
Applied Physics Letters | 2009

Focusing and spectral enhancement of a repetition-rated, laser-driven, divergent multi-MeV proton beam using permanent quadrupole magnets

Mamiko Nishiuchi; I. Daito; M. Ikegami; Hiroyuki Daido; M. Mori; S. Orimo; K. Ogura; A. Sagisaka; Akifumi Yogo; A. S. Pirozhkov; H. Sugiyama; Hiromitsu Kiriyama; Hajime Okada; Shuhei Kanazawa; S. Kondo; Takuya Shimomura; Manabu Tanoue; Yoshiki Nakai; Hajime Sasao; Daisuke Wakai; Hironao Sakaki; Paul R. Bolton; Il Woo Choi; Jae Hee Sung; J. Lee; Yuji Oishi; Takashi Fujii; Koshichi Nemoto; Hikaru Souda; Akira Noda

A pair of conventional permanent magnet quadrupoles is used to focus a 2.4 MeV laser-driven proton beam at a 1 Hz repetition rate. The magnetic field strengths are 55 and 60 T/m for the first and second quadrupoles, respectively. The proton beam is focused to a spot with a size of less than ∼3×8 mm2 at a distance of 650 mm from the source. This result is in good agreement with the Monte Carlo particle trajectory simulation.

Laser Physics | 2006

Phase rotation scheme of laser-produced ions for reduction of the energy spread

Akira Noda; Shu Nakamura; Yoshihisa Iwashita; Shuji Sakabe; Masaki Hashida; Toshiyuki Shirai; Sakae Shimizu; H. Tongu; H. Ito; Hikaru Souda; Atsushi Yamazaki; Mikio Tanabe; H. Daido; Michiaki Mori; M. Kado; A. Sagisaka; K. Ogura; Mamiko Nishiuchi; S. Orimo; Y. Hayashi; A. Yogo; S. V. Bulanov; Timur Zh. Esirkepov; A. Nagashima; Toyoaki Kimura; T. Tajima; Takeshi Takeuchi; K. Matsukado; A. Fukumi; Z. Li

In order to widely spread out particle beams utilized in cancer therapy, laser-produced ions are developed as the injection beam for an ion synchrotron dedicated for cancer therapy. Such a laser ion source is expected to contribute largely to the realization of compactness of the size and low cost of the cancer therapy accelerator. The energy spectrum of the laser-produced ions, however, has no peak, but their intensities decrease exponentially according to the increase of the energy. For the purpose of modifying such a situation, we have proposed a scheme to rotate the beam in the longitudinal phase space with the use of the RF electric field, which is phase-adjusted with the pulse laser. We aim for a reduction of the energy spread of ± 5% selected by an energy analyzer and slits to ±1% by such phase rotation. For this purpose, a quarter wavelength resonator with two gaps with the same resonant frequency as the source laser has already been fabricated, together with its RF power source. The above phase rotation system and its recent experimental realization are presented.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 2007

High-Quality Laser-Produced Proton Beam Realized by the Application of a Synchronous RF Electric Field

Shu Nakamura; Masahiro Ikegami; Yoshihisa Iwashita; Toshiyuki Shirai; H. Tongu; Hikaru Souda; Hiroyuki Daido; Michiaki Mori; Masataka Kado; A. Sagisaka; K. Ogura; Mamiko Nishiuchi; S. Orimo; Y. Hayashi; Akifumi Yogo; Alexander S. Pirozhkov; Sergei V. Bulanov; Timur Zh. Esirkepov; Akira Nagashima; Toyoaki Kimura; T. Tajima; Takeshi Takeuchi; A. Fukumi; Z. Li; Akira Noda

A short-pulse (~210 fs) high-power (~1 TW) laser was focused on a tape target 3 and 5 µm in thickness to a size of 11×15 µm2 with an intensity of 3×1017 W/cm2. Protons produced by this laser with an energy spread of 100% were found to be improved to create peaks in the energy distribution with a spread of ~7% by the application of the RF electric field with an amplitude of ±40 kV synchronous to the pulsed laser. This scheme combines the conventional RF acceleration technique with laser-produced protons for the first time. It is possible to be operated up to 10 Hz, and is found to have good reproducibility for every laser shot with the capability of adjusting the peak positions by control of the relative phase between the pulsed laser and the RF electric field.

