
Microbiology and Immunology | 1996

Simple Method for Detection of Clostridium botulinum Type A to F Neurotoxin Genes by Ploymerase Chain Reaction

Kouichi Takeshi; Yukako Fujinaga; Kaoru Inoue; Hiroshi Nakajima; Keiji Oguma; Tetsuya Ueno; Hiroyuki Sunagawa; Tohru Ohyama

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‐based method was established to detect each type of neurotoxin genes of Clostridium botulinum types A to F by employing the oligonucleotide primer sets corresponding to special regions of the light chains of the neurotoxins. In this procedure, the PCR products were easily confirmed by restriction enzyme digestion profiles, and as little as 2.5 pg of template DNAs from toxigenic strains could be detected. The specific PCR products were obtained from toxigenic C. botulinum types A to F, a type E toxin‐producing C. butyricum strain, and a type F toxin‐producing C. baratii strain, but no PCR product was detected in nontoxigenic strains of C. botulinum and other clostridial species. The neurotoxin genes were also detected in food products of a seasoned dry salmon and a fermented fish (Izushi) which had caused type E outbreaks of botulism. Therefore, it is concluded that this PCR‐based detection method can be used for the rapid diagnosis of botulism.

Microbiology and Immunology | 1998

Molecular Composition of the 16S Toxin Produced by a Clostridium botulinum Type D Strain, 1873

Hiroshi Nakajima; Kaoru Inoue; Tetsuya Ikeda; Yukako Fujinaga; Hiroyuki Sunagawa; Kouichi Takeshi; Tohru Ohyama; Toshihiro Watanabe; Katsuhiro Inoue; Keiji Oguma

The 16S toxin was purified from a Clostridium botulinum type D strain 1873 (D‐1873). Furthermore, the entire nucleotide sequences of the genes coding for the 16S toxin were determined. It became clear that the purified D‐1873 16S toxin consists of neurotoxin, nontoxic nonhemagglutinin (NTNH), and hemagglutinin (HA), and that HA consists of four subcomponents, HA1, HA2, HA3a, and HA3b, the same as type D strain CB16 (D‐CB16) 16S toxin. The nucleotide sequences of the nontoxic components of these two strains were also found to be identical except for several bases. However, the culture supernatant and the purified 16S toxin of D‐1873 showed little HA activity, unlike D‐CB16, though the fractions successively eluted after the D‐1873 16S toxin peak from an SP‐Toyopearl 650S column showed a low level of HA activity. The main difference between D‐1873 and D‐CB16 HA molecules was the mobility of the HA1 on sodium dodecyl sulfate‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS‐PAGE). Therefore it was presumed that the loss of HA activity of D‐1873 16S toxin might be caused by the differences of processing HA after the translation.

Journal of Protein Chemistry | 1999

Dichain structure of botulinum neurotoxin: identification of cleavage sites in types C, D, and F neurotoxin molecules.

Yoshimasa Sagane; Toshihiro Watanabe; Hirokazu Kouguchi; Hiroyuki Sunagawa; Kaoru Inoue; Yukako Fujinaga; Keiji Oguma; Tohru Ohyama

Botulinum neurotoxin (NT) is synthesized by Clostridium botulinum as about a 150-kDa single-chain polypeptide. Posttranslational modification by bacterial or exogenous proteases yielded dichain structure which formed a disulfide loop connecting a 50-kDa light chain (Lc) and 100-kDa heavy chain (Hc). We determined amino acid sequences around cleavage sites in the loop region of botulinum NTs produced by type C strain Stockholm, type D strain CB16, and type F strain Oslo by analysis of the C-terminal sequence of Lc and the N-terminal sequence of Hc. Cleavage was found at one or two sites at Arg444/Ser445 and Lys449/Thr450 for type C, and Lys442/Asn443 and Arg445/Asp446 for type D, respectively. In culture fluid of mildly proteolytic strains of type C and D, therefore, NT exists as a mixture of at least three forms of nicked dichain molecules. The NT of type F proteolytic strain Oslo showed the Arg435 as a C-terminal residue of Lc and Ala440 as an N-terminal residue of Hc, indicating that the bacterial protease cuts twice (Arg435/Lys436 and Lys439/Ala440), with excision of four amino acid residues. The location of cleavage and number of amino acid residue excisions in the loop region could be explained by the degree of exposure of amino acid residues on the surface of the molecule, which was predicted as surface probability from the amino acid sequence. In addition, the observed correlation may also be adapted to the cleavage sites of the other botulinum toxin types, A, B, E, and G.

