Ignacio Maeso
Spanish National Research Council
Molecular Biology and Evolution | 2008
Salvatore D'Aniello; Manuel Irimia; Ignacio Maeso; Juan Pascual-Anaya; Senda Jimenez-Delgado; Stephanie Bertrand; Jordi Garcia-Fernàndez
Tyrosine kinase (TK) proteins play a central role in cellular behavior and development of animals. The expansion of this superfamily is regarded as a key event in the evolution of the complex signaling pathways and gene networks of metazoans and is a prominent example of how shuffling of protein modules may generate molecular novelties. Using the intron/exon structure within the TK domain (TK intron code) as a complementary tool for the assignment of orthology and paralogy, we identified and studied the 118 TK proteins of the amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae genome to elucidate TK gene family evolution in metazoans and chordates in particular. Unlike all characterized metazoans to date, amphioxus has members of all known widespread TK families, with not a single loss. Putting amphioxus TKs in an evolutionary context, including new data from the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis, the echinoderm Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, and the ascidian Ciona intestinalis, we suggest new evolutionary histories for different TK families and draw a new global picture of gene loss/gain in the different phyla. Surprisingly, our survey also detected an unprecedented expansion of a group of closely related TK families, including TIE, FGFR, PDGFR, and RET, due most probably to massive gene duplication and exon shuffling. Based on their highly similar intron/exon structure at the TK domain, we suggest that this group of TK families constitute a superfamily of TK proteins, which we termed EXpanding TK, after their seemingly unique propensity to gene duplication and exon shuffling, not only in amphioxus but also across all metazoan groups. Due to this extreme tendency to both retention and expansion of TK genes, amphioxus harbors the richest and most diverse TK repertoire among all metazoans studied so far, retaining most of the gene complement of its ancestors, but having evolved its own repertoire of genetic novelties.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2015
Carlos Gómez-Marín; Juan J. Tena; Rafael D. Acemel; Macarena López-Mayorga; Silvia Naranjo; Elisa de la Calle-Mustienes; Ignacio Maeso; Leonardo Beccari; Ivy Aneas; Erika Vielmas; Paola Bovolenta; Marcelo A. Nobrega; Jaime J. Carvajal; José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta
Significance Mammalian chromatin is compartmentalized in topologically associating domains (TADs), genomic regions within which sequences preferentially contact each other. This organization has been proposed to be essential to organize the regulatory information contained in mammalian genomes. We show that Six homeobox genes, essential developmental regulators organized in gene clusters across different animal phyla, share a deeply conserved chromatin organization formed by two abutting TADs that predates the Cambrian explosion. This organization is required to generate separate regulatory landscapes for neighboring genes within the cluster, resulting in very different gene expression patterns. Finally, we show that this extremely conserved 3D architecture is associated with a characteristic arrangement of CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) binding sites in diverging orientations, revealing a genome-wide conserved signature for TAD borders. Increasing evidence in the last years indicates that the vast amount of regulatory information contained in mammalian genomes is organized in precise 3D chromatin structures. However, the impact of this spatial chromatin organization on gene expression and its degree of evolutionary conservation is still poorly understood. The Six homeobox genes are essential developmental regulators organized in gene clusters conserved during evolution. Here, we reveal that the Six clusters share a deeply evolutionarily conserved 3D chromatin organization that predates the Cambrian explosion. This chromatin architecture generates two largely independent regulatory landscapes (RLs) contained in two adjacent topological associating domains (TADs). By disrupting the conserved TAD border in one of the zebrafish Six clusters, we demonstrate that this border is critical for preventing competition between promoters and enhancers located in separated RLs, thereby generating different expression patterns in genes located in close genomic proximity. Moreover, evolutionary comparison of Six-associated TAD borders reveals the presence of CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) sites with diverging orientations in all studied deuterostomes. Genome-wide examination of mammalian HiC data reveals that this conserved CTCF configuration is a general signature of TAD borders, underscoring that common organizational principles underlie TAD compartmentalization in deuterostome evolution.
