
Journal of Computer Science | 2017

The Implementation of Online Learning for Early Detection of Cervical Cancer

Hery Harjono Muljo; Bens Pardamean; Anzaludin Samsinga Perbangsa

Cervical cancer is the second leading type of cancer causing death among women in Indonesia. The mortality rate caused by cervical cancer could be reduced through an early detection program, which would require the training of healthcare workers in educating women in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to develop an online learning management system prototype that is suitable for educating both the public and medical personnel about early detection of cancer based on model of previous study result. The research method utilized the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE) framework as an approach of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The study produced an online Learning Management System (LMS) to assist in the efforts of early detection of cervical cancer.

International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments | 2017

The development of blended-learning teaching portfolio course using TBL approach

Bens Pardamean; Harjanto Prabowo; Hery Harjono Muljo; Teddy Suparyanto; Eryadi K. Masli; Jerome D. Donovan

Thisarticlewaswrittentodevelopateachingportfoliothathelpslecturersmaximizethebenefitsof blendedlearning,acombinationofin-personandonlinelearning,throughtheuseofTeam-Based Learning(TBL)teachingandlearningapproach.StudiesshowthatTBLcanprovideopportunitiesin developingteamworkcapabilitiesandenhancingactivelearning,whichareeffectsthatcouldremedy theweaknessesofimplementingblendedlearning.Ablendedteachingportfoliowasdevelopedfor anInternationalHumanResourceManagementcoursethatconsistedofacourseoverview,graduate competency,a syllabus, coursematerial resources, a teachingscenario, a readingassurance test, midterm/finalexams,studentassignments,assessmentoflearningoutcomes,andacoursequality improvementsheet.Eachitemwasconstructedbasedonthecharacteristicsofthecourse.Theportfolio wasconsideredavaluabletoolforlecturerstomanageablended-learningcoursethatcanhelpstudents inachievinghigherscoresandinmotivatingthemtoreadcoursematerialspriortoclasssessions. KEywoRDS E-learning, Face to Face, In Person, Learning Management System, Online Learning, Readiness Assurance Process, Syllabus, Team Based Learning

international conference on information and communication technology | 2013

Information systems strategic planning for a naval hospital

Hery Harjono Muljo; Bens Pardamean

This article discusses the Information System (IS) strategic planning for a naval hospital in Indonesia. Its purpose is to improve competitive advantage among hospitals through the addition of new services and products that would lead to improvements in the current patient services. The merging of Hospital Information System (HIS), Radiology Information System (RIS), and Laboratory Information System (LIS) into a single network with a concept of telemedicine is the main topic of this article. The hospitals website is also developed with medical tourism in mind, which attracts more patients, generating more revenue for the hospital.

International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim) | 2018

Mobile Learning for Early Detection of Cancer

Hery Harjono Muljo; Anzaludin Samsinga Perbangsa; Yulius Yulius; Bens Pardamean

international conference on information management | 2017

Online learning prototype for higher education

Hery Harjono Muljo; Anzaludin Samsinga Perbangsa; Bens Pardamean

international conference on information management | 2016

Research grants management information systems model

Anzaludin Samsinga Perbangsa; Joni Suhartono; Hery Harjono Muljo; Bens Pardamean

International Journal of Digital Content Technology and Its Applications | 2015

Online Learning Content and Learning Management System for Early Detection of Cervical Cancer

Hery Harjono Muljo; Anzaludin Samsinga Perbangsa; Bens Pardamean

Binus Business Review | 2014

Pengaruh Akuntabilitas dan Transparansi terhadap Pengelolaan Anggaran

Hery Harjono Muljo; Heny Kurniawati; Pahala Pahala

Binus Business Review | 2014

Optimalisasi Penerapan Prinsip Good Governance Bidang Akademik dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Good University Governance

Hery Harjono Muljo; Aries Wicaksono; Ignatius Edward Riantono

Jurnal Test Rabu | 2013

test paper rabu

Hery Harjono Muljo

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