
Nature Biotechnology | 2008

Genome sequencing and analysis of the filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum

Marco van den Berg; Richard Albang; Kaj Albermann; Jonathan H. Badger; Jean-Marc Daran; Arnold J. M. Driessen; Carlos García-Estrada; Natalie D. Fedorova; Diana M. Harris; Wilbert H. M. Heijne; Vinita Joardar; Jan A. K. W. Kiel; Andriy Kovalchuk; Juan F. Martín; William C. Nierman; Jeroen G. Nijland; Jack T. Pronk; Johannes Andries Roubos; Ida J. van der Klei; Noël N. M. E. van Peij; Marten Veenhuis; Hans von Döhren; Christian Wagner; Jennifer R. Wortman; Roel A. L. Bovenberg

Industrial penicillin production with the filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum is based on an unprecedented effort in microbial strain improvement. To gain more insight into penicillin synthesis, we sequenced the 32.19 Mb genome of P. chrysogenum Wisconsin54-1255 and identified numerous genes responsible for key steps in penicillin production. DNA microarrays were used to compare the transcriptomes of the sequenced strain and a penicillinG high-producing strain, grown in the presence and absence of the side-chain precursor phenylacetic acid. Transcription of genes involved in biosynthesis of valine, cysteine and α-aminoadipic acid—precursors for penicillin biosynthesis—as well as of genes encoding microbody proteins, was increased in the high-producing strain. Some gene products were shown to be directly controlling β-lactam output. Many key cellular transport processes involving penicillins and intermediates remain to be characterized at the molecular level. Genes predicted to encode transporters were strongly overrepresented among the genes transcriptionally upregulated under conditions that stimulate penicillinG production, illustrating potential for future genomics-driven metabolic engineering.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 2010

Moonlighting proteins: An intriguing mode of multitasking

Daphne H. E. W. Huberts; Ida J. van der Klei

Proteins are macromolecules, which perform a large variety of functions. Most of them have only a single function, but an increasing number of proteins are being identified as multifunctional. Moonlighting proteins form a special class of multifunctional proteins. They perform multiple autonomous and often unrelated functions without partitioning these functions into different domains of the protein. Striking examples are enzymes, which in addition to their catalytic function are involved in fully unrelated processes such as autophagy, protein transport or DNA maintenance. In this contribution we present an overview of our current knowledge of moonlighting proteins and discuss the significant implications for biomedical and fundamental research.

Autophagy | 2005

Pexophagy: the selective autophagy of peroxisomes.

Jr. Dunn; James M. Cregg; Jan A. K. W. Kiel; Ida J. van der Klei; Masahide Oku; Yasuyoshi Sakai; Andrei A. Sibirny; Oleh V. Stasyk; Marten Veenhuis

Pichia pastoris and Hanseula polymorpha are methylotrophic yeasts capable of utilizing methanol, as a sole source of carbon and energy. Growth of these yeast species on methanol requires the synthesis of cytosolic and peroxisomal enzymes combined with the proliferation of peroxisomes. Peroxisomes are also abundantly present in the alkane-utilizing yeast Yarrowia lipolytica upon growth of cells on oleic acid. This feature has made these yeast species attractive model systems to dissect the molecular mechanisms controlling peroxisome biogenesis. We have found that upon glucose- or ethanol-induced catabolite inactivation of metabolically superfluous peroxisomes are rapidly and selectively degraded within the vacuole by a process called pexophagy, the selective removal of peroxisomes by autophagy-like processes. Utilizing several genetic screens, we have identified a number of genes that are essential for pexophagy. In this review, we will summarize our current knowledge of the molecular events of pexophagy.

