Ignacio Casuso
Aix-Marseille University
Featured researches published by Ignacio Casuso.
Nature Nanotechnology | 2012
Ignacio Casuso; Jonathan Khao; Mohamed Chami; Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux; Mohamed Husain; Jean-Pierre Duneau; Henning Stahlberg; James N. Sturgis; Simon Scheuring
For cells to function properly, membrane proteins must be able to diffuse within biological membranes. The functions of these membrane proteins depend on their position and also on protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions. However, so far, it has not been possible to study simultaneously the structure and dynamics of biological membranes. Here, we show that the motion of unlabelled membrane proteins can be characterized using high-speed atomic force microscopy. We find that the molecules of outer membrane protein F (OmpF) are widely distributed in the membrane as a result of diffusion-limited aggregation, and while the overall protein motion scales roughly with the local density of proteins in the membrane, individual protein molecules can also diffuse freely or become trapped by protein-protein interactions. Using these measurements, and the results of molecular dynamics simulations, we determine an interaction potential map and an interaction pathway for a membrane protein, which should provide new insights into the connection between the structures of individual proteins and the structures and dynamics of supramolecular membranes.
Science | 2013
Felix Rico; Laura González; Ignacio Casuso; Manel Puig-Vidal; Simon Scheuring
Bridging the Titin Gap The muscle protein titin is a molecular spring that has been extensively studied by single-molecule unfolding experiments and by molecular simulation. However, experimental and simulated unfolding could not be compared directly because they differ by orders of magnitude in pulling velocity. Rico et al. (p 741) developed high-speed force spectroscopy to pull titin molecules at speeds that reach the lower limits of molecular dynamics simulations. Bridging the gap between simulation and experiment clarified the mechanism of conformational changes in titin. Experimental time scales previously accessible only to simulations provide insight into forced protein unfolding. The mechanical unfolding of the muscle protein titin by atomic force microscopy was a landmark in our understanding of single-biomolecule mechanics. Molecular dynamics simulations offered atomic-level descriptions of the forced unfolding. However, experiment and simulation could not be directly compared because they differed in pulling velocity by orders of magnitude. We have developed high-speed force spectroscopy to unfold titin at velocities reached by simulation (~4 millimeters per second). We found that a small β-strand pair of an immunoglobulin domain dynamically unfolds and refolds, buffering pulling forces up to ~100 piconewtons. The distance to the unfolding transition barrier is larger than previously estimated but is in better agreement with atomistic predictions. The ability to directly compare experiment and simulation is likely to be important in studies of biomechanical processes.
Journal of Molecular Recognition | 2011
Ignacio Casuso; Felix Rico; Simon Scheuring
Biological atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a fast growing and advancing field. This reviews objective is to overview the state of the art and to retrace achievements of biological AFM as presented by past and present research, and wishes to give a (subjective) outlook where AFM may go in the upcoming years. The following areas of interest are discussed: High‐resolution imaging, cell imaging, single molecule force spectroscopy, cell mechanical measurements, combined AFM instrumentation, and AFM instrumentation. Of all these topics, particular representative examples are shown, each of them standing for a variety of achievements by many research groups. Copyright
Nanotechnology | 2009
Georg Gramse; Ignacio Casuso; J Toset; Laura Fumagalli; G. Gomila
A simple method to measure the static dielectric constant of thin films with nanometric spatial resolution is presented. The dielectric constant is extracted from DC electrostatic force measurements with the use of an accurate analytical model. The method is validated here on thin silicon dioxide films (8 nm thick, dielectric constant approximately 4) and purple membrane monolayers (6 nm thick, dielectric constant approximately 2), providing results in excellent agreement with those recently obtained by nanoscale capacitance microscopy using a current-sensing approach. The main advantage of the force detection approach resides in its simplicity and direct application on any commercial atomic force microscope with no need of additional sophisticated electronics, thus being easily available to researchers in materials science, biophysics and semiconductor technology.
Biophysical Journal | 2010
Ignacio Casuso; Pierre Sens; Felix Rico; Simon Scheuring
Membrane proteins diffuse within the membrane, form oligomers and supramolecular assemblies. Using high-speed atomic force microscopy, we present direct experimental measure of an in-membrane-plane interaction potential between membrane proteins. In purple membranes, ATP-synthase c-rings formed dimers that temporarily dissociated. C-ring dimers revealed subdiffusive motion, while dissociated monomers diffused freely. C-rings center-to-center distance probability distribution allowed the calculation and modeling of an in-membrane-plane energy landscape that presented repulsion at 80 Å, most stable dimer association at 103 Å (-3.5 k(B)T strength), and dissociation at 125 Å (-1 k(B)T strength). This first experimental data of nonlabeled membrane protein diffusion and the corresponding in-membrane-plane interaction energy landscape characterized membrane protein interaction with an attractive range of several k(B)T that reaches to a radius of ∼50 Å within the membrane plane.
