Hiroaki Kusano
Tokyo University of Science
The Plant Cell | 2008
Hiroaki Kusano; Christa Testerink; Joop E. M. Vermeer; Tomohiko Tsuge; Hiroaki Shimada; Atsuhiro Oka; Teun Munnik; Takashi Aoyama
Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P2] functions as a site-specific signal on membranes to promote cytoskeletal reorganization and membrane trafficking. Localization of PtdIns(4,5)P2 to apices of growing root hairs and pollen tubes suggests that it plays an important role in tip growth. However, its regulation and mode of action remain unclear. We found that Arabidopsis thaliana PIP5K3 (for Phosphatidylinositol Phosphate 5-Kinase 3) encodes a phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase, a key enzyme producing PtdIns(4,5)P2, that is preferentially expressed in growing root hairs. T-DNA insertion mutations that substantially reduced the expression of PIP5K3 caused significantly shorter root hairs than in the wild type. By contrast, overexpression caused longer root hairs and multiple protruding sites on a single trichoblast. A yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fusion of PIP5K3, driven by the PIP5K3 promoter, complemented the short-root-hair phenotype. PIP5K3-YFP localized to the plasma membrane and cytoplasmic space of elongating root hair apices, to growing root hair bulges, and, notably, to sites about to form root hair bulges. The signal was greatest in rapidly growing root hairs and quickly disappeared when elongation ceased. These results provide evidence that PIP5K3 is involved in localizing PtdIns(4,5)P2 to the elongating root hair apex and is a key regulator of the machinery that initiates and promotes root hair tip growth.
The Plant Cell | 2010
Kao-Chih She; Hiroaki Kusano; Kazuyoshi Koizumi; Hiromoto Yamakawa; Makoto Hakata; Tomohiro Imamura; Masato Fukuda; Natsuka Naito; Yumi Tsurumaki; Mitsuhiro Yaeshima; Tomohiko Tsuge; Ken’ichiro Matsumoto; Mari Kudoh; Eiko Itoh; Shoshi Kikuchi; Naoki Kishimoto; Junshi Yazaki; Tsuyu Ando; Masahiro Yano; Takashi Aoyama; Tadamasa Sasaki; Hikaru Satoh; Hiroaki Shimada
The authors clone the rice FLOURY ENDOSPERM2 (FLO2) gene; flo2 mutants have aberrant endosperm, and FLO2 overexpressors have enlarged grains. Gene expression and protein interaction studies indicate that FLO2, a novel tetratricopeptide repeat containing protein, regulates storage starch and protein gene expression in rice endosperm development and may also play a role in heat tolerance. Rice (Oryza sativa) endosperm accumulates a massive amount of storage starch and storage proteins during seed development. However, little is known about the regulatory system involved in the production of storage substances. The rice flo2 mutation resulted in reduced grain size and starch quality. Map-based cloning identified FLOURY ENDOSPERM2 (FLO2), a member of a novel gene family conserved in plants, as the gene responsible for the rice flo2 mutation. FLO2 harbors a tetratricopeptide repeat motif, considered to mediate a protein–protein interactions. FLO2 was abundantly expressed in developing seeds coincident with production of storage starch and protein, as well as in leaves, while abundant expression of its homologs was observed only in leaves. The flo2 mutation decreased expression of genes involved in production of storage starch and storage proteins in the endosperm. Differences between cultivars in their responsiveness of FLO2 expression during high-temperature stress indicated that FLO2 may be involved in heat tolerance during seed development. Overexpression of FLO2 enlarged the size of grains significantly. These results suggest that FLO2 plays a pivotal regulatory role in rice grain size and starch quality by affecting storage substance accumulation in the endosperm.
FEBS Letters | 2006
Sakiko Takahashi; Yuki Ogiyama; Hiroaki Kusano; Hiroaki Shimada; Makoto Kawamukai; Koh-ichi Kadowaki
Coenzyme Q (CoQ), an electron transfer molecule in the respiratory chain and a lipid‐soluble antioxidant, is present in almost all organisms. Most cereal crops produce CoQ9, which has nine isoprene units. CoQ10, with 10 isoprene units, is a very popular food supplement. Here, we report the genetic engineering of rice to produce CoQ10 using the gene for decaprenyl diphosphate synthase (DdsA). The production of CoQ9 was almost completely replaced with that of CoQ10, despite the presence of endogenous CoQ9 synthesis. DdsA designed to express at the mitochondria increased accumulation of total CoQ amount in seeds.
