Gérard; Henrik Lönn; Mark-Oliver Reiser; David Servat; Carl-Johan Sjöstedt; Ramin Tavakoli Kolagari; Martin Törngren; Matthias Weber
The complexity of embedded automotive systems calls for a more rigorous approach to system development compared to current state of practice. A critical issue is the management of the engineering information that defines the embedded system. Development time, cost efficiency, quality and dependability all benefit from appropriate information management. System modeling based on an architecture description language is a way to keep the engineering information within one information structure. The EAST-ADL was developed in the EAST-EEA project (www.easteea.net) and is an architecture description language for automotive embedded systems. It is currently refined in the ATESSTproject (www.atesst.org). This paper gives an overview of the EAST-ADL and accounts for some recent refinements as developed in the ATESST project. Areas covered include the relation to other standardization initiatives such as UML2.0, AADL, AUTOSAR, SysML, Marte profile, requirements management and variability.
international conference on computer safety reliability and security | 2013
Martin Walker; Mark-Oliver Reiser; Sara Tucci-Piergiovanni; Yiannis Papadopoulos; Henrik Lönn; Chokri Mraidha; David Parker; DeJiu Chen; David Servat
Abstract There are many challenges which face designers of complex system architectures, particularly safety–critical or real-time systems. The introduction of Architecture Description Languages (ADLs) has helped to meet these challenges by consolidating information about a system and providing a platform for modelling and analysis capabilities. However, managing this wealth of information can still be problematic, and evaluation of potential design decisions is still often performed manually. Automatic architectural optimisation can be used to assist this decision process, enabling designers to rapidly explore many different options and evaluate them according to specific criteria. In this paper, we present a multi-objective optimisation approach based on EAST-ADL , an ADL in the automotive domain, with the goal of combining the advantages of ADLs and architectural optimisation. The approach is designed to be extensible and leverages the capabilities of EAST-ADL to provide support for evaluation according to different factors, including dependability, timing/performance, and cost. The technique is applied to an illustrative example system featuring both hardware and software perspectives, demonstrating the potential benefits of this concept to the design of embedded system architectures.
Elektrotechnik Und Informationstechnik | 2011
DeJiu Chen; Rolf Johansson; Henrik Lönn; Hans Blom; Martin Walker; Yiannis Papadopoulos; Sandra Torchiaro; Fulvio Tagliabo; Anders Sandberg
ZusammenfassungEAST-ADL ist eine Architekturbeschreibungssprache (ADL) für die modellbasierte Entwicklung von eingebetteten Systemen im Bereich der Fahrzeugtechnik. Die Formalisierung von Domänen-spezifischen Informationen und Methoden bringt einen Mehrwert für eine breite Palette von Anwendungen in den Bereichen Informationsmanagement, Systemdesign und Integration, Toolketten, Dokumentation und Kommunikation. Diese Publikation beschreibt die EAST-ADL-Unterstützung für Sicherheitsanforderungen und -bedingungen, Gefahren, Fehler und Störungen im Kontext des ISO 26262-Phasenmodells. Basierend auf dieser Sprachunterstützung können sicherheitsbezogene Informationen abgeleitet und nahtlos mit dem dazugehörigen Architekturmodell verwaltet werden. Dieses berücksichtigt verschiedene Abstraktionsebenen und Sichtweisen. Die Modelltransformation und Integration verschiedener Softwarewerkzeuge erlaubt so eine automatisierte Sicherheitsanalyse.SummaryEAST-ADL is an architecture description language (ADL) for model-based development of automotive embedded systems. The formalization of domain-specific engineering information and methodology brings a potential for a wide range of benefits for information management, system design and integration, tool interaction, documentation and communication. This paper describes the EAST-ADL language support for safety requirements, faults/failures, hazards and safety constraints in the context of ISO/DIS 26262 reference safety lifecycle. Based on the language support, the safety related information can be derived and managed seamlessly along with its target nominal system architecture model with multiple abstraction levels and view extensions. Through model transformation and tool integration, automated safety analysis is allowed.