Autophagy | 2007

ATG Genes Involved In Non-Selective Autophagy are Conserved from Yeast to Man, But the Selective Cvt and Pexophagy Pathways also Require Organism-Specific Genes

Wiebe H. Meijer; Ida J. van der Klei; Marten Veenhuis; Jan A. K. W. Kiel

ATG genes encode proteins that are required for macroautophagy, the Cvt pathway and/or pexophagy. Using the published Atg protein sequences, we have screened protein and DNA databases to identify putative functional homologs (orthologs) in 21 fungal species (yeast and filamentous fungi) of which the genome sequences were available. For comparison with Atg proteins in higher eukaryotes, also the genomes of Arabidopsis thaliana and Homo sapiens were included. This analysis demonstrated that Atg proteins required for non-selective macroautophagy are conserved from yeast to man, stressing the importance of this process in cell survival and viability. Remarkably, the A. thaliana and human genomes encode multiple proteins highly similar to specific Atg proteins (paralogs), the function of which is unknown. The Atg proteins specifically involved in the Cvt pathway and/or pexophagy showed poor conservation, and were generally not present in A. thaliana and man. Furthermore, the receptor of Cvt cargo, Atg19, was only detected in S. cerevisiae. Nevertheless, Atg11, a protein that links receptor-bound cargo (peroxisomes, Cvt bodies) to the autophagic machinery was identified in all yeast species and filamentous fungi under study. This suggests that in fungi an organism-specific form of selective autophagy may occur, for which specialized Atg proteins have evolved.

Frontiers in Oncology | 2012

The impact of peroxisomes on cellular aging and death

Selvambigai Manivannan; Christian Q. Scheckhuber; Marten Veenhuis; Ida J. van der Klei

Peroxisomes are ubiquitous eukaryotic organelles, which perform a plethora of functions including hydrogen peroxide metabolism and β-oxidation of fatty acids. Reactive oxygen species produced by peroxisomes are a major contributing factor to cellular oxidative stress, which is supposed to significantly accelerate aging and cell death according to the free radical theory of aging. However, relative to mitochondria, the role of the other oxidative organelles, the peroxisomes, in these degenerative pathways has not been extensively investigated. In this contribution we discuss our current knowledge on the role of peroxisomes in aging and cell death, with focus on studies performed in yeast.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 1996

The Hansenula polymorpha PER9 Gene Encodes a Peroxisomal Membrane Protein Essential for Peroxisome Assembly and Integrity

Richard J.S. Baerends; Søren W. Rasmussen; Reinder E. Hilbrands; Meis van der Heide; Klaas Nico Faber; Peter T.W. Reuvekamp; Jan A. K. W. Kiel; James M. Cregg; Ida J. van der Klei; Marten Veenhuis; M. vanderHeide; I.J. VanderKlei

We have cloned and characterized the Hansenula polymorpha PER9 gene by functional complementation of the per9-1 mutant of H. polymorpha, which is defective in peroxisome biogenesis. The predicted product, Per9p, is a polypeptide of 52 kDa with sequence similarity to Pas3p, a protein involved in peroxisome biogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In a per9 disruption strain (Δper9), peroxisomal matrix and membrane proteins are present at wild-type levels. The matrix proteins accumulated in the cytoplasm. However, the location of the membrane proteins remained obscure; fully induced Δper9 cells lacked residual peroxisomal vesicles (“ghosts”). Analysis of the activity of the PER9 promoter revealed that PER9 expression was low in cells grown on glucose, but was enhanced during growth of cells on peroxisome-inducing substrates. The highest expression levels were observed in cells grown on methanol. Localization studies revealed that Per9p is an integral membrane protein of the peroxisome. Targeting studies suggested that Per9p may be sorted to the peroxisome via the endoplasmic reticulum. Overexpression of PER9 induced a significant increase in the number of peroxisomes per cell, a result that suggests that Per9p may be involved in peroxisome proliferation and/or membrane biosynthesis. When PER9 expression was placed under the control of a strongly regulatable promoter and switched off, peroxisomes were observed to disintegrate over time in a manner that suggested that Per9p may be required for maintenance of the peroxisomal membrane.

