Henry B. Selkirk
Goddard Space Flight Center
Featured researches published by Henry B. Selkirk.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1996
Eric J. Jensen; Owen B. Toon; Henry B. Selkirk; James D. Spinhirne; Mark R. Schoeberl
We have used a detailed cirrus cloud model to evaluate the physical processes responsible for the formation and persistence of subvisible cirrus near the tropical tropopause and the apparent absence of these clouds at midlatitudes. We find that two distinct formation mechanisms are viable. Energetic tropical cumulonimbus clouds transport large amounts of ice water to the upper troposphere and generate extensive cirrus outflow anvils. Ice crystals with radii larger than 10 – 20 μm should precipitate out of these anvils within a few hours, leaving behind an optically thin layer of small ice crystals (τvis ≃ 0.01 – 0.2, depending upon the initial ice crystal size distribution). Given the long lifetimes of the clouds, wind shear is probably responsible for the observed cloud thickness ≤1 km. Ice crystals can also be generated in situ by slow, synoptic scale uplift of a humid layer. Given the very low temperatures at the tropical tropopause (≃−85°C), synoptic-scale uplift can generate the moderate ice supersaturations (less than 10%) required for homogeneous freezing of sulfuric acid aerosols. In addition, simulations suggest that relatively large ice crystal number densities should be generated (more than 0.5 cm−3). The numerous crystals cannot grow larger than about 10–20 μm given the available vapor, and their low fall velocities will allow them to remain in the narrow supersaturated region for at least a day. The absorption of infrared radiation in the thin cirrus results in heating rates on the order of a few K per day. If this energy drives local parcel temperature change, the cirrus will dissipate within several hours. However, if the absorbed radiative energy drives lifting of the cloud layer, the vertical wind speed will be about 0.2 cm-s−1, and the cloud may persist for days with very little change in optical or microphysical properties. The fact that these clouds form most frequently over the tropical western Pacific is probably related (through the nucleation physics) to the very low tropopause temperatures in this region. Simulations using midlatitude tropopause temperatures near −65°C suggest that at the higher temperatures, fewer ice crystals nucleate, resulting in more rapid crystal growth and cloud dissipation by precipitation. Hence, the lifetime of thin cirrus formed near the midlatitude tropopause should be limited to a few hours after the synoptic-scale system that initiated cloud formation has passed.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2007
H. Vömel; Henry B. Selkirk; Larry M. Miloshevich; J. Valverde-Canossa; J. Valdés; E. Kyrö; R. Kivi; Werner Stolz; Grace S. Peng; Jorge Andres Diaz
The comparison of simultaneous humidity measurements by the Vaisala RS92 radiosonde and by the Cryogenic Frostpoint Hygrometer (CFH) launched at Alajuela, Costa Rica, during July 2005 reveals a large solar radiation dry bias of the Vaisala RS92 humidity sensor and a minor temperature-dependent calibration error. For soundings launched at solar zenith angles between 10° and 30°, the average dry bias is on the order of 9% at the surface and increases to 50% at 15 km. A simple pressure- and temperature-dependent correction based on the comparison with the CFH can reduce this error to less than 7% at all altitudes up to 15.2 km, which is 700 m below the tropical tropopause. The correction does not depend on relative humidity, but is able to reproduce the relative humidity distribution observed by the CFH.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2001
Leonhard Pfister; Henry B. Selkirk; Eric J. Jensen; Mark R. Schoeberl; Owen B. Toon; Edward V. Browell; William B. Grant; B. L. Gary; M. J. Mahoney; Thaopaul V. Bui; E. J. Hintsa
This work describes aircraft-based lidar observations of thin cirrus clouds at the tropical tropopause in the central Pacific obtained during the Tropical Ozone Transport Experiment/Vortex Ozone Transport Experiment (TOTE/VOTE) in December 1995 and February 1996. Thin cirrus clouds were found at the tropopause on each of the four flights which penetrated within 15° of the equator at 200–210 east longitude. South of 15°N, thin cirrus were detected above the aircraft about 65% of the time that data were available. The altitudes of these clouds exceeded 18 km at times. The cirrus observations could be divided into two basic types: thin quasi-laminar wisps and thicker, more textured structures. On the basis of trajectory analyses and temperature histories, these two types were usually formed respectively by (1) in situ cooling on both a synoptic scale and mesoscale and (2) recent (a few days) outflow from convection. There is evidence from one case that the thicker clouds can also be formed by in situ cooling. The actual presence or absence of thin cirrus clouds was also consistent with the temperature and convective histories derived from back trajectory calculations. Notably, at any given time, only a relatively small portion (at most 25%) of the west central tropical Pacific has been influenced by convection within the previous 10 days. The structures of some of the thin cirrus clouds formed in situ strongly resembled long-wavelength (500–1000 km) gravity waves observed nearly simultaneously by the ER-2 on one of the flights. Comparison with in situ water vapor profiles made by the NASA ER-2 aircraft provide some observational support for the hypothesis that thin cirrus clouds play an important role in dehydrating tropospheric air as it enters the stratosphere.
