Henry P. Parkman
Temple University
The American Journal of Gastroenterology | 2008
Thomas L. Abell; Michael Camilleri; Kevin J. Donohoe; William L. Hasler; Henry C. Lin; Alan H. Maurer; Richard W. McCallum; Thomas Nowak; Martin L. Nusynowitz; Henry P. Parkman; Paul Shreve; Lawrence A. Szarka; William J. Snape; Harvey A. Ziessman
This consensus statement from the members of the American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society and the Society of Nuclear Medicine recommends a standardized method for measuring gastric emptying (GE) by scintigraphy. A low-fat, egg-white meal with imaging at 0, 1, 2, and 4 h after meal ingestion, as described by a published multicenter protocol, provides standardized information about normal and delayed GE. Adoption of this standardized protocol will resolve the lack of uniformity of testing, add reliability and credibility to the results, and improve the clinical utility of the GE test.
The American Journal of Gastroenterology | 2013
Michael Camilleri; Henry P. Parkman; Mehnaz A Shafi; Thomas L. Abell; Lauren B. Gerson
This guideline presents recommendations for the evaluation and management of patients with gastroparesis. Gastroparesis is identified in clinical practice through the recognition of the clinical symptoms and documentation of delayed gastric emptying. Symptoms from gastroparesis include nausea, vomiting, early satiety, postprandial fullness, bloating, and upper abdominal pain. Management of gastroparesis should include assessment and correction of nutritional state, relief of symptoms, improvement of gastric emptying and, in diabetics, glycemic control. Patient nutritional state should be managed by oral dietary modifications. If oral intake is not adequate, then enteral nutrition via jejunostomy tube needs to be considered. Parenteral nutrition is rarely required when hydration and nutritional state cannot be maintained. Medical treatment entails use of prokinetic and antiemetic therapies. Current approved treatment options, including metoclopramide and gastric electrical stimulation (GES, approved on a humanitarian device exemption), do not adequately address clinical need. Antiemetics have not been specifically tested in gastroparesis, but they may relieve nausea and vomiting. Other medications aimed at symptom relief include unapproved medications or off-label indications, and include domperidone, erythromycin (primarily over a short term), and centrally acting antidepressants used as symptom modulators. GES may relieve symptoms, including weekly vomiting frequency, and the need for nutritional supplementation, based on open-label studies. Second-line approaches include venting gastrostomy or feeding jejunostomy; intrapyloric botulinum toxin injection was not effective in randomized controlled trials. Most of these treatments are based on open-label treatment trials and small numbers. Partial gastrectomy and pyloroplasty should be used rarely, only in carefully selected patients. Attention should be given to the development of new effective therapies for symptomatic control.
The American Journal of Gastroenterology | 2007
Ikuo Hirano; Joel E. Richter; Ronnie Fass; Darren S. Baroni; David Bernstein; Adil E. Bharucha; William R. Brugge; Lin Chang; William D. Chey; Matthew E. Cohen; John T. Cunningham; Steven A. Edmundowicz; John M. Inadomi; Timothy R. Koch; Ece Mutlu; Henry P. Parkman; Charlene M. Prather; Daniel S. Pratt; Albert Roach; Richard E. Sampliner; Subbaramiah Sridhar; Nimish Vakil; Miguel A. Valdovinos; Benjamin C.Y. Wong; Alvin M. Zfass
Investigations and technical advances have enhanced our understanding and management of gastroesophageal reflux disease. The recognition of the prevalence and importance of patients with endoscopy-negative reflux disease as well as those refractory to proton pump inhibitor therapy have led to an increasing need for objective tests of esophageal reflux. Guidelines for esophageal reflux testing are developed under the auspices of the American College of Gastroenterology and its Practice Parameters Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees. Issues regarding the utilization of conventional, catheter-based pH monitoring are discussed. Improvements in the interpretation of esophageal pH recordings through the use of symptom-reflux association analyses as well as limitations gleaned from recent studies are reviewed. The clinical utility of pH recordings in the proximal esophagus and stomach is examined. Newly introduced techniques of duodenogastroesophageal reflux, wireless pH capsule monitoring and esophageal impedance testing are assessed and put into the context of traditional methodology. Finally, recommendations on the clinical applications of esophageal reflux testing are presented.
