
Tropical Animal Health and Production | 2011

Fat-tailed sheep in Indonesia; an essential resource for smallholders

H.M.J. Udo; I Gede Suparta Budisatria

This paper discusses the historical development of fat-tailed sheep in Indonesia, the dynamics of production systems, production and reproduction performances under farmers’ conditions, and roles of sheep in livelihoods. In the eighteenth and nineteenth century, fat-tailed sheep from southwest Asia and Africander sheep from South Africa were introduced. Crossing of fat-tailed sheep with the local thin-tailed sheep produced the Javanese fat-tailed sheep. Main motives for the gradual change-over to fat-tailed sheep have been their potential larger body size and the preference of consumers for their meat. Management systems are changing in response to the intensification of land use. The reproductive performances of fat-tailed sheep are good. Households keep four to six animals, housed close to the family quarters. This results in very high levels of faecal bacteria contamination of drinking water sources. Sheep provide a small income, manure, security and help to accumulate capital. Sheep also play a key role in religious festivities. Farmers hardly profit from the increased demand for the feast of sacrifice; animals are sold mainly when the owners have urgent cash needs. Systematic sheep fattening can contribute to higher economic results, if sufficient family labour and crop residues are available.

Archive | 2017

Reproductive Performance of Jabres Cow at Brebes, Central Java Province, Indonesia

Panjono; Miftahush Shirothul Haq; Chusnul Hanim; Siti Andarwati; Dyah Maharani; Diah Tri Widayati; I Gede Suparta Budisatria

This study was conducted to observe the reproductive performance of Jabres cow at Brebes Regency, Central Java Province. One hundred and seventy four heads of cows were used in this study. Animals were raised by farmers as usual. Feed consumption was observed for 6 days. Birth weight was weighed soon after calves were born. Weaning age, postpartum estrus, postpartum mating, service per conception, gestation period, and calving interval were investigated based on the farmers’ recording. The data collected was analyzed quantitative description. Dry matter (DM), crude protein, and total digestible nutrient intake of cow were 2.32% BW, 11.41% DM, and 60% DM, respectively. Birth weight of Jabres calf was 18.14 kg ± 1.48 kg. Weaning age, postpartum estrus, postpartum mating, service per conception, gestation period, and calving interval of Jabres cow were 191.72 ± 35.30 days, 83.21 ± 19.05 days, 100.22 ± 22.99 days, 1.71 ± 0.80 days, 280.35 ± 17.52 days, and 383.96 ± 21.11 days, respectively. It is concluded that reproductive performance of Jabres cow is quite good. The calving interval can be improved by shortening PPM and decreasing S/C values.

Archive | 2017

Sperm Quality of Gembrong Goat in Bali Before and After Freezing

Sigit Bintara; Dyah Maharani; I Gede Suparta Budisatria; Jafendi Hasoloan Purba Sidadolog; Sumadi (Sumadi); Lies Mira Yusiati; I Made Londra; Riyan Nugroho Aji

This research aims to study the sperm characteristics of Gembrong goat in Bali before and after freezing, using citrate-egg yolk (CEY) and tris-egg yolk (TEY) diluents. The sperm of six goats was collected using an artificial vagina. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the use of CEY and TEY diluents on motility, viability, and abnormalities of spermatozoa neither before nor after freezing. Before freezing, motility was CEY 85 ± 3.5, TEY 85 ± 2.1; viability was CEY 90 ± 3.5, TEY 92 ± 2.1; and abnormalities were CEY 11 ± 3.5, TEY 10 ± 2, 1, while after freezing, motility was CEY 45 ± 3.5 b, TEY 46 ± 4.1; viability was CEY 70 ± 3.5, TEY 72 ± 4.1; and abnormalities were CEY 15 ± 3.5, TEY 16 ± 4.1. However, the freezing process significantly (p < 0.01) lowered sperm quality in terms of motility, viability, and abnormalities, both for CEY and TEY diluents. In CEY diluent, motility before was 85 ± 3.5 and after was 45 ± 3.5, viability before was 90 ± 3.5 and after was 70 ± 3.5, and abnormalities before were 11 ± 3.5 and after were 15 ± 3.5. In TEY diluent, motility before was 85 ± 2.1 and after was 46 ± 4.1, viability before was 92 ± 2.1 and after was 72 ± 4.1, and abnormalities before were 10 ± 2.1 and after were 16 ± 4.1. Dilution and freezing of Gembrong goat sperm using citrate-egg yolk and tris-egg yolk showed no significant differences, but the freezing process caused a decline in sperm quality.

Archive | 2017

Postpartum Oestrus Variation of Local Cows at a Village Breeding Centre in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Endang Baliarti; Bayu Andri Atmoko; Febri Ariyanti; Nono Ngadiono; I Gede Suparta Budisatria; Panjono; Tri Satya Mastuti Widi; Muhammad Danang Yulianto

In order to improve the genetic quality and conserve Ongole cattle as one of the local cattle in Indonesia, the government has been developing village breeding centres in the selected areas. Performances of the cows in the breeding centres should be improved and better than in the conventional farms. Postpartum oestrus (PPE) is one of the indicators of reproductive performance. This study was aimed to investigate the PPE variation of Ongole cows belonging to smallholder farmers in village breeding centres. Thirty heifers in late period of pregnancy were selected and observed at calving until showed their PPE. The background and general information of the farmers, management of cattle keeping, feed intakes, body condition score (BCS), birth body weight and average daily gain of the calves before the cows showed PPE. The results showed that PPE of Ongole cows was largely ranged from 41 to 130 days, with an average of 103.53 ± 25.11 days after calving. If the PPE target is 90 days, only 25% have the standard of PPE. It was concluded that PPE of the Ongole cows in Yogyakarta Province was varied and might be a result from varied managements of cattle keeping by smallholder farmers and growth rate of their calves. If the management of cattle keeping by smallholder farmers didn’t upgrade, to improve the quality of Ongole cows based on PPE for breeding stocks, 75% of the cows have to be replaced with better cows.