Traffic | 2006

PEX Genes in Fungal Genomes: Common, Rare or Redundant

Jan A. K. W. Kiel; Marten Veenhuis; Ida J. van der Klei

PEX genes encode proteins, termed peroxins, that are required for the biogenesis and proliferation of microbodies (peroxisomes). We have screened the available protein and DNA databases to identify putative peroxin orthologs in 17 fungal species (yeast and filamentous fungi) and in humans. This analysis demonstrated that most peroxins are present in all fungi under study. Only Pex16p is absent in most yeast species, with the exception of Yarrowia lipolytica, but this peroxin is present in all filamentous fungi. Furthermore, we found that the Y. lipolytica PEX9 gene, a putative orphan gene, might encode a Pex26p ortholog. In addition, in the genomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida glabrata, several PEX genes appear to have been duplicated, exemplified by the presence of paralogs of the peroxins Pex5p and Pex21p, which were absent in other organisms. In all organisms, we observed multiple paralogs of the peroxins involved in organelle proliferation. These proteins belong to two groups of peroxins that we propose to designate the Pex11p and Pex23p families. This redundancy may complicate future studies on peroxisome biogenesis and proliferation in fungal species.

Journal of Cell Science | 2006

Dynamin-related proteins Vps1p and Dnm1p control peroxisome abundance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Kasinath Kuravi; Shirisha Nagotu; Arjen M. Krikken; Klaas Sjollema; Markus Deckers; Ralf Erdmann; Marten Veenhuis; Ida J. van der Klei

Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains three dynamin-related-proteins, Vps1p, Dnm1p and Mgm1p. Previous data from glucose-grown VPS1 and DNM1 null mutants suggested that Vps1p, but not Dnm1p, plays a role in regulating peroxisome abundance. Here we show that deletion of DNM1 also results in reduction of peroxisome numbers. This was not observed in glucose-grown dnm1 cells, but was evident in cells grown in the presence of oleate. Similar observations were made in cells lacking Fis1p, a protein involved in Dnm1p function. Fluorescence microscopy of cells producing Dnm1-GFP or GFP-Fis1p demonstrated that both proteins had a dual localization on mitochondria and peroxisomes. Quantitative analysis revealed a greater reduction in peroxisome number in oleate-induced vps1 cells relative to dnm1 or fis1 cells. A significant fraction of oleate-induced vps1 cells still contained two or more peroxisomes. Conversely, almost all cells of a dnm1 vps1 double-deletion strain contained only one, enlarged peroxisome. This suggests that deletion of DNM1 reinforces the vps1 peroxisome phenotype. Time-lapse imaging indicated that during budding of dnm1 vps1 cells, the single peroxisome present in the mother cell formed long protrusions into the developing bud. This organelle divided at a very late stage of the budding process, possibly during cytokinesis.

BMC Genomics | 2010

Adaptation of Hansenula polymorpha to methanol: a transcriptome analysis

Tim van Zutphen; Richard J.S. Baerends; Kim A. Susanna; Anne de Jong; Oscar P. Kuipers; Marten Veenhuis; Ida J. van der Klei

BackgroundMethylotrophic yeast species (e.g. Hansenula polymorpha, Pichia pastoris) can grow on methanol as sole source of carbon and energy. These organisms are important cell factories for the production of recombinant proteins, but are also used in fundamental research as model organisms to study peroxisome biology. During exponential growth on glucose, cells of H. polymorpha typically contain a single, small peroxisome that is redundant for growth while on methanol multiple, enlarged peroxisomes are present. These organelles are crucial to support growth on methanol, as they contain key enzymes of methanol metabolism.In this study, changes in the transcriptional profiles during adaptation of H. polymorpha cells from glucose- to methanol-containing media were investigated using DNA-microarray analyses.ResultsTwo hours after the shift of cells from glucose to methanol nearly 20% (1184 genes) of the approximately 6000 annotated H. polymorpha genes were significantly upregulated with at least a two-fold differential expression. Highest upregulation (> 300-fold) was observed for the genes encoding the transcription factor Mpp1 and formate dehydrogenase, an enzyme of the methanol dissimilation pathway. Upregulated genes also included genes encoding other enzymes of methanol metabolism as well as of peroxisomal ?-oxidation.A moderate increase in transcriptional levels (up to 4-fold) was observed for several PEX genes, which are involved in peroxisome biogenesis. Only PEX11 and PEX32 were higher upregulated. In addition, an increase was observed in expression of the several ATG genes, which encode proteins involved in autophagy and autophagy processes. The strongest upregulation was observed for ATG8 and ATG11.Approximately 20% (1246 genes) of the genes were downregulated. These included glycolytic genes as well as genes involved in transcription and translation.ConclusionTranscriptional profiling of H. polymorpha cells shifted from glucose to methanol showed the expected downregulation of glycolytic genes together with upregulation of the methanol utilisation pathway. This serves as a confirmation and validation of the array data obtained. Consistent with this, also various PEX genes were upregulated. The strong upregulation of ATG genes is possibly due to induction of autophagy processes related to remodeling of the cell architecture required to support growth on methanol. These processes may also be responsible for the enhanced peroxisomal ?-oxidation, as autophagy leads to recycling of membrane lipids. The prominent downregulation of transcription and translation may be explained by the reduced growth rate on methanol (td glucose 1 h vs td methanol 4.5 h).

