Ingrid Tulp
Wageningen University and Research Centre
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Featured researches published by Ingrid Tulp.
The Auk | 2009
Ingrid Tulp; Hans Schekkerman; Leo W. Bruinzeel; Joop Jukema; G. Henk Visser; Theunis Piersma
ABSTRACT.— Rearing of young has long been considered the energetically most demanding phase of the avian breeding cycle. Arctic-breeding shorebirds expend large amounts of energy during breeding. Because they are too small to carry sufficient stores to sit out the incubation period, they regularly interrupt incubation to feed and still can run short of energy, particularly in species in which one adult takes care of the eggs and chicks alone (uniparental). We measured daily energy expenditure (DEE) and time budgets during incubation and chick rearing in the smallest uniparental Arctic shorebird, the Little Stint (Calidris minuta). Daily energy expenditure decreased with increasing temperature but did not differ between the incubation and chick-rearing periods. Because of the increase in potential foraging time from incubation to the chick-rearing phase, the foraging intake rate required to balance the budget dropped by two-thirds. To evaluate the effect of uniparental care on energy budgets, we also measured DEE in the Dunlin (C. alpina), a sympatric congener in which both parents incubate but the female deserts the brood after hatching. Daily energy expenditure decreased with temperature, was the same during incubation and chick rearing, and was higher in males. Our results are discussed in relation to the timing of breeding of Arctic shorebirds with different systems of parental care.
PLOS ONE | 2013
Ingrid Tulp; Marieke Keller; Jacques Navez; H.V. Winter; Martin de Graaf; Willy Baeyens
Smelt Osmerus eperlanus has two different life history strategies in the Netherlands. The migrating population inhabits the Wadden Sea and spawns in freshwater areas. After the closure of the Afsluitdijk in 1932, part of the smelt population became landlocked. The fresh water smelt population has been in severe decline since 1990, and has strongly negatively impacted the numbers of piscivorous water birds relying on smelt as their main prey. The lakes that were formed after the dike closure, IJsselmeer and Markermeer have been assigned as Natura 2000 sites, based on their importance for (among others) piscivorous water birds. Because of the declining fresh water smelt population, the question arose whether this population is still supported by the diadromous population. Opportunities for exchange between fresh water and the sea are however limited to discharge sluices. The relationship between the diadromous and landlocked smelt population was analysed by means of otolith microchemistry. Our interpretation of otolith strontium (88Sr) patterns from smelt specimens collected in the fresh water area of Lake IJsselmeer and Markermeer, compared to those collected in the nearby marine environment, is that there is currently no evidence for a substantial contribution from the diadromous population to the spawning stock of the landlocked population.
bioRxiv | 2018
Geert Aarts; Sophie Brasseur; J.J. Poos; Jessica Schop; Roger Kirkwood; T. van Kooten; Evert Mul; P.J.H. Reijnders; A.D. Rijnsdorp; Ingrid Tulp
Historic hunting has led to severe reductions of many marine mammal species across the globe. After hunting ceased, some populations have recovered to pre-exploitation levels, and may again act as a top-down regulatory force on marine ecosystems. Also the harbour seal population in the international Wadden Sea grew at an exponential rate following a ban on seal hunting in 1960’s, and the current number ∼38,000 is close to the historic population size. Here we estimate the impact of the harbour seal predation on the fish community in the Wadden Sea and nearby coastal waters. Fish remains in faecal samples and published estimates on the seal’s daily energy requirement were used to estimate prey selection and the magnitude of seal consumption. Estimates on prey abundance were derived from demersal fish surveys, and fish growth was estimated using a Dynamic Energy Budget model. GPS tracking provided information on where seals most likely caught their prey. Harbour seals from the Dutch Wadden Sea fed predominantly on demersal fish, e.g. flatfish species (flounder, sole, plaice, dab), but also sandeel, cod and whiting. Total fish biomass in the Wadden Sea was insufficient to sustain the estimated prey consumption of the entire seal population year-round. This probably explains why seals also acquire prey further offshore in the adjacent North Sea, only spending 13% of their diving time in the Wadden Sea. Still, seal predation was estimated to cause an average annual mortality of 43% and 60% on fish in the Wadden Sea and adjacent coastal zone, respectively. There were however large sources of uncertainty in the estimate, including the migration of fish between the North Sea and Wadden Sea, and catchability estimates of the fish survey sampling gear, particularly for sandeel and other pelagic fish species. Our estimate suggested a considerable top-down control by harbour seals on demersal fish. However predation by seals may also alleviate density-dependent competition between the remaining fish, increasing fish growth, and partly compensating for the reduction in fish numbers. This study shows that recovering coastal marine mammal populations could potentially become an important component in the functioning of shallow coastal systems.