Geophysical Research Letters | 1996
Eric J. Jensen; Owen B. Toon; Leonhard Pfister; Henry B. Selkirk
The extreme dryness of the lower stratosphere is believed to be caused by freeze-drying of air as it enters the stratosphere through the cold tropical tropopause. Previous investigations have been focused on dehydration occurring at the tops of deep convective cloud systems. However, recent observations of a ubiquitous stratiform cirrus cloud layer near the tropical tropopause suggest the possibility of dehydration as air is slowly lifted by large-scale motions. In this study, we have evaluated this possibility using a detailed ice cloud model. Simulations of ice cloud formation in the temperature minima of gravity waves (wave periods of 1–2 hours) indicate that large numbers of ice crystals will likely form due to the low temperatures and rapid cooling. As a result, the crystals do not grow larger than about 10 µm, fallspeeds are no greater than a few cm-s−1, and little or no precipitation or dehydration occurs. However, ice clouds formed by large-scale vertical motions (with lifetimes of a day or more) should have fewer crystals and more time for crystal sedimentation to occur, resulting in water vapor depletions as large as 1 ppmv near the tropopause. We suggest that gradual lifting near the tropical tropopause, accompanied by formation of thin cirrus, may account for the dehydration.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1993
Henry B. Selkirk
The relationship between deep convection and tropopause cold trap conditions is examined for the tropical northern Australia region during the 1986–1987 summer monsoon season. Particular attention is paid to the Australian Monsoon Experiment (AMEX) period from January 10 through February 14 when the NASA Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange Project (STEP) was conducting aircraft investigations at Darwin. Time mean values of the saturation mixing ratio at the local temperature minimum or cold point at stations in the AMEX radiosonde network were everywhere below the global lower stratospheric average of ∼3.5 ppmv and in places substantially so, thus fulfilling the first of two conditions necessary for stratospheric dehydration. The cold point potential temperature Θcp in the region was anticorrelated both spatially and temporally with mesoscale convection. However, there was no direct connection between surface layer moist entropy and Θcp. Time mean Θcp ranged from 366 to 374 K at stations in the monsoon trough zone along the northern coast and in the northern Gulf of Carpentaria, while the time mean of the average equivalent potential temperature in the surface layer Θe was no greater than 356 K. This difference of at least 10 K between trough mean Θcp values and the maximum potential temperature achieved in undilute moist ascent from the surface layer indicates that rapid incorporation of tropospheric air into the stratosphere was occurring in monsoonal convective systems through a combination of cumulonimbus overshooting and anvil radiative heating. Over the continent, where mean Θe was 6–10 K lower, stratosphere-troposphere exchange was less widespread but more vigorous. Here the average Θcp approached 380 K and was likely due to deeper tropopause penetrations produced by continental convective systems. This elevation of Θcp in continental systems relative to monsoon trough systems is evident in the Θcp of tropopause layers which