
Cancer Gene Therapy | 2000

Combined suicide gene therapy for human colon cancer cells using adenovirus-mediated transfer of escherichia coli cytosine deaminase gene and Escherichia coli uracil phosphoribosyltransferase gene with 5-fluorocytosine.

Fumikazu Koyama; Hidetomo Sawada; Tomoko Hirao; Hisao Fujii; Hirofumi Hamada; Hiroshige Nakano

The virus-directed enzyme/prodrug system using the Escherichia coli cytosine deaminase (CD) gene and 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) suffers from a sensitivity limitation in many tumor cells. The E. coli uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (UPRT), which is a pyrimidine salvage enzyme, directly converts 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) to 5-fluorouridine monophosphate at the first step of its activating pathway. To improve the antitumoral effect of the CD/5-FC system, we investigated a combined suicide gene transduction therapy for human colon cancer cells using two separate adenovirus vectors expressing the E. coli CD and E. coli UPRT genes and systemic 5-FC administration (the CD, UPRT/5-FC system). The present study demonstrates that the CD, UPRT/5-FC system generates a co-operative effect of CD and UPRT, resulting in dramatic increases in both RNA- and DNA-directed active forms, including 5-fluorouridine triphosphate incorporated into RNA, 5-fluorodeoxyuridine monophosphate, and the thymidylate synthase inhibition rate, compared with the CD/5-FC system. Furthermore a significant increase in the 5-FC sensitivity of colon cancer cells was demonstrated in the CD, UPRT/5-FC system compared with the CD/5-FC system in vitro and in vivo. These results suggest that the CD, UPRT/5-FC system is a powerful approach in gene therapy for colorectal cancer.

Cancer Gene Therapy | 1999

Antisense epidermal growth factor receptor delivered by adenoviral vector blocks tumor growth in human gastric cancer

Tomoko Hirao; Hidetomo Sawada; Fumikazu Koyama; Akihiko Watanabe; Yukishige Yamada; Teruyuki Sakaguchi; Mitsutoshi Tatsumi; Heisuke Fujimoto; Kouji Emoto; Michihiro Narikiyo; Nobuhiko Oridate; Hiroshige Nakano

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) protein overexpression is commonly found in human gastric cancer, and its gene amplification is known to correlate with poor prognosis in gastric cancer patients. With regard to therapy trials targeting EGFR, it has been reported that stable transfection of EGFR antisense or treatment with antibody against EGFR results in growth suppression of human cancer cells that express high levels of EGFR. We have designed an adenovirus-expressing antisense EGFR and have investigated its effect on the growth of gastric cancer in vitro and in vivo. Following infection with EGFR antisense RNA-expressing adenovirus (Ad-EAS), the cell surface EGFR protein levels of infected cancer cells were markedly reduced, and the in vitro growth of Ad-EAS-infected cells was significantly inhibited relative to control-infected cells in all three gastric cancer cell lines (AGS, KKLS, and MKN28) studied here (P < .0002). In a nude mouse subcutaneous tumor system, in vivo tumor growth of MKN28 was significantly inhibited after Ad-EAS treatment, and inhibition on day 48 was 93% by volume compared with that of untreated controls. These results suggest that an adenoviral vector system targeting the down-regulation of EGFR could be a good candidate for the therapy of gastric cancers that overexpress EGFR.

Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg, Nihon Shokaki Geka Gakkai zasshi | 1993

Pylorus Preserving Subtotal Esophagogastrectomy with Replacement of Right Hemicolon Treated in a Case of Synchronous Double Cancers of the Esophagus and Stomach.

Tomoaki Yano; Katsunori Nakatani; Akihiko Watanabe; Hidetomo Sawada; Yukishige Yamada; Yoshihide Shino; Naoto Ueyama; Masahiro Tanase; Takashi Yamada; Hiroshige Nakano

食道胃同時性重複癌に対し, 幽門保存食道胃亜全摘兼有茎右半結腸間置術を施行した1例を経験したので報告する. 症例は60歳の男性で, 主訴は心窩部痛である. 上部消化管透視および内視鏡検査で, 食道Im領域の潰瘍限局型食道癌, 胃体下部前壁にBorrmann 2型, 胃体下部後壁にBorrmann 3型の胃癌 (多発癌) の診断を得た.手術は右開胸により食道亜全摘を行い, 上腹部正中切開にて開腹し, 幽門輪より1.5cm離れた部位で噴門側胃亜全摘を行った. 再建は右半結腸を用い, 胸骨後経路により行い, 頸部食道回腸端端吻合, 結腸残胃端端吻合を行った. 幽門輪温存により, 代用胃の貯留能が増加し, ダンピング症候群の予防となり, さらには生理的な再建法で消化管ホルモンの分泌が良好であるという利点があり, 有用な術式であると考えられる.

Cancer | 2001

Annexin II overexpression correlates with stromal tenascin-C overexpression: a prognostic marker in colorectal carcinoma.

Koji Emoto; Yukishige Yamada; Hidetomo Sawada; Heisuke Fujimoto; Masatou Ueno; Tomoyoshi Takayama; Kiyoshi Kamada; Akihiko Naito; Shuya Hirao; Yoshiyuki Nakajima

Anticancer Research | 2001

Annexin II overexpression is correlated with poor prognosis in human gastric carcinoma

Koji Emoto; Hidetomo Sawada; Yukishige Yamada; Heisuke Fujimoto; Yasushi Takahama; Masatou Ueno; Tomoyoshi Takayama; Hideki Uchida; Kiyoshi Kamada; Akihiko Naito; Shuya Hirao; Yoshiyuki Nakajima

Hepato-gastroenterology | 2001

Indication of splenectomy for gastric carcinoma involving the proximal part of the stomach.

Teruyuki Sakaguchi; Hidetomo Sawada; Yukishige Yamada; Heisuke Fujimoto; Kouji Emoto; Tomoyoshi Takayama; Masatou Ueno; Yoshiyuki Nakajima

Anticancer Research | 1995

Enhancement effect of an anti-angiogenic agent, TNP-470, on hyperthermia-induced growth suppression of human esophageal and gastric cancers transplantable to nude mice.

Yano T; Tanase M; Watanabe A; Hidetomo Sawada; Yukishige Yamada; Shino Y; Nakano H; Takeo Ohnishi

Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg, Nihon Shokaki Geka Gakkai zasshi | 1997

A Case of Cardiac Tamponade due to Perforation of Peptic Ulcer in the Gastric Tube after Surgery for Esophageal Cancer.

Akihisa Fukumoto; Akihiko Watanabe; Takatsugu Yamada; Hidetomo Sawada; Yukishige Yamada; Hiroshige Nakano; Makoto Takahama; Souichirou Kitamura

Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg, Nihon Shokaki Geka Gakkai zasshi | 1993

Study of Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer in Patients Aged 80 Years and Older.

Akihiko Watanabe; Takashi Yamada; Hidetomo Sawada; Yukishige Yamada; Tomoaki Yano; Naoto Ueyama; Masahiro Tanase; Hiroshige Nakano

Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg, Nihon Shokaki Geka Gakkai zasshi | 1992

Clinical Evaluation of Serum Sialyl Tn Antigen in Gastric Cancer.

Akihiko Watanabe; Katsunori Nakatani; Hidetomo Sawada; Yukishige Yamada; Yoshiki Yamada; Tomoaki Yano; Hiroshige Nakano

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