I.L. Alonso-Lemus
Journal of Nanomaterials | 2010
I.L. Alonso-Lemus; Ysmael Verde-Gomez; Alfredo Aguilar-Elguezabal; Lorena Álvarez-Contreras
MCM-41 have been used to custom synthesize catalysts in because of the controllable properties, such as pore size, active phase incorporation, crystal size, and morphology, among others. In this paper, a simple and versatile method for the incorporation of platinum, ruthenium, and palladium onto Al-MCM-41 mesoporous silica by direct inclusion of various precursors was studied. M/Al-MCM-41 structure, textural properties, morphology, and elemental composition were analyzed. The results obtained indicate that the Al-MCM-41 mesoporous-ordered structure was not affected by metallic particle incorporation. Highsurface areas were obtained (1131m2/g). Metallic nanoparticles dispersion on Al-MCM-41 was homogeneous for all samples and its particles sizes were between 6nm to 20 nm. Microscopy results show round shape particles in platinum and palladium samples; however, ruthenium catalysts exhibit a spherical and rod shapes. Electrochemical testing for Pt/Al-MCM-41 showed electrocatalytic activity for H2 oxidation which indicates that these materials can be used as a catalyst in electrochemical devices.
Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2018
M.A. Ruíz-Gómez; M.Z. Figueroa-Torres; I.L. Alonso-Lemus; O.E. Vega-Becerra; J.R. González-López; A.A. Zaldívar-Cadena
An electroless deposition process was used to synthesize with a controlled morphology, polycrystalline ZnO on glass substrates as antimicrobial coatings. The influence of deposition temperature (Tdep) on the physicochemical and antimicrobial properties of the ZnO films was analyzed. The results indicated that a change in deposition temperature greatly affected the morphology and the degree of crystallinity of the films. Scanning electron microscope images show that the film surface is porous at a deposition temperature of 40 and 50 °C, whereas hexagonal-plate shaped morphology predominated at 60 °C and finally at 70 and 80 °C the films consisted of rod-like particles. The films showed good transparency in the visible region. All ZnO films presented notable antimicrobial activity against the gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) and the gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). It was found that the antimicrobial efficiency is strongly dependent on morphology and structural properties. The best antimicrobial performance was recorded for the films consisting of rod-like morphology with a high degree of crystallinity. The procedure used in this investigation is strongly recommended for the development of functional surfaces.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 2014
D. González-Quijano; W.J. Pech-Rodríguez; J.A. González-Quijano; J.I. Escalante-García; G. Vargas-Gutiérrez; I.L. Alonso-Lemus; F.J. Rodríguez-Varela
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 2016
I.L. Alonso-Lemus; F.J. Rodríguez-Varela; M.Z. Figueroa-Torres; M.E. Sanchez-Castro; A. Hernández-Ramírez; D. Lardizabal-Gutierrez; P. Quintana-Owen
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 2015
Daniel Lardizábal-G; Ysmael Verde-Gómez; I.L. Alonso-Lemus; Alfredo Aguilar-Elguezabal
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 2017
Juan C. Carrillo-Rodríguez; I.L. Alonso-Lemus; A.A. Siller-Ceniceros; Pedro Pizá-Ruiz; Gregorio Vargas-Gutiérrez; F.J. Rodriguez-Varela
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 2017
B. Escobar; K.Y. Pérez-Salcedo; I.L. Alonso-Lemus; D. Pacheco; Romeli Barbosa
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 2017
I.L. Alonso-Lemus; M.Z. Figueroa-Torres; A.B. García-Hernández; B. Escobar-Morales; F.J. Rodríguez-Varela; Antonio F. Fuentes; D. Lardizabal-Gutierrez; P. Quintana-Owen
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 2018
Cinthia J. Mena-Durán; I.L. Alonso-Lemus; P. Quintana; Romeli Barbosa; L.C. Ordoñez; B. Escobar
Meeting Abstracts | 2009
I.L. Alonso-Lemus; Ysmael Verde; Lorena Álvarez-Contreras