had never passed over the continental interior: these were 8–13 K lower than their counterparts of continental origin. This elevating tendency accounts for the upward trends in cold point temperature, saturation mixing ratio and Θcp in the trough zone following monsoon onset in mid-January. Before onset, tropopause air in the north coastal zone beyond the immediate vicinity of convective systems appeared to have originated in the tropics upstream of the continent. With the establishment of the monsoon continental-scale upper-level anticyclone, tropopause air entering the monsoon trough zone had more often been processed by systems of the continental interior. Nonetheless, the necessary conditions for stratospheric dehydration, i.e., cold point saturation mixing ratios below the global average and significant stratosphere-troposphere exchange, remained in force throughout the monsoon period.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1991
Mark A. Kritz; Stefan W. Rosner; Edwin F. Danielsen; Henry B. Selkirk
The 1984 extratropical mission of NASAs Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange Project (STEP) studied cross-jet transports in regions of cyclogenesis and tropopause folding. Correlations of 7Be, ozone, water vapor, and potential vorticity measured on a NASA U-2 research aircraft flying in high shear regions above the jet core are indicative of mixing between the cyclonic and the anticyclonic sides of the jet and are consistent with the hypothesis that small-scale entrainments of upper tropospheric air into the lower stratosphere during cyclogenesis are important in maintaining the vertical gradients of 7Be, ozone, water vapor and other trace constituents in the lower few kilometers of the mid-latitude stratosphere. Correlations between 7Be and ozone suggest a lower tropical stratospheric origin for the ozone-poor lamina observed above the jet core.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2017
Eric J. Jensen; Leonhard Pfister; David E. Jordan; Thaopaul V. Bui; Rei Ueyama; Hanwant B. Singh; Troy Thornberry; Andrew W. Rollins; Ru Shan Gao; D. W. Fahey; Karen H. Rosenlof; J. W. Elkins; Glenn S. Diskin; Joshua P. DiGangi; R. Paul Lawson; Sarah Woods; Elliot Atlas; Maria A. Rodriguez; Steven C. Wofsy; J. V. Pittman; Charles G. Bardeen; Owen B. Toon; Bruce C. Kindel; Paul A. Newman; Matthew J. McGill; Dennis L. Hlavka; Leslie R. Lait; Mark R. Schoeberl; John W. Bergman; Henry B. Selkirk
AbstractThe February–March 2014 deployment of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Tropical Tropopause Experiment (ATTREX) provided unique in situ measurements in the western Pacific tropical tropopause layer (TTL). Six flights were conducted from Guam with the long-range, high-altitude, unmanned Global Hawk aircraft. The ATTREX Global Hawk payload provided measurements of water vapor, meteorological conditions, cloud properties, tracer and chemical radical concentrations, and radiative fluxes. The campaign was partially coincident with the Convective Transport of Active Species in the Tropics (CONTRAST) and the Coordinated Airborne Studies in the Tropics (CAST) airborne campaigns based in Guam using lower-altitude aircraft (see companion articles in this issue). The ATTREX dataset is being used for investigations of TTL cloud, transport, dynamical, and chemical processes, as well as for evaluation and improvement of global-model representations of TTL processes. The ATTREX da...