Gastroenterology | 1998
Michael Camilleri; William L. Hasler; Henry P. Parkman; Eamonn M. M. Quigley; Edy E. Soffer
Current tests of gastric and small intestinal motor function provide relevant physiological information, but their clinical utility is controversial. This article reviews the current procedures, indications, significance, pitfalls, and guidelines for gastrointestinal motility measurements by scintigraphy, gastroduodenojejunal manometry, and surface electrogastrography in humans. Methods included review of literature and discussions in closed and open fora among investigators, including presentations for peer review at focused (Iowa City American Motility Society Symposium, December 1995) and national meetings (American Gastroenterological Association, May 1996, and American Motility Society, September 1996). The current tests are generally complementary; scintigraphy is typically the first test in the evaluation of gastric motor function and often confirms the clinical suspicion of dysmotility. Manometry identifies patterns suggestive of myopathy, neuropathy, or obstruction but may be most helpful when it shows entirely normal findings, because manometry helps in part to exclude dysmotility as a cause of symptoms. Electrogastrography may identify dysrhythmias or failure of signal power to increase postprandially; rhythm abnormalities may be independent of impaired emptying among dyspeptic patients. The best validated and clinically most significant results pertain to transit tests; manometry may contribute importantly to the diagnostic process; and the significance of electrogastrography remains to be fully elucidated.
Neurogastroenterology and Motility | 2006
Thomas L. Abell; R. K. Bernstein; T. Cutts; Gianrico Farrugia; Jameson Forster; William L. Hasler; R. W. Mccallum; K. W. Olden; Henry P. Parkman; Carol Rees Parrish; Pankaj J. Pasricha; C. M. Prather; E. E. Soffer; R. Twillman; A. I. Vinik
Abstract This clinical review on the treatment of patients with gastroparesis is a consensus document developed by the American Motility Society Task Force on Gastroparesis. It is a multidisciplinary effort with input from gastroenterologists and other specialists who are involved in the care of patients with gastroparesis. To provide practical guidelines for treatment, this document covers results of published research studies in the literature and areas developed by consensus agreement where clinical research trials remain lacking in the field of gastroparesis.
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics | 2007
Braden Kuo; R. W. Mccallum; Kenneth L. Koch; Michael D. Sitrin; John M. Wo; William D. Chey; William L. Hasler; Jeffrey M. Lackner; Leonard A. Katz; John R. Semler; Gregory E. Wilding; Henry P. Parkman
Background Gastric emptying scintigraphy (GES) using a radio‐labelled meal is used to measure gastric emptying. A nondigestible capsule, SmartPill, records luminal pH, temperature, and pressure during gastrointestinal transit providing a measure of gastric emptying time (GET).
Neurogastroenterology and Motility | 2003
Henry P. Parkman; William L. Hasler; J. L. Barnett; E. Y. Eaker
Abstract The objective of this document is to present the consensus opinion of the American Motility Society Clinical GI Motility Testing Task Force on the performance and clinical utility of electrogastrography (EGG). EGG is a non‐invasive means of recording human gastric myoelectrical activity or slow waves from cutaneous leads placed over the stomach. In healthy volunteers, EGG tracings exhibit sinusoidal waveforms with a predominant frequency of 3 cycles per minute (cpm). Clinical studies have shown good correlation of these cutaneous recordings with those acquired from serosally implanted electrodes. The amplitude of the EGG waveform increases with ingestion of caloric or non‐caloric meals. Some patients with nausea, vomiting, or other dyspeptic symptoms exhibit EGG rhythm disturbances or blunting of meal‐evoked EGG signal amplitude increases. These abnormalities correlate to some degree with delayed gastric emptying of solids. In selected patients, EGG may be complementary to gastric emptying testing. To date, no therapies have convincingly demonstrated in controlled studies that correcting abnormalities detected by EGG improves upper gastrointestinal symptoms. Proposed clinical indications for performance of EGG in patients with unexplained nausea, vomiting and dyspeptic symptoms must be validated by prospective controlled investigations.
