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Featured researches published by Inez Sampaio Nery.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2007

A humanização e a assistência de enfermagem ao parto normal

Fernanda Maria de Jesus S. Pires Moura; Cilene Delgado Crizostomo; Inez Sampaio Nery; Rita de Cássia Magalhães Mendonça; Olívia Dias de Araújo; Silvana Santiago da Rocha

Bibliographical study that sought to identify the scientific production about humanization and nursing assistance to normal childbirth. The sources were scientific articles from SCIELO-Brasil’s database, from 2000 to 2007. We obtained 13 articles as result from the search, which were grouped in the following categories: childbirth medicalization, humanization of assistance to childbirth, companion during childbirth and performance of the obstetric nurse. The analysis pointed out that the current paradigm is centralized on childbirth intervention, despite of humanization movements defending the natural and physiological childbirth made by the nurse. We concluded that qualified and humanized assistance to childbirth and birth privileges women’s respect, dignity and autonomy, regarding women’s active role in the birth process. Descriptors: Nursing; Obstetric Nursing; Childbirth Humanization.Bibliographical study that sought to identify the scientific production about humanization and nursing assistance to normal childbirth. The sources were scientific articles from SCIELO-Brasils database, from 2000 to 2007. We obtained 13 articles as result from the search, which were grouped in the following categories: childbirth medicalization, humanization of assistance to childbirth, companion during childbirth and performance of the obstetric nurse. The analysis pointed out that the current paradigm is centralized on childbirth intervention, despite of humanization movements defending the natural and physiological childbirth made by the nurse. We concluded that qualified and humanized assistance to childbirth and birth privileges womens respect, dignity and autonomy, regarding womens active role in the birth process.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2007

Humanization and nursing assistance to normal childbirth

Fernanda Maria de Jesus S. Pires Moura; Cilene Delgado Crizostomo; Inez Sampaio Nery; Rita de Cássia Magalhães Mendonça; Olívia Dias de Araújo; Silvana Santiago da Rocha

Bibliographical study that sought to identify the scientific production about humanization and nursing assistance to normal childbirth. The sources were scientific articles from SCIELO-Brasil’s database, from 2000 to 2007. We obtained 13 articles as result from the search, which were grouped in the following categories: childbirth medicalization, humanization of assistance to childbirth, companion during childbirth and performance of the obstetric nurse. The analysis pointed out that the current paradigm is centralized on childbirth intervention, despite of humanization movements defending the natural and physiological childbirth made by the nurse. We concluded that qualified and humanized assistance to childbirth and birth privileges women’s respect, dignity and autonomy, regarding women’s active role in the birth process. Descriptors: Nursing; Obstetric Nursing; Childbirth Humanization.Bibliographical study that sought to identify the scientific production about humanization and nursing assistance to normal childbirth. The sources were scientific articles from SCIELO-Brasils database, from 2000 to 2007. We obtained 13 articles as result from the search, which were grouped in the following categories: childbirth medicalization, humanization of assistance to childbirth, companion during childbirth and performance of the obstetric nurse. The analysis pointed out that the current paradigm is centralized on childbirth intervention, despite of humanization movements defending the natural and physiological childbirth made by the nurse. We concluded that qualified and humanized assistance to childbirth and birth privileges womens respect, dignity and autonomy, regarding womens active role in the birth process.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 1996

