I. Anteby
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 2009
Ron Michaelis; I. Anteby; Erez Gal; O. Sadot; Gabi Ben-Dor
A dynamic gage, capable of continuously measuring high-rate displacements of structures, has been developed and tested by the research team of the Protective Technologies Research & Development Center (PTR&DC) of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The gage, which was originally developed in order to monitor the time-dependent displacements of concrete slabs subjected to explosion-generated blast wave impacts, can be used to monitor the displacement of any structure that is exposed to high-rate dynamic loads. The displacement gage is based on a torsion tube, twisted by a long flexure element that is connected to the measured point or structure. The twist of the torsion tube is monitored by strain gages. The displacement gage was tested in the impact pendulum laboratory of the PTR&DC, and will be used in high explosive (HE) field tests.
Window and Dome Technologies VIII | 2003
Daniel C. Harris; Oscar Esquivel; Paul D. Chaffee; I. Anteby; Rahav Ifergan; Malki Pinkas; Atara Horowitz; Haim Lotem; Thomas M. Regan; John J. Mecholsky
Half of a set of sapphire disks was exposed to fast neutrons (0.8-10 MeV) at a fluence of 1022 neutrons/m2. Each 25-mm-diameter x 1-mm-thick disk was then exposed to a 10.6 μm CO2 laser (121 W/cm2) while the central 12.7-mm-diameter region of the disk was shielded from the laser. c-Plane disks that had not been exposed to neutrons survived 76% longer than a-plane disks that had not been exposed to neutrons. Neutron irradiation had no significant effect on time to failure of c-plane sapphire. However, neutron irradiation increased the survival time of a-plane sapphire by 30%-a result that was significant at the 99.9% confidence level. c-Plane disks were expected to fail in tension at the center of the disk. The calculated tensile stress at the mean failure time was ~700 MPa and the center temperature was ~400°C. By contrast, a-plane disks failed near the boundary between the shielded central region and the exposed outer annulus. The radial stress at this location is tensile and the hoop stress is compressive. Failure origins were at surface scratches. Rhombohedral twinning was observed in many a-plane disks, but there was no fractographic evidence that r-plane twinning caused failure. The mechanism by which neutron irradiation increases the time to failure of a-plane disks is unknown.
Archive | 2017
O. Sadot; I. Anteby; Shimon Gruntman; O. Ram; Gabi Ben-Dor
The response of metallic foams to a high strain or high stress rate loading has received increased attention in recent years due to their potential to absorb large amounts of energy during plastic deformation and crushing (see, e.g., Thornton and Magee [1]). Research of the mitigation of blast effects indicates that the high-energy absorption characteristic of metallic foams makes them very useful as protective layers of critical structural elements. Consequently, understanding the material dynamic properties of metallic foams will enable engineers to better utilize their energy absorption characteristics. Aluminum foam (Al-foam) is a lightweight material with excellent plastic energy absorbing characteristics [2]. The implementation of bare Al-foam as a protective layer is not practical. The material needs to be a part of a multilayer structure (see, e.g., Seitzberger et al. [3]. The foam layer can be exploited as a protective layer in military vehicles where both lightweight and good energy absorption are needed. The ability of aluminum foams to reduce the explosion-generated blast-induced damage from concrete slabs has been demonstrated in the course of high-explosive (HE) field experiments (see, e.g., Hanssen et al. [4, 5] and Sadot et al. [6]). Several studies have been conducted in order to investigate the constitutive model parameters of Al-foams during the past three decades. The effect of the strain rate was one of the important issues needed to be resolved [7]. A constitutive numerical model was validated in the work of Hanssen et al. [4, 5]. The validation procedure was based on three levels: (a) material calibration; (b) non-uniformed compression test at the material level; and (c) numerical validation at the structural interaction level. Several material models from the LS-DYNA library were calibrated. However, discrepancies between the models were found even for relatively simple load configurations. The most important conclusion noted by the authors was the need for further development of more robust fracture models for the Al-foam. This conclusion is crucial especially since there are increasing numbers of Al-foam manufacturers. Various experimental