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
Henry E. Fuelberg; John R. Hannan; Peter F. J. van Velthoven; Edward V. Browell; George Bieberbach; Richard D. Knabb; G. L. Gregory; Kenneth E. Pickering; Henry B. Selkirk
Meteorological conditions are described during NASAs Subsonic Assessment (SASS) Ozone and Nitrogen Oxide Experiment (SONEX) that was conducted over the North Atlantic Flight Corridor (NAFC) during October and November 1997 to study the impact of aircraft emissions on atmospheric concentrations of NO x and ozone. The SONEX period exhibited frequent closed cyclones and anticyclones, as well as high-amplitude troughs and ridges. These flow patterns often caused aircraft exhaust from the NAFC to follow broad looping north-south trajectories, instead of more easterly routes that would have occurred if the flow had been more zonal. Mean meteorological conditions during SONEX include a pronounced long wave trough over the East Coast of the United States, as well as weaker low pressure over middle-latitude portions of the Atlantic Ocean. Conversely, a well-developed ridge was apparent over the North Atlantic near Iceland. Cloudiness exceeded climatology off the East Coast and the subtropical North Atlantic, with abundant lightning in these regions. There was less than average cloud cover over the middle latitudes between Newfoundland and central Europe. The tropopause was higher than climatology over much of the SONEX region, and the jet stream was located north of its typical position. These circulation features during SONEX are consistent with typical year-to-year variations. Meteorological conditions during individual SONEX flights also are described. Upper tropospheric flow patterns, 5-day backward trajectories from the flight tracks, tropopause heights, lightning data, and differential absorption lidar ozone imagery are employed. Effects of aircraft were observed on numerous flights. Stratospheric conditions were encountered during many flights, sometimes because the DC-8 passed through a tropopause fold. SONEX flight tracks frequently were downwind of regions of lightning, especially during flights from Bangor and the Azores. Finally, trajectories indicated that continental pollution signatures observed during some flights had originated over the United States.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2016
Guy P. Brasseur; Mohan Gupta; Bruce E. Anderson; Sathya Balasubramanian; Steven R.H. Barrett; David P. Duda; Gregggg Fleming; Piers M. Forster; Jan S. Fuglestvedt; Andrew Gettelman; Rangasayi N. Halthore; S. Daniel Jacob; Mark Z. Jacobson; Arezoo Khodayari; K. N. Liou; Marianne Tronstad Lund; Richard C. Miake-Lye; Patrick Minnis; Seth Olsen; Joyce E. Penner; Ronald G. Prinn; Ulrich Schumann; Henry B. Selkirk; Andrei P. Sokolov; Nadine Unger; Philip J. Wolfe; Hsi-Wu Wong; Donald Wuebbles; Bingqi Yi; Ping Yang
AbstractUnder the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Aviation Climate Change Research Initiative (ACCRI), non-CO2 climatic impacts of commercial aviation are assessed for current (2006) and for future (2050) baseline and mitigation scenarios. The effects of the non-CO2 aircraft emissions are examined using a number of advanced climate and atmospheric chemistry transport models. Radiative forcing (RF) estimates for individual forcing effects are provided as a range for comparison against those published in the literature. Preliminary results for selected RF components for 2050 scenarios indicate that a 2% increase in fuel efficiency and a decrease in NOx emissions due to advanced aircraft technologies and operational procedures, as well as the introduction of renewable alternative fuels, will significantly decrease future aviation climate impacts. In particular, the use of renewable fuels will further decrease RF associated with sulfate aerosol and black carbon. While this focused ACCRI program effort...
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Laura L. Pan; Laura Paulik; Shawn B. Honomichl; Leigh A. Munchak; Jianchun Bian; Henry B. Selkirk; H. Vömel
We present a method of identifying the tropical tropopause transition layer (TTL) using chemical tracer-tracer relationships. Coincident ozone (O3) and water vapor (H2O) measurements over Alajuela, Costa Rica (~10°N), in July and August 2007 are used to demonstrate the concept. In the tracer-tracer space, the O3 and H2O relationship helps to separate the transition layer air mass from the background troposphere and stratosphere. This tracer relationship-based transition layer is found to span an approximately 40 K potential temperature range between 340 and 380 K and is largely confined between the level of minimum stability (LMS) and the cold point tropopause (CPT). This chemical composition-based transition layer is, therefore, consistent with a definition of the TTL based on the thermal structure, for which the LMS and CPT are the lower and upper boundaries of TTL, respectively. We also examine the transition layer over the region of Asian summer monsoon (ASM) anticyclone using the measurements over Kunming, China (~25°N), and compare its behavior with the TTL structure in the deep tropics. The comparison shows that the transition layer over the ASM is similar to the TTL, although the data suggest the ASM transition layer lies at higher potential temperature levels and is potentially prone to the influence of extratropical processes.