international workshop formal techniques for safety critical systems | 2014
Raluca Marinescu; Henrik Kaijser; Marius Mikučionis; Cristina Seceleanu; Henrik Lönn; Alexandre David
The software architecture of any automotive system has to be decided well in advance of production, so it is very desirable to assess its quality in order to obtain quick indications of errors at early design phases. In this paper, we present a constellation of analysis techniques for architectural models described in EAST-ADL. The methods are complementary in terms of covering EAST-ADL model analysis against a rich set of requirements, and in terms of the varying degree of confidence in the provided guarantees. Based on the needs of the current model-driven development in a chosen automotive context, we propose three analysis techniques of EAST-ADL architectural models, in an attempt to tackle some of the exposed design needs: simulation of EAST-ADL functions in Simulink, model-checking EAST-ADL models with timed automata semantics, and statistical model-checking in UPPAAL, applied on an automatically generated network of timed automata. An industrial Brake-by-Wire prototype is the case study on which we show the potential of simulating EAST-ADL models in Simulink, model-checking downscale EAST-ADL models, as well statistical model-checking of full model versions, in order to tame verification scalability problems.
Computing | 2013
DeJiu Chen; Lei Feng; Tahir Naseer Qureshi; Henrik Lönn; Frank Hagl
EAST-ADL is a domain specific Architecture Description Language (ADL) for safety-critical and software-intensive embedded systems. The language allows a formalized and traceable description of a wide range of engineering concerns throughout the entire lifecycle of system development. This makes it possible to fully utilize the leverage of state-of-the-art methods and tools for the development of correct-by-construction system functions and components in a seamless and cost efficient way. This paper focuses on the recent advancement of EAST-ADL in supporting an architecture-centric analysis, verification&validation of complex behaviors for the purposes of requirements engineering, application design, and safety engineering. The approach is architecture centric because all behavior descriptions are formalized and connected to a set of standardized design artifacts sitting at multiple levels of abstractions. We present the language design to support this, the theoretical underpinning and tool implementation. To show the capability of EAST-ADL, we also introduce an algorithm and its implementation for transforming the EAST-ADL behavior models to SPIN models for logic model checking. Exploiting mature state-of-the-art technologies from computer science, electronic engineering, and other related domains for a model-based incremental system development, the contribution enables the developers of embedded systems and software to maintain various engineering concerns coherently using EAST-ADL.
international conference on computer safety reliability and security | 2010
Anders Sandberg; DeJiu Chen; Henrik Lönn; Rolf Johansson; Lei Feng; Martin Törngren; Sandra Torchiaro; Ramin Tavakoli-Kolagari; Andreas Abele
For systems where functions are distributed but share support for computation, communication, environment sensing and actuation, it is essential to understand how such functions can affect each other. Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) is the task through which safety requirements are established. This is usually a document-based process where each system function is analyzed alone, making it difficult to reason about the commonalities of related functional concepts and the distribution of safety mechanisms across a systemof-systems. This paper presents a model-based approach to PHA with the EAST-ADL2 language and in accordance with the ISO/DIS 26262 standard. The language explicitly supports the definition and handling of requirements, functions and technical solutions, and their various relations and constraints as a coherent whole with multiple views. We show in particular the engineering needs for a systematic approach to PHA and the related language features for precise modeling of requirements, user functionalities, system operation contexts, and the derived safety mechanisms.
Architecting dependable systems IV | 2007
Philippe Cuenot; DeJiu Chen; Sébastien Gérard; Henrik Lönn; Mark-Oliver Reiser; David Servat; Ramin Tavakoli Kolagari; Martin Törngren; Matthias Weber
The complexity of embedded automotive systems calls for a more rigorous approach to system development compared to current state of practice. A critical issue is the management of the engineering information that defines the embedded system. Development time, cost efficiency, quality and most importantly, dependability, all benefit from appropriate information management. System modeling based on an architecture description language is a way to keep the engineering information in one information structure. The EAST-ADL was developed in the EAST-EEA project (www.east-eea.org) and is an architecture description language for automotive embedded systems. It is currently refined in the ATESST project (www.atesst.org). This chapter describes how dependability is addressed in the EAST-ADL. The engineering process defined in the EASIS project (www.easis-online.org) is used as an example to illustrate the support for engineering processes in EAST-ADL.