
Virology | 2011

Novel DNA virus isolated from samples showing endothelial cell necrosis in the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica

Tetsuya Mizutani; Yusuke Sayama; Akira Nakanishi; Hideharu Ochiai; Kouji Sakai; Kouji Wakabayashi; Nozomi Tanaka; Emi Miura; Mami Oba; Ichiro Kurane; Masayuki Saijo; Shigeru Morikawa; Shin-ichi Ono

Economic loss due to viral endothelial cell necrosis of eel (VECNE) of Anguilla japonica is a serious problem for the cultured Japanese eel market. However, the viral genome responsible for VECNE is unknown. We recently developed a rapid determination system for viral nucleic acid sequences (RDV) to determine viral genome sequences. In this study, viral DNA fragments were obtained using RDV, and approximately 15-kbp circular full genome sequences were determined using a next-generation sequencing system, overlapping PCR, and Southern blot analysis. One open reading frame (ORF) was homologous to the large T-antigen of polyomavirus; other ORFs have no homology with any nucleic or amino acid sequences of polyomavirus. Therefore, as this DNA virus might comprise a novel virus family, we provisionally named it Japanese eel endothelial cells-infecting virus (JEECV). JEECV was detected in both naturally and experimentally infected eels, suggesting that JEECV potentially causes VECNE.

Cryobiology | 2008

Expression and immunodetection of aquaporin 1 (AQP1) in canine spermatozoa

Junya Ito; Masumi Kawabe; Hideharu Ochiai; Chika Suzukamo; Masahiko Harada; Yusuke Mitsugi; Yasunari Seita; Naomi Kashiwazaki

The permeability of water and cryoprotectants through the plasma membrane is very important for cryopreservation of mammalian cells. Aquaporin 1 (AQP1) is one of the water channel proteins localized on the membranes of various cells including reproductive organs, allowing water to flow rapidly across the plasma membranes in the direction of osmotic gradients. Although mRNA expression of AQP1 was reported in the mammalian testis by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), protein and mRNA expressions of AQP1 have not been confirmed to date in the sperm of any species. The present study was conducted to determine whether AQP1 mRNA is expressed and AQP1 protein exists in canine spermatozoa. Results from RT-PCR showed that AQP1 mRNA was expressed in canine spermatozoa as well as the testis. The size was similar to the one from canine genomic DNA as a positive control. In sperm, AQP1 protein was also detected by canine AQP1 specific antibody. From these results, both AQP1 mRNA and protein are expressed in male gamete in the dog. Expression of AQP1 may be involved in the flux of water during the cryopreservation of spermatozoa.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 1995

Na-dependent glutamate transport in high K and high glutathione (HK/HG) and high K and low glutathione (HK/LG) dog red blood cells

Hiroshi Fujise; Yuzoh Hamada; Masayuki Mori; Hideharu Ochiai

Na-dependent glutamate (Glu) influxes in the red blood cells of normal low K (LK), high K and high glutathione (HK/HG), and high K and low glutathione (HK/LG) dogs were compared. The ranges of the influxes in LK, HK/HG and HK/LG cells were 1.0-63, 62-174 and 1.3-26 mumol/1 cells per h, respectively. Some LK and HK/LG dogs had red blood cells with extremely low Glu influxes. In cells with extremely low Glu influxes, however, there were clear Na-dependent Glu influxes. In LK, HK/HG and HK/LG cells, the Km of Na-dependent Glu influx with respect to the medium Glu concentration were 17, 20 and 19 mM, respectively, and the half-maximal activation (K1/2) with respect to medium Na concentration was 39, 40 and 42 microM, respectively. By the addition of harmaline, a hallucinogenic alkaloid, the Vmax in LK cells was not affected and the Km was increased, while the Vmax was decreased and the Km increased in HK/HG and HK/LG cells. The Ki value with harmaline by means of Dixon plot in LK cells was 5.2 mM, against 1.8 and 1.9 mM in HK/HG and HK/LG cells, respectively. These results suggest that the difference in the Na-dependent Glu influxes between 2 HK groups was due to the varying quantity, not the quality, of the transporter.

