Heribert Reisinger
University of Vienna
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Featured researches published by Heribert Reisinger.
International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship | 2005
Reinhard Grohs; Heribert Reisinger
This paper identifies factors that support and hinder image transfer in sports sponsorships. It develops a framework of drivers of image transfer and tests the proposed hypotheses empirically at a large sporting event with a number of different sponsors. The results suggest that event-sponsor fit has a positive impact and is the main driver of the strength of image transfer. Event involvement also positively affects image transfer, but the magnitude of this effect is lower. Sponsorship exposure does not have a significant influence. However, there is an interaction between event-sponsor fit and sponsorship exposure, indicating that higher exposure leads to an increased image transfer if the fit between event and sponsor is high. Implications of results for the choice and design of sport sponsorships are discussed and further areas of research identified.
OR Spectrum | 2000
R. Dittrich; W. Katzenbeisser; Heribert Reisinger
Abstract. In this article we propose an approach to study the effect of consumer-specific information on (complete) rank ordered preference data by means of Bradley-Terry type models. The main idea is to transform the ranking data into paired comparison data, which can be modelled within the Generalised Linear Model framework by means of a log-linear model for a corresponding contingency table. Therefore, standard software can be used to estimate model parameters and a goodness-of-fit can be assessed in the usual way. This approach allows to simultaneously estimate object-specific parameters which, in the marketing context, can be interpreted as attractions of the analysed objects, as well as subject-object interaction parameters that represent the effects of consumer-specific variables on the attractions. The interaction parameters offer a statistically motivated approach for customer segmentation and market targeting. The outlined methodology is applied to preference judgements within a local daily newspaper market. It is shown that certain socio-economic characteristics of the consumers have significant influences on their preference structures.Zusammenfassung. Dieser Aufsatz befaßt sich mit der Analyse des Einflusses personenbezogener Information auf Präferenzstrukturen von Konsumenten, wobei die Präferenzdaten als vollständige Rangordnung vorliegen. Die grundlegende Idee besteht darin, die Rangordnungsdaten in Paarvergleiche zu transformieren, welche innerhalb der Klasse der Verallgemeinerten Linearen Modelle mit Hilfe eines log-linearen Bradley-Terry Modells für eine korrespondierende Kontingenztafel untersucht werden können. Aus diesem Grund ist es möglich, Standardsoftware zur Schätzung der Modellparameter heranzuziehen und den Goodness-of-Fit in der üblichen Weise zu beurteilen. Die vorgestellte Methodik ermöglicht die simultane Schätzung von objektbezogenen Parametern, die als Attraktionen der analysierten Objekte interpretiert werden können, und Subjekt-Objekt-Interaktionsparametern, die die Effekte der konsumentenbezogenen Variablen auf die Attraktionen repräsentieren. Die Interaktionsparameter erlauben die Wahl eines statistisch motivierten Ansatzes zur Kundensegmentierung und Zielmarktfestlegung, welcher auf Präferenzurteile innerhalb eines lokalen Marktes für Tageszeitungen angewandt wird. Es zeigt sich, daß bestimmte sozioökonomische Eigenschaften der Konsumenten signifikante Einflüsse auf ihre Präferenzen ausüben.
European Journal of Marketing | 2015
Reinhard Grohs; Heribert Reisinger; David M. Woisetschläger
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to understand the occurrence, formation and magnitude of negative effects for sponsors of rival sports teams and to identify means to counteract negative sponsorship effects. Design/methodology/approach – Surveys measure fans’ identification with their team as well as attitudes toward rival teams and their sponsors in a soccer context. An experiment introduces sponsorship communication activities that aim at mitigating negative sponsorship effects by shifting the focus of the sponsorship. Findings – Results from surveys and experiments demonstrate that identification with a sports team negatively affects perceptions of a rival team, negative perceptions of a rival team negatively affect perceptions of its sponsors, this effect is stronger for fans with higher levels of team identification, companies can improve perceptions of rival team sponsors by shifting the focus of sponsorship-linked communication activities, but attenuating negative sponsorship effects is more ...