Microbiology and Immunology | 1985

Heat Resistance, Spore Germination, and Enterotoxigenicity of Clostridium perfringens

Yoshiaki Ando; Toshibumi Tsuzuki; Hiroyuki Sunagawa; Shigemi Oka

Heat resistance at 95 C, heat activation at 75 C, and germination response were determined for spores of 10 serotype strains of Clostridium perfringens type A, including five heat‐resistant and five heat‐sensitive strains. The D95‐values ranged from 17.6 to 63.0 and from 1.3 to 2.8 for the heat‐resistant and the heat‐sensitive strains, respectively. The heat‐activation values, the ratios between the heated and unheated viable counts of spore suspensions, ranged from 0.0035 to 0.65 and from 6.5 to 60.0 for the heat‐sensitive and the heat‐resistant strains, respectively. Spores of these strains were divided into two distinct germination types on the basis of their germination response; spores of the heat‐resistant strains germinated in KCl medium after heat activation (K‐type), and spores of the heat‐sensitive strains germinated in a mixture of L‐alanine, inosine, and CaCl2 in the presence of CO2 without heat activation (A‐type). The strains were tested for enterotoxigenicity by a reversed passive latex‐agglutination (RPLA) test. All the heat‐resistant strains were RPLA‐positive, whereas the heat‐sensitive strains were all RPLA‐negative. A total of 37 strains of the organism isolated from food‐poisoning outbreaks were tested for spore germination and enterotoxin formation. All of the 20 heat‐resistant strains showed K‐type spore germination and, except for three strains, were RPLA‐positive, whereas all of the 17 heat‐sensitive strains showed A‐type spore germination and, except for only one strain, were RPLA‐negative.

Journal of Protein Chemistry | 1999

Molecular composition of progenitor toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum type C strain 6813.

Toshihiro Watanabe; Yoshimasa Sagane; Hirokazu Kouguchi; Hiroyuki Sunagawa; Kaoru Inoue; Yukako Fujinaga; Keiji Oguma; Tohru Ohyama

The molecular composition of the purified progenitor toxin produced by a Clostridium botulinum type C strain 6813 (C-6813) was analyzed. The strain produced two types of progenitor toxins (M and L). Purified L toxin is formed by conjugation of the M toxin (composed of a neurotoxin and a non-toxic nonhemagglutinin) with additional hemagglutinin (HA) components. The dual cleavage sites at loop region of the dichain structure neurotoxin were identified between Arg444-Ser445 and Lys449-Thr450 by the analyses of C-terminal of the light chain and N-terminal of the heavy chain. Analysis of partial amino acid sequences of fragments generated by limited proteolysis of the neurotoxin has shown to that the neurotoxin protein produced by C-6813 was a hybrid molecule composed of type C and D neurotoxins as previously reported. HA components consist of a mixture of several subcomponents with molecular weights of 70-, 55-, 33-, 26~21- and 17-kDa. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of 70-, 55-, and 26~21-kDa proteins indicated that the 70-kDa protein was intact HA-70 gene product, and other 55- and 26~21-kDa proteins were derived from the 70-kDa protein by modification with proteolysis after translation of HA-70 gene. Furthermore, several amino acid differences were exhibited in the amino acid sequence as compared with the deduced sequence from the nucleotide sequence of the HA-70 gene which was common among type C (strains C-St and C-468) and D progenitor toxins (strains D-CB16 and D-1873).

Journal of Protein Chemistry | 2000

Characterization of nicking of the nontoxic-nonhemagglutinin components of Clostridium botulinum types C and D progenitor toxin.

