I.V. Kozhevnikov
Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A | 2007
V. I. Anikeev; A. Ermakova; A. M. Chibiryaev; I.V. Kozhevnikov; P. E. Mikenin
The experimental data obtained were used to construct a kinetic model of the isomerization of α-pinene in supercritical ethanol. The model took into account the influence of both temperature and pressure on the rate and selectivity of the reaction.
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A | 2011
A. M. Chibiryaev; A. Ermakova; I.V. Kozhevnikov
Revision of the experimental data on α-pinene thermal isomerization attained in supercritical ethanol allowed us to expand the reaction scheme, which includes now six main products and eleven reversible reactions. The equilibrium constants of every reaction (KT, j and KΦ, j) were calculated to allow for reversibility of reactions. The thermochemical data of the pure compounds required to calculate constants KT, j and KΦ, j (standard enthalpy and entropy of formation ΔfH° (298.15 K), ΔfS° (298.15 K), heat capacity Cp(T), critical parameters Tcr and pcr, boiling point Tb, and the acentric factor ω) were preliminary estimated using the empirical Joback and Benson methods. A kinetic model based on the new expanded scheme of reversible reactions was successfully identified and its kinetic parameters kj (600 K) and Ej were determined. Detailed examination of the new kinetic model allowed us to refine the generally accepted mechanism of α-pinene thermal isomerization and to distinguish additional features of the multistep process.
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A | 2011
A. M. Chibiryaev; A. Yermakova; I.V. Kozhevnikov
New data on enthalpy and entropy contributions to the energy barrier of β-pinene thermal isomerization were obtained. The rate of β-pinene conversion is higher in supercritical EtOH (P = 120 atm) than in the gas phase (P ≤ 1 atm, without solvent, or for inert carrier gas N2) at equal temperatures. The highest activation energy EΣ of total β-pinene conversion is also observed in reactions in the supercritical (sc) condition. Activation parameters ΔHΣ#, ΔSΣ#, and ΔGΣ# depend strongly on the reaction pressure. Thus, at P ≤ 1 atm (gas-phase reaction) the values of ΔSΣ# are negative, while at sc conditions at P = 120 atm is positive. The linear dependences lnkΣ0 − EΣ and ΔSΣ# − ΔSΣ# indicate an isokinetic relation (IKR) and enthalpy-entropy compensation effect (EEC). The isokinetic temperature was calculated (Tiso = 605.5 ± 22.7 K). It was shown that elevation of temperature reduces the value of ΔGΣ#(T) upon sc thermolysis only, whereas in all gas-phase reactions ΔGΣ#(T) increases. At equal reaction temperatures, the greatest values of Keq#(T) proved to be typical for thermolysis in sc-EtOH. We hypothesize that the rate of total β-pinene conversion increases dramatically due to a considerable shift in equilibrium toward higher concentrations of activated complex yTS#. A detailed analysis of activation parameters shows that the IKR and EEC coincide, evidence of a common mechanism of β-pinene conversion observed under different reaction conditions, including thermolysis in sc-EtOH.
Kinetics and Catalysis | 2010
V. I. Anikeev; A. Ermakova; A. M. Chibiryaev; I.V. Kozhevnikov
The most important information concerning thermal conversions of vegetable terpenes (α-pinene, β-pinene, turpentine, and cis-verbenol) in supercritical lower alcohols is systematized. The kinetics of selected reactions is reported and is compared with the kinetics of the same reactions in the gas and liquid phases. Thermodynamic calculations of the phase states and kinetic parameters are presented for a number of multicomponent multiphase systems containing terpenes and lower alcohols. The effect of the supercritical solvent pressure on the rate and selectivity of the selected reactions is reported.
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2009
A. Ermakova; A. M. Chibiryaev; I.V. Kozhevnikov; V. I. Anikeev
The paper presents mathematical models and calculation methods for solving particular research problems related to the thermodynamic characteristics of multicomponent and multiphase mixtures. The special features of chemical and phase equilibria in such mixtures are considered in the ideal gas approximation and taking nonideality into account. The conditions of equilibrium phase stability are studied for multiphase systems. The results of calculations of characteristic phase diagrams and binodal and spinodal are given for model systems with a fixed chemical composition, and a new interpretation of the mathematical model for localizing the critical point of a multicomponent mixture with a given composition is presented. A new interpretation of the well-known classic homotopy method is suggested for solving complex nonlinear systems of equations. Some anomalies of phase portraits and critical curves that are necessary to take into account in selecting (planning) experimental conditions and calculating chemical processes and reaction parameters are considered separately. The possibility of calculating thermodynamic and thermophysical properties (entropy, enthalpy, heat capacity, heat effects of reactions, and adiabatic heating) is demonstrated for the example of particular multicomponent nonideal mixtures. The conclusion is drawn that cubic equations of state can be used for predicting the deviations of these properties from the ideal gas state and their anomalies in the vicinity of the critical points of mixtures.
Journal of Supercritical Fluids | 2010
I.V. Kozhevnikov; A.L. Nuzhdin; Oleg N. Martyanov
Chemical Engineering Science | 2007
A. Yermakova; A. M. Chibiryaev; I.V. Kozhevnikov; P.E. Mikenin; V. I. Anikeev
Journal of Supercritical Fluids | 2008
A. Yermakova; A.M. Chibiryaev; I.V. Kozhevnikov; V. I. Anikeev
Journal of Supercritical Fluids | 2009
A. Yermakova; A. M. Chibiryaev; I.V. Kozhevnikov; V. I. Anikeev
Journal of Supercritical Fluids | 2010
A. M. Chibiryaev; A. Yermakova; I.V. Kozhevnikov