Perfil do atendimento à população feminina nos serviços públicos de saúde

Inez Sampaio Nery

This present study has the objective of drawing a profile of health attention to female population in Piaui in order to arise a reflection and to find a solution to defeat high morbi-mortality rate among women that, in its majority occurs due to factors solved through prevention such as: abortion, infections, hemorrhage, and toxemia. the research was run at 42 health institutions from April 10 to September 16, 1993. Three instruments for data collection were used: one for district characterization, other for gynecology and obstetrics internation units at general hospitais, and another for public health units. The results are presented in a table in order to provide a more effective comprehension. The aspects analyses, such as human resources, activities and procedures involving female assistance population routine led to the following results: the majority of the attendances are for the gynecology area followed by the prenatal care. This area suffers from a lack of specialized professionals. The most performed activities and procedures are: anamneses, general physical and gyneco-obstetric examinations, laboratory tests, immunization, reference, pregnancy orientation and family planning. The least performed activities are: the educative and preventive ones such as discussion groups and lectures. The data registration system is inefficient and, besides, there is not a discrimination in assistance according to age and specific groups such as old ladies, climaterium, adolescents and rape victims. Few or none evaluation is done in such institutions for women health assistance. Thus, quality evaluation of services and frequent professional training must be supplied if there is a wish of eradicating or reducing female mortality.

Revista FSA (Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho) | 2016

Violência Doméstica E Familiar Contra A Mulher: Um Olhar Sobre A Atuação Do Ministério Público / Domestic Violence Against Woman And Family: A Look At The Performance Of The Public Ministry

Sherly Maclaine de Jesus Santos; Inez Sampaio Nery

RESUMO A violencia domestica e uma expressao da questao social que atinge mulheres de todas as classes sociais, como consequencia das desigualdades presentes nas relacoes de poder entre homens e mulheres, bem como da discriminacao de genero presente na sociedade e na familia. Para coibir os atos de violencia domestica contra a mulher, foi aprovada a Lei 11.340/2006, denominada Lei Maria da Penha, que designa ao Ministerio Publico a participacao proativa em sua implementacao. A partir da analise dos elevados indices de violencia cometidos contra a mulher, no Estado do Maranhao, alem de atender ao que estabelece a citada lei, o Ministerio Publico implementou a Campanha Institucional Maria da Penha em Acao. O presente trabalho discorre sobre a referida Campanha. O mesmo foi elaborado a partir de pesquisa bibliografica e documental, utilizando-se, dentre outros autores, Heleiet Saffioti e Maria Berenice Dias, alem da analise da Lei no 11.340/2006, mais especificamente os artigos que tratam das atribuicoes do Ministerio Publico. Verificou-se que a campanha Maria da Penha em Acao contribuiu para o aumento das denuncias de violencia contra a mulher no Estado do Maranhao. Palavras-chave: Violencia Domestica. Desigualdades. Genero. Ministerio Publico. ABSTRACT Domestic violence is an expression of social issue that affects women of all social classes, as a consequence of the present inequalities in power relations between men and women as well as gender discrimination in this society and the family. Restraining the acts of domestic violence against women, it was approved the Law No. 11,340/2006, called Maria da Penha Law, which designates the prosecutor proactive participation in its implementation. From the analysis of the high levels of violence committed against women in the Maranhao State, besides attending what the Law establishes, the Public Ministry implemented the Institutional Campaign Maria da Penha in Action. This paper discusses about what this Campaign said. And it was made from bibliographic and documentary research, using among other authors as Heleiet Saffioti and Maria Berenice Dias, besides the analysis of Law No. 11,340/2006, specifically the articles that deal with the powers of the Public Ministry. It was found that the Campaign Maria da Penha in Action contributed to the increase in reports of violence against women in the Maranhao State. Keywords: Domestic Violence. Inequalities. Gender. Public Ministry.

Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2009

La representación social de las ETS/Sida producidas por gestantes

Dayse Olívia Damasceno; Fernanda Maria de Jesus Sousa Pires de Moura; Inez Sampaio Nery; Odinéa Maria Amorim Batista; Olívia Dias de Araújo; Lara de Jesus Sousa Pires de Moura

