Irina Oleinikova
Riga Technical University
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Featured researches published by Irina Oleinikova.
Archive | 2011
Zigurds Krishans; Anna Mutule; Yuri Merkuryev; Irina Oleinikova
Dynamic management of sustainable development , Dynamic management of sustainable development , کتابخانه دیجیتال جندی شاپور اهواز
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences | 2011
K. Brinkis; V. Kreslinsh; Anna Mutule; Irina Oleinikova; Z. Krishans; O. Kochukov
Fulfilment of Criteria of Electricity Supply Reliability in the Baltic Region The paper analyses the reliability of power supply for a 330/750 kV electrical ring. Consideration is also given to the influence of emergency automatics on the maximum permissible power flows in different electrical connection points of the ring as well as to the application of reliability criterion (N-1) in the case of using the emergency automatics to limit post-accident power flows in these points. The authors discuss the role of operative and technological management in securing the power supply reliability. They also analyze situations with disconnection of major generation units and its influence on the blackout development. Par Elektroapgādes Drošuma Kritēriju Izpildi Baltijas Valstu Regionā Šajā rakstā dota 330 kV un 750 kV elektriskā gredzena drošuma problēmu analīze un novērtējums. Pielietoto automātikas iekārtu ietekme uz maksimāli pieļaujamām jaudas plūsmām elektriskā gredzena atsevišķos šķēlumos. Drošuma kritērija (N-1) pielietojums gadījumos, ja tiek izmantotas pretavārijas automātikas, kas ierobežo pēcavārijas jaudas plūsmas elektriskos šķēlumos. Operatīvās un teh-nologiskas vadības loma elektroapgādes drošuma kritēriju paaugstināšanai. Lielu generējošo jaudu avārijas atslēgšanās iespējas un ietekme totālās avārijas izraisīšanai.
international scientific conference on power and electrical engineering of riga technical university | 2014
Irina Oleinikova; Anna Mutule; Mairis Putnins
This paper gives an insight in synchrophasor technologies and proposes an overall framework for estimating power transmission line parameters, by employing synchronous phasors in real time. Based on estimated line parameters, the average line temperature and the sag of selected spans can be calculated and utilized for dynamic thermal rating applications for increased power transfer.
ieee grenoble conference | 2013
Mario Turcik; Irina Oleinikova; Michal Kolcun
The paper focusing on topical issue related to a integration of bulk wind production into a power supply mix. Target is to propose comprehensive approach that covers quasi-random wind series simulation that considers particular regional conditions with its seasonality variation. Moreover, in context of the paper is proposed advanced approach for simulation of aggregated regional wind production that is subsequently applied to the processes of development planning of the power system.
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences | 2011
M. Turcik; Irina Oleinikova; Z. Krishans
Method of Power System Suistanable Development Optimization in Liberalized Market Conditions The paper is focused on the development of the Baltic Sea region taking into account the new EU energy policy. The authors elucidate the current situation and the power system infrastructure projects of the region. For the economic analysis and optimization of the development plans a method is proposed that takes into account the outlooks for upcoming 20-50 years and the initial information uncertainty. The method makes possible estimation of the technically-economic state, including market conditions, for a given power system. Energosistēmu Ilgtspējīgas Attīstības Optimizācijas Metode Brīva Elektroenergijas Tirgus Apstākļos Rakstā galvenā uzmanība veltīta Baltijas valstu energosistēmu attīstības tendencēm, to infrastruktūras uzlabošanai un energijas piegādes diversifikācijai. Visi šie projekti ir pārstāvēti jaunajā ES energoapgādes un solidaritātes rīcības plānā, kurā ir apskatīta arī Baltijas valstu energosistēmu starpsavienojumu saišu izveide (BEMIP). Baltijas valstu integrācija ES energosistēmā ir galvenais mērķis nākotnes stabilitātei un ekonomiskai izaugsmei. Plāns paredz būtiskus ieguldījumus jaunu elektroenergijas ražošanas jaudu un Baltijas regiona starpsavienojumu saišu ar Skandināvijas valstīm un Eiropu attīstībā. Šajā rakstā ir aprakstīta energosistēmas ilgtspējīgas attīstības metode liberalizēta tirgus apstākļos, kura tiks izmantota energosistēmas ilgtspējīgai attīstībai. Tās mērķis ir investīciju efektivitātes uzlabošana un pārvades tīklu pašizmaksu samazināšanas pasākumu pamatojums. Piedāvāto metodi var izmantot arī attīstības plānošanai tīklu uzņēmumos, projektēšanas organizācijās, izglītības un zinātniskās pētniecības iestādēs. Metode veiks ekonomisko analīzi un optimizāciju, ievērojot attīstības perspektīvas (20-50 gadi) un sākotnējās informācijas nenoteiktību, novērtējot konkrētās sistēmas tehnisko ekonomisko stāvokli, ņemot vērā starpsavienojumu saišu šķēlumus.