Buletin Peternakan | 2012

Kinerja Kerbau Betina di Pulau MOA, Maluku (The Productivity of Female Buffaloes at MOA Island, Maluku)

Justinus Pipiana; Endang Baliarti; I Gede Suparta Budisatria

The objectives of the study was to identify the existence, productivity, reproductive performances and its relation on the reproductive efficiency, body measurements and weight of female buffalo at Moa island, Maluku Barat Daya regency, Maluku province. There were 96 farmers used as respondents, 222 female buffaloes and secondary data from Agricultural Department in that area that were observed. Survey method and descriptive analysis were applied to collect all of information required. Body measurement was accompleted by direct measurement on the body, consisted of body length, withers height, chest depth, heart girth, rump height, rump width, and ages of buffaloes evaluated. The results showed that reproduction efficiency (RE) was 70.91±10.84%. Body measurements and weight of female buffaloes at 2-3 year old were body length 88.92±9.94 cm; heart girth 136.69±21.05 cm; withers height 94.77±7.23 cm; rump height 44.77±5.54 cm; and body weight 192.46±29.12 kg. At 3-4 years old of female buffaloes, the body length, heart girth, withers height, rump height, chest depth, rump width and body weight were 106,21±4,19 cm; 163.61±16.40 cm; 110.03±6.14 cm; 109.08±5.88 cm; 65.58±6.69 cm; 46.82±4.62 cm; and 253.45±30.79 kg, respectively. At 4-5 year old, the body length, heart girth, withers height, rump height, chest depth, rump width, and body weight of females buffaloes were 116.14±10.98 cm; 174.04±12.12 cm; 115.07±3.23 cm; 113.07±3.74 cm; 67.36±7.44 cm; 48.07±3.74 cm; and 270,42±27,24 kg, respectively, while for female buffaloes of more than 5 year old, were 121.44±12.22 cm; 180.01±16.63 cm; 120.19±3.76; 119.49±13.74 cm; 79.40±5.52 cm; 58.72±4.88 cm; and 292.09±29.76 kg. It was concluded that productivity of female buffaloes at Moa island have not optimalet, but it has good performances which can be further developed. (Key words: Productivity, Female Buffaloes, Moa Island)

Buletin Peternakan | 2012

Analisis Investasi Usaha Tani Pembibitan Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Sleman

Shanti Emawati; Rini Widiati; I Gede Suparta Budisatria

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kelayakan finansial investasi usahatani pembibitan sapi potong, menentukan kondisi finansial peternak dengan adanya perubahan harga anak berdasarkan umur penjualan dan menentukan break even point (BEP). Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai bulan Januari sampai dengan Mei 2007 dengan lokasi di Kabupaten Sleman. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei untuk mengumpulkan data primer dari responden dan data sekunder dari dinas terkait. Responden diambil secara purposive sampling. Analisis kelayakan finansial investasi usahatani pembibitan sapi potong menggunakan kriteria investasi benefit cost ratio (BCR), net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) dan payback period (PPC) berdasarkan umur investasi 7 tahun dengan discount factor 12%/tahun. Menentukan kondisi finansial peternak dengan adanya perubahan harga anak berdasarkan umur penjualan menggunakan analisis sensitivitas. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa usahatani pembibitan sapi potong pada kondisi peternak di Kabupaten Sleman layak untuk diusahakan dengan nilai kelayakan terbaik adalah jenis sapi Peranakan Limousine, selanjutnya Peranakan Simmental dan PO. Payback period usahatani pembibitan sapi Peranakan Simmental, Peranakan Limousine dan PO berturut-turut adalah 3,44 tahun, 3,25 tahun dan 5,19 tahun. Nilai BEP berdasarkan kondisi peternak pada sapi Peranakan Simmental, PO dan Peranakan Limousine berturut-turut sebesar 8, 9 dan 7 ekor induk. Hasil analisis sensitivitas dengan asumsi ada perbaikan manajemen sehingga calving interval 15 bulan dan umur penjualan pedet 18 bulan pada sapi Peranakan Simmental, PO dan Peranakan Limousine dapat meningkatkan NPV berturut-turut sebesar 19%, 45% dan 21%. Ditinjau dari nilai payback period lebih lama karena ada penundaan umur penjualan pedet dari 7 bulan menjadi 18 bulan. Kata kunci : Pembibitan sapi potong, Analisis investasi, Analisis sensitivitas, BEP

Asian journal of agriculture and development | 2008

Religious festivities and marketing of small ruminants in Central Java-Indonesia.

I Gede Suparta Budisatria; H.M.J. Udo; Akke van der Zijpp; Endang Baliarti; T.W. Murti

Animal production | 2013

Doe productivity of Boerawa goat on rural condition.

Kusuma Adhianto; Nono Ngadiyono; I Gede Suparta Budisatria; Kustantinah Kustantinah

Buletin Peternakan | 2012


Trifena (Trifena); I Gede Suparta Budisatria; Tety Hartatik

Pakistan Journal of Nutrition | 2016

Effect of Bali Cattle Urine on Legume Cover Crop Puero (Pueraria javanica) Productivity on an East Borneo Oil Palm Plantation

Ida Ketut Mudita; Nafiatul Umami; Subur Priyono Sasmito Budhi; Endang Baliarti; Cuk Tri Noviandi; Kustono Kustono; I Gede Suparta Budisatria; Jeffrie Wattimena

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