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Featured researches published by Igor Dakskobler.

PLOS ONE | 2015

Using lidar data to analyse sinkhole characteristics relevant for understory vegetation under forest cover-case study of a high karst area in the dinaric mountains.

Milan Kobal; Irena Bertoncelj; Francesco Pirotti; Igor Dakskobler; Lado Kutnar

In this article, we investigate the potential for detection and characterization of sinkholes under dense forest cover by using airborne laser scanning data. Laser pulse returns from the ground provide important data for the estimation of digital elevation model (DEM), which can be used for further processing. The main objectives of this study were to map and determine the geomorphometric characteristics of a large number of sinkholes and to investigate the correlations between geomorphology and vegetation in areas with such characteristics. The selected study area has very low anthropogenic influences and is particularly suitable for studying undisturbed karst sinkholes. The information extracted from this study regarding the shapes and depths of sinkholes show significant directionality for both orientation of sinkholes and their distribution over the area. Furthermore, significant differences in vegetation diversity and composition occur inside and outside the sinkholes, which indicates their presence has important ecological impacts.

Plant Biosystems | 2005

Delimitation of the alliances Caricion firmae (Seslerietalia albicantis) and Seslerion juncifoliae (Seslerietalia juncifoliae) in the southeastern Alps and Dinaric mountains

Boštjan Surina; Igor Dakskobler

Abstract A syntaxonomic and phytogeographic delimitation of the calcareous open sedge swards in the alpine belt of the Alps (Caricion firmae) and subalpine and alpine tussock grasslands in wind-exposed habitats (Seslerion juncifoliae) in the area of the south-eastern Alps and of the Dinaric mountains was performed. Analyses based on hierarchical classification, ordination and chorology clearly showed the distinction between the syntaxa: stands from the Liburnian karst (Mt Snežnik – SW. Slovenia, Mts Risnjak and Snježnik – NW. Croatia), Lička Plješivica and the Velebit mountains belong to the Dinaric alliance Seslerion juncifoliae, whereas stands from the Trnovski gozd plateau (W. Slovenia, north-westernmost part of the Dinaric mountains), although somewhat transitional between the two alliances, and stands from the Alps, were classified in the alliance Caricion firmae. The alliance Seslerion juncifoliae of the Dinaric mountains vicariates Caricion firmae of the Alps.

Hacquetia | 2008

Localities and Sites of Pulsatilla Vernalis in the Julian Alps

Igor Dakskobler; Iztok Sinjur; Ivan Veber; Branko Zupan

Localities and Sites of Pulsatilla Vernalis in the Julian Alps Applying the standard Central-European method we phytosociologically studied the sites of Pulsatilla vernalis, a rare and protected species of Slovenian flora, in the frost hollows on mountain pastures Ovčarija and Za Grivo in the Fužina pasturelands (the Triglav mountains, the Julian Alps). We established that it grows in a unique community of swards and heaths which usually extends over small surfaces (4-10 m2) and is dominated by herbaceous perennial species (hemicryptophytes) and dwarf shrubs (chamaephytes) with mostly arcticalpine and south-European montane distribution. This community is explicitly (floristically and ecologically) different from the communities of swards and heaths described in the Julian Alps so far, so we classified it into a new association Pulsatillo vernalis-Dryadetum octopetalae ass. nova (order Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetalia carneae) and subdivided it into two, floristically and ecologically clearly distinguished subassociations -ericetosum carneae subass. nova and -vaccinietosum subass. nova. Po standardni srednjeevropski metodi smo v mraziščnih kotanjah na pl. Ovčarija in Za Grivo v Fužinskih planinah (Triglavsko pogorje, Julijske Alpe) fitocenološko preučili rastišča redke in zavarovane vrste slovenske flore, Pulsatilla vernalis. Ugotovili smo, da raste v svojevrstni, navadno na majhnih površinah (4-10 m2) razširjeni združbi rušnatih trav in resav, v kateri prevladujejo zelnate trajnice (hemikriptofiti) ter polgrmi in nizki grmiči (hamefiti) predvsem z arktično-alpinsko in južnoevropsko gorsko razširjenostjo. Ker se ta združba floristično in ekološko očitno razlikuje od doslej v Julijskih Alpah opisanih združb rušnatih trav in resav, jo uvrščamo v novo asociacijo Pulsatillo vernalis-Dryadetum octopetalae ass. nova (red Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetalia carneae) in jo členimo na dve floristično in ekološko dobro prepoznavni subasociaciji -ericetosum carneae subass. nova in -vaccinietosum subass. nova.