OR Spectrum | 2000
Heribert Reisinger; Engelbert J. Dockner; Artur Baldauf
Abstract. The market success of a new product critically depends on the marketing strategy that is adopted during the introductory phase of its life cycle. The decision theoretic marketing literature provides useful insights to this problem through the application of new product diffusion models. While most of the diffusion models incorporate only marketing variables such as price or advertising into the adoption rates of the new product, we introduce the issue of financial decision making and argue that the success of a new product not only depends on an optimal marketing mix strategy but also on the financial decisions of a firm. We adopt a simple diffusion model and show that in case with demand uncertainty and limited liability more leverage (a higher debt equity ratio) causes the firm to be more aggressive in the product market, i.e., to reduce the price of the product. Our findings suggest that marketing decisions should not be taken in isolation but should be coordinated with financial variables.Zusammenfassung. Der Markterfolg eines neuen Produktes hängt in besonderem Maße von der Marketingstrategie ab, die in der Einführungsphase seines Produktlebenszyklus verfolgt wird. In der entscheidungsorientierten Marketingliteratur wird diese Problemstellung u.a. im Zusammenhang mit der Anwendung von Diffusionsmodellen diskutiert. Während die meisten Diffusionsansätze zur Modellierung der Adoptionsraten des Neuproduktes lediglich Marketingvariablen wie Preis oder Werbung heranziehen, argumentieren wir, dass der Erfolg eines Neuproduktes nicht nur von einer optimalen Marketing-Mix-Strategie, sondern auch von den Finanzierungsentscheidungen einer Firma abhängt. Wir zeigen anhand eines einfachen Diffusionsmodells auf, dass eine größere Verschuldung im Falle unsicherer Nachfrage und beschränkter Haftung die Unternehmung zu einem aggressiverem Auftreten auf dem Markt veranlasst, d.h. den Preis des Produktes zu senken. Unsere Ergebnisse implizieren, dass Marketingentscheidungen nicht isoliert, sondern in Verbindung mit finanziellen Variablen getroffen werden sollten.
A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research | 2003
Heribert Reisinger; Udo Wagner; Matthias G. Schuster
Eine Kernaufgabe des Marketings ist die Identifizierung der relevanten Kunden-bedurfnisse und die dementsprechende, spezifische Ausrichtung des Angebots.Haufig ist es dabei nicht mOglich, den gesamten Markt in derselben Weise zu bearbeiten und so bedient man sich geeigneter Segmentierungstechniken. Eine wichtige Art der Segmentierung auf Konsumgutermlarkten bezieht sich auf verhaltensbezogene Variablen und hier spielen wiederum Kaufhaufigkeit sowie Markentreue eine wesentliche Rolle. Die dafur benOtigten Informationen liefert der Marktforscher in der Regel auf der Grundlage von Haushaltspaneldaten oder von eigens dafur durchgefuhrten Primarerhebungen, Die vorliegende Arbeit beschaftigt sich mit der Ermittlung der Anteile an loyalen Kunden, Markenwechslern und Nichtkaufern, beschreitet zu deren Bestimmung aber einen anderen Weg, indem sie vorschlagt,aus Handelspaneldaten, also nichtpersonenbezogenen Angaben, individuelles Nachfrageverhalten abzuleiten. Der Vorteil einer solchen Datenquelle liegt darin, dass sie regelmasig (zumeist mit Hilfe der modernen Scannertechnologie)erhoben, insbesondere fu r Logistikzwecke eingesetzt wird und daher haufig ohne Zusatzkosten zur Verfu gung steht.
Reimann, Olivier; Wagner, Udo; Reisinger, Heribert (2017). The Impact of Celebrity Endorsement and Celebrity Co-branding on Perceived Quality: The Role of Celebrity Application Frequency Within a Brand. In: Martínez-López, Francisco J; Gázquez-Abad, Juan Carlos; Ailawadi, Kusum L.; Yagüe-Guillén, María Jesús. Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 55-63. | 2017
Olivier Reimann; Udo Wagner; Heribert Reisinger
Retailers have used celebrity endorsement (CE), an advertising strategy, for several decades to advertise the retailer’s brand or their private labels (PL); however, the emergence of celebrity co-branding (CCOB), a branding strategy, in combination with PL is a relatively new trend worldwide. Evidence from practice indicates that the most successful co-branded premium PL are the ones offering a wide range of products. Apart from superior brand management, this trend might be a result of consumers’ perceived impact of CCOB increasing with the number of products co-branded by the same brand allies. The existing CE, CCOB, and traditional co-branding literature have not yet addressed the effect of multiple applications of any of these strategies on a range of products within the same brand (i.e., celebrity application frequency). However, applying existing findings on the effect of one endorser recommending many different brands to our research context, we hypothesize a negative impact when a spokesperson endorses multiple products within a brand. We propose that consumers perceive CE and CCOB differently when the number of endorsed or co-branded products increases. Indeed, our experiment reveals an interaction between celebrity application type and celebrity application frequency but no main effects. This finding indicates that when either strategy is applied multiple times within the same brand, product evaluations increase in the case of CCOB and decrease in the case of CE.
