Iraklis Petrof
University of Chicago
Featured researches published by Iraklis Petrof.
Journal of Neurophysiology | 2011
Angela N. Viaene; Iraklis Petrof; S. Murray Sherman
We studied the synaptic profile of thalamic inputs to cells in layers 2/3 and 4 of primary somatosensory (S1) and auditory (A1) cortices using thalamocortical slices from mice age postnatal days 10-18. Stimulation of the ventral posterior medial nucleus (VPM) or ventral division of the medial geniculate body (MGBv) resulted in two distinct classes of responses. The response of all layer 4 cells and a minority of layers 2/3 cells to thalamic stimulation was Class 1, including paired-pulse depression, all-or-none responses, and the absence of a metabotropic component. On the other hand, the majority of neurons in layers 2/3 showed a markedly different, Class 2 response to thalamic stimulation: paired-pulse facilitation, graded responses, and a metabotropic component. The Class 1 and Class 2 response characteristics have been previously seen in inputs to thalamus and have been described as drivers and modulators, respectively. Driver input constitutes a main information bearing pathway and determines the receptive field properties of the postsynaptic neuron, whereas modulator input influences the response properties of the postsynaptic neuron but is not a primary information bearing input. Because these thalamocortical projections have comparable properties to the drivers and modulators in thalamus, we suggest that a driver/modulator distinction may also apply to thalamocortical projections. In addition, our data suggest that thalamus is likely to be more than just a simple relay of information and may be directly modulating cortex.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2011
Angela N. Viaene; Iraklis Petrof; S. Murray Sherman
Primary somatosensory cortex (S1) receives two distinct classes of thalamocortical input via the lemniscal and paralemniscal pathways, the former via ventral posterior medial nucleus (VPM), and the latter, from the posterior medial nucleus (POm). These projections have been described as parallel thalamocortical pathways. Although the VPM thalamocortical projection has been studied in depth, several details of the POm projection to S1 are unknown. We studied the synaptic properties and anatomical features in the mouse of the projection from POm to all layers of S1 and to layer 4 of secondary somatosensory cortex (S2). Neurons in S1 responded to stimulation of POm with what has been termed Class 2 properties (paired-pulse facilitation, small initial excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), a graded activation profile, and a metabotropic receptor component; thought to be modulatory), whereas neurons in layer 4 of S2 responded with Class 1A properties (paired-pulse depression, large initial EPSPs, an all-or-none activation profile, and no metabotropic receptor component, thought to be a main information input). Also, labeling from POm produced small boutons in S1, whereas both small and large boutons were found in S2. Our data suggest that the lemniscal and paralemniscal projections should not be thought of as parallel information pathways to S1 and that the paralemniscal projection may instead provide modulatory inputs to S1.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2009
Iraklis Petrof; S. Murray Sherman
Input to sensory thalamic nuclei can be classified as either driver or modulator, based on whether or not the information conveyed determines basic postsynaptic receptive field properties. Here we demonstrate that this distinction can also be applied to inputs received by nonsensory thalamic areas. Using flavoprotein autofluorescence imaging, we developed two slice preparations that contain the afferents to the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus (AD) from the lateral mammillary body and the cortical afferents arriving through the internal capsule, respectively. We examined the synaptic properties of these inputs and found that the mammillothalamic pathway exhibits paired-pulse depression, lack of a metabotropic glutamate component, and an all-or-none response pattern, which are all signatures of a driver pathway. On the other hand, the cortical input exhibits graded paired-pulse facilitation and the capacity to activate metabotropic glutamatergic responses, all features of a modulatory pathway. Our results extend the notion of driving and modulating inputs to the AD, indicating that it is a first-order relay nucleus and suggesting that these criteria may be general to the whole of thalamus.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | 2012
Iraklis Petrof; Angela N. Viaene; S. Murray Sherman
The subgranular layers (layers 5 and 6) of primary sensory cortex provide corticofugal output to thalamus and they also project to the appropriate secondary sensory cortices. Here we injected two combinations of different color retrograde fluorescent markers in the thalamic and cortical targets of these layers from the three primary sensory cortices (somatosensory, auditory, and visual) in mice to examine the degree of overlap between corticothalamic and interareal corticocortical cells in the subgranular layers. We found that, for all three primary sensory cortices, double‐labeled cells were extremely rare, indicating that corticothalamic and interareal corticocortical cells in the subgranular layers represent largely independent populations. J. Comp. Neurol. 520:1678–1686, 2012.