Molecular Genetics and Genomics | 2005
Hiroaki Kusano; Takayuki Asano; Hiroaki Shimada; Koh-ichi Kadowaki
Members of the plant-specific gene family referred to as the NAC family (for NAM-ATAF-CUC-related) are involved in various functions including the regulation of plant development. However, no detailed molecular characterization of any member of the NAC family has yet been reported from monocots. Here, we report such a characterization of ONAC300, a novel NAC-family gene identified using a cDNA cloned from microdissected phloem cells of rice. The predicted ONAC300 protein sequence falls into the NAM subgroup, which also contains the proteins CUC1 and CUC2 from Arabidopsis, CUP from snapdragon, CmNACP from pumpkin and NAM from petunia. High levels of ONAC300 mRNA were detected by in situ hybridization in developing shoot apical meristem (SAM) and in the associated young leaves. The use of an ONAC300:: GUS reporter gene revealed that the ONAC300 promoter was expressed predominantly in developing vascular tissues of the leaves and roots. The construct was also expressed in anther filaments, rachis and carpel styles. RT-PCR analysis further revealed that the levels of ONAC300 transcripts were higher in leaves, roots and culms than in panicles. The observed expression pattern of ONAC300 is quite different from those of the dicot NAC genes previously reported. Thus, ONAC300 is a novel member of the NAC family which is expressed at very early developmental stages in the shoot, root and flower, as well as in the mature phloem of vascular tissues in rice.
Plant Journal | 2015
Yukika Wada; Hiroaki Kusano; Tomohiko Tsuge; Takashi Aoyama
Plants drastically alter their root system architecture to adapt to different underground growth conditions. During phosphate (Pi) deficiency, most plants including Arabidopsis thaliana enhance the development of lateral roots and root hairs, resulting in bushy and hairy roots. To elucidate the signal pathway specific for the root hair elongation response to Pi deficiency, we investigated the expression of type-B phosphatidylinositol phosphate 5-kinase (PIP5K) genes, as a quantitative factor for root hair elongation in Arabidopsis. At young seedling stages, the PIP5K3 and PIP5K4 genes responded to Pi deficiency in steady-state transcript levels via PHR1-binding sequences (P1BSs) in their upstream regions. Both pip5k3 and pip5k4 single mutants, which exhibit short-root-hair phenotypes, remained responsive to Pi deficiency for root hair elongation; however the pip5k3pip5k4 double mutant exhibited shorter root hairs than the single mutants, and lost responsiveness to Pi deficiency at young seedling stages. In the tactical complementation line in which modified PIP5K3 and PIP5K4 genes with base substitutions in their P1BSs were co-introduced into the double mutant, root hairs of young seedlings had normal lengths under Pi-sufficient conditions, but were not responsive to Pi deficiency. From these results, we conclude that a Pi-deficiency signal is transferred to the pathway for root hair elongation via the PIP5K genes.
Scientific Reports | 2016
Hiroaki Kusano; Hitomi Onodera; Miho Kihira; Hiromi Aoki; Hikaru Matsuzaki; Hiroaki Shimada
TALEN is an artificial nuclease being applied for sequence-specific genome editing. For the plant genome editing, a pair of TALEN genes is expressed in the cells, and a binary plasmid for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation should be assembled. We developed a novel procedure using the Gateway-assisted plasmids, named Emerald–Gateway TALEN system. We constructed entry vectors, pPlat plasmids, for construction of a desired TALEN gene using Platinum Gate TALEN kit. We also created destination plasmid, pDual35SGw1301, which allowed two TALEN genes to both DNA strands to recruit using Gateway technology. Resultant TALEN genes were evaluated by the single-strand annealing (SSA) assay in E. coli cells. By this assay, the TALENs recognized the corresponding targets in the divided luciferase gene, and induced a specific recombination to generate an active luciferase gene. Using the TALEN genes constructed, we created a transformant potato cells in which a site-specific mutation occurred at the target site of the GBSS gene. This suggested that our system worked effectively and was applicable as a convenient tool for the plant genome editing.
Journal of Biotechnology | 2016
Tomohiro Imamura; Ken-Taro Sekine; Tetsuro Yamashita; Hiroaki Kusano; Hiroaki Shimada
Molecular farming is a promising method for producing materials of commercial interest. Plants can be expected to be appropriate hosts for recombinant protein production. However, production in genetically modified plants has two major challenges that must be resolved before its practical use: insufficient accumulation of products and difficulty in establishing methods for their purification. We propose a simple procedure for the production of a desired protein using watery rice seeds lacking an accumulation of storage starch and proteins, a phenotype induced by the introduction of an antisense SPK. We produced a transgenic rice plant containing a gene for an antimicrobial peptide, thanatin, together with antisense SPK. Bioassay and proteome analysis indicated that recombinant thanatin accumulated in an active form in these watery rice seeds. These results suggest that our system worked effectively for the production of thanatin. This procedure enabled easy removal of impurities and simplified the purification process compared with production in leaves. Our system may therefore be a useful technique for the production of desired materials, including proteins.