Laser and Particle Beams | 2006

Observation of strongly collimated proton beam from Tantalum targets irradiated with circular polarized laser pulses

Masataka Kado; Hiroyuki Daido; A. Fukumi; Z. Li; S. Orimo; Y. Hayashi; Mamiko Nishiuchi; A. Sagisaka; K. Ogura; Michiaki Mori; Shu Nakamura; Akira Noda; Yoshihisa Iwashita; Toshiyuki Shirai; H. Tongu; Takeshi Takeuchi; Atsushi Yamazaki; Hiroyuki Itoh; Hikaru Souda; Koshichi Nemoto; Yuji Oishi; Takuya Nayuki; Hiromitsu Kiriyama; Shuhei Kanazawa; Makoto Aoyama; Y. Akahane; Norihiro Inoue; Koichi Tsuji; Yoshiki Nakai; Yoichi Yamamoto

High-energy protons are generated by focusing an ultrashort pulsed high intensity laser at the Advanced Photon Research Center, JAERI-Kansai onto thin (thickness <10 μm) Tantalum targets. The laser intensities are about 4 × 10 18 W/cm 2 . The prepulse level of the laser pulse is measured with combination of a PIN photo diode and a cross correlator and is less than 10 −6 . A quarter-wave plate is installed into the laser beam line to create circularly polarized pulses. Collimated high energy protons are observed with CH coated Tantalum targets irradiated with the circularly polarized laser pulses. The beam divergence of the generated proton beam is measured with a CR-39 track detector and is about 6 mrad.

Applied Physics Express | 2010

Prompt In-Line Diagnosis of Single Bunch Transverse Profiles and Energy Spectra for Laser-Accelerated Ions

Hironao Sakaki; Mamiko Nishiuchi; Toshihiko Hori; Paul R. Bolton; Akifmi Yogo; Masaki Katagiri; Kouichi Ogura; A. Sagisaka; Alexander S. Pirozhkov; S. Orimo; K. Kondo; Hiroshi Iwase; Koji Niita; Hikaru Souda; Akira Noda; Yasushi Iseki; Takeshi Yoshiyuki

Many applications of laser-accelerated ions will require beamlines with diagnostic capability for validating simulations and machine performance at the single bunch level as well as for the development of controls to optimize machine performance. We demonstrated prompt, in-line, single bunch transverse profile and energy spectrum detection using a thin luminescent diagnostic and scintillator-based time-of-flight spectrometer simultaneously. The Monte Carlo code, particle and heavy ion transport code systems (PHITS) simulation is shown to be reasonably predictive at low proton energy for the observed transverse profiles measured by the thin luminescent monitor and also for single bunch energy spectra measured by time-of-flight spectrometry.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 2013

Efficiency Enhancement of Indirect Transverse Laser Cooling with Synchro-Betatron Resonant Coupling by Suppression of Beam Intensity

Hikaru Souda; Masao Nakao; H. Tongu; Kouichi Jimbo; Kazuya Osaki; Hiromi Okamoto; Yosuke Yuri; He Zhengqi; M. Grieser; Akira Noda

The efficiency of indirect transverse laser cooling with synchro-betatron resonance coupling has been improved with the reduction in beam intensity by scraping the tail part of the beam. In order to measure the beam size at a low beam intensity, a new scheme to measure the beam profile by observation of the survival ratio with changing the scraper position has been established. With 104 particles, the transverse cooling time was reduced to 1.2 s, and the cooled horizontal and vertical beam sizes were 0.19 and 0.61 mm, corresponding to temperatures of 20 and 29 K, respectively, which is largely improved compared with that in our previous experiment [Nakao et al.: Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beam 15 (2012) 110102].

International Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics - International Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics - COOL 05 | 2006

Laser Cooling for 3-D Crystalline State at S-LSR

Akira Noda; Shinji Fujimoto; Masahiro Ikegami; Toshiyuki Shirai; Hikaru Souda; Mikio Tanabe; H. Tongu; Koji Noda; S. Yamada; S. Shibuya; Takeshi Takeuchi; Hiromi Okamoto; M. Grieser

At ICR, Kyoto University, an ion storage and cooler ring, S‐LSR has been constructed. Its mean radius and maximum magnetic rigidity are 3.6 m and 1.0 Tm, respectively. 24Mg+ ions with the kinetic energy of 35 keV are to be laser‐cooled by the frequency doubled ring dye laser with the wavelength of 280 nm. In order to avoid the shear heating, dispersion compensation is planned by the overlap of the electric field with the dipole magnetic field in all 6 deflection elements. Intermediate electrodes, which can be potential adjusted, are to be utilized so as to realize a uniform electric field radial direction within a rather limited vertical gap, 70 mm of the dipole magnet. Synchro‐betatron coupling needed for 3‐dimensional laser cooling is to be realized by placing the RF cavity at the siraight section with finite dispersion for the normal mode lattice, which is expected to realize 1 dimensional string. For the case of dispersion compensated lattice to suppress the shear heating, possibility of realizing “ta...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2010

Toward laser driven proton medical accelerator

Mamiko Nishiuchi; Hironao Sakaki; Toshihiko Hori; K. Ogura; Akifumi Yogo; A. S. Pirozhkov; A. Sagisaka; S. Orimo; M. Mori; H. Sugiyama; Hiromitsu Kiriyama; M. Tampo; I. Daito; Hajime Okada; Shuhei Kanazawa; Manabu Tanoue; Takuya Shimomura; Yoshiki Nakai; Hajime Sasao; Daisuke Wakai; Fumitaka Sasao; Paul R. Bolton; Hiroyuki Daido; S. Kawanishi; Yasushi Iseki; T Nagafuchi; K Maeda; K Hanawa; Takeshi Yoshiyuki; Hikaru Souda

Towards our final goal, such as to establish the laser-driven proton accelerator for the medical application, one of the most important things to establish is to develop the proton transport system. In this continuous work, we demonstrate the focusing system of the laser-driven proton beam with permanent magnet qadrupoles (PMQs), with which a 2.4 MeV laser-driven proton beam, having a divergence angle of ~10 degrees at birth, is focused to a spot whose size is 3×8mm2 at 640mm downstream from the target.

ieee particle accelerator conference | 2007

Experimental approach to ultra-cold ion beam at S-LSR

Akira Noda; Toshiyuki Shirai; Hikaru Souda; Mikio Tanabe; H. Tongu; Masahiro Ikegami; Takehiro Ishikawa; Masao Nakao; H. Fadil; M. Grieser; I. N. Meshkov; A. Smirnov; Koji Noda

At S-LSR, abrupt reduction of momentum spread of 7 MeV proton beam to ~2 times 10-6 at proton number of -2000 has been observed, which indicates phase transition to 1 dimensional ordered state. Attained proton temperatures after transition are 26 mueV and 1 meV for longitudinal and transverse directions, respectively, which compared with the corresponding values of 20 mueV and 34 meV for electron beam, indicates the magnetization of electron. Laser cooling of 24Mg+ has also been started and momentum spread of ~108 ions is reduced to 2 times 10-4, saturated with the momentum transfer from transverse degree of freedom by intra-beam scattering.

International Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics - #TAB#International Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics - COOL 05 | 2006

S-LSR Cooler Ring Development at Kyoto University

Toshiyuki Shirai; Shinji Fujimoto; Masahiro Ikegami; Akira Noda; Hikaru Souda; Mikio Tanabe; H. Tongu; Koji Noda; S. Shibuya; Takeshi Takeuchi; Takeshi Fujimoto; Soma Iwata; Atsushi Takubo; Hiromi Okamoto; Y. Yuri; M. Grieser; Evgeny Syresin

A compact ion cooler ring, S‐LSR is under construction in Kyoto University. One of the subjects of S‐LSR is a realization of the crystalline beams using the electron beam and the laser cooling. The ring is designed to be satisfied several required conditions for the beam ordering, such as a small betatron phase advance, a small magnetic error and a precise magnet alignment. The design phase advance per a period is less than 127 degree. The calculated closed orbit distortion and the stopband is less than 1 mm and 0.001 without correction, respectively.

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