Ildikó Cora
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Featured researches published by Ildikó Cora.
CrystEngComm | 2017
Ildikó Cora; Francesco Mezzadri; Francesco Boschi; Matteo Bosi; Maria Čaplovičová; Gianluca Calestani; István Dódony; B. Pécz; Roberto Fornari
A comprehensive study by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) was carried out on Ga2O3 epilayers grown at low temperature (650 °C) by vapor phase epitaxy in order to investigate the real structure at the nanoscale. Initial XRD measurements showed that the films were of the so-called e phase; i.e. they exhibited hexagonal P63mc space group symmetry, characterized by disordered and partial occupation of the Ga sites. This work clarifies the crystal structure of Ga2O3 layers deposited at low temperature at the nanoscale: TEM investigation demonstrates that the Ga atoms and vacancies are not randomly distributed, but actually possess ordering, with (110)-twinned domains of 5–10 nm size. Each domain has orthorhombic structure with Pna21 space group symmetry, referred to as κ-Ga2O3. Further XRD analysis carried out on thicker samples (9–10 μm) confirmed this finding and provided refined structural parameters. The six (110)-type twinned ordered domains together – if the domain size falls below the actual resolution of the probing techniques – can be misinterpreted as the disordered structure with its P63mc space group symmetry usually referred to as e-Ga2O3 in the current literature. The crystal structure of these Ga2O3 layers consists of an ABAC oxygen close-packed stacking, where Ga atoms occupy octahedral and tetrahedral sites in between, forming two types of polyhedral layers parallel to (001). The edge-sharing octahedra and the corner-sharing tetrahedra form zig-zag ribbons along the [100] direction. Anti-phase boundaries are common inside the domains. The polar character of the structure is confirmed, in agreement with the characteristics of the Pna21 space group and previous observations.
CrystEngComm | 2016
Matteo Bosi; Giovanni Attolini; M. Negri; C. Ferrari; E. Buffagni; C. Frigeri; M. Calicchio; B. Pécz; Ferenc Riesz; Ildikó Cora; Z. Osváth; L. Jiang; G. Borionetti
3C-SiC layers were deposited on Si substrates by using a low temperature buffer layer and the addition of methyltrichlorosilane (MTS) to the gas phase during the high temperature thick film growth. Several samples were grown by varying the deposition temperature and the MTS content in order to study how these parameters affect the layer quality and the lattice defects. All of the grown layers are single crystalline and epitaxial to the substrate. The formation of empty voids at the SiC/Si interface was successfully avoided. The surface of the layers grown with MTS addition was smoother and contained less residual strain. A 15 μm thick 3C-SiC sample was grown using an optimized process in order to evaluate its residual strain and bow.
Asia-Pacific Conference on Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Microelectronics | 2016
Nikolay G. Galkin; Konstantin N. Galkin; Sergey A. Dotsenko; Igor M. Chernev; Andrei M. Maslov; László Dózsa; B. Pécz; Zoltán Osváth; Ildikó Cora; D. B. Migas; R. Kudrawiec; Jan Misiewicz
Thin (50-90 m) non-doped and doped (by Al atoms) Mg2Sn0.6Si0.4 and Mg2Sn0.4Si0.6films with roughness of 1.9-3.7 nm have been grown by multiple deposition and single annealing at 150 °C of multilayers formed by repetition deposition of three-layers (Si-Sn-Mg) on Si(111) p-type wafers with 45 Ω-cm resistivity. Transmission electron microscopy has shown that the first forming layer is an epitaxial layer of hex-Mg2Sn(300) on Si(111) substrate with thickness not more than 5-7 nm. Epitaxial relationships:hex-Mg2Sn(300)|| Si(111), hex-Mg2Sn[001]|| Si[-112] and hex-Mg2Sn[030]||Si[110] have been found for the epitaxial layer. But inclusions of cub-Mg2Si were also observed inside hex-Mg2Sn layer. It was found that the remaining part of the film thickness is in amorphous state and has a layered distribution of major elements: Mg, Sn and Mg without exact chemical composition. It was established by optical spectroscopy data that both type films are semiconductor with undispersed region lower 0.18 eV with no= 3.59 ± 0.01, but only two direct interband transitions with energies 0.75-0.76 eV and 1.2 eV have been determined. The last interband transition has been confirmed by photoreflectance data at room temperature. Fourier transmittance spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy data have established the formation of stannide, silicide and ternary compositions.
Ceramics International | 2017
Eszter Bódis; Ildikó Cora; Csaba Balázsi; Péter Németh; Zoltán Károly; Szilvia Klébert; Péter Fazekas; Anna Mária Keszler; János Szépvölgyi
Acta Materialia | 2017
Roberto Fornari; M. Pavesi; V. Montedoro; D. Klimm; F. Mezzadri; Ildikó Cora; B. Pécz; Francesco Boschi; A. Parisini; A. Baraldi; C. Ferrari; E. Gombia; M. Bosi
Journal of The European Ceramic Society | 2018
Zsolt Fogarassy; Nikolett Oláh; Ildikó Cora; Z. E. Horváth; Tamás Csanádi; A. Sulyok; Katalin Balázsi
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices | 2018
Muhammad Alshahed; Lars Heuken; M. Alomari; Ildikó Cora; L. Tóth; B. Pécz; Clemens Wächter; Thomas Bergunde; Joachim N. Burghartz
Journal of Alloys and Compounds | 2019
N. G. Galkin; Sergey A. Dotsenko; Konstantin N. Galkin; Andrey M. Maslov; Dmitrii B. Migas; Vlodislav O. Bogorodz; Andrey B. Filonov; V. E. Borisenko; Ildikó Cora; B. Pécz; D. L. Goroshko; Andrei V. Tupkalo; E. A. Chusovitin; Evgenii Y. Subbotin
Physica Status Solidi (a) | 2018
Lars Heuken; Muhammad Alshahed; Alessandro Ottaviani; M. Alomari; M. Heuken; Clemens Wächter; Thomas Bergunde; Ildikó Cora; L. Tóth; B. Pécz; Joachim N. Burghartz
Physica Status Solidi (a) | 2018
Giuseppe Greco; Filippo Giannazzo; Patrick Fiorenza; Salvatore Di Franco; Alessandra Alberti; Ferdinando Iucolano; Ildikó Cora; B. Pécz; Fabrizio Roccaforte