Neurogastroenterology and Motility | 2011
Satish S. Rao; Michael Camilleri; William L. Hasler; Alan H. Maurer; Henry P. Parkman; R. Saad; M Scott; Magnus Simren; E. E. Soffer; Lawrence A. Szarka
Background Disorders of gastrointestinal (GI) transit and motility are common, and cause either delayed or accelerated transit through the stomach, small intestine or colon, and affect one or more regions. Assessment of regional and/or whole gut transit times can provide direct measurements and diagnostic information to explain the cause of symptoms, and plan therapy.
The American Journal of Gastroenterology | 2007
Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao; Arun J. Sanyal; Norman D. Grace; William D. Carey; Margaret C. Shuhart; Gary L. Davis; Kiran Bambha; Andrés Cárdenas; Stanley M. Cohen; Timothy J. Davern; Steven L. Flamm; Steven Han; Charles D. Howell; David R. Nelson; K. Rajender Reddy; Bruce A. Runyon; John Wong; Colina Yim; Nizar N. Zein; John M. Inadomi; Darren S. Baroni; David Bernstein; William R. Brugge; Lin Chang; William D. Chey; John T. Cunningham; Kenneth R. DeVault; Steven A. Edmundowicz; Ronnie Fass; Kelvin Hornbuckle
Prevention and Management of Gastroesophageal Varices and Variceal Hemorrhage in Cirrhosis Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, M.D.,1 Arun J. Sanyal, M.D.,2 Norman D. Grace, M.D., FACG,3 William D. Carey, M.D., MACG,4 the Practice Guidelines Committee of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the Practice Parameters Committee of the American College of Gastroenterology 1Section of Digestive Diseases, Yale University School of Medicine and VA-CT Healthcare System, New Haven, Connecticut; 2Division of Gastroenterology, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, Richmond, Virginia; 3Division of Gastroenterology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; 4The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
Gastroenterology | 2011
Madhusudan Grover; Gianrico Farrugia; Matthew S. Lurken; Cheryl E. Bernard; Maria Simonetta Faussone Pellegrini; Thomas C. Smyrk; Henry P. Parkman; Thomas L. Abell; William J. Snape; William L. Hasler; Aynur Ünalp–Arida; Linda Nguyen; Kenneth L. Koch; J. Calles; Linda Lee; James Tonascia; Frank A. Hamilton; Pankaj J. Pasricha
BACKGROUND & AIMS Cellular changes associated with diabetic and idiopathic gastroparesis are not well described. The aim of this study was to describe histologic abnormalities in gastroparesis and compare findings in idiopathic versus diabetic gastroparesis. METHODS Full-thickness gastric body biopsy specimens were obtained from 40 patients with gastroparesis (20 diabetic) and matched controls. Sections were stained for H&E and trichrome and immunolabeled with antibodies against protein gene product (PGP) 9.5, neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), vasoactive intestinal peptide, substance P, and tyrosine hydroxylase to quantify nerves, S100β for glia, Kit for interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), CD45 and CD68 for immune cells, and smoothelin for smooth muscle cells. Tissue was also examined by transmission electron microscopy. RESULTS Histologic abnormalities were found in 83% of patients. The most common defects were loss of ICC with remaining ICC showing injury, an abnormal immune infiltrate containing macrophages, and decreased nerve fibers. On light microscopy, no significant differences were found between diabetic and idiopathic gastroparesis with the exception of nNOS expression, which was decreased in more patients with idiopathic gastroparesis (40%) compared with diabetic patients (20%) by visual grading. On electron microscopy, a markedly increased connective tissue stroma was present in both disorders. CONCLUSIONS This study suggests that on full-thickness biopsy specimens, cellular abnormalities are found in the majority of patients with gastroparesis. The most common findings were loss of Kit expression, suggesting loss of ICC, and an increase in CD45 and CD68 immunoreactivity. These findings suggest that examination of tissue can lead to valuable insights into the pathophysiology of these disorders and offer hope that new therapeutic targets can be found.