Yoshimasa Sagane; Toshihiro Watanabe; Hirokazu Kouguchi; Hiroyuki Sunagawa; Kaoru Inoue; Yukako Fujinaga; Keiji Oguma; Tohru Ohyama

Clostridium botulinum C and D strains produce two types of progenitor toxins, M and L. Previously we reported that a 130-kDa nontoxic-nonhemagglutinin (NTNHA) component of the M toxin produced by type D strain CB16 was nicked at a unique site, leading to a 15-kDa N-terminal fragment and a 115-kDa C-terminal fragment. In this study, we identified the amino acid sequences around the nicking sites in the NTNHAs of the M toxins produced by C. botulinum type C and D strains by analysis of their C-terminal and N-terminal sequences and mass spectrometry. The C-terminus of the 15-kDa fragments was identified as Lys127 from these strains, indicating that a bacterial trypsin-like protease is responsible for the nicking. The 115-kDa fragment had mixtures of three different N-terminal amino acid sequences beginning with Leu135, Val139, and Ser141, indicating that 7–13 amino acid residues were deleted from the nicking site. The sequence beginning with Leu135 would also suggest cleavage by a trypsin-like protease, while the other two N-terminal amino acid sequences beginning with Val139 and Ser141 would imply proteolysis by an unknown protease. The nicked NTNHA forms a binary complex of two fragments that could not be separated without sodium dodecyl sulfate.

Microbiology and Immunology | 1997

Direct Detection by PCR of Escherichia coli O157 and Enteropathogens in Patients with Bloody Diarrhea

Kouichi Takeshi; Tetsuya Ikeda; Akiko Kubo; Yukako Fujinaga; Sou-ichi Makino; Keiji Oguma; Emiko Isogai; Shin-ichi Yoshida; Hiroyuki Sunagawa; Tohru Ohyama; Hiroo Kimura

Direct detection of Escherichia coli O157 and foodborne pathogens associated with bloody diarrhea were achieved using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) after the preparation of DNA from stool specimens using the microspin technique. PCR was compared with cultivation and toxin production tests with respect to the efficiency of detection of each pathogen; E. coli O157, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Salmonella serovar Enteritidis and Campylobacter jejuni. Detection of some or all of the above pathogens in clinical stool specimens was achieved using PCR. The minimum number of cells required for the detection of the above pathogens by PCR was 101 CFUs/0.5 g of stool sample. PCR was completed within 6 hr. The above pathogens were also detected in cultivation and toxin production tests. Partial purification of the template DNA using the microspin technique was essential for the elimination of PCR inhibitors from the DNA samples. This PCR method is an accurate, easy‐to‐read screening method for the detection of Shiga‐like toxin producing E. coli O157 and enteropathogens associated with bloody diarrhea in stool specimens.

Journal of Protein Chemistry | 2003

Molecular Characterization of GroES and GroEL Homologues from Clostridium botulinum

Yoshimasa Sagane; Kimiko Hasegawa; Shingo Mutoh; Hirokazu Kouguchi; Tomonori Suzuki; Hiroyuki Sunagawa; Tomoyuki Nakagawa; Arihide Kamaguchi; Shinn Okasaki; Kenji Nakayama; Toshihiro Watanabe; Keiji Oguma; Tohru Ohyama

We report novel findings of significant amounts of 60- and 10-kDa proteins on SDS-PAGE in a culture supernatant of the Clostridium botulinum type D strain 4947 (D-4947). The N-terminal amino acid sequences of the purified proteins were closely related to those of other bacterial GroEL and GroES proteins, and both positively cross-reacted with Escherichia coli GroEL and GroES antibodies. Native GroEL homologue as an oligomeric complex is a weak ATPase whose activity is inhibited by the presence of GroES homologue. The 2634-bp groESL operon of D-4947 was isolated by PCR and sequenced. The sequence included two complete open reading frames (282 and 1629 bp), which were homologous to the groES and groEL gene family of bacterial proteins. Southern and Northern blot analyses indicate that the groESL operon is encoded on the genomic DNA of D-4947 as a single copy, and not on that of its specific toxin-converting phage.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2002

In Vitro Reconstitution of the Clostridium botulinum Type D Progenitor Toxin

Hirokazu Kouguchi; Toshihiro Watanabe; Yoshimasa Sagane; Hiroyuki Sunagawa; Tohru Ohyama

Journal of Clinical Microbiology | 1999

Direct and Rapid Detection by PCR of Erysipelothrix sp. DNAs Prepared from Bacterial Strains and Animal Tissues

Kouichi Takeshi; Sou-ichi Makino; Tetsuya Ikeda; Noriko Takada; Atsushi Nakashiro; Kazunori Nakanishi; Keiji Oguma; Yoshinobu Katoh; Hiroyuki Sunagawa; Tohru Ohyama

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