Archive | 2018
M.J. Baptist; Loes J. Bolle; Bram Couperus; Ingrid Tulp; van Ralf Hal
Suppleties van zand op vooroever of strand worden in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat uitgevoerd om de Nederlandse kust tegen erosie te beschermen en om voldoende zand in het kustfundament te houden. Een groot deel van de suppleties vindt plaats in of nabij de kuststrook die binnen de Natura2000 regelgeving wordt beschermd, de Noordzeekustzone. Het is dus van belang de eventuele effecten van deze praktijk op de natuur zorgvuldig te bestuderen, zodat dit effect kan worden afgezet tegenover het algemene nut voor de maatschappij. Betere kennis van de effecten kan leiden tot beperking van eventuele schade aan- en mogelijk zelfs tot versterking van- gewenste natuurwaarden en ecosysteemdiensten. Tot nog toe is er relatief weinig aandacht geweest voor de gevolgen van suppleren op vispopulaties in vergelijking met benthos, terwijl de kinderkamerfunctie van de ondiepe kustzone een zeer belangrijke economische ecosysteemdienst levert. Kennis van de habitatfactoren die het voorkomen van juveniele vis in kinderkamers bepalen leidt tot een verbeterd inzicht van de gevolgen van suppleties op vispopulaties en van de voedselketen van viseters in de ondiepe kustzone. In overleg met natuurorganisaties en de kennisinstituten Deltares en Wageningen Marine Research is in 2016 het document `Ecologische effecten van zandsuppleties’ (Herman et al., 2016) geschreven met als doel onderzoek te formuleren naar ecologische effecten van zandsuppleties. In het onderdeel ‘uitvoeringsplan’ (deel C in Herman et al. 2016) zijn 3 onderzoekslijnen (ook wel Krachtlijnen genoemd) gedefinieerd, te weten: Vooroever, Duinen en Waddenzee. Het hier beschreven meetplan voor een survey in 2017 valt onder de onderzoekslijn Vooroever. De onderzoeksvraag die in dit meetplan wordt behandeld volgt uit de prioritering van de krachtlijn Vooroever: (Cumulatieve) gevolgen van reguliere suppleties op samenstelling en functioneren van het ecosysteem van de vooroever. Deze onderzoeksvraag luidt: “Wat zijn de cumulatieve gevolgen van reguliere suppleties op samenstelling en functioneren van het ecosysteem van de ondiepe vooroever van de Nederlandse kust?” Conform het plan van aanpak voor dit programma (Herman et al., 2016) wordt voorgesteld om een survey uit te voeren in de vooroever (0 tot 10-12 m diepte), waarbij benthos, vis en habitatkarakteristieken worden bemonsterd. Deze geintegreerde ecosysteem survey is daarmee een onderdeel van een groter pakket van geplande dataverzameling in het kader van Ecologisch Gericht Suppleren II. Het hoofddoel van de survey is om data te verzamelen over het voorkomen van (juveniele) vis in relatie tot relevante omgevingsvariabelen, zowel abiotisch als biotisch. De survey zal inzicht verschaffen in het functioneren van het kustecosysteem en kennis opdoen over de wisselwerking met biotische en abiotische omgevingsvariabelen. De resultaten van de survey zullen dienen voor het opstellen van habitatmodellen voor juveniele vis om hiermee effecten van suppleties te kwantificeren. Dit rapport beschrijft de meetstrategie, de meetmethoden, de te meten variabelen (vis, benthos en omgevingsvariabelen) en de bemonsteringslocaties voor de ondiepe geintegreerde ecosysteem survey 2017.
Journal of Sea Research | 2008
Ingrid Tulp; Loes J. Bolle; Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp
Journal of Avian Biology | 2006
Ingrid Tulp; Hans Schekkerman
Ices Journal of Marine Science | 2014
Rita P. Vasconcelos; David B. Eggleston; Olivier Le Pape; Ingrid Tulp
Journal of Sea Research | 2013
Doug Beare; Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp; Mette Blaesberg; Ulrich Damm; Josefine Egekvist; Heino O. Fock; Matthias Kloppmann; Christine Röckmann; Alexander Schroeder; Torsten Schulze; Ingrid Tulp; Clara Ulrich; Ralf van Hal; Tobias van Kooten; Marieke Verweij
Ices Journal of Marine Science | 2010
Marc Hufnagl; Axel Temming; Volker Siegel; Ingrid Tulp; Loes J. Bolle
Journal of Sea Research | 2016
Bram Couperus; Sven Gastauer; Sascha M.M. Fässler; Ingrid Tulp; Henk W. van der Veer; Jan Jaap Poos