Current Biology | 2011
M. Dolores Molina; Ana Neto; Ignacio Maeso; José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta; Emili Saló; Francesc Cebrià
Planarians regenerate a whole animal from a small body piece within a few days. Recent studies have shown that the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathway is required to reestablish the dorsoventral (DV) axis. In vertebrates, the specification of the DV axis depends on the coordinated action of a dual organizer defined by BMP and antidorsalizing morphogenetic protein (ADMP) under the control of several factors, including the inhibitors chordin and noggin. Planarians have an expanded noggin family (up to ten members), which have been classified as canonical noggin (nog) and noggin-like (nlg) genes, the latter carrying an insertion within the noggin domain. Here we show that a BMP/ADMP organizer governs DV axis reestablishment during planarian regeneration, highlighting a greater-than-thought conservation of the mechanisms that establish this axis in protostomes and deuterostomes. Also, we report that whereas noggin genes function as canonical BMP inhibitors, the silencing of planarian nlg8 induces ectopic neurogenesis and enhances ventralizing bmp(RNAi) phenotypes. Finally, we show that noggin-like genes are conserved from cnidarian to vertebrates and that both planarian nlg8 and Xenopus nlg ventralize Xenopus embryos when overexpressed. Remarkably, this ventralization is not associated with an increase in SMAD1/5/8 phosphorylation.
Genome Research | 2012
Manuel Irimia; Juan J. Tena; Maria Alexis; Ana Fernández-Miñán; Ignacio Maeso; Ozren Bogdanović; Elisa de la Calle-Mustienes; Scott W. Roy; José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta; Hunter B. Fraser
The order of genes in eukaryotic genomes has generally been assumed to be neutral, since gene order is largely scrambled over evolutionary time. Only a handful of exceptional examples are known, typically involving deeply conserved clusters of tandemly duplicated genes (e.g., Hox genes and histones). Here we report the first systematic survey of microsynteny conservation across metazoans, utilizing 17 genome sequences. We identified nearly 600 pairs of unrelated genes that have remained tightly physically linked in diverse lineages across over 600 million years of evolution. Integrating sequence conservation, gene expression data, gene function, epigenetic marks, and other genomic features, we provide extensive evidence that many conserved ancient linkages involve (1) the coordinated transcription of neighboring genes, or (2) genomic regulatory blocks (GRBs) in which transcriptional enhancers controlling developmental genes are contained within nearby bystander genes. In addition, we generated ChIP-seq data for key histone modifications in zebrafish embryos, which provided further evidence of putative GRBs in embryonic development. Finally, using chromosome conformation capture (3C) assays and stable transgenic experiments, we demonstrate that enhancers within bystander genes drive the expression of genes such as Otx and Islet, critical regulators of central nervous system development across bilaterians. These results suggest that ancient genomic functional associations are far more common than previously thought-involving ∼12% of the ancestral bilaterian genome-and that cis-regulatory constraints are crucial in determining metazoan genome architecture.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2011
José Luis Royo; Ignacio Maeso; Manuel Irimia; Feng Gao; Isabelle S. Peter; Carla S. Lopes; Salvatore D'Aniello; Fernando Casares; Eric H. Davidson; Jordi Garcia-Fernàndez; José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta
Specific regulatory states, i.e., sets of expressed transcription factors, define the gene expression capabilities of cells in animal development. Here we explore the functional significance of an unprecedented example of regulatory state conservation from the cnidarian Nematostella to Drosophila, sea urchin, fish, and mammals. Our probe is a deeply conserved cis-regulatory DNA module of the SRY-box B2 (soxB2), recognizable at the sequence level across many phyla. Transphyletic cis-regulatory DNA transfer experiments reveal that the plesiomorphic control function of this module may have been to respond to a regulatory state associated with neuronal differentiation. By introducing expression constructs driven by this module from any phyletic source into the genomes of diverse developing animals, we discover that the regulatory state to which it responds is used at different levels of the neurogenic developmental process, including patterning and development of the vertebrate forebrain and neurogenesis in the Drosophila optic lobe and brain. The regulatory state recognized by the conserved DNA sequence may have been redeployed to different levels of the developmental regulatory program during evolution of complex central nervous systems.
