I Made Joni
Padjadjaran University
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Featured researches published by I Made Joni.
2ND PADJADJARAN INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM 2015 (PIPS-2015): Materials Functionalization and Energy Conservations | 2016
I Made Joni; Camellia Panatarani; Dwindra Wilham Maulana
Fine phosphor Y2O3:Eu3+ particles has advanced properties compare to conventional particles applied for compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) as three band phosphor. However, suspension of fine particles easily agglomerated during preparation of spray coating of the CFL tube. Therefore, it is introduced newly developed beads mill system to disperse fine phosphor. The beads mill consist of glass beads, dispersing chamber (impellers), separator chamber, slurry pump and motors. The first important performance of beads mill is the performance of the designed on separating the beads with the suspended fine particles. We report the development of beads mill and its separation performance vary in flow rate and separator rotation speeds. The 27 kg of glass beads with 30 µm in size was poured into dispersing chamber and then water was pumped continuously through the slurry pump. The samples for the separation test was obtained every 1 hours vary in rotation speed and slurry flow rate. The results shows that the separatio...
PADJADJARAN INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM 2013 (PIPS-2013): Contribution of Physics on Environmental and Energy Conservations | 2013
I Made Joni; Camellia Panatarani; Darmawan Hidayat; Setianto; Bambang Mukti Wibawa; Anton Rianto; Husni Thamrin
Synthesis of nanoparticles and processing of nanocomposites are the essential steps in the application of nanotechnology in various industrial fields including environmental remediation and renewable energy conversion. It is very important to develop their synthesis methods in which nanoparticles having controlled characteristics including size distribution, morphologies, and compositions. Thus, the process needs to be simple, low in cost, and have both continuous operation and high production rate to meet the industrial requirements. The synthesis method for nanoparticles and the development of nanoparticles dispersion technology will be reviewed; nanoparticles synthesis by pulse combustion spray pyrolysis to improve production rate and dispersion of nanoparticles by bead mill method. Furthermore, the availability of the raw materials are also very important to produce the end products economically. The current development on the graphite processing and the future development on the end product in Indonesia will be reviewed.At the request of the authors and Proceedings Editor an updated version of this article was published on 24 September 2013. All changes are restricted to minor updating and editing of references: the scientific content of the paper remains unchanged.Synthesis of nanoparticles and processing of nanocomposites are the essential steps in the application of nanotechnology in various industrial fields including environmental remediation and renewable energy conversion. It is very important to develop their synthesis methods in which nanoparticles having controlled characteristics including size distribution, morphologies, and compositions. Thus, the process needs to be simple, low in cost, and have both continuous operation and high production rate to meet the industrial requirements. The synthesis method for nanoparticles and the development of nanoparticles dispersion technology will be reviewed; nanoparticles synthesis by pulse combustion spray pyrolysis to improve production rate and dispersion of nanoparticles by bead mill method. Furthermore, the availability of the raw materials are also very important to produce the end products economically. The current development on the graphite processing and the future development on the end product in Indone...
Camellia Panatarani; N. Muthahhari; Anton Rianto; I Made Joni
Graphite oxide has attracted much interest as a possible route for preparation of natural graphite in the large-scale production and manipulation of graphene as a material with extraordinary electronic properties. Graphite oxide was prepared by modified Hummers method from purified natural graphite sample from West Kalimantan. We demonstrated that natural graphite is well-purified by acid leaching method. The purified graphite was proceed for intercalating process by modifying Hummers method. The modification is on the reaction time and temperature of the intercalation process. The materials used in the intercalating process are H2SO4 and KMNO4. The purified natural graphite is analyzed by carbon content based on Loss on Ignition test. The thermo gravimetricanalysis and the Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy are performed to investigate the oxidation results of the obtained GO which is indicated by the existence of functional groups. In addition, the X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray spect...
