
Featured researches published by Hidetoshi Katori.

Nature | 2005

An optical lattice clock.

Masao Takamoto; Feng-Lei Hong; Ryoichi Higashi; Hidetoshi Katori

The precision measurement of time and frequency is a prerequisite not only for fundamental science but also for technologies that support broadband communication networks and navigation with global positioning systems (GPS). The SI second is currently realized by the microwave transition of Cs atoms with a fractional uncertainty of 10-15 (ref. 1). Thanks to the optical frequency comb technique, which established a coherent link between optical and radio frequencies, optical clocks have attracted increasing interest as regards future atomic clocks with superior precision. To date, single trapped ions and ultracold neutral atoms in free fall have shown record high performance that is approaching that of the best Cs fountain clocks. Here we report a different approach, in which atoms trapped in an optical lattice serve as quantum references. The ‘optical lattice clock’ demonstrates a linewidth one order of magnitude narrower than that observed for neutral-atom optical clocks, and its stability is better than that of single-ion clocks. The transition frequency for the Sr lattice clock is 429,228,004,229,952(15) Hz, as determined by an optical frequency comb referenced to the SI second.

conference on lasers and electro optics | 2004

Ultrastable optical clock with neutral atoms in an engineered light shift trap

Hidetoshi Katori; Masao Takamoto

We report on the Doppler-free spectroscopy of the 5s/sup 2/ /sup 1/S/sub 0/ (F=9/2) 5s5p /sup 3/P/sub 0/ (F-9/2) clock transition of /sup 87/Sr atoms trapped in a one-dimensional optical lattice and discuss its prospects as a future optical standard.

Physical Review Letters | 2008

New limits on coupling of fundamental constants to gravity using 87Sr optical lattice clocks.

Sebastian Blatt; Andrew D. Ludlow; Gretchen K. Campbell; Jan Thomsen; Tanya Zelevinsky; Martin M. Boyd; J. Ye; X. Baillard; Mathilde Fouché; R. Le Targat; A. Brusch; P. Lemonde; Masao Takamoto; Feng-Lei Hong; Hidetoshi Katori; V. V. Flambaum

The 1S0-3P0 clock transition frequency nuSr in neutral 87Sr has been measured relative to the Cs standard by three independent laboratories in Boulder, Paris, and Tokyo over the last three years. The agreement on the 1 x 10(-15) level makes nuSr the best agreed-upon optical atomic frequency. We combine periodic variations in the 87Sr clock frequency with 199Hg+ and H-maser data to test local position invariance by obtaining the strongest limits to date on gravitational-coupling coefficients for the fine-structure constant alpha, electron-proton mass ratio mu, and light quark mass. Furthermore, after 199Hg+, 171Yb+, and H, we add 87Sr as the fourth optical atomic clock species to enhance constraints on yearly drifts of alpha and mu.

Science | 2008

Quantum State Engineering and Precision Metrology Using State-Insensitive Light Traps

J. Ye; H. J. Kimble; Hidetoshi Katori

Precision metrology and quantum measurement often demand that matter be prepared in well-defined quantum states for both internal and external degrees of freedom. Laser-cooled neutral atoms localized in a deeply confining optical potential satisfy this requirement. With an appropriate choice of wavelength and polarization for the optical trap, two electronic states of an atom can experience the same trapping potential, permitting coherent control of electronic transitions independent of the atomic center-of-mass motion. Here, we review a number of recent experiments that use this approach to investigate precision quantum metrology for optical atomic clocks and coherent control of optical interactions of single atoms and photons within the context of cavity quantum electrodynamics. We also provide a brief survey of promising prospects for future work.

Optics Letters | 2009

Measuring the frequency of a Sr optical lattice clock using a 120 km coherent optical transfer.

