Honghai Luo
Shihezi University
Featured researches published by Honghai Luo.
Functional Plant Biology | 2011
Wah Soon Chow; Yali Zhang; Yuanyuan Hu; Honghai Luo; Wangfeng Zhang
This paper reports an experimental test of the hypothesis that cotton and soybean differing in leaf movement have distinct strategies to perform photosynthesis under drought. Cotton and soybean were exposed to two water regimes: drought stressed and well watered. Drought-stressed cotton and soybean had lower maximum CO2 assimilation rates than well-watered (control) plants. Drought reduced the light saturation point and photorespiration of both species - especially in soybean. Area-based leaf nitrogen decreased in drought-stressed soybean but increased in drought-stressed cotton. Drought decreased PSII quantum yield (ΦPSII) in soybean leaves, but increased ΦPSII in cotton leaves. Drought induced an increase in light absorbed by the PSII antennae that is dissipated thermally via ΔpH- and xanthophylls-regulated processes in soybean leaves, but a decrease in cotton leaves. Soybean leaves appeared to have greater cyclic electron flow (CEF) around PSI than cotton leaves and drought further increased CEF in soybean leaves. In contrast, CEF slightly decreased in cotton under drought. These results suggest that the difference in leaf movement between cotton and soybean leaves gives rise to different strategies to perform photosynthesis and to contrasting photoprotective mechanisms for utilisation or dissipation of excess light energy. We suggest that soybean preferentially uses light-regulated non-photochemical energy dissipation, which may have been enhanced by the higher CEF in drought-stressed leaves. In contrast, cotton appears to rely on enhanced electron transport flux for light energy utilisation under drought, for example, in enhanced nitrogen assimilation.
Photosynthetica | 2016
Honghai Luo; Yu Zhang; W. F. Zhang
Soil water deficit is a major limitation to agricultural productivity in arid regions. Leaf photosynthesis can quickly recover after rewatering and remains at a higher level for a longer period, thus increasing crop yield and water-use efficiency (WUE). We tested our hypothesis that leaf photosynthesis and root activity of water-stressed cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants could quickly recover after rewatering at a certain growth stage and it should not influence a cotton yield but increase WUE. Treatments in this study included two degrees of water stress: mild water stress (V1) and moderate water stress (V2) imposed at one of four cotton growth stages [i.e., S1 (from the full budding to early flowering stage), S2 (from early flowering to full flowering), S3 (from full flowering to full bolling), and S4 (from full bolling to boll-opening)]. The soil water content before and after the water stress was the same as that in the control treatment (CK, 70–75% of field capacity). Water deficit significantly reduced the leaf water potential, net photosynthetic rate, and stomatal conductance in cotton. The extent of the decline was greater in S2V2 treatment compared to others. Water deficit also reduced root activity, but the extent of inhibition varied in dependence on soil depth and duration. When plants were subjected to S1V1, the root activity in the 20–100 cm depth recovered rapidly and even exceeded CK one day after rewatering. An overcompensation response was observed for both photosynthesis and aboveground dry mass within one to three days after rewatering. Compared with the CK, S1V1 showed no significant effect on the yield but it increased total WUE and irrigation WUE. These results suggest that even a short-term water stress during the S1, S2 and S4 stages mitigated, with respect to the root activity, the negative effect of drought and enhanced leaf photosynthesis compensatory effects of rewatering in order to increase cotton WUE with drip irrigation under mulch in arid areas.
Functional Plant Biology | 2014
Xiao-Ping Yi; Yali Zhang; He-Sheng Yao; Xiang-Juan Zhang; Honghai Luo; Ling Gou; Wangfeng Zhang
To clarify the photoprotective mechanisms of cotton leaves under water deficit in the field, leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence as well as the corresponding physiological responses were examined in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to evaluate electron flux distribution. With increasing water deficit, net photosynthetic rate (Pn) significantly decreased, the total electron flux through PSII [Je(PSII)] gradually decreased and the fraction of electron flux required to sustain CO2 assimilation [Je(PCR)] markedly declined. Simultaneously, the ratio of quantum efficiency of PSII [Φ(PSII)] to the quantum efficiency of CO2 fixation [Φ(CO2)] increased, accompanied by an increase in the alternative electron flux (Ja). The enhanced alternative electron flux of O2-dependent Ja(O2-dependent) indicated that electrons had been transported to O2 in the Mehler-peroxide reaction (MPR) and that the remaining alternative electron flux Ja(O2-independent) had been used for nitrate reduction, as indicated by an increase in nitrate reductase (NR) and glutathinone reductase (GR) activities. In addition, mild water deficit increased the proportion of electron flux for the photorespiratory carbon oxidation [Je(PCO)]. Water deficit significantly increased surperoxide radical production rate (O2-•) and hydrogen peroxide content (H2O2), and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) in cotton leaves also increased under water deficit. Therefore, the Mehler-peroxidation reaction, photorespiration and nitrate reduction helped to dissipated excess light energy, being important photoprotective mechanisms for adapting the photosynthetic apparatus to mild and moderate water deficit in cotton.