Materials Science Forum | 2013
Camellia Panatarani; Dunden Gilang Muharam; Bambang Mukti Wibawa; I Made Joni
A blue luminescent of ZnO:Zn nanocrystal has been successfully prepared by one step spray pyrolysis method without reducing gas atmosphere. Zinc acetate dihydrate aqueous solutions (0.05 M) were atomized by ultrasonic atomizer. The atomizer used an air as carrier gas with 1, 3 and 5 L/min flowrate. The tubular reactor was set at 500, 600 and 700oC. As prepared samples were characterized by means of x-ray diffraction spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). The crystal size of as prepared particles calculated by Scherrer’s equation give 10-20 nm. The luminescent properties of as prepared particles were measured using spectrofluorophotometer. The highest photoluminescent intensity of particles irradiated with excited wavelength of 250 nm was obtained from samples prepared using 5 L/min carrier gas with temperature of tubular reactor 700oC. High intensity of blue luminescent was obtained due to oxygen vacancy in ZnO:Zn.
Key Engineering Materials | 2016
Nina Djustiana; Renny Febrida; Camellia Panatarani; Yuliafanny Imarundha; Elin Karlina; I Made Joni
Zircon sand is one of Indonesian natural resource that is potential to be used as composite filler. Natural zircon sand can be found in several places in Indonesia, i.e. Riau Islands, Bangka-Belitung, and the Borneo. Zircon sand contains zirconia compound; while ZrO2 is the oxide crystal of zirconia compound. The mechanical and esthetical supremacy of zirconia is the reason why the usage of zirconia as nanocomposite filler mixed with alumina and silica increases. Spray pyrolysis method was used to synthesized natural zircon sand of Indonesia with temperature variety of 400°C, 500°C and 600°C. Spray pyrolysis decomposed zircon sand into powder in nano-sized. Microstructure analysis conducted were SEM, EDS, and XRD. SEM analysis showed that the morphology of particle was spherical, uniform, and regular with size of 100-500nm. EDS and XRD showed best results at the temperature of 400°C. Analysis result of EDS indicated that the largest atomic percentage was owned by sodium with ratio of Zr:Al:Si of 1:2:54 at temperature of 400°C. The XRD pattern of 400°C revealed that the crystal structure of zirconium silicate (ZrSiO4) was tetragonal, the structure of quartz (SiO2) was trigonal, and the structure of corundum aluminum oxide (Al2O3) was rhombohedral. Synthesis of zirconia-alumina-silica particles from natural zircon sand of Indonesia could be used as composite filler based on the characterization results.
2ND PADJADJARAN INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM 2015 (PIPS-2015): Materials Functionalization and Energy Conservations | 2016
Narendra S. Parmar; I Made Joni; Kelvin G. Lynn
ZnO bulk single crystals were doped with sodium by thermal diffusion using sodium dispensers. Secondary-ion mass spectrometry measurement shows the diffusion of sodium with concentration ∼1×1018 cm−3 in near surface region. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements show donor acceptor pair (DAP) emission at 408 nm at room temperature which exhibits a blue-shift to 404 nm at 9 K. DC Hall measurements show the mixed conduction due to low Hall voltage in these samples. PL measurements and variable temperature resistivity measurements suggest that the sodium acceptor activation energy is ∼0.300 eV.
PADJADJARAN INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM 2013 (PIPS-2013): Contribution of Physics on Environmental and Energy Conservations | 2013
Bambang Mukti Wibawa; Abdul Al Mujahid; Jajat Yuda Mindara; Camellia Panatarani; I Made Joni; Rustam Efendi Siregar
Integrating Sphere (IS) is an instrument formed a cavity sphere with its inner surface act as a Lambertian reflector. IS is needed in many optical measurements which involves a high diffused reflection. In addition, IS very essential in photometry and radiometry measurement system. However, currently, IS is still an imported product which considered very expensive. The material for the sphere and inner surface coating affect the performance of the IS systems. Therefore, the main challenges in designing IS are the material engineering for the sphere and the procedure for the inner surface coating. The inner surface was coated using BaSO4 which has a low absorption and high diffuse reflection. Spectral responses of the IS system was characterized using USB2000+ and calibrated using a standard Spectralon from ocean optic. The obtained IS system used an inner surface coating from a mixed 80% Barium Sulfate (BaSO4) and 20% Nippon Elastex paint which yield a reflection factor ρ = 0.955 and amplification factor ...