Hacquetia | 2007

Viola Pyrenaica Ramond Ex Dc in the Northern Part of the Dinaric Mountains (The Plateaus of Trnovski Gozd and Nanos, Slovenia)

Igor Dakskobler; Jernej Peljhan

Viola Pyrenaica Ramond Ex Dc in the Northern Part of the Dinaric Mountains (The Plateaus of Trnovski Gozd and Nanos, Slovenia) The article describes new localities of a south-European montane species Viola pyrenaica in the Julian Alps and in the Trnovski gozd and Nanos plateaus (the northern part of the Dinaric mountains). It has been established that in the localities known so far in Slovenia, the species grows on similar sites as elsewhere in the Alps and other mountain ranges of the Balkan Peninsula, above all on overgrown screes, stony grasslands, on forest edges, in light forests on stony ground and in tall herb communities on calcareous bedrock in the submontane, montane and subalpine belt (450 to 1600 m a.s.l.). The floristic composition of the communities in which it grows is presented in four tables. On the Trnovski gozd plateau it was found in various successional stages of abandoned pastures or grasslands of the association Genisto sericeae-Seslerietum kalnikensis and in open coppice stands of hop hornbeam and flowering ash, which are classified into the association Seslerio autumnalis-Ostryetum carpinifoliae. V članku smo opisali nova nahajališča južnoevropske montanske vrste Viola pyrenaica v Julijskih Alpah ter v Trnovskem gozdu in pod Nanosom (severni del Dinarskega gorstva). Ugotavljamo, da ta vrsta na doslej znanih nahajališčih v Sloveniji uspeva na podobnih rastiščih kot drugod v Alpah in v gorovjih Balkanskega polotoka, predvsem na poraslem grušču, v kamnitih traviščih, na gozdnih robovih, v svetlih kamnitih gozdovih in v združbah visokih steblik na apnenčasti podlagi v submontanskem, montanskem in subalpinskem pasu (450 do 1600 m nm. v.). Floristično sestavo združb, v katerih uspeva, prikazujemo v štirih tabelah. V Trnovskem gozdu smo jo našli v različnih stadijih zaraščanja na traviščih iz asociacije Genisto sericeae-Seslerietum kalnikensis in v vrzelastih panjevskih sestojih črnega gabra in malega jesena, ki jih uvrščamo v asociacijo Seslerio autumnalis-Ostryetum carpinifoliae

Hacquetia | 2010

Orobanche Pancicii Beck, a New Species to the Flora of Slovenia

Igor Dakskobler; Branko Vreš; Jürgen Pusch

Orobanche Pancicii Beck, a New Species to the Flora of Slovenia We describe localities and sites of Orobanche pancicii, a new species of the Slovenian flora. It was recorded in the subalpine belt (1500 to 2000 m a.s.l.) on forest edges, clearings and on stony grasslands in the Julian Alps and the eastern Karavanke mountains, on the hosts Knautia drymeia, K. longifolia and Scabiosa lucida. V članku opisujemo nahajališča in rastišča nove vrste slovenske flore, Orobanche pancicii. Našli smo jo v subalpinskem pasu (1500 do 2000 m nm. v.) na gozdnih robovih, jasah in na kamnitih traviščih v Julijskih Alpah in v vzhodnih Karavankah, na gostiteljih Knautia drymeia, K. longifolia in Scabiosa lucida. Uvajamo tudi slovensko ime Pančičev pojalnik.

Hacquetia | 2009

Cyperus eragrostis Lam. - a new adventitious species in the flora of Slovenia.