Evodevo | 2010
Manuel Irimia; Cristina Piñeiro; Ignacio Maeso; José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta; Fernando Casares; Jordi Garcia-Fernàndez
BackgroundThe zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI) and the isthmus organizer (IsO) are two major secondary organizers of vertebrate brain development. These organizers are located at the interface of the expression domains of key patterning genes (Fezf-Irx and Otx-Gbx, respectively). To gain insights into the evolutionary origin of the ZLI, we studied Fezf in bilaterians.ResultsIn this paper, we identified a conserved sequence motif (Fezf box) in all bilaterians. We report the expression pattern of Fezf in amphioxus and Drosophila and compare it with those of Gbx, Otx and Irx. We found that the relative expression patterns of these genes in vertebrates are fully conserved in amphioxus and flies, indicating that the genetic subdivisions defining the location of both secondary organizers in early vertebrate brain development were probably present in the last common ancestor of extant bilaterians. However, in contrast to vertebrates, we found that Irx-defective flies do not show an affected Fezf expression pattern.ConclusionsThe absence of expression of the corresponding morphogens from cells at these conserved genetic boundaries in invertebrates suggests that the organizing properties might have evolved specifically in the vertebrate lineage by the recruitment of key morphogens to these conserved genetic locations.
BMC Biology | 2017
Evelyn E. Schwager; Prashant P. Sharma; Thomas H. Clarke; Daniel J. Leite; Torsten Wierschin; Matthias Pechmann; Yasuko Akiyama-Oda; Lauren Esposito; Jesper Bechsgaard; Trine Bilde; Alexandra D. Buffry; Hsu Chao; Huyen Dinh; HarshaVardhan Doddapaneni; Shannon Dugan; Cornelius Eibner; Cassandra G. Extavour; Peter Funch; Jessica E. Garb; Luis B. Gonzalez; Vanessa L. González; Sam Griffiths-Jones; Yi Han; Cheryl Y. Hayashi; Maarten Hilbrant; Daniel S.T. Hughes; Ralf Janssen; Sandra L. Lee; Ignacio Maeso; Shwetha C. Murali
BackgroundThe duplication of genes can occur through various mechanisms and is thought to make a major contribution to the evolutionary diversification of organisms. There is increasing evidence for a large-scale duplication of genes in some chelicerate lineages including two rounds of whole genome duplication (WGD) in horseshoe crabs. To investigate this further, we sequenced and analyzed the genome of the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum.ResultsWe found pervasive duplication of both coding and non-coding genes in this spider, including two clusters of Hox genes. Analysis of synteny conservation across the P. tepidariorum genome suggests that there has been an ancient WGD in spiders. Comparison with the genomes of other chelicerates, including that of the newly sequenced bark scorpion Centruroides sculpturatus, suggests that this event occurred in the common ancestor of spiders and scorpions, and is probably independent of the WGDs in horseshoe crabs. Furthermore, characterization of the sequence and expression of the Hox paralogs in P. tepidariorum suggests that many have been subject to neo-functionalization and/or sub-functionalization since their duplication.ConclusionsOur results reveal that spiders and scorpions are likely the descendants of a polyploid ancestor that lived more than 450 MYA. Given the extensive morphological diversity and ecological adaptations found among these animals, rivaling those of vertebrates, our study of the ancient WGD event in Arachnopulmonata provides a new comparative platform to explore common and divergent evolutionary outcomes of polyploidization events across eukaryotes.