PADJADJARAN INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM 2013 (PIPS-2013): Contribution of Physics on Environmental and Energy Conservations | 2013
Darmawan Hidayat; I Made Joni; Setianto; Camellia Panatarani; Kikuo Okuyama
A low pressure spray pyrolysis (LPSP) process was applied to synthesize crystalline lithium cobalt oxide as a battery cathode material via a liquid route. The effects of temperature and pressure of reactor on the synthesized particles characteristics were systematically investigated. Reactor temperatures of 800, 1000 and 1200 °C with pressures of 760 and 300 Torr were applied as operating conditions. The characterizations results show that the synthesized particles were highly crystalline and nearly spherical in shape. The results concluded that the low-pressure spray pyrolysis method has ability in control of particles morphology, crystallinity and atomic lithium-to-cobalt ratio.
Key Engineering Materials | 2018
Elin Karlina; Nina Djustiana; Renny Febrida; Yanwar Faza; Seniyah; Camellia Panatarani; I Made Joni
Nano size of ceramic filler (nanofiller) are tend to possess difficulties to be covered by resin matrix due to large surface area to volume ratio. Addition of aceton known as the diluent agent by introducing more content of filler as well as helping distribution of the filler in the resin matrix in application of dental composite restoration. In this study, a total 24 specimens of dental composite prototype; nanofiller-TMPS and nanofiller-MPTS were prepared using a customized acrylic mold and they were divided into two groups based on filler/resin ratio (n=6 each group). In the process of dental composite making, acetone were added into resin; 1 ml (filler/resin, 50/50) and 5 ml (filler/resin, 80/20) untill specific consistency obtained. The specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 hours at 37°C then subjected to hardness test using Vickers hardness tester machine, LECO – Japan M– 400–H1 with the load of 200 grams for 15 seconds (ADA Specification No. 27). Data were statistically analyzed using t independent test (α=0.05). The result revealed that dental composite prototype contain nanofiller-MPTS with filler/resin rasio (50/50) were statistically significant higher than dental composite prototype contain nanofiller-TMPS with same ratio (p<0.05). Otherwise, dental composite prototype with filler/resin ratio (80/20) were no observed statistically significant differences for both nanofiller-TMPS and nanofiller-MPTS (p>0.05). As conclusion, nanofiller modified MPTS are more effective to elevate surface hardness of dental composite prototype than nanofiller-TMPS for 50/50 filler/resin ratio
AIP Conference Proceedings | 2018
Reginawanti Hindersah; M. Rochimi Setiawati; B. Natalie Fitriatin; Pujawati Suryatama; Priyanka Asmiran; Camellia Panatarani; I Made Joni
Utilization of graphite tail waste from the mineral beneficiation processing is very important since it contain significant amount of essential minerals which are necessary for plant growth. These mineral are required in biochemical processes and mainly play an important role as cofactor in enzymatic reaction. The objective of this research is to investigate the performance of graphite tail on supporting plant growth and yield of ground nut (Arachishypogeae L.). A field experiment has been performed to test the performance of mixed graphite tail and reduced organic matter dose. The graphite tail size were reduced to various sieved size, -80 mesh, -100 mesh and -200 mesh. The experiment was setup in randomized block design with 4 treatments and 6 replications for each treatment, while the control plot is received without graphite tail. The results demonstrated that reduced organic matter along with -200 mesh tail has potentially decreased plant height at the end of vegetative growth stage, in contrast for to -80 mesh tail amendment increased individual fresh plant biomass. Statistically, there was no change of plant nodule, individual shoot fresh and dry weight, root nodule, number of pod following any mesh of graphite tail amendment. Reducing organic matter while adding graphite tail of 5% did not change bean weight in all plot. In contrast, reduced organic matter along with 80-mesh graphite tail amendment improved the nut yield per plot. This experiment suggests that graphite tail, mainly -80 mesh graphite tail can be possibly used in legume production.Utilization of graphite tail waste from the mineral beneficiation processing is very important since it contain significant amount of essential minerals which are necessary for plant growth. These mineral are required in biochemical processes and mainly play an important role as cofactor in enzymatic reaction. The objective of this research is to investigate the performance of graphite tail on supporting plant growth and yield of ground nut (Arachishypogeae L.). A field experiment has been performed to test the performance of mixed graphite tail and reduced organic matter dose. The graphite tail size were reduced to various sieved size, -80 mesh, -100 mesh and -200 mesh. The experiment was setup in randomized block design with 4 treatments and 6 replications for each treatment, while the control plot is received without graphite tail. The results demonstrated that reduced organic matter along with -200 mesh tail has potentially decreased plant height at the end of vegetative growth stage, in contrast for ...