Journal of Plant Physiology | 2016
Xiao-Ping Yi; Yali Zhang; He-Sheng Yao; Honghai Luo; Ling Gou; Wah Soon Chow; Wangfeng Zhang
The responses of gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and the anti-oxidative system of cotton leaves were studied during water deficit and recovery. The results show that water deficit led to a reversible reduction in the photosynthetic rate. This reduction was mainly accompanied by stomatal limitation. The activity of photosystem II (PSII) and photosystem I (PSI) was relatively stable during water deficit and recovery. Water deficit caused an enhanced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and increased lipid peroxidation. Proline accumulation and the anti-oxidative enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and peroxidase (POD), along with the antioxidant ascorbate (AsA), increased during water deficit. On re-watering, the ROS generation rate, anti-oxidative enzymes activities and the extent of the lipid peroxidation returned to near control values. Overall, rapid recovery of the photosynthetic rate is related to the stability of the photosystems which appears to be a critical mechanism allowing cotton plants to withstand and survive drought environments.
Functional Plant Biology | 2016
Xiao-Ping Yi; Yali Zhang; He-Sheng Yao; Honghai Luo; Ling Gou; Wah Soon Chow; Wangfeng Zhang
To better understand the adaptation mechanisms of the photosynthetic apparatus of cotton plants to water deficit conditions, the influence of water deficit on photosynthesis, chlorophyll a fluorescence and the activities of antioxidant systems were determined simultaneously in Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Xinluzao 45 (upland cotton) and Gossypium barbadense L. cv. Xinhai 21 (pima cotton). Water deficit decreased photosynthesis in both cotton species, but did not decrease chlorophyll content or induce any sustained photoinhibition in either cotton species. Water deficit increased ETR/4-AG, where ETR/4 estimates the linear photosynthetic electron flux and AG is the gross rate of carbon assimilation. The increase in ETR/4-AG, which represents an increase in photorespiration and alternative electron fluxes, was particularly pronounced in Xinluzao 45. In Xinluzao 45, water deficit increased the activities of antioxidative enzymes, as well as the contents of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are related to the Mehler reaction. In contrast, moderate water deficit particularly increased non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) in Xinhai 21. Our results suggest that Xinluzao 45 relied on enhanced electron transport such as photorespiration and the Mehler reaction to dissipate excess light energy under mild and moderate water deficit. Xinhai 21 used enhanced photorespiration for light energy utilisation under mild water deficit but, when subjected to moderate water deficit, possessed a high capacity for dissipating excess light energy via heat dissipation.
Journal of Arid Land | 2014
QianBing Zhang; Ling Yang; ZhenZhu Xu; Yali Zhang; Honghai Luo; Jin Wang; Wangfeng Zhang
Changes in both soil organic C storage and soil respiration in farmland ecosystems may affect atmospheric CO2 concentration and global C cycle. The objective of this field experiment was to study the effects of three crop field management practices on soil CO2 emission and C balance in a cotton field in an arid region of Northwest China. The three management practices were irrigation methods (drip and flood), stubble managements (stubble- incorporated and stubble-removed) and fertilizer amendments (no fertilizer (CK), chicken manure (OM), inorganic N, P and K fertilizer (NPK), and inorganic fertilizer plus chicken manure (NPK+OM)). The results showed that within the C pool range, soil CO2 emission during the whole growing season was higher in the drip irrigation treatment than in the corresponding flood irrigation treatment, while soil organic C concentration was larger in the flood irrigation treatment than in the corresponding drip irrigation treatment. Furthermore, soil CO2 emission and organic C concentration were all higher in the stubble-incorporated treatment than in the corresponding stubble-removed treatment, and larger in the NPK+OM treatment than in the other three fertilizer amendments within the C pool range. The combination of flood irrigation, stubble incorporation and application of either NPK+OM or OM increased soil organic C concentration in the 0-60 cm soil depth. Calculation of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) under different management practices indicated that the combination of drip irrigation, stubble incorporation and NPK+OM increased the size of the C pool most, followed by the combination of drip irrigation, stubble incorporation and NPK. In conclusion, management practices have significant impacts on soil CO2 emission, organic C concentration and C balance in cotton fields. Consequently, appropriate management practices, such as the combination of drip irrigation, stubble incorporation, and either NPK+OM or NPK could increase soil C storage in cotton fields of Northwest China.
Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 2013
Yali Zhang; Honghai Luo; Yuan-yuan Hu; Reto J. Strasser; Wangfeng Zhang
Abstract Though bract and capsule wall of boll in cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) have different photosynthetic capacities, the features of photosystem II (PS II) in these organs are scarce. In this paper, chlorophyll a fluorescence emission was measured to investigate the difference in the photosynthetic apparatus of dark-acclimated (JIP-test) and light-acclimated (light-saturation pulse method) bract and capsule wall. Compared with leaves, the oxygen evolving system of non-foliar organs had lower efficiency. The pool size of PS II electron acceptor of non-foliar organs was small, and the photochemical activity of leaves was higher than that of the bract and capsule wall. In regard to the photosystem I (PS I) electron acceptor side, the pool size of end electron acceptors of leaves was larger, and the quantum yield of electron transport from Q A (PS II primary plastoquinone acceptor) further than the PS I electron acceptors of leaves was higher than that of bract and capsule wall. In all green organs, the actual quantum yield of photochemistry decreased with light. The thermal dissipation fraction of light absorbed by the PS II antennae was the highest in bract and the lowest in capsule wall relative to leaves. Compared with leaves, capsule wall was characterized by less constitutive thermal dissipation and via dissipation as fluorescence emission. These results suggested that lower PS II photochemical activity in non-foliar organs may be result from limitations at the donor side of PS II and the acceptor sides of both photosystems.
Photosynthetica | 2016
Chao Zhang; Dongxia Zhan; Honghai Luo; Yu Zhang; W. F. Zhang
Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of PSII were analyzed in the bracts and leaves of cotton plants after anthesis. Photosynthetic activity and photorespiration were measured in the leaves and bracts of cotton grown under either normal or reduced water-saving drip irrigation. The photosynthetic performance, amount of chlorophyll and Rubisco, and net photosynthesis were greater in the bracts than that in the leaves under water stress. The actual photochemical efficiency of PSII decreased in both the bracts and leaves after anthesis under reduced irrigation. However, the decrease was smaller in the bracts than in the leaves, indicating that the bracts experienced less severe photoinhibition compared to the leaves. The greater drought tolerance of bracts could be related to differences in relative water content, instantaneous water-use efficiency, and photorespiration rate. The ratio of photorespiration to net photosynthesis was much higher in the bracts than in leaves. Furthermore, water deficiency (due to the water-saving drip irrigation) had no significant effect on that ratio in the bracts. We hypothesized that photorespiration in the bracts alleviated photoinhibition and maintained photosynthetic activity.
Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 2014
Yuan-yuan Hu; Yali Zhang; Xiao-ping Yi; Dongxia Zhan; Honghai Luo; Chow Wah Soon; Wangfeng Zhang
Abstract Water deficit is one of the most important causes of decreased yield in cultivated plants. Non-foliar green organs in cotton play an important role in yield formation at the late growth stage. Although better photosynthetic performance was observed in a non-foliar organ (bract) compared with leaves under water deficit. However, the physiological response of each organ in cotton to water deficit has not been comprehensively studied in relation to the water status and photosynthesis characteristics. We studied the maintenance of water status of each organ in cotton by measuring their relative water content, proline content and stomatal characteristics. Water deficit significantly decreased the surface area of each organ, but to a lesser extent in non-foliar organs. Our results showed that the relative contribution of biomass accumulation of non-foliar organs increased under water deficit. Non-foliar organs (bracts and capsule wall) showed less ontogenetic decrease in O2 evolution capacity and in RuBPC activity (per dry weight) as well as better antioxidant systems than leaves at various days after anthesis. We conclude that the photosynthesis from non-foliar organs is important for increasing cotton yield especially under water deficit conditions.
Cellulose | 2014
Jingshan Tian; Xiaobing Hu; Ling Gou; Honghai Luo; Yali Zhang; Wangfeng Zhang
Abstract Two field experiments were conducted to study the effect of temperatures on the cellulose content of cotton fiber at various stages of fiber development. In the first study, cotton was sown on three different dates so that temperatures were different during fiber development. In the second study, cotton was grown in semi-mobile chambers and night-time temperatures were controlled within the chambers. During the period from anthesis until the onset of rapid cellulose deposition, the average cellulose deposition rate was significantly correlated with growing degree days (GDD) and daily minimum temperature. The onset time of rapid cellulose deposition was significantly affected by GDD and daily maximum temperature. During the period of rapid cellulose deposition, the duration of rapid cellulose deposition and the average rate of cellulose deposition were significantly correlated with GDD. Therefore, GDD had the largest effect on cellulose deposition cotton fiber. The requisite number of GDD during cellulose synthesis must be reached during two stages of cotton fiber development in order to maximize cellulose content. The average cellulose deposition rate between anthesis and the onset of rapid cellulose deposition can be increased by warmer daily minimum. Warmer daily maximum temperatures advanced the onset of rapid cellulose deposition. The cellulose content of cotton fiber is also be affected by conditions during the period of rapid cellulose deposition. Cellulose contents are highest when cellulose accumulates at moderate rates during this period and when the duration of rapid cellulose deposition is long as possible.