Biophysical Journal | 2009
Ignacio Casuso; Noriyuki Kodera; Christian Le Grimellec; Toshio Ando; Simon Scheuring
High-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM) is becoming a reference tool for the study of dynamic biological processes. The spatial and time resolutions of HS-AFM are on the order of nanometers and milliseconds, respectively, and allow structural and functional characterization of biological processes at the single-molecule level. In this work we present contact-mode HS-AFM movies of purple membranes containing two-dimensional arrays of bacteriorhodopsin (bR). In high-resolution movies acquired at a 100 ms frame acquisition time, the substructure on individual bR trimers was visualized. In regions in between different bR arrays, dynamic topographies were observed and interpreted as motion of the bR trimers. Similarly, motion of bR monomers in the vicinity of lattice defects in the purple membrane was observed. Our findings indicate that the bR arrays are in a mobile association-dissociation equilibrium. HS-AFM on membranes provides novel perspectives for analyzing the membrane diffusion processes of nonlabeled molecules.
Nature Communications | 2013
Adai Colom; Ignacio Casuso; Felix Rico; Simon Scheuring
High-speed atomic force microscopy is a powerful tool for studying structure and dynamics of proteins. So far, however, high-speed atomic force microscopy was restricted to well-controlled molecular systems of purified proteins. Here we integrate an optical microscopy path into high-speed atomic force microscopy, allowing bright field and fluorescence microscopy, without loss of high-speed atomic force microscopy performance. This hybrid high-speed atomic force microscopy/optical microscopy setup allows positioning of the high-speed atomic force microscopy tip with high spatial precision on an optically identified zone of interest on cells. We present movies at 960u2009ms per frame displaying aquaporin-0 array and single molecule dynamics in the plasma membrane of intact eye lens cells. This hybrid setup allows high-speed atomic force microscopy imaging on cells about 1,000 times faster than conventional atomic force microscopy/optical microscopy setups, and allows first time visualization of unlabelled membrane proteins on a eukaryotic cell under physiological conditions. This development advances high-speed atomic force microscopy from molecular to cell biology to analyse cellular processes at the membrane such as signalling, infection, transport and diffusion.
Journal of Molecular Recognition | 2012
Mohamed Husain; Thomas Boudier; Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux; Ignacio Casuso; Simon Scheuring
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) image acquisition is performed by raster‐scanning a faint tip with respect to the sample by the use of a piezoelectric stage that is guided by a feedback system. This process implies that the resulting images feature particularities that distinguish them from images acquired by other techniques, such as the drift of the piezoelectric elements, the unequal image contrast along the fast‐ and the slow‐scan axes, the physical contact between the tip of nondefinable geometry and the sample, and the feedback parameters. Recently, high‐speed AFM (HS‐AFM) has been introduced, which allows image acquisition about three orders of magnitude faster (500–100 ms frame rate) than conventional AFM (500 s to 100 s frame rate). HS‐AFM produces image sequences, large data sets, which report biological sample dynamics. To analyze these movies, we have developed a software package that (i) adjusts individual scan lines and images to a common contrast and z‐scale, (ii) filters specifically those scan lines where increased or insufficient force was applied, (iii) corrects for piezo‐scanner drift, (iv) defines particle localization and angular orientation, and (v) performs particle tracking to analyze the lateral and rotation displacement of single molecules. Copyright
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology | 2011
Ignacio Casuso; Felix Rico; Simon Scheuring
For surface analysis of biological molecules, atomic force microscopy (AFM) is an appealing technique combining data acquisition under physiological conditions, for example buffer solution, room temperature and ambient pressure, and high resolution. However, a key feature of life, dynamics, could not be assessed until recently because of the slowness of conventional AFM setups. Thus, for observing bio-molecular processes, the gain of image acquisition speed signifies a key progress. Here, we review the development and recent achievements using high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM). The HS-AFM is now the only technique to assess structure and dynamics of single molecules, revealing molecular motor action and diffusion dynamics. From this imaging data, watching molecules at work, novel and direct insights could be gained concerning the structure, dynamics and function relationship at the single bio-molecule level.
Journal of Molecular Biology | 2012
Adai Colom; Ignacio Casuso; Thomas Boudier; Simon Scheuring
Junctional microdomains, paradigm for membrane protein segregation in functional assemblies, in eye lens fiber cell membranes are constituted of lens-specific aquaporin-0 tetramers (AQP0(4)) and connexin (Cx) hexamers, termed connexons. Both proteins have double function to assure nutrition and mediate adhesion of lens cells. Here we use high-speed atomic force microscopy to examine microdomain protein dynamics at the single-molecule level. We found that the adhesion function of head-to-head associated AQP0(4) and Cx is cooperative. This finding provides first experimental evidence for the mechanistic importance for junctional microdomain formation. From the observation of lateral association-dissociation events of AQP0(4), we determine that the enthalpic energy gain of a single AQP0(4)-AQP0(4) interaction in the membrane plane is -2.7 k(B)T, sufficient to drive formation of microdomains. Connexon association is stronger as dynamics are rarely observed, explaining their rim localization in junctional microdomains.