The aim of this qualitative exploratory study using the Theory of Social Representations was to capture and discuss the social representations about Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Acquired Imunodeficiency Syndrome made by forty pregnant women who received prenatal care in the Satellite District of Teresina-PI, Brazil. The instrument used for data collection was the Test of Free Association of Words. The results were processed in the software Tri-Deux Mots and interpreted through correspondence factorial analysis. The results showed that the representational field of the subjects is constituted by the following evocations: itching, runniness, pain, insecurity, fear, prevention, danger, and condoms, anchored in the socio-cultural and psychological aspects. Thus, social representations have been expressed by women with the social, cultural, and psychological aspects on the prevention and control of sexually transmitted diseases and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. DESCRIPTORS: Sexually transmitted diseases. Pregnant women. Qualitative research. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. LA REPRESENTACION SOCIAL DE LAS ETS/SIDA PRODUCIDAS POR GESTANTES RESUMEN: Estudio exploratorio cualitativo basado en la Teoria de las Representaciones Sociales, cuyo objetivo fue aprehender y discutir las representaciones sociales acerca de las enfermedades transmitidas sexualmente y el sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida. El estudio fue realizado con 40 mujeres embarazadas que hicieron el prenatal en el Barrio Satelite de Teresina-PI. Para la recoleccion de los datos se empleo la prueba de la Libre Asociacion de Palabras, y para su procesamiento se uso el programa Tri-Deux Mots. Los datos fueron interpretados a traves del analisis factorial de correspondencia. Los resultados mostraron que el ambito de la representacion de los sujetos esta constituido por las siguientes evocaciones: picazon, flujo, dolor, inseguridad, miedo, prevencion, peligro y condon, las cuales estan arraigadas en el aspecto sociocultural y psicologico. De esa forma, las representaciones sociales manifestadas por las mujeres estan relacionadas con el aspecto social, cultural y psicologico en lo que se refiere a la prevencion y control de enfermedades de transmision sexual y el sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida. DESCRIPTORES: Enfermedades de transmision sexual. Mujeres embarazadas. Investigacion cualitativa. Sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida.Estudio exploratorio cualitativo basado en la Teoria de las Representaciones Sociales, cuyo objetivo fue aprehender y discutir las representaciones sociales acerca de las enfermedades transmitidas sexualmente y el sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida. El estudio fue realizado con 40 mujeres embarazadas que hicieron el prenatal en el Barrio Satelite de Teresina-PI. Para la recoleccion de los datos se empleo la prueba de la Libre Asociacion de Palabras, y para su procesamiento se uso el programa Tri-Deux Mots. Los datos fueron interpretados a traves del analisis factorial de correspondencia. Los resultados mostraron que el ambito de la representacion de los sujetos esta constituido por las siguientes evocaciones: picazon, flujo, dolor, inseguridad, miedo, prevencion, peligro y condon, las cuales estan arraigadas en el aspecto sociocultural y psicologico. De esa forma, las representaciones sociales manifestadas por las mujeres estan relacionadas con el aspecto social, cultural y psicologico en lo que se refiere a la prevencion y control de enfermedades de transmision sexual y el sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida.

Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2009

Pregnant women's social representations of STD/Aids

Dayse Olívia Damasceno; Fernanda Maria de Jesus Sousa Pires de Moura; Inez Sampaio Nery; Odinéa Maria Amorim Batista; Olívia Dias de Araújo; Lara de Jesus Sousa Pires de Moura

