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Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine | 2014

Stenting below-the-knee bifurcations with dedicated bifurcation stent BiOSS Lim — first in man case report

Dobrin Vassilev M.D.; Hristo Mateev; Alexander Alexandrov; Mario Stankev; Gianluca Rigatelli; Robert J. Gil

The best treatment strategy for below the knee bifurcation disease is not known. We present first two cases with successful implantation of dedicated coronary bifurcation sirolimus eluting stent BiOSS Lim (Balton, Poland) in complex bifurcation and trifurcation lesions of tibioperoneal trunk. Both implantations were uncomplicated with sustained short-term result at 30-day control Duplex ultrasound and remarkable clinical improvement. Our report demonstrates feasibility and short-term effectiveness of implantation of dedicated coronary bifurcation stent in below-the-knee bi- and tri-furcations.

Cardiology and Angiology: An International Journal | 2013

Telemonitoring Boosts Atrial Fibrillation Detection in Cryptogenic Stroke Patients – Preliminary Findings.

Iana Simova; Hristo Mateev; Tzvetana Katova; Lyubomir Haralanov; Nikolay Dimitrov

Background: Approximately 25% of strokes are cryptogenic in origin and identifying atrial fibrillation (AF) as an etiologic factor in this situation has major therapeutic implication. Standard Holter ECG has alow sensitivity for AF detection in this patient group. Aim: To assess the diagnostic yield of prolonged ambulatory noninvasive ECG telemonitoring for AF detection in cryptogenic stroke or transitory ischemic attack (TIA) patients. Methods and Results: We prospectively included 36 patients (mean age 53 ± 15 years, 17% women) with cryptogenic stroke or TIA in the previous 3 months and without previously documented episodes of AF. We employed a validated ECG telemonitoring system (TEMEO). The median monitoring period was 22 days, ranging from 13 to 36 days. AF was detected in 10 patients (27%): in 7 patients (70%) AF episodes lasted <30 sec and in the other 3 episodes of absolute arrhythmia were longer. AF runs were OriginalResearch Article

Journal of the American College of Cardiology | 2016

TCT-385 The role of Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) for evaluation of kidney function in patients undergoing coronary angiography

Iliyana Petrova; Hristo Mateev; Alexander Alexandrov; George Vladimirov; Alexandra Bankova; Dobrin Vassilev; Iva Paskaleva; Nina Gotcheva; Valery Gelev

nos: 387 396

Folia Medica | 2013

Timing of invasive strategy in diabetic and non-diabetic patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome.

Nikolay Dimitrov; Iana Simova; Hristo Mateev; Maria R. Kalpachka; Pavlin Pavlov; Iveta Tasheva