Igor Dakskobler; Branko Vreš

Cyperus Eragrostis Lam. - A New Adventitious Species in the Flora of Slovenia About ten years ago Cyperus eragrostis, a species originating in the tropical parts of South America, settled in a trench near the house at Podsabotin 49 in the Goriška Brda. From there the plant spread to similar neighbouring ruderal sites with hydromorphic soil, to roadside ditches and gravelly banks of the Pevmica, a stream on the border between Slovenia and Italy. Applying the standard Central-European phytosociological method we studied the stands in which this species grows together with other hygrophilous and ruderal species. These stands are dominated by character species of the classes Bidentetea tripartitae, Filipendulo-Convolvuletea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Stellarietea mediae and Galio-Urticetea. Cyperus eragrostis is a new adventitious species in the Slovenian flora. Its ephemeral occurrence in Slovenia was first noted in Istria in 2003 (near Portorož, probably in the Sečovlje salt-pans) and later in 2006 (Gračišče). Its presence in Podsabotin and along the Pevmica, however, is not merely transitional (ephemeral); here, this alien species is likely to have already naturalized in the environment with warm and relatively moist sub-Mediterranean climate. Cyperus eragrostis Lam. - nova adventivna vrsta v flori Slovenije Cyperus eragrostis, vrsta, ki je doma v tropskih predelih Južne Amerike, se je pred približno desetimi leti naselila v izkop pri hiši Podsabotin 49 v Goriških Brdih. Od tam se je razširila na podobna okoliška ruderalna rastišča s hidromorfnimi tlemi, v obcestne jarke in na prodnate bregove Pevmice, ki je mejni potok med Slovenijo in Italijo. Po standardni srednjeevropski fitocenološki metodi smo preučili sestoje, v katerih uspeva skupaj z drugimi vlagoljubnimi in ruderalnimi vrstami. V njih prevladujejo značilnice razredov Bidentetea tripartitae, Filipendulo-Convolvuletea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Stellarietea mediae in Galio-Urticetea. Cyperus eragrostis je nova adventivna vrsta v flori Slovenije. Prvič je bilo v Sloveniji zabeleženo njeno efemerno pojavljanje v Istri leta 2003 (pri Portorožu, verjetno v Sečoveljskih solinah) in kasneje še leta 2006 (Gračišče). Njena prisotnost v Podsabotinu in ob Pevmici ni zgolj prehodna (efemerna), temveč se je v okolju s toplim in razmeroma vlažnim submediteranskim podnebjem ta tujerodna vrsta že udomačila (naturalizirala).

Hacquetia | 2016

Two new pioneer communities of Sorbus aucuparia and Sorbus aria in the southern julian alps

Igor Dakskobler

Abstract In the southern Julian Alps we described two communities whose tree layer is dominated by species from the genus Sorbus and noted two successional stages in the overgrowing of abandoned agricultural land (pastures, hay meadows). In the secondary succession on former subalpine pastures above the alp Planina Razor und under the Breginjski Stol ridge, where potential natural vegetation consists of subalpine beech forest, dwarf pine has been overgrown with mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) whose stands are classified into the new association Rhododendro hirsuti-Sorbetum aucupariae. Whitebeam (Sorbus aria) has established itself on steep former hay meadows in the belt of altimontane beech forests under Mts. Jalovnik and Krikov Vrh, on gullied slopes on mixed geological bedrock dominated by chert, and these stands are classified into the association Calamagrostio arundinaceae-Sorbetum ariae. While occupying only small areas these two pioneer stages, as the sites of some rare or protected species, are nevertheless important biotopes and play a vital role in protection against avalanches.