The aim of this qualitative exploratory study using the Theory of Social Representations was to capture and discuss the social representations about Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Acquired Imunodeficiency Syndrome made by forty pregnant women who received prenatal care in the Satellite District of Teresina-PI, Brazil. The instrument used for data collection was the Test of Free Association of Words. The results were processed in the software Tri-Deux Mots and interpreted through correspondence factorial analysis. The results showed that the representational field of the subjects is constituted by the following evocations: itching, runniness, pain, insecurity, fear, prevention, danger, and condoms, anchored in the socio-cultural and psychological aspects. Thus, social representations have been expressed by women with the social, cultural, and psychological aspects on the prevention and control of sexually transmitted diseases and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. DESCRIPTORS: Sexually transmitted diseases. Pregnant women. Qualitative research. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. LA REPRESENTACION SOCIAL DE LAS ETS/SIDA PRODUCIDAS POR GESTANTES RESUMEN: Estudio exploratorio cualitativo basado en la Teoria de las Representaciones Sociales, cuyo objetivo fue aprehender y discutir las representaciones sociales acerca de las enfermedades transmitidas sexualmente y el sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida. El estudio fue realizado con 40 mujeres embarazadas que hicieron el prenatal en el Barrio Satelite de Teresina-PI. Para la recoleccion de los datos se empleo la prueba de la Libre Asociacion de Palabras, y para su procesamiento se uso el programa Tri-Deux Mots. Los datos fueron interpretados a traves del analisis factorial de correspondencia. Los resultados mostraron que el ambito de la representacion de los sujetos esta constituido por las siguientes evocaciones: picazon, flujo, dolor, inseguridad, miedo, prevencion, peligro y condon, las cuales estan arraigadas en el aspecto sociocultural y psicologico. De esa forma, las representaciones sociales manifestadas por las mujeres estan relacionadas con el aspecto social, cultural y psicologico en lo que se refiere a la prevencion y control de enfermedades de transmision sexual y el sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida. DESCRIPTORES: Enfermedades de transmision sexual. Mujeres embarazadas. Investigacion cualitativa. Sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida.Estudio exploratorio cualitativo basado en la Teoria de las Representaciones Sociales, cuyo objetivo fue aprehender y discutir las representaciones sociales acerca de las enfermedades transmitidas sexualmente y el sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida. El estudio fue realizado con 40 mujeres embarazadas que hicieron el prenatal en el Barrio Satelite de Teresina-PI. Para la recoleccion de los datos se empleo la prueba de la Libre Asociacion de Palabras, y para su procesamiento se uso el programa Tri-Deux Mots. Los datos fueron interpretados a traves del analisis factorial de correspondencia. Los resultados mostraron que el ambito de la representacion de los sujetos esta constituido por las siguientes evocaciones: picazon, flujo, dolor, inseguridad, miedo, prevencion, peligro y condon, las cuales estan arraigadas en el aspecto sociocultural y psicologico. De esa forma, las representaciones sociales manifestadas por las mujeres estan relacionadas con el aspecto social, cultural y psicologico en lo que se refiere a la prevencion y control de enfermedades de transmision sexual y el sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida.

Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2009

Representações sociais das DST/Aids elaboradas por gestantes

Dayse Olívia Damasceno; Fernanda Maria de Jesus Sousa Pires de Moura; Inez Sampaio Nery; Odinéa Maria Amorim Batista; Olívia Dias de Araújo; Lara de Jesus Sousa Pires de Moura