Research in Veterinary Science | 2011

Serum osteocalcin in dairy cows: Age-related changes and periparturient variation

Reiichiro Sato; Ken Onda; Hideharu Ochiai; Tsunenori Iriki; Yukio Yamazaki; Yasunori Wada

We evaluated age-related changes in serum osteocalcin concentrations in non-periparturient cows and variations in serum osteocalcin concentration in periparturient primiparous and multiparous cows. The serum osteocalcin levels were evaluated in 144 non-periparturient Holstein dairy cows aged 11 days to 10 years; these levels were the highest in the youngest cows, appeared to steadily decrease with age until the time of the first calving, and were subsequently maintained at low levels. Between 14 days before calving and 21 days after calving, the serum osteocalcin levels were significantly higher in the primiparous cows than in the multiparous cows. A comparison between age-matched non-periparturient and periparturient cows showed that serum osteocalcin levels were significantly lowered during late gestation in both primiparous and multiparous cows. These results suggest that serum osteocalcin measurement might be useful for the detection of mineral imbalances at the time of parturition in cows.

PLOS Pathogens | 2016

Involvement of the 3’ Untranslated Region in Encapsidation of the Hepatitis C Virus

Guoli Shi; Tomomi Ando; Ryosuke Suzuki; Mami Matsuda; Kenji Nakashima; Masahiko Ito; Tsutomu Omatsu; Mami Oba; Hideharu Ochiai; Takanobu Kato; Tetsuya Mizutani; Tatsuya Sawasaki; Takaji Wakita; Tetsuro Suzuki

Although information regarding morphogenesis of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is accumulating, the mechanism(s) by which the HCV genome encapsidated remains unknown. In the present study, in cell cultures producing HCV, the molecular ratios of 3’ end- to 5’ end-regions of the viral RNA population in the culture medium were markedly higher than those in the cells, and the ratio was highest in the virion-rich fraction. The interaction of the 3’ untranslated region (UTR) with Core in vitro was stronger than that of the interaction of other stable RNA structure elements across the HCV genome. A foreign gene flanked by the 3’ UTR was encapsidated by supplying both viral NS3-NS5B proteins and Core-NS2 in trans. Mutations within the conserved stem-loops of the 3’ UTR were observed to dramatically diminish packaging efficiency, suggesting that the conserved apical motifs of the 3´ X region are important for HCV genome packaging. This study provides evidence of selective packaging of the HCV genome into viral particles and identified that the 3’ UTR acts as a cis-acting element for encapsidation.

Journal of Veterinary Science | 2008

Aquaporin 1 expression in tissues of canines possessing inherited high

Hideharu Ochiai; Nobuya Hishiyama; Shin Hisamatsu; Nobuyuki Kanemaki

We investigated the expression of aquaporin 1 (AQP1) in tissues from canines with an inherited anomaly that causes their erythrocytes to have high K+. Northern blot analysis revealed abundant AQP1 expression in lung and kidney, though little expression was found in spleen. Using anti-C-terminus for dog AQP1, abundant expression was shown in kidney, trachea, and eye, but little expression was shown in pancreas and cerebrum, indicating that AQP1 expression in canine tissues is similar to that noted in other mammals.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 2000


Kazunari Higa; Hideharu Ochiai; Hiroshi Fujise

Abstract Complementary DNA of the water channel aquapolin 1 (AQP1) was cloned from dog kidney and erythroblasts. The cDNA amplified from mRNA in dog kidney was 816 bp, the same as that in bovines, but longer by 6 bp than that in humans, mice and rats. The 235-bp fragment cDNA amplified from the mRNA in dog erythroblasts, which was differentiated from peripheral blood, was completely identical to the corresponding sequence of cDNA from the dog kidney. Thus, mature red blood cells from dog may have AQP1 in their cell membranes. The amino acid sequence in dog AQP1 was 91–94% identical to that in the other species mentioned above. Dog AQP1 has six predicted transmembrane domains, two NPA motifs, one mercury-sensitive site and four consensus phosphorylation sites, the same as the other species. However, dog and bovine AQP1 have only one N-glycosylation site, while two glycosylation sites were found in human and rodent AQP1. Xenopus oocytes injected with the mRNA of the dog AQP1 exhibited high water permeability in a hyposmotic medium. Thus, dog AQP1 performs water transport the same as in the other species.