Autophagy | 2007

How shall i eat thee

Daniel J. Klionsky; Ana Maria Cuervo; William A. Dunn; Beth Levine; Ida J. van der Klei; Per O. Seglen

If you work in the field of autophagy we do not really need to tell you that this research area has grown tremendously. Along with that growth has developed a need for some unification of the nomenclature. In 2003, researchers working with the yeast model system proposed the use of the acronym ATG to denote AuTophaGy-related genes,1 and this designation has also been adopted for most of the genes involved in autophagy in higher eukaryotes. Similarly, a common nomenclature for isoforms of lysosome associated protein type 2 (LAMP-2) was recently proposed, hopefully reducing some of the confusion resulting from the use of multiple names.2 At this time we thought it worthwhile to consider the terms being used to describe different types of lysosomal or vacuolar degradative pathways. Many names are being introduced, and this is reasonable to the extent that these various processes have distinct features; each unique process needs a specific name to avoid confusion, and to eliminate the need for a lengthy description. It would be helpful, however, if the community agreed on their use. Finally, the addition or use of a name that implies a unique process must be backed up by data that justify the nomenclature. Thus, researchers should verify that a process is specific before using a name that implies specificity. For example, to demonstrate selectivity in organelle degradation it is incumbent upon the researcher to show that the organelle in question, and not other organelles, is sequestered and/or degraded with kinetics that distinguish it from a bulk, nonspecific process. There are many types of autophagy. To our knowledge, the term “autophagy” (from the Greek “auto” for “self ” and “phagein” meaning “to eat”) was first used in a 1963 review article by Christian de Duve.3 The first reference we have found in a research paper is in regard to a possible role of autophagy in lung cancer;4 however, as this work was published in an Italian journal, we are not able to comment on this in any authoritative manner. The following year, de Duve published a highly referenced review,5 and by this time the authors unquestionably refer to the process of macroautophagy, although the actual term was introduced later.6 Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of macroautophagy for the purposes of this discussion is that it involves the generally nonspecific (see ref. 7 for an exception) sequestration of cytoplasm within a non-lysosomal/vacuolar compartment, usually delimited by a double or multiple membrane; this compartment is typically referred to as an autophagosome. Another long-standing term that has not seen tremendous usage of late, but that is experiencing renewed interest, is “crinophagy” that is derived from the Greek “crin” meaning, “to secrete”. As far as we can tell this name also derives from de Duve.8 “Crinophagy” was originally used to describe the direct fusion of secretory vesicles with lysosomes (e.g., see refs. 9–11), resulting in the formation of a “crinosome.”12 This topic has attracted recent attention because of possible connections with diabetes, as crinophagy appears to be used for the regulated degradation of vesicle-stored insulin.13 It is not known whether insulin degradation incorporates any aspects of macroautophagy, but that possibility has not been ruled out. We suggest that we retain the use of the term “crinophagy” as it was originally described; if it turns out that the degradation of insulin does involve a macroautophagic process, we think we will need to introduce another name. We note that “insulinophagy” should be avoided because the target of degradation would presumably be the vesicles that contain insulin rather than the hormone itself. One possibility would be “secrephagy” to note that the target is secretory vesicles, or alternatively “macrocrinophagy.” There is probably no controversy about the use or meaning of the name “chaperonemediated autophagy” (CMA),14 which is a process involving the direct translocation of

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