Archive | 2016
Ettore Francesco Bompard; Enrico Carpaneto; Arturs Purvins; Gianluca Fulli; Catalin Felix Covrig; Aymen Chaouachi; Ettore F Bompard; Tao Huang; Renjian Pi; Anna Mutule; Irina Oleinikova; Artjoms Obushevs
Due to historical and geographical reasons, the Baltic States are strongly connected to the power (electricity) transmission grids of Russia and Belarus. Current energy security and energy independence targets in the EU trigger seeking for alternative power sources for the Baltic. Knowing that, a power system model of the Baltic States has been developed and validated with the purpose of providing comparative options for a reliable and secure development of the Baltic electricity system. The analysis of horizon 2020 and 2030 showed that the dependency of Baltic States on the outside resources is fairly low, provided that the expansion of the electricity system goes as planned.
ieee international conference on probabilistic methods applied to power systems | 2006
Z. Krishans; Irina Oleinikova; Anna Mutule; Antons Kutjuns
Paper presents optimization method of power system development under uncertainty. Method is used for LDM family. Laboratory of Electric Power System Simulation worked out software of Latvian dynamic model (LDM) family. All softwares of LDM family ensure possibilities: 1) to eliminate investments, which increase prime cost, 2) to arrange the required investments by their efficiency. The databases LDM are formed by joining gradually network objects. In comparison with previous software systems of LDM family, the new systems have considerably simplified input and this considerably diminishes error probability
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences | 2016
Irina Oleinikova; Anna Mutule; A. Obushevs; N. Antoskovs
Abstract This paper analyses demand side management (DSM) projects and stakeholders’ experience with the aim to develop, promote and adapt smart grid tehnologies in Latvia. The research aims at identifying possible system service posibilites, including demand response (DR) and determining the appropriate market design for such type of services to be implemented at the Baltic power system level, with the cooperation of distribution system operator (DSO) and transmission system operator (TSO). This paper is prepared as an extract from the global smart grid best practices, smart solutions and business models.
international scientific conference on power and electrical engineering of riga technical university | 2015
Artjoms Obushevs; Andrejs Potapovs; Irina Oleinikova; Anna Mutule
The content of the paper is focusing to demand side management platform elaboration for optimal energy management strategies, topicality of smart metering & control including deployment of the price responsive demand. Presented tests are performed in Smart Grid Research Centre research facility Demand Side Management-Smart Home Lab with the aim to achieve the rational use of energy, demonstrate first steps of implementation home automation system with automated energy consumption scheduling units for load flexibility and controllable portion estimation.
international conference on the european energy market | 2014
Artjoms Obushevs; Irina Oleinikova
A new network operation conditions creates new requirements for transmission planning which include electricity market figures and considerable integration of renewable generation. This paper focuses on transmission expansion planning techniques in a perfect competitive electricity market based on optimal power flows calculations with development planning and sustainability concept. For the proposed concept validation the Garverss 6-bus test system was used. The simulation and validation results show the possibility of the ACOPF/DCOPF models implementation to transmission planning tasks solution.