
Featured researches published by Iben Jensen.

Journal of Consumer Culture | 2011

Methodological challenges in using practice theory in consumption research. Examples from a study on handling nutritional contestations of food consumption

Bente Halkier; Iben Jensen

In this article, we discuss the challenges of analytical translations between practice theory and empirical research methods in consumption research. We argue that a social constructivist interpretation of practice theory can be particularly useful in enabling consumption researchers to carry out empirical studies that are different from mainstream approaches to consumer culture. Such mainstream approaches typically privilege either individual consumer choices or cultural structures outside of the reach of consumers. We highlight two analytical affordances from social constructivist practice theory. The first is to enable consumption researchers to analyse ways of consuming and how these are entangled in webs of social reproductions and changes. The second is to allow consumption researchers to understand ways of consuming as continuous relational accomplishments in intersectings of multiple practices in everyday life. We discuss the methodological implications for data-production and data-analysis from these two analytical affordances on the basis of our empirical qualitative study of the handling of nutritionalized contestation of food consumption among Pakistani Danes.

Critical Public Health | 2011

Doing ‘healthier’ food in everyday life? A qualitative study of how Pakistani Danes handle nutritional communication

Bente Halkier; Iben Jensen

Denmark has a strong tradition of public health communication, but the majority of these initiatives draw upon the deficit model where the so called target groups are seen as passive recipients that lack resources to change their lifestyle. The article contributes to the critique of the deficit model in public health communication by the way of two steps. First, by arguing in favour of using a contextual theoretical perspective, that includes multiple social conditions and dynamics, a combination of practice theory and intersectionality. Second, by presenting an ideal-typology of ways of doing ‘healthier’ food among Pakistani Danes, based on a qualitative empirical study of food habits, everyday life and dealings with nutritional communication.

Journal of Intercultural Studies | 2018

There is nothing wrong with being a mulatto: Structural discrimination and racialized belonging in Denmark

Mira Chandhok Skadegård; Iben Jensen

ABSTRACT This article addresses structural discrimination in everyday lives of Danes with mixed racial heritage. We explore how discrimination (implicit, underlying, and discursive) is expressed and resisted in seemingly neutral interactions. Using structural discrimination as our framework, we look at how this type of discrimination contributes to the racialisation of national belonging in Danish contexts. In particular, we examine how notions of ‘Danishness’ are discursively linked to racialisation. Furthermore, we discuss some dilemmas that arise for racially ‘mixed’ and other racialised Danes. These include denial and deflection of discrimination, as well as problematics of belonging. Constructions of Danishness, we argue, rely on (and express) racialised understandings and discriminatory assumptions which explicitly and implicitly influence the experience of (and potential for), belonging within constructions of Danishness. Our findings suggest that certain paradoxes arise in the lives of Danes with mixed racial heritage and other racialised Danes.

Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier | 2017

Mobilen er med alle vegne – et praksisteoretisk bud på kulturbegrebet

Iben Jensen

Mobiltelefonen er en af de ting, som har aendret flest praksisser inden for de sidste ar. Derfor bruges mobiltelefonpraksis som det gennemgaende eksempel her i artiklen, hvori der argumenteres for, at kultur kan forstas som raekker af forskellige praksisser. En praksis er fx at laese, at tale, at deltage i et mode eller at bruge mobiltelefon, hvor man bade laeser og taler. I praksisteori argumenterer man for, at praksisser er normative; der er normer for, hvordan praksisser skal udfores passende. Hvad der er passende afgores i den enkelte situation, men altid knyttet til de mader praksisser tidligere har vaeret udfort. I globaliserede, medialiserede samfund givet et praksisteoretisk kulturbegreb mulighed for at udpege, hvordan mennesker som er vokset op i forskellige dele af verden, i forskellige etniske eller sociale grupper, udforer de samme praksisser (gar til moder, kober ind, taler, laeser, bruger mobiltelefon), men kan have forskellige normer knyttet til praksisserne. Et praksisteoretisk kulturbegreb bliver hermed bade en made at forsta kultur, en metode til at indkredse og respektere forskelle og ligheder mellem praksisser og sidst, men ikke mindst giver det et godt udgangspunkt for interkulturel kommunikation.

international conference on human-computer interaction | 2015

An Empirical Investigation of the Practices and Challenges Specific to International User Studies

Sabine Madsen; Lene Nielsen; Heidi Hautopp; Iben Jensen

In today’s globalized world, it is increasingly important for companies to gain knowledge about international markets and to understand the differences and similarities between international users. As a result, international user studies have become more common. However, they still pose a challenge for most companies. In this paper, we present the results of an empirical investigation of how companies conduct international user studies. We describe the empirical findings in detail, with an emphasis on the practices and challenges that are specific to the process of doing international user studies. Key findings concern where, geographically, companies choose to collect data; the scope and scale of the studies; as well as the preferred data collection methods and employed control mechanisms. Our research shows that strategic/pragmatic considerations, perceived differences in national culture, and concerns about data quality shape and delimit the approach that companies take to international user studies.

Archive | 2007

Introduction to Cultural Understanding

Iben Jensen

Unipub forlag - Oslo Academic Press | 2006

Bridges of Understanding

Iben Jensen

Journal of Intercultural Communication | 2004

The practice of intercultural communication

Iben Jensen

Archive | 1998

Interkulturel kommunikation i komplekse samfund

Iben Jensen

Nordisk Psykologi | 2009

Det sociale som performativitet – et praksisteoretisk perspektiv på analyse og metode

Bente Halkier; Iben Jensen

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