Hacquetia | 2014

Phytosociological Analysis Of Communities With Adiantum Capillusveneris In The Foothills Of The Julian Alps (Western Slovenia)

Igor Dakskobler; Andrej Martinčič; Daniel Rojšek

Abstract We conducted a phytosociological study of the communities hosting the rare and endangered fern Adiantum capillus-veneris in the foothills of the Julian Alps, in Karst and in Istria. Based on a comparison with similar communities elsewhere in the southern Alps (northern Italy) we classified most of the recorded stands into the syntaxa Eucladio-Adiantetum eucladietosum and -cratoneuretosum commutati. Releves from the southern Julian Alps, located in comparatively slightly colder and moister local climate and the dolomite bedrock are classified into the new subassociation -hymenostylietosum recurvirostri subass. nova. Stands with the abundant occurrence of the liverwort Conocephalum conicum, are classified in to the new subassociation -conocephaletosum conici subass. nova. Stands in conglomerate rock shelters along the Soča at Solkan are classified into the new association Phyteumato columnae-Adiantetum ass. nova, a community of transitional character between the classes Adiantetea capilli-veneris and Asplenietea trichomanis. Izvleček Fitocenološko smo raziskali združbe, v katerih v prigorju Julijskih Alp, na Krasu in v Istri uspeva redka in ogrožena praprot Adiantum capillus-veneris. Na podlagi primerjav s podobnimi združbami drugod v južnih Alpah (severna Italija) smo večino popisanih sestojev uvrstili v sintaksona Eucladio-Adiantetum eucladietosum in -cratoneuretosum commutati. Popise iz južnih Julijskih Alp, ki smo jih naredili v nekoliko hladnejšem in bolj vlažnem krajevnem podnebju in na dolomitni podlagi uvrščamo v novo subasociacijo -hymenostylietosum recurvirostri subass. nova. Sestoje, kjer je obilno uspeval jetrenjak Conocephalum conicum, smo uvrstili v novo subasociacijo -conocephaletosum conici subass. nova. Sestoje v konglomeratnih spodmolih ob Soči pri Solkanu uvrščamo v novo asociacijo Phyteumato columnae-Adiantetum ass. nova, saj kažejo na stik združb dveh razredov Adiantetea capilli-veneris in Asplenietea trichomanis.

Folia Geobotanica | 1999

Stellaria nemorum L. andS. montana Pierrat (Caryophyllaceae) in the Forest Communities of Slovenia

Igor Dakskobler; Andrej Seliškar; Branko Vreš

Morphological and coenological differences between closely related speciesStellaria nemorum L. andS. montanaPierrat are described.Stellaria montana is frequent in Slovenia and occurs mostly in the montane belt (altitude 600–1200 m). It has been recorded in thirty two forest communities (associations or lower syntaxa). Although widely distributed in EuropeS. nemorum is more rare in Slovenia. It occurs mostly in upper-montane (altimontane) and subalpine belt (altitude 1200–1600 m) in ten forest or shrubby communities. Both,S. nemorum andS. montana are valuable diagnostic species for certain associations. They characterize sites with fresh soil, rich in nitrogen. As an example we present two syntaxa of beech forests of Slovenia, in which the species of theS. nemorum group have high constancy and cover value.

Hacquetia | 2016

Two new montane grassland communities from the SE Alps (N Slovenia)

Igor Dakskobler; Andrej Seliškar

Abstract On very steep dolomite slopes in the western foothills of the Kamnik Alps (Ravni hrib, Javorov vrh, Zaplata, Kriška gora) and southwestern Karavanke Mountains (Dobrča) we conducted a phytosociological study into montane grasslands (former hay meadows, partly pastures) where Gladiolus palustris, a species of European conservation concern, also occasionally occurs. They were compared with similar montane grasslands (former hay meadows) on sunny slopes of the Stol ridge above Breginj in the southwestern foothills of the Julian Alps. Based on this comparison we described three new syntaxa: Centaureo julici-Laserpitietum sileris gladioletosum palustris, Festuco amethystinae-Seslerietum calcariae and Pediculari julici-Bromopsietum transsilvanicae. Both new associations are classified into the alliance Caricion austroalpinae and treated as a long-term successional stage in the belt of altimontane beech forests from the association Ranunculo platanifolii-Fagetum.


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Andrej Seliškar

Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

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Branko Vreš

Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

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Lado Kutnar

Forest Research Institute

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Gal Fidej

University of Ljubljana

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Jurij Diaci

University of Ljubljana

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Robert Brus

University of Ljubljana

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Boštjan Surina

American Museum of Natural History

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