Marketing ZFP | 2013
Reinhard Grohs; Heribert Reisinger; Elisabeth Wolfsteiner; Johanna Haas
guest editor of the special section for valuable feedback on earlier drafts of this manuscript. Reinhard Grohs (corresponding author) is Assistant Professor (Post Doc) at the University of Innsbruck School of Management, Brand Research Laboratory and Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism, Universitaetsstrasse 15, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria, Tel.: (+43 512) 507 7210, Fax: (+43 512) 507 2842, E-mail: reinhard.grohs@ uibk.ac.at Heribert Reisinger is Associate Professor at the University of Vienna, Marketing Department, Bruenner Strasse 72, A-1210 Vienna, Austria, Tel.: (+43 1) 4277 38015, Fax: (+43 1) 4277 38014, E-mail: [email protected] Elisabeth Wolfsteiner is Assistant Professor (Prae Doc) at the University of Vienna, Marketing Department, Bruenner Strasse 72, A-1210 Vienna, Austria, Tel.: (+43 1) 4277 38020, Fax: (+43 1) 4277 38014, E-mail: [email protected] Johanna Haas is a Graduate from the University of Innsbruck School of Management, Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism, Universitaetsstrasse 15, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria, Tel.: (+43 512) 507 7210, Fax: (+43 512) 507 2842, E-mail: [email protected] At What Age and How Does Understanding of Product Placement Develop?
Archive | 2012
Reinhard Grohs; Heribert Reisinger
The present study contributes to our understanding of brand image formation in sport sponsorship. The authors propose that event image, event-sponsor fit and sponsorship exposure mediate the effect of interest in the sponsored event on sponsor image in two ways. First, high interest in the sponsored event increases perceived event image which in turn benefits sponsor image. Second, high event interest increases spectatorship of the event, and hence exposure to the sponsors of the event. High sponsorship exposure positively impacts on perceived event-sponsor fit and further on sponsor image. Empirical tests at two large televised sport events confirm the proposed hypotheses. Sponsorship managers and event organizers need to be cautious, however, that high levels of exposure can be a nuisance for spectators and might have a direct negative impact on perceived sponsor image.
Archive | 2012
Claus Ebster; Heribert Reisinger
The goal of this study was to investigate how students at the Center for Business Studies at the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Economics and Business differ with respect to their personality traits and their expectations of their respective universities. To this aim, 816 students at the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Economics and Business were surveyed using face-to-face interviews. Results indicate that students at the two institutions differ in a variety of ways. Students at the University of Vienna evaluate broad course offerings, support services by lecturers, and a good climate between students as being more important than do students at Vienna University of Economics and Business. Respondents in the two samples also differ with respect to their self-assessed verbal and quantitative skills. The implications of these results are discussed and findings are compared with those of an earlier study investigating students at the two universities.
Der Markt | 2006
Reinhard Grohs; Heribert Reisinger; Sabine Kappler
Sozio-Sponsorings sind ein wichtiges Instrument der Kommunikationspolitik und aus dem heutigen Unternehmensalltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Untersuchungen über deren Wirksamkeit sind allerdings rar. Dieser Beitrag identifiziert zunächst Unterschiede in der Medienwirkung von Sport- und Sozio-Sponsorings. Als wichtige Determinanten der Medienpräsenz eines Sponsors karitativer Aktivitäten resultieren zwei Einflussfaktoren, nämlich die Sponsoring-Ausgaben des Unternehmens und die Auffälligkeit der Sponsoring-Inszenierung. Eine empirische Analyse für die Medienarten Print und TV zeigt, dass die Berichterstattung in Printmedien von der Sponsorleistung und die Berichterstattung im Fernsehen von der Auffälligkeit der Inszenierung der Sponsoring-Maßnahme abhängt. Implikationen für die Unternehmenspraxis sowie für die Sponsoring-Forschung schließen den Aufsatz ab.