Veterinary Journal | 2013


Reiichiro Sato; Ken Onda; Hajime Kato; Hideharu Ochiai; Kazuhiro Kawai; Tsunenori Iriki; Kazuyuki Kaneko; Yukio Yamazaki; Yasunori Wada

Various biochemical markers help to evaluate the state of bone turnover in humans and could be used during the peri-parturient period in dairy cows when calcium (Ca) metabolism changes dramatically. To investigate this, the peri-partum characteristics of serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and urinary deoxypyridinoline (DPD) were investigated. Both serum BAP activity and urinary DPD concentrations were increased and demonstrated wide variability in younger animals, and these findings were consistent with other bone turnover markers. Around the time of parturition, serum Ca concentration and serum BAP activity in multiparous cows were significantly lower than in primiparous cows, but urinary DPD concentration was unchanged. The use of BAP as a bone formation marker appears to be valuable for evaluating bone remodelling status in cows, but the specificity of the test needs to be confirmed. The DPD/BAP ratio around parturition demonstrated a clear difference in bone turnover status between the two parity groups with multiparous cows demonstrating increased signs of bone resorption compared with primiparous cows, corresponding to the Ca requirement for milk production. In future studies, the applicability of the ratio of bone resorption marker to bone formation marker should be evaluated for bone turnover assessment.

AMB Express | 2012

Molecular cloning and expression of aquapolin 1 (AQP1) in dog kidney and erythroblasts

Ryoich Nakamura; Ryuichiro Kondo; Ming-hao Shen; Hideharu Ochiai; Shin Hisamatsu; Shigenori Sonoki

Three cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (CYP) genes, designated pb-1, pb-2 and pb-3, were isolated from the white-rot fungus, Phlebia brevispora, using reverse transcription PCR with degenerate primers constructed based on the consensus amino acid sequence of eukaryotic CYPs in the O2-binding, meander and heme-binding regions. Individual full-length CYP cDNAs were cloned and sequenced, and the relative nucleotide sequence similarity of pb-1 (1788 bp), pb-2 (1881 bp) and pb-3 (1791 bp) was more than 58%. Alignment of the deduced amino acid (aa) sequences of pb-1-pb-3 showed that these three CYPs belong to the same family with > 40% aa sequence similarity, and pb-1 and pb-3 are in the same subfamily, with > 55% aa sequence similarity. Furthermore, pb-1-pb-3 appeared to be a subfamily of CYP63A (CYP63A1-CYP63A4), found in Phanerochaete chrysosporium. The phylogenetic tree constructed by 500 bootstrap replications using the neighbor-joining method showed that the evolutionary distance between pb-1 and pb-3 was shorter than that between pb-2 and pb-1 (or pb-3). Exon-intron analysis of pb-1 and pb-3 showed that both genes have nearly the same number, size and order of exons and the types of introns, also indicating both genes appear to be evolutionarily close. It is interesting that the transcription level of pb-3 was evidently increased above the pb-1 transcription level by exposure to 12 coplanar PCB congeners and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, though the two genes were evolutionarily close.

Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica | 2011

An evaluation of the effect of age and the peri-parturient period on bone metabolism in dairy cows as measured by serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase activity and urinary deoxypyridinoline concentration.

Toshiho Nishita; Yuichiro Tomita; Daisuke Yorifuji; Kensuke Orito; Hideharu Ochiai; Kazuyosi Arishima

BackgroundThe developmental profile of chicken carbonic anhydrase-III (CA-III) blood levels has not been previously determined or reported. We isolated CA-III from chicken muscle and investigated age-related changes in the levels of CA-III in blood.MethodsCA-III was purified from chicken muscle. The levels of CA-III in plasma and erythrocytes from 278 female chickens (aged 1-93 weeks) and 68 male chickens (aged 3-59 weeks) were determined by ELISA.ResultsThe mean level of CA-III in female chicken erythrocytes (1 week old) was 4.6 μg/g of Hb, and the CA-III level did not change until 16 weeks of age. The level then increased until 63 weeks of age (11.8 μg/g of Hb), decreased to 4.7 μg/g of Hb at 73 weeks of age, and increased again until 93 weeks of age (8.6 μg/g of Hb). The mean level of CA-III in erythrocytes from male chickens (3 weeks old) was 2.4 μg/g of Hb, and this level remained steady until 59 weeks of age. The mean plasma level of CA-III in 1-week-old female chickens was 60 ng/mL, and this level was increased at 3 weeks of age (141 ng/mL) and then remained steady until 80 weeks of age (122 ng/mL). The mean plasma level of CA-III in 3-week-old male chickens was 58 ng/mL, and this level remained steady until 59 weeks of age.ConclusionWe observed both developmental changes and sex differences in CA-III concentrations in White Leghorn (WL) chicken erythrocytes and plasma. Simple linear regression analysis showed a significant association between the erythrocyte CA-III level and egg-laying rate in WL-chickens 16-63 weeks of age (p < 0.01).

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