facilities were used to dynamically load the Al-foam at large ranges of strain and stress rates. In the work of Dannemann and Lankford Jr. [8], closed-cell Al-foams were assessed under static and dynamic loads in the strain rate range of 400–2500 s−1. This range was achieved by using split Hopkinson bar apparatuses. It was found that the strain rate effect is significant in high density Al-foams. Deshpande and Fleck [9] suggested that the initial elastic modulus was lower than that of fully dense alloys. Deformation in the cell walls led to stress concentration around the deformation zones, which resulted in a decrease of the modulus. Some inconclusive results regarding the dependence of the stress–strain curve on the strain rate were presented. Deshpande and Fleck [9] and Paul and Ramamurty [10] did not notice any strain rate dependency, in contrast to the findings of Dannemann and Lankford [8] and Paul and Ramamurty [10]. In a later work by Wang et al. [11], experiments were done using an Instron compression machine at strain rates ranging from 10−3 s−1 up to 450 s−1. Strain–stress curves constructed and distinct strain rate dependency was noted. In the work of Bastawros et al. [12] efforts were made to understand the morphology of the Al-foam during its collapse. Explanation was given to the cell deformation. However, some observations have been ignored and not fully explained even though some key elements of the deformation were identified. The dynamic behavior of Hydro/Cymat Al-foam material was investigated by Tan et al. [13] under different load conditions. The plastic collapse, the plateau range, and the strain at which the deformation occurred were found. It was demonstrated that the dynamic response depends on the direction of the load with respect to the plate manufacturing orientation. Some load enhancement was observed and was explained by micro-inertial effects. Postimpact observation of partly crushed specimens revealed that the deformation is through crush bends. Feng et al. [14] conducted experiments to investigate the rate dependence of Al-foams having different relative densities. They found that the effect of strain rate increases while increasing the Al-foam density as was found by others. For Al-foams with a relative density of 15 % there was little effect of the strain rate while for heaver foams significant strain rate effect was noted.
Archive | 2012
Amnon Katz; Michael Tsesarsky; Alva Peled; I. Anteby
Textile Reinforced Concrete (TRC) became a common method lately for the production of thin elements having excellent properties. These elements can be used for strengthening concrete elements by applying them on the surface of these elements. This study examined concrete beams strengthened by carbon, glass or polyethylene TRC for their behavior under static and dynamic loads. Different static and dynamic behavior was identified for the different TRC materials. Significant differences between the carbon, glass and PE were observed in the static tests but not at the dynamic ones.
Volume 2: Automotive Systems; Bioengineering and Biomedical Technology; Computational Mechanics; Controls; Dynamical Systems | 2008
Eytan Kochavi; Yosef Kivity; I. Anteby; O. Sadot; Gabi Ben-Dor
Dynamic tests of three reinforced concrete samples and six Dynablok samples were performed in the blast simulator facility at the University of California San-Diego (UCSD). The purpose of these tests was to evaluate the performance of a novel protective wall design. These tests were numerically simulated at the Protective Technologies Research and Development Center (PTR&DC) of the Ben-Gurion University (BGU) in Beer-Sheva, Israel. The simulations were carried out using two commercial hydro-codes: LS-Dyna and Dytran. The purpose of these simulations was to calibrate the parameters of the material models available in the above codes. Once calibrated, the simulation results showed good agreement with the test results for largely deflected yet moderately damaged specimens.Copyright
International Journal of Impact Engineering | 2008
András Schenker; I. Anteby; Erez Gal; Yosef Kivity; Eyal Nizri; O. Sadot; Ron Michaelis; Oran Levintant; Gabi Ben-Dor
Journal of Structural Engineering-asce | 2005
A. Schenker; I. Anteby; E. Nizri; B. Ostraich; Yosef Kivity; O. Sadot; O. Haham; Ron Michaelis; Erez Gal; G. Ben-Dor
Journal of Structural Engineering-asce | 2005
O. Sadot; I. Anteby; S. Harush; O. Levintant; E. Nizri; B. Ostraich; A. Schenker; Erez Gal; Yosef Kivity; G. Ben-Dor
Construction and Building Materials | 2013
Michael Tsesarsky; Alva Peled; Amnon Katz; I. Anteby
Materials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing | 2016
O. Sadot; O. Ram; I. Anteby; Shimon Gruntman; G. Ben-Dor