Hwang-Yong Kim
Rural Development Administration
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Featured researches published by Hwang-Yong Kim.
Korean Journal of Applied Entomology | 2010
Jeong-Hwan Kim; Young-Woong Byeon; Hwang-Yong Kim; Chang-Gyu Park; Man-Young Choi; Man-Jong Han
This study reports the results of natural enemy application against four insect pests on greenhouse sweet pepper in winter cropping system. Orius laevigatus () was released at two different times (Nov. 2005 & Feb. 2006) to control Frankliniella occidentalis, western flower thrips (WFT). Throughout the cropping season, the lowest level recorded of WFT was less than 2.0 individuals per yellow sticky trap. Amblyseius swirskii () was released four times (Nov. 2007 ~ Aug. 2008) to control Bemisia tabaci, tobacco whitefly (TWF). Until July 2008, TWF population had been suppressed lower than 6.6/trap. Phytoseiulus persimilis () was released seven times (Apr. 2008 ~ Aug. 2008) to control Tetranychus kanzawai, tea red spider mite (TRSM). As a result, TRSM population was suppressed lower than 1.7/1eaf. To control aphids, Aphidius colemani () was released seven times (Oct. 2004 ~ Jan. 2005), with the transplantation of banker plants (). As a whole, aphid`s population has been successfully reduced to less than 2.0/leaf.
Korean journal of applied entomology | 2013
Jeong-Hwan Kim; Jum-Rae Cho; Mi-Sook Lee; Eun-Jin Kang; Young-Woong Byeon; Hwang-Yong Kim; Man-Young Choi
ABSTRACT: This study was performed to investigate the biological characteristics of the brown lacewing Micromus angulatus (Stephens)at four different temperatures (15, 20, 25, and 30 ℃) and 70 ± 10% relative humidity under a photoperiodic regime of 16: 8(L:D) h. Thedevelopmental threshold and effective accumulative temperature from egg to pupa for M. angulatus were 9.6 ℃ and 270.3 day-degrees,respectively. The developmental period of egg, larva, and pupa at 25 ℃ was 4.4, 5.5, and 6.9 days. respectively. The longevity of an adul tfemale M. angulatus was 34.9 days. The oviposition period for M. angulatus was 28.7 days, in which it laid a total number of 515.2 eggsduring its life span. The maximum number of eggs laid by a female in a day was 54.8. Daily consumption by M. angulatus at 25℃was18.9 1 st instars, 47.2 2 nd instars, 57.7 3 rd instars, and 91.0 adults of the glasshouse potato aphid, Aulacorthum solani . Therefore, M. angulatu scould be a promising biological control agent against aphids. Key words: Natural enemy, Micromus angulatus, Development, Oviposition, Predation초 록: 본 연구는 온도(15, 20, 25, 30℃), 습도(70 ± 10%), 광주기(16L:8D)에서 갈고리뱀잠자리붙이의 생물적 특성을 조사하기 위해 수행되었다. 알에서부터 번데기까지의 발육영점온도 및 유효적산온도는 각각 9.6℃ 및 270.3일도였다. 25℃에서 갈고리뱀잠자리붙이의 알 기간은 4.4일, 유충은 5.5일, 번데기는 6.9일이었다. 암컷 성충의 수명은 34.9일, 산란 기간은 28.7일이었고, 총 산란수는 515.2개, 1일 최대 산란수는 54.8개였다. 25℃에서 갈고리뱀잠자리붙이에 의한 싸리수염진딧물의 1령, 2령, 3령 및 성충의 일일 포식량은 각각 18.9, 47.2, 57.7 및 91.0마리이었다. 따라서 갈고리뱀잠자리붙이는 진딧물의 포식성 천적으로 이용이 가능할 것으로 여겨진다 .검색어: 천적, 갈고리뱀잠자리붙이, 발육, 산란, 포식*Corresponding author: [email protected] April 12 2013; Revised August 12 2013Accepted August 27 2013진딧물은 전 세계적으로 약 4천여 종이 분포하는 것으로 알려져 있다(Blackman and Eastop, 1984). 농작물에 발생하는 진딧물은 식물의 양분을 빨아먹고 질병을 매개할 뿐만 아니라 번식력과 발육속도가 빨라 많은 피해를 주는 매우 중요한 해충이다. 진딧물의 방제는 주로 화학농약을 이용하여 왔으나 , 농산물의 생산자와 소비자 모두 인체에 해롭다는 인식에는 공감하고 있다. 2000년대부터 농약사용을 줄일 수 있는 해충방제 인자로 천적을 이용한 방제법이 본격화되었으며 , 현재 진딧물의 생물적 방제용으로 판매되고 있는 천적은 8종정도이다(http://www. dongbufarmceres.co.kr/).진딧물의 포식성 천적으로 알려진 갈고리뱀잠자리붙이(Micromus angulatus)는 풀잠자리목(Neuroptera) 뱀잠자리붙이과(Hemerobiidae)에 속하는데, 진딧물 뿐 만 아니라 깍지벌레나 응애류 등도 포식하는 광식성이다 (New, 1975; Samson and Blood, 1980; Navi et al., 2010; MacLeod and Stange, 2011). 본 종은 주로 열대와 온대지역에 분포하며 (Navi et al., 2010), 우리
Journal of Asia-pacific Entomology | 2010
Chang-Gyu Park; Hwang-Yong Kim; Joon-Ho Lee
Journal of Asia-pacific Entomology | 2008
Mu Qiao; Jaehong Lim; Chang Woo Ji; Bu-Keun Chung; Hwang-Yong Kim; Ki-Baik Uhm; Cheol Soo Myung; Jongman Cho; Tae-Soo Chon
Journal of Asia-pacific Entomology | 2010
Gilsang Jeong; Hwang-Yong Kim; Young-Cheol Choi; Won-Tae Kim; Kwan-Ho Park; Sungwoo Bae; Jong-Gill Kim; Ji-Young Choi
한국응용곤충학회 학술발표회 | 2011
Tuyen Van Nguyen; Chunlei Xia; Bu-Keun Chung; Hwang-Yong Kim; Tae-Soo Chon
Journal of Economic Entomology | 2017
Chang-Gyu Park; Bo Yoon Seo; Jin Kyo Jung; Hwang-Yong Kim; Si-Woo Lee; Ki Yeong Seong
한국응용곤충학회 학술발표회 | 2007
Chang Woo Ji; Jae Hong Lim; Jongman Cho; Hwang-Yong Kim; Ki-Bak Uhm; Bong-Gyu Byun; Tae-Soo Chon
한국응용곤충학회 학술발표회 | 2007
Jin-Kyo Jung; Chang-Gyu Park; Hwang-Yong Kim; Bo-Yoon Seo
한국응용곤충학회 학술발표회 | 2006
Chang Woo Ji; Jae Hong Lim; Jongman Cho; Hwang-Yong Kim; Ki-Bak Uhm; Tae-Soo Chon