The aim of this qualitative exploratory study using the Theory of Social Representations was to capture and discuss the social representations about Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Acquired Imunodeficiency Syndrome made by forty pregnant women who received prenatal care in the Satellite District of Teresina-PI, Brazil. The instrument used for data collection was the Test of Free Association of Words. The results were processed in the software Tri-Deux Mots and interpreted through correspondence factorial analysis. The results showed that the representational field of the subjects is constituted by the following evocations: itching, runniness, pain, insecurity, fear, prevention, danger, and condoms, anchored in the socio-cultural and psychological aspects. Thus, social representations have been expressed by women with the social, cultural, and psychological aspects on the prevention and control of sexually transmitted diseases and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. DESCRIPTORS: Sexually transmitted diseases. Pregnant women. Qualitative research. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. LA REPRESENTACION SOCIAL DE LAS ETS/SIDA PRODUCIDAS POR GESTANTES RESUMEN: Estudio exploratorio cualitativo basado en la Teoria de las Representaciones Sociales, cuyo objetivo fue aprehender y discutir las representaciones sociales acerca de las enfermedades transmitidas sexualmente y el sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida. El estudio fue realizado con 40 mujeres embarazadas que hicieron el prenatal en el Barrio Satelite de Teresina-PI. Para la recoleccion de los datos se empleo la prueba de la Libre Asociacion de Palabras, y para su procesamiento se uso el programa Tri-Deux Mots. Los datos fueron interpretados a traves del analisis factorial de correspondencia. Los resultados mostraron que el ambito de la representacion de los sujetos esta constituido por las siguientes evocaciones: picazon, flujo, dolor, inseguridad, miedo, prevencion, peligro y condon, las cuales estan arraigadas en el aspecto sociocultural y psicologico. De esa forma, las representaciones sociales manifestadas por las mujeres estan relacionadas con el aspecto social, cultural y psicologico en lo que se refiere a la prevencion y control de enfermedades de transmision sexual y el sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida. DESCRIPTORES: Enfermedades de transmision sexual. Mujeres embarazadas. Investigacion cualitativa. Sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida.Estudio exploratorio cualitativo basado en la Teoria de las Representaciones Sociales, cuyo objetivo fue aprehender y discutir las representaciones sociales acerca de las enfermedades transmitidas sexualmente y el sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida. El estudio fue realizado con 40 mujeres embarazadas que hicieron el prenatal en el Barrio Satelite de Teresina-PI. Para la recoleccion de los datos se empleo la prueba de la Libre Asociacion de Palabras, y para su procesamiento se uso el programa Tri-Deux Mots. Los datos fueron interpretados a traves del analisis factorial de correspondencia. Los resultados mostraron que el ambito de la representacion de los sujetos esta constituido por las siguientes evocaciones: picazon, flujo, dolor, inseguridad, miedo, prevencion, peligro y condon, las cuales estan arraigadas en el aspecto sociocultural y psicologico. De esa forma, las representaciones sociales manifestadas por las mujeres estan relacionadas con el aspecto social, cultural y psicologico en lo que se refiere a la prevencion y control de enfermedades de transmision sexual y el sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2007

La humanización y la atención de enfermería al parto normal

Fernanda Maria de Jesus S. Pires Moura; Cilene Delgado Crizostomo; Inez Sampaio Nery; Rita de Cássia Magalhães Mendonça; Olívia Dias de Araújo; Silvana Santiago da Rocha

Bibliographical study that sought to identify the scientific production about humanization and nursing assistance to normal childbirth. The sources were scientific articles from SCIELO-Brasil’s database, from 2000 to 2007. We obtained 13 articles as result from the search, which were grouped in the following categories: childbirth medicalization, humanization of assistance to childbirth, companion during childbirth and performance of the obstetric nurse. The analysis pointed out that the current paradigm is centralized on childbirth intervention, despite of humanization movements defending the natural and physiological childbirth made by the nurse. We concluded that qualified and humanized assistance to childbirth and birth privileges women’s respect, dignity and autonomy, regarding women’s active role in the birth process. Descriptors: Nursing; Obstetric Nursing; Childbirth Humanization.Bibliographical study that sought to identify the scientific production about humanization and nursing assistance to normal childbirth. The sources were scientific articles from SCIELO-Brasils database, from 2000 to 2007. We obtained 13 articles as result from the search, which were grouped in the following categories: childbirth medicalization, humanization of assistance to childbirth, companion during childbirth and performance of the obstetric nurse. The analysis pointed out that the current paradigm is centralized on childbirth intervention, despite of humanization movements defending the natural and physiological childbirth made by the nurse. We concluded that qualified and humanized assistance to childbirth and birth privileges womens respect, dignity and autonomy, regarding womens active role in the birth process.

Revista de Enfermagem da UFPI | 2012

Percepção de enfermeiras sobre as relações interpessoais na consulta de enfermagem

Inez Sampaio Nery; Ivanilda Sepúlveda Gomes; Samara Dourado dos Santos Moraes; Lívia Maria Melo Viana

Ciência & Saúde | 2015

Sentimento de mulheres mastectomizadas acerca da autoimagem e alterações na vida diária

Elenir de Araújo Lago; Nathalia Kelly de Souza Andrade; Inez Sampaio Nery; Fernanda Valéria Silva Dantas Avelino


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Carvalho Fernandes

Federal University of Ceará

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Fernanda Michelle Santos e Silva

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

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