The Journal of Physiology | 2013
Iraklis Petrof; S. Murray Sherman
Abstract Glutamatergic pathways are a major information‐carrying and ‐processing network of inputs in the brain. There is considerable evidence suggesting that glutamatergic pathways do not represent a homogeneous group and that they can be segregated into at least two broad categories. Class 1 glutamatergic inputs, which are suggested to be the main information carriers, are characterized by a number of unique synaptic and anatomical features, such as the large synaptic boutons with which they often terminate. On the other hand, Class 2 inputs, which are thought to play a modulatory role, are associated, amongst other features, with exclusively small terminal boutons. Here we summarize and briefly discuss these two classes of glutamatergic input and how their unique features, including their terminal bouton size and anatomy, are related to their suggested function.
Neuroscience Letters | 2013
Angela N. Viaene; Iraklis Petrof; S. Murray Sherman
It has been common experimentally to use high frequency, tetanic, stimulation to activate metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) in cortex and thalamus. To determine what type of stimulation is actually necessary to activate mGluRs we examined the effects of varying stimulation duration and intensity on activating mGluR responses. We used a thalamocortical and an intracortical slice preparation from mice and performed whole cell recordings from neurons in the ventral posterior medial nucleus or in layer 4 of primary somatosensory cortex (S1) while electrically stimulating in layer 6 of S1. Extracellular ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists and GABAA receptor antagonists were used to isolate Group I or Group II mGluR responses. We observed that high frequency stimulation is not necessary for the activation of either Group I or Group II mGluRs. Either could be activated with as few as 2-3 pulses at stimulation frequencies around 15-20Hz. Additionally, increasing the number of pulses, intensity of stimulation, or stimulation frequency increased amplitude and duration of the mGluR response.
Journal of Neurophysiology | 2014
Tingting Liu; Iraklis Petrof; S. Murray Sherman
Metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) have a ubiquitous distribution in the central nervous system and often serve to regulate the release of neurotransmitters. We have previously shown that activation of both presynaptic and postsynaptic mGluRs can affect the gain of glutamatergic inputs in both thalamus and cortex. In the present study, we sought to determine the effect of mGluR activation on GABAergic inputs in cortex. Using whole cell recordings in a mouse slice preparation of either primary visual or auditory cortex (V1 or A1), we tested the effects on mGluRs by applying various agonists to the slice. Two pathways were tested in each area: the GABAergic inputs in layers 2/3 activated from layer 4 and the GABAergic inputs in layer 4 activated from adjacent layer 4. In both of these pathways, we found that activation of mGluRs significantly reduced the amplitude of the evoked inhibitory postsynaptic currents. Because the effects were not blocked by the addition of GDPβS to the recording electrode, and because mGluR agonists did not affect responses to photostimulation of GABA in a low-Ca(2+) and high-Mg(2+) bathing solution, we concluded this reduction was due to activation of presynaptic mGluRs. Furthermore, using specific mGluR agonists, we found that group II mGluRs, but not group I mGluRs, were involved in these modulatory effects. Because similar results were found in both pathways in V1 and A1, a possible cortical pattern for these effects is suggested.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2017
Christina Mo; Iraklis Petrof; Angela N. Viaene; S. Murray Sherman
Significance Functional mapping of the routes of information processing is essential to understand how the brain operates. The main carriers of information are excitatory (glutamatergic) neurons, which form synapses that can either reliably deliver information or modify it. Using the somatosensory system in the mouse, we show that the two parallel glutamatergic routes from periphery to cortex should not be considered equal in carrying somatosensory information. Instead, one route has synapses solely suited for fast information transfer—the Lemniscal pathway—and the other suited for mainly modifying such information—the Paralemniscal pathway. This is an example of synaptic and anatomical analyses that inform circuit function and build on a framework for feedforward and feedback processing. Somatosensory information is thought to arrive in thalamus through two glutamatergic routes called the lemniscal and paralemniscal pathways via the ventral posterior medial (VPm) and posterior medial (POm) nuclei. Here we challenge the view that these pathways functionally represent parallel information routes. Using electrical stimulation and an optogenetic approach in brain slices from the mouse, we investigated the synaptic properties of the lemniscal and paralemniscal input to VPm and POm. Stimulation of the lemniscal pathway produced class 1, or “driver,” responses in VPm relay cells, which is consistent with this being an information-bearing channel. However, stimulation of the paralemniscal pathway produced two distinct types of responses in POm relay cells: class 1 (driver) responses in 29% of the cells, and class 2, or “modulator,” responses in the rest. Our data suggest that, unlike the lemniscal pathway, the paralemniscal one is not homogenous and that it is primarily modulatory. This finding requires major rethinking regarding the routes of somatosensory information to cortex and suggests that the paralemniscal route is chiefly involved in modulatory functions rather than simply being an information route parallel to the lemniscal channel.
Journal of Neurophysiology | 2015
Iraklis Petrof; Angela N. Viaene; S. Murray Sherman
Archive | 2015
C. L. Cox; Carmen Varela; S. Murray Sherman; Shane R. Crandall; Charles L. Cox; Tingting Liu; Iraklis Petrof; Ying-Wan Lam