
IEEE Electron Device Letters | 2012

A Thermoelectric Energy Harvester Directly Embedded Into Casted Aluminum

Azat Ibragimov; Hermann Pleteit; Christoph Pille; Walter Lang

A thermoelectric generator (TG) directly embedded in aluminum is described. The device has been realized using a new silicon thermocouple process with very high temperature stability. It is integrated by direct embedding in the liquid aluminum during casting. The TG generates up to 500 μW of external electric power. The new technology also opens the path to a new generation of sensors and microsystems embedded in metals during primary shaping.

International Journal of Crashworthiness | 2009

AlSi7 metallic foams – aspects of material modelling for crash analysis

Massimiliano Avalle; Dirk Lehmhus; Lorenzo Peroni; Hermann Pleteit; Philipp Schmiechen; Giovanni Belingardi; Matthias Busse

Metallic foam samples of matrix alloy AlSi7 have been produced and mechanically tested under quasi-static and dynamic load. Model parameters for the Deshpande–Fleck and the ABAQUS ‘crushable foam’ material model were determined covering a density of 0.3–0.8 g/cm3. Yield surface determination uses uniaxial hydrostatic compression test results, extended by tensile test results for the latter model. Strain hardening was described on the basis of uniaxial compression by fitting a Rusch model to the experimental data, deriving its parameters as function of density. The predictive capabilities of the parameterised models were evaluated using experimental data gathered for load cases characterised by superimposed uniaxial and hydrostatic compression. Analyses show good agreement between simulation and experiment. Further uniaxial compression tests performed at varying strain rates over 4 orders of magnitude revealed no significant strain rate dependency of material properties and thus qualify the material model parameters determined for crash simulation.

international electric drives production conference | 2011

Casting production of coils for electrical machines

Michael Gröninger; Felix Horch; Alexander Kock; Hermann Pleteit; Bernd Ponick; D. Schmidt; F.-J. Wostmann

The presented method for casting production of coils for electrical machines offers significant advantages over conventional production methods in terms of achievable performance, torque density, and the production costs of electrical machines. Below, the outline of the procedure is presented in accordance with electrical and constructive conditions. Based on initial casting experiments, the principle feasibility of the method is demonstrated.

ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb | 2003

Simulation von Fertigungsverfahren im Internet

Matthias Busse; Andreas Burblies; Hermann Pleteit

Kurzfassung Computersimulationen haben sich längst in allen Phasen der Produktentwicklung etabliert und bewährt. Für fast alle Anwendungsfälle gibt es fertige Programmsysteme oder geeignete Entwicklungstools. Trotzdem stehen insbesondere die KMU immer wieder vor dem Problem, dass sich der Aufwand zur Einführung nicht zu lohnen scheint, vorhandene Programme veraltet sind oder die Ausbildung geeigneter Mitarbeiter nicht erfolgt. Überall, wo Einsatz und Pflege umfangreicher Programmpakete unwirtschaftlich ist, sind leicht zugängliche, maßgeschneiderte Einzellösungen gefragt, die sich am besten durch moderne Internet-Technologien realisieren lassen. Der Zugang zur Simulation von Bauteilen oder Fertigungsverfahren wird hierdurch stark vereinfacht, und es lassen sich wesentliche Zeit- und Kosteneinsparungen erzielen.

Archive | 2011

Elektrotechnische Spule in Gusstechnik, Herstellungsverfahren für eine solche Spule und Elektromaschinen verwendend solche Spulen

Felix Horch; Alexander Koch; Hermann Pleteit; Daniela Schmidt; Franz-Josef Wöstmann

Archive | 2011


Felix Horch; Alexander Kock; Hermann Pleteit; Daniela Schmidt; Franz-Josef Wöstmann

Archive | 2013

Cast electric coil

Franz-Josef Wöstmann; Michael Gröninger; Alexander Kock; Hermann Pleteit; Felix Horch; Daniela Schmidt

Archive | 2012

Micromachined Thermogenerator Directly Integrated into Metal Parts: Technological Aspects of the Embedding Process

Azat Ibragimov; Hermann Pleteit; Christoph Pille; Walter Lang

ATZelektronik worldwide | 2012

Electric Wheel Hub Motor

Michael Gröninger; Felix Horch; Alexander Kock; Hermann Pleteit

Archive | 2009

Method and apparatus for producing a component with an integrated insert

Michael Heuser; Christoph Pille; Hermann Pleteit; Franz-Josef Wöstmann

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