Feng-Lei Hong; Mitsuru Musha; Masao Takamoto; Hajime Inaba; Shinya Yanagimachi; Akifumi Takamizawa; Ken-ichi Watabe; Takeshi Ikegami; Michito Imae; Yasuhisa Fujii; Masaki Amemiya; Ken'ichi Nakagawa; Ken-ichi Ueda; Hidetoshi Katori

We demonstrate a precision frequency measurement using a phase-stabilized 120 km optical fiber link over a physical distance of 50 km. The transition frequency of the (87)Sr optical lattice clock at the University of Tokyo is measured to be 429228004229874.1(2.4) Hz referenced to international atomic time. The results demonstrate the excellent functions of the intercity optical fiber link and the great potential of optical lattice clocks for use in the redefinition of the second.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | 2006

Improved Frequency Measurement of a One-Dimensional Optical Lattice Clock with a Spin-Polarized Fermionic 87Sr Isotope

Masao Takamoto; Feng-Lei Hong; Ryoichi Higashi; Yasuhisa Fujii; Michito Imae; Hidetoshi Katori

We demonstrate a one-dimensional optical lattice clock with a spin-polarized fermionic isotope designed to realize a collision-shift-free atomic clock with neutral atom ensembles. To reduce systema...

Physical Review Letters | 2003

Recoil-free spectroscopy of neutral Sr atoms in the lamb-dicke regime

Tetsuya Ido; Hidetoshi Katori

Recoil-free as well as Doppler-free spectroscopy was demonstrated on the 1S0-3P1 transition of Sr atoms confined in a one-dimensional optical lattice. By investigating the wavelength and polarization dependence of the ac Stark shift acting on the 1S0 and 3P1(m(J)=0) states, we determined the wavelength where the Stark shifts for both states coincide. This Stark-free optical lattice, allowing the purturbation-free spectroscopy of trapped atoms, may keep neutral-atom based optical standards competitive with single-ion standards.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | 1999

Optimal design of dipole potentials for efficient loading of Sr atoms

Hidetoshi Katori; Tetsuya Ido; Makoto Kuwata-Gonokami

We propose and demonstrate a novel far-off-resonance optical dipole trap (FORT) that is compatible with Doppler cooling. Strontium atoms are magneto-optically cooled and trapped by the spin-forbidden transition 1 S 0 - 3 P 1 at 689 nm, while the tight-focused infrared laser couples these two states to the respective dipole-allowed singlet and triplet states to generate the same amount of light shift. These designed light shifts for the cooling transition, enabling simultaneous Doppler cooling and dipole trapping, lead to the efficient loading of cooled atoms into the FORT with a few recoil energies. This scheme provides an important step towards the realization of quantum degenerate strontium atoms by purely optical means.

Applied Physics Express | 2011

Direct Comparison of Distant Optical Lattice Clocks at the 10-16 Uncertainty

Atsushi Yamaguchi; Miho Fujieda; Motohiro Kumagai; Hidekazu Hachisu; Shigeo Nagano; Ying Li; Tetsuya Ido; Tetsushi Takano; Masao Takamoto; Hidetoshi Katori

Fiber-based remote comparison of 87Sr lattice clocks in 24 km distant laboratories is demonstrated. The instability of the comparison reaches 5×10-16 over an averaging time of 1000 s, which is two orders of magnitude shorter than that of conventional satellite links and is limited by the instabilities of the optical clocks. By correcting the systematic shifts that are predominated by the differential gravitational redshift, the residual fractional difference is found to be (1.0±7.3)×10-16, confirming the coincidence between the two clocks. The accurate and speedy comparison of distant optical clocks paves the way for a future optical redefinition of the second.

Nature Photonics | 2016

Frequency ratio of Yb and Sr clocks with 5 × 10−17 uncertainty at 150 seconds averaging time

Nils Nemitz; Takuya Ohkubo; Masao Takamoto; Ichiro Ushijima; Manoj Das; Noriaki Ohmae; Hidetoshi Katori

UTokyo Research掲載「異なる原子の光格子時計の短時間精密比較に成功」 URI:

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