Scientific Reports | 2018
Hiroaki Kusano; Mariko Ohnuma; Hiromi Mutsuro-Aoki; Takahiro Asahi; Dai Ichinosawa; Hitomi Onodera; Kenji Asano; Takahiro Noda; Takaaki Horie; Kou Fukumoto; Miho Kihira; Hiroshi Teramura; Kazufumi Yazaki; Naoyuki Umemoto; Toshiya Muranaka; Hiroaki Shimada
CRISPR/Cas9 is a programmable nuclease composed of the Cas9 protein and a guide RNA (gRNA) molecule. To create a mutant potato, a powerful genome-editing system was required because potato has a tetraploid genome. The translational enhancer dMac3, consisting of a portion of the OsMac3 mRNA 5′-untranslated region, greatly enhanced the production of the protein encoded in the downstream ORF. To enrich the amount of Cas9, we applied the dMac3 translational enhancer to the Cas9 expression system with multiple gRNA genes. CRISPR/Cas9 systems targeting the potato granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) gene examined the frequency of mutant alleles in transgenic potato plants. The efficiency of the targeted mutagenesis strongly increased when the dMac3-installed Cas9 was used. In this case, the ratio of transformants containing four mutant alleles reached approximately 25% when estimated by CAPS analysis. The mutants that exhibited targeted mutagenesis in the GBSSI gene showed characteristics of low amylose starch in their tubers. This result suggests that our system may facilitate genome-editing events in polyploid plants.
Genes & Genetic Systems | 2018
Tomohiro Imamura; Chihiro Obata; Kazuyoshi Yoneyama; Masatoshi Ichikawa; Akane Ikura; Hiromi Mutsuro-Aoki; Toshiki Ishikawa; Maki Kawai-Yamada; Tadamasa Sasaki; Hiroaki Kusano; Hiroaki Shimada
Dihydrosphingosine C4 hydroxylase (DSH), a diiron-binding membrane enzyme, catalyzes the hydration of dihydrosphingosine and acyl-sphinganine to produce phytosphingosine and phytoceramide, respectively. Rice has two types of DSH homologs: general DSHs, namely DSH1, DSH2 and DSH4, and others that show spatial expression profiles, namely DSH3 and DSH5. The general DSHs exist in many plant species. These DSHs showed similarity in their functions and complemented the yeast sur2D mutation. In contrast, homologs of DSH3 and DSH5 were found only in monocot plants. Phylogenetic analysis placed these DSHs in different clades that are evolutionarily divergent from those of the general DSHs. DSH3 and DSH5 showed low-level expression. DSH5 expression was specifically in vascular bundle tissues. Ectopic expression of DSH5 induced a dwarf phenotype characterized by severe growth inhibition and an increase in the thickness of the leaf body caused by enlargement of bulliform cells in the leaves. However, no significant difference was observed in the amount of sphingolipid species. DSH5 did not complement the yeast sur2D mutation, implying that DSH5 has little effect on sphingolipid metabolism. These findings suggested that DSH3 and DSH5 originated and diverged in monocot plants.
Plant and Cell Physiology | 2017
Miho Kihira; Kazushi Taniguchi; Chihiro Kaneko; Yohei Ishii; Hiromi Aoki; Atsushi Koyanagi; Hiroaki Kusano; Nobuo Suzui; Yong-Gen Yin; Naoki Kawachi; Shu Fujimaki; Hiroaki Shimada
FLO2, FLOURY ENDOSPERM 2, is highly conserved in higher plants, and rice FLO2 has been predicted to be involved in regulation of accumulation of storage compounds. We analyzed the function of Arabidopsis thaliana FLO2 (AtFLO2) because A. thaliana set structurally different seeds from those of rice. Although the flo2 mutant of A. thaliana showed normal germination, inflorescence and morphogenesis of flowers, peculiar phenotypes on leaves and siliques were observed, suggesting that this gene played important roles during both the vegetative and reproductive stages. The mutant leaves showed a decrease in chloroplast numbers, and increased total biomass with faster growth. When grown in high light intensity conditions, it was observed that aging events were induced. The flo2 mutant showed depressed transportation of photoassimilates into the sink organs. In the reproductive stage, the flo2 mutant had significantly smaller size siliques, causing a reduced yield of seeds. These seeds were structurally weak, and the quality of seeds was significantly lowered, with reduction of accumulation of storage compounds by seeds. A positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS) analysis detected a decreased amount of photoassimilate transport in the flo2 mutant. Therefore, it was presumed that the phenotypes of the flo2 mutant were caused by reduced performance of translocation or transportation of the photoassimilates. Our observation suggests that AtFLO2 is strongly involved in regulation of translocation and transport of assimilates, and contributes greatly to quality control of the various processes involving substance supply or transfer, such as photoassimilation, leaf enlargement, yield of seeds in a silique and accumulation of seed storage compounds.