Nature Genetics | 2016
Rafael D. Acemel; Juan J. Tena; Ibai Irastorza-Azcarate; Ferdinand Marlétaz; Carlos Gómez-Marín; Elisa de la Calle-Mustienes; Stéphanie Bertrand; Sergio G Diaz; Daniel Aldea; Jean-Marc Aury; Sophie Mangenot; Peter W. H. Holland; Damien P. Devos; Ignacio Maeso; Hector Escriva; José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta
The HoxA and HoxD gene clusters of jawed vertebrates are organized into bipartite three-dimensional chromatin structures that separate long-range regulatory inputs coming from the anterior and posterior Hox-neighboring regions. This architecture is instrumental in allowing vertebrate Hox genes to pattern disparate parts of the body, including limbs. Almost nothing is known about how these three-dimensional topologies originated. Here we perform extensive 4C-seq profiling of the Hox cluster in embryos of amphioxus, an invertebrate chordate. We find that, in contrast to the architecture in vertebrates, the amphioxus Hox cluster is organized into a single chromatin interaction domain that includes long-range contacts mostly from the anterior side, bringing distant cis-regulatory elements into contact with Hox genes. We infer that the vertebrate Hox bipartite regulatory system is an evolutionary novelty generated by combining ancient long-range regulatory contacts from DNA in the anterior Hox neighborhood with new regulatory inputs from the posterior side.
Heredity | 2016
Nathan J. Kenny; K W Chan; Wenyan Nong; Zhe Qu; Ignacio Maeso; Ho Yin Yip; Ting Fung Chan; Hoi Shan Kwan; Peter W. H. Holland; Ka Hou Chu; Jerome H. L. Hui
Whole-genome duplication (WGD) results in new genomic resources that can be exploited by evolution for rewiring genetic regulatory networks in organisms. In metazoans, WGD occurred before the last common ancestor of vertebrates, and has been postulated as a major evolutionary force that contributed to their speciation and diversification of morphological structures. Here, we have sequenced genomes from three of the four extant species of horseshoe crabs—Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda, Limulus polyphemus and Tachypleus tridentatus. Phylogenetic and sequence analyses of their Hox and other homeobox genes, which encode crucial transcription factors and have been used as indicators of WGD in animals, strongly suggests that WGD happened before the last common ancestor of these marine chelicerates >135 million years ago. Signatures of subfunctionalisation of paralogues of Hox genes are revealed in the appendages of two species of horseshoe crabs. Further, residual homeobox pseudogenes are observed in the three lineages. The existence of WGD in the horseshoe crabs, noted for relative morphological stasis over geological time, suggests that genomic diversity need not always be reflected phenotypically, in contrast to the suggested situation in vertebrates. This study provides evidence of ancient WGD in the ecdysozoan lineage, and reveals new opportunities for studying genomic and regulatory evolution after WGD in the Metazoa.
Molecular Biology and Evolution | 2008
Manuel Irimia; Ignacio Maeso; Jordi Garcia-Fernàndez
Vertebrate and Drosophila Iroquois genes are organized in clusters of 3 genes sharing blocks of conserved regulatory sequences. Here, we report a 3-gene cluster in the basal, preduplicative chordate amphioxus. Surprisingly, however, the origin of the amphioxus cluster is independent of those in vertebrates and drosophilids. Investigation of genomic organization of Iroquois genes in other 17 metazoan genomes revealed a fourth independent 3-gene cluster organization in polychaetes, as well as additional 2- and 4-gene clusters in other clades, in one of the most striking examples of convergence in genomic organization described so far. The recurrent independent evolution of Iroquois clusters suggests a functional importance of this organization for these genes, perhaps related to the sharing of regulatory elements. Consistent with this, comparative analysis of genomic regions flanking the 3 amphioxus Irx genes revealed several blocks of sequences, conserved for at least 100 Myr. Finally, we discuss the possible causes and implications of the convergent evolution of this genomic and regulatory organization throughout metazoans.