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Patients with acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation are a heterogeneous group with respect to the risk of having a major adverse cardiac event (MACE). A history of diabetes mellitus (DM) is no doubt one of the factors that define a patient as being at a higher risk of having the syndrome. AIM: To compare early invasive strategy with selective invasive strategy indicated for patients with and without DM. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study enrolled 178 patients with unstable angina or non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (UA/NSTEMI), and of these 52 (29.2%) had DM. Patients were randomly assigned to an early invasive strategy (these were scheduled to undergo coronary arteriography and percutaneous coronary intervention within 24 hours after admission) or to a selective invasive strategy (at first these were medically stabilized, with coronary arteriography required only in case of angina recurrence and/or evidence of inducible myocardial ischemia). The patients were followed up for a mean period of 22.8 ± 14 months. RESULTS: In the follow up the diabetics allocated to an early invasive strategy were found to have a significantly lower angina recurrence incidence (p = 0.005), rehospitalization rate (p = 0.001), fewer arteriographies (p = 0.001) and coronary interventions (p = 0.001) and low cumulative incidence of MACE (p = 0.008) in comparison with the diabetics assigned to selective invasive strategy. We also found, using the Kaplan-Meier curves survival analysis, that the time to MACE in patients assigned to an early invasive strategy was significantly longer than that in the group of selective invasive strategy. In the follow-up of non-diabetics we found no significant difference in MACE rate between the patients allocated to early invasive strategy and those assigned to selective invasive strategy. In the selective invasive strategy group, however, the cardiovascular adverse events tended to occur earlier than in the early invasive strategy group. CONCLUSIONS: Early invasive strategy in diabetic patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome is associated with a reduced MACE rate compared with the selective invasive strategy used in these patients. Early invasive strategy applied in diabetic patients is also associated with a significantly longer time to MACE. In non-diabetics the advantages of early over selective invasive strategy are not so clearly differentiated. РЕЗЮМЕ ВВЕДЕНИЕ Пациенты с острым коронарным син- дромом - ОКС- без элевации ST сегмента не пред- ставляют однородную группу с точки зрения риска наступления неблагоприятных сердечно-сосудистых осложнений (MACE). Наличие сахарного диабета - СД - несомненно один из факторов, определяющий более высокорисковую подгруппу. ЦЕЛЬ: Сопоставить раннюю инвазивную страте- гию по отношению к селективной инвазивной стра- тегии в группах пациентов с или без наличия СД. ПАЦИЕНТЫ И МЕТОДЫ: Обследовано 178 пациентов с нестабильной стенокардией или с инфарктом ми- окарда без элевации ST сегмента (НАП / NSTEMI). 52 (29.2%) из них имеют СД. Пациенты распреде- лены на случайном принципе на раннюю инвазивную стратегию (коронарная артериография - СКАГ и эвентуально перкутанная интервенция - РСІ в рамках первых 24 ч. от начала госпитализации) или на селективую инвазивную стратегию - первона- чальный опыт для медикаментозной стабилизации и проведения СКАГ при рецидиве стенокардии и/ или данные об индуцированной ишемии миокарда. Прослеживание пациентов в среднем длилось 22.8 ± 14 мес. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: В группе диабетиков в ходе про- слеживания наблюдаются значительная редукция частоты рецидива стенокардии р = 0.005, по- вторная госпитализация - р = 0.001, СКАГ - р = 0.001 , интервенция - р = 0.001 и общая частота МАСЕ - р = 0.008 при выборе ранней инвазивной стратегии по сравнению со селективной инвазив- ной стратегии. Установлена также с помощью Каплан-Майера анализа разница во время наступ- ления МАСЕ у больных с СД снова в пользу ранней инвазивной стратегии. На фоне отсутствия СД прослеживание пока- зывает, что пациенты, разделенные на раннюю и селективную инвазивную стратегию, не отличаются значимо по частоте наблюдаемых сердечно-сосуди- стых осложнений. В группе с выбором селективной инвазивной стратегии, однако, сердечно-сосудистые повреждения наступают раньше по сравнению с этими при ранней инвазивной стратегии. З АКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: Выбор ранней инвазивной страти- гии у пациентов с ОКС без элевации ST сегмента на фоне наличия СД связан со значительно более низкой частотой нежелательных сердечно-сосуди- стых событий по сравнению с группой диабети- ков, где выбором является селективная инвазивная стратегия. Ранняя инвазивная стратегия на фоне наличия СД связана со значительным удлинением периода, свободного от МАСЕ. В группе без СД преимущества ранней инвазивной стратегии не так ясно выражены.

American Journal of Cardiology | 2013

Timing of Invasive Strategy in Acute Coronary Syndrome Without ST Segment Elevation in Groups of Patients with Different Ischemic Risk

Nikolay Dimitrov; Iana Simova; Hristo Mateev; Maria Radkova; Pavlin Pavlov; Iveta Tasheva

Journal of the American College of Cardiology | 2016

TCTAP A-021 Prognostic Significance of Invasive Strategy Timing in Acute Coronary Syndrome Without ST Segment Elevation Patients According to Renal Failure Status

Nikolay Dimitrov; Iana Simova; Hristo Mateev; Pavlin Pavlov

Journal of the American College of Cardiology | 2014

TCT-510 Treating Patients With Massive Pulmonary Embolism By Local Fibrinolysis, Rotational Thrombus Fragmentation And Thrombus Aspiration

Alexander Alexandrov; Dobrin Vassilev; Hristo Mateev; Iliana Petrova; Elina Trendafilova

Journal of the American College of Cardiology | 2014

TCT-189 Comparison of Effectiveness of Sirolymus Eluting and Paclitaxel Eluting Dedicated Coronary Bifurcation Stents – Results from Bulgarian Bifurcation Optimal Stenting Strategy with Dedicated Coronary Bifurcation Stent (Bul – BIOSS) Registry

Dobrin Vassilev; Alexander Alexandrov; Hristo Mateev; Iliana Petrova

Journal of the American College of Cardiology | 2013

TCT-407 The ischemia in distal main branch region at the end of coronary bifurcation stenting predicts in-stent restenosis at 12 months follow-up From Intracoronary Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Myonecrosis After Bifurcation Stenting (COSIBRIA&CO) ( Identifier:NCT01268228)

Dobrin Vassilev; Alexander Alexandrov; Alexandra Bankova; Robert J. Gil; Sławomir Gołębiewski; Hristo Mateev; Iliana Petrova

S'rdechno-s'dovi Zabolyavaniya / Medical Review - Cardiovascular Diseases | 2012


Nikolay Dimitrov; Iana Simova; Hristo Mateev; Maria Radkova; Pavlin Pavlov; Iveta Tasheva


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Alexander Alexandrov

National Institutes of Health

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R.J. Gil

Ministry of Internal Affairs

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Dobrin Vassilev M.D.

National Institutes of Health

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Mario Stankev

National Institutes of Health

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