Heribert Gierl
University of Augsburg
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research | 2008
Heribert Gierl; Michael Plantsch; Janine Schweidler
Prior research provides controversial findings as to whether products become more or less desirable when accompanied by product scarcity. As there are many options relevant for retailing to generate product scarcity, it seems beneficial to identify the conditions under which scarcity should be applied as an instrument for sales promotion. We differentiate our considerations by the type of scarcity, the product category and by the existence of other purchase arguments for the scarce product. The main result of our empirical investigations is that these three conditions are relevant factors which influence the direction of scarcitys effect on product desirability.
International Journal of Research in Marketing | 1996
Lawrence F. Feick; Heribert Gierl
Abstract This article reports a study that tests predictions about skepticism toward advertising derived from the economics of information. It examines a sample of consumers from the former West Germany and compares them to a sample from the former East Germany. As they are another example of a developed, Western economy, predictions for the West Germans were the same as those hypothesized by Ford et al. (1990) for their sample of U.S. consumers. In addition, based on their having lived for 45 years under Communism, the study advances hypotheses about how the consumers from East Germany might be expected to differ. The results support all of the hypotheses about West German consumers, and East German consumers were found to differ in most of the predicted ways from the West Germans. The article concludes with a discussion of the research and consumer policy implications of the findings.
Archive | 2003
Heribert Gierl; Roland Helm
Die Geschaftsidee eines Existenzgrunders ist die Basis des Erfolgs der daraus entstehenden jungen Unternehmung. Um diese Idee dahingehend zu uberprufen, inwieweit daraus tatsachlich eine erfolgreiche Unternehmungsgrundung resultieren kann und um die meist notwendigen Fremdkapitalgeber auch von der Geschaftsidee uberzeugen zu konnen, ist die Erstellung eines Marketingplans unumganglich. Im nachfolgenden Beitrag werden der Aufbau eines solchen Plans, die grundlegenden, bei der Erarbeitung zu berucksichtigenden Grundsatze des Marketing sowie die wichtigsten Optionen des Marketing-Mix vor dem Hintergrund der vorrangig zu verfolgenden Ziele bei einer Unternehmungsgrundung aufgezeigt.
Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung | 2000
Heribert Gierl
SummaryOpportunistic behaviour of an exchange partner is widely recognised as a potential problem in buyer-supplier relationships. One party has an incentive to act opportunistically if there is an asymmetric relationship of dependence. According to transaction cost economics vertical integration is a possibility to face this problem. But some authors suggest that there are other ways to control the problem of opportunism, e.g. investments in the quality of personal relationships or offsetting investments. We describe these possibilities and the circumstances in which they may be superior. To prove our theory, we conducted an empirical study. The findings show that detailed contractual safeguards should be best when the supplier can observe the behaviour of the buyer, or in cases in which the buyer is of great importance in the future. Good relationship quality has an advantage if the buyer is acting in a high competitive environment.
Der Markt | 1999
Heribert Gierl; Michael Niesner
In der Literatur zur Werbung existieren Empfehlungen, ob Prominente oder Experten oder typische Konsumenten als Testimonials in der Werbung fü r unterschiedliche Produktkategorien eingesetzt werden sollen. Die theoretischen Grundlagen dieser Empfehlungen werden im vorliegenden Beitrag kurz dargestellt. Anschließ end werden diese Vermutungen nochmals geprü ft. Die Befunde der neuen empirischen Studie ergeben, daß man besser erst mittels Werbemittel-Pretests kontrollieren sollte, ob der Empfehlung in der Literatur gefolgt werden soll.
Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung | 2005
Heribert Gierl; Christina Eleftheriadou
SummaryIn this article we describe possibilities to benefit from stockouts. We define positions of stockouts which can be regarded as phantom alternatives. In our theoretical framework we discuss possible effects of range or frequency increasing phantoms on preferences for different available options. In an empirical study we prove the relevance of the phantom’s positions successfully. Finally we recommend to use known phantoms and to avoid unrecognized phantoms if preferences among the remaining products shall be influenced significantly by stockouts. Furthermore we offer guidelines how to position a stockout as an optimal known phantom alternative.
Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung | 1999
Heribert Gierl; Armin Stich
SummaryThe present article is concerned with the determinants of the use of extrinsic product attributes as signals of product quality exemplary for country of origin. A two-stage conjoint analysis has been performed and validated to separate the quality effect from the overall country of origin-effect.As the results of the first experiment show, consumers are using an extrinsic attribute as an indicator of quality only if the attribute has a high predictive value as well as a high confidence value. Based on covariation assessment theory a high predictive value of country of origin is the result of prior expectations that high quality technological products can only be manufactured properly in a few advanced countries. In accordance with theory of information economics the confidence value is influenced by the perceived verifiability of the signal. Accordingly the confidence value of country of origin is high, only if consumers perceive low international interpenetration of production processes.A second experiment has been conducted to analyze the effect of additional information of high credible communicators on predictive value. The results show that additional information can change the predictive value in the intended direction. Contrary to the hypotheses there was no stronger effect of extrem compared to moderate discrepant additional information. The results rather give indications for a weak credibility of extrem discrepant additional information even from high credible sources.
Der Markt | 2003
Heribert Gierl; Boris Bartikowski
Ein weithin in der Forschung zur Zufriedenheit von Kunden oder von Mitarbeitern diskutiertes Thema betrifft die Klassifikation von Produkt- oder Arbeitsplatz-Merkmalen in Satisfier, Dissatisfier und Criticals. In der Literatur werden für diese Aufgabe verschiedene Verfahren vorgeschlagen: die Critical-Incident-Technique, die Kano-Methode und die Penalty-Reward-Contrast-Analyse. In diesem Beitrag wird zunächst diskutiert, welche Antezedenzbedingungen mit Merkmalen, die unterschiedlichen Klassen zugeordnet werden, verbunden sein müssten. Anschließend werden die Methoden vorgestellt. In drei Studien wird untersucht, ob die Methoden zu gleichen Ergebnissen führen und ob die Klassifikationsergebnisse mit den theoretisch erwarteten Antezedenzbedingungen stimmig sind. Die Ergebnisse zeigen jedoch keine Konsistenz der Befunde. Stellt man sich letztendlich die Frage nach dem praktischen Nutzen derartiger Klassifikationsversuche, so wird deutlich, dass es sinnvoller erscheint, bei der Entscheidung über die Frage, welche Merkmale zur Erhöhung der Zufriedenheit verbessert werden sollten, auf attributspezifische Zufriedenheitsurteile und Positionierungsentscheidungen zurückzugreifen.
Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung | 2002
Heribert Gierl; Hans Höser
SummarySome behavioral theories suggest that in case of little prior knowledge and decision uncertainty, preferences are influenced by several context variables like the order of information-processing of the alternatives. Focussing the order-effect and thereby using the theoretical backgrounds of prospect theory and learning theories we can show that in case of low involvement and little knowledge the first alternative benefits solely of being first processed. Two studies were conducted, a conjoint approach as well as an experimental manipulation in a real purchasing situation. The results of both studies confirmed the hypothesis. Practical applications of these findings in marketing and several other business areas are also demonstrated.
Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung | 2002
Heribert Gierl; Roland Helm; Stefan Stumpp
SummaryCustomer satisfaction, loyalty, variety seeking, and approval motives are often analyzed in consumer research. In this article the authors examine the relationships between these concepts. In the area of consumer durables variety seeking and the need for social recognition can be satisfied either by brand switching or by an early product replacement. The authors also try to identify variables which may explain why customers switch or chose early replacements. In an empirical study the authors analyze the moderating role of customer satisfaction and social brand confirmation.