
International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics | 2017

Integration of Corporate Electronic Services into a Smart Space Using Temporal Logic of Actions

Dmitriy Levonevskiy; Irina V. Vatamaniuk; Anton I. Saveliev

This paper discusses integration of corporate information infrastructure components to develop an enterprise smart space that uses available resources to achieve the common goals of users. The paper proposes formalization for the smart space functioning scenarios on the basis of the temporal logic of actions, describes a multilevel model of corporate service integration and discusses the architecture of the Multimodal Information and Navigation Cloud System (MINOS).

international conference and exposition on electrical and power engineering | 2016

Automatic control of robotic swarm during convex shape generation

Andrey Ronzhin; Irina V. Vatamaniuk; Nikita Pavluk

An algorithm of rectilinear motion control and navigation of swarm of autonomous homogeneous mobile robots involved in the formation of a convex space surface is discussed. Calculation of robot trajectories during reconfiguration is carried out taking into account minimization of the expenditure of time and energy (calculation time and the total length of robot paths), and control of collisions. The developed algorithm has quadratic computational complexity. During the experiments the reconfiguration of swarm with various numbers of robots (from 10 to 10,000 robots) in convex shape was modelled. The number of collisions was evaluated assuming that the robots move rectilinearly to their targeted points, starting at the same time.

international conference on speech and computer | 2016

Scenarios of Multimodal Information Navigation Services for Users in Cyberphysical Environment

Irina V. Vatamaniuk; Dmitriy Levonevskiy; Anton I. Saveliev; Alexander N. Denisov

Cyberphysical systems (CPS) provide a broad range of possibilities in many fields of human activity such as multimodal human-computer interaction (HCI). The paper discusses the architecture of developing multimodal information navigation system of SPIIRAS, considering an approach of building a corporate information subsystem for tracking events, scheduling and displaying information on a distributed set of stationary monitors. The subsystem architecture was described in detail. The suggested algorithm for generating schedules showed high performance. The subsystem uses standard network technologies, is not tied to any software or hardware platforms, matches extensibility and portability criteria and may be used as a component of the cyberphysical environment in various organizations. Scenarios of user handling depending on user status are presented.

International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking | 2014

Architecture of Data Exchange with Minimal Client-Server Interaction at Multipoint Video Conferencing

Anton I. Saveliev; Irina V. Vatamaniuk; Andrey Ronzhin

The problems of serverless connections between clients and audiovisual data transmission in peer-to-peer videoconferencing web application are discussed. The serverless connections based on the WebRTC protocol allow applications to transfer any data between clients directly. The partial or complete loss of service data for the WebRTC protocol, which hampers the client connection, occurs during interaction of several clients through the server of the videoconferencing application. The proposed architecture of data transmission and storage on client and server provides buffering and following processing of the signal data with the exception of their loss and support of interaction between client groups.

2016 International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC) | 2016

Convex Shape Generation by Robotic Swarm

Irina V. Vatamaniuk; Gaiane Panina; Anton I. Saveliev; Andrey Ronzhin

Forming a predetermined spatial shape is one of the most important problems of modern swarm robotics. The work presented here focuses on the motion planning for the swarm of identical robots in the task of spatial reconfiguration. The main requirement is that the reconfiguration must be collision free, that is, at each moment the pairwise distances between robots should not be smaller than some fixed minimal admissible distance. A collision-free navigation algorithm that generates a prescribed convex surface is presented. It includes trajectory computation combined with delay assignment. The computer simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm works efficiently even for big swarms.

international conference on speech and computer | 2014

Algorithms for Acceleration of Image Processing at Automatic Registration of Meeting Participants

Alexander L. Ronzhin; Irina V. Vatamaniuk; Andrey Ronzhin; M. Železný

The aim of the research is to develop the algorithms for acceleration of image processing at automatic registration of meeting participant based on implementation of blurriness estimation and recognition of participants faces procedures. The data captured by the video registration system in the intelligent meeting room are used for calculation variety of person face size in captured image as well as for estimation of face recognition methods. The results shows that LBP method has highest recognition accuracy (79,5%) as well as PCA method has the lowest false alarm rate (1,3%). The implementation of the blur estimation procedure allowed the registration system to exclude 22% photos with insufficient quality, as a result the speed of the whole system were significantly increased.

international conference on speech and computer | 2016

Investigation of Speech Signal Parameters Reflecting the Truth of Transmitted Information

Victor Budkov; Irina V. Vatamaniuk; Vladimir Basov; Daniyar Volf

A review of the existing methods of transmitted information truth diagnostics is presented. A conclusion concerning the purposefulness of this function realization in polymodal infocommunication systems has been shown. Parameters of speech signal that reflect the truth of transmitted information are considered. The results of testing the developed software are presented. Based on the undertaken study, a conclusion concerning possibility of realization of transmitted information truth in the course of interpersonal communication between subscribers has been drawn and a decisive rule has been formulated.

Archive | 2018

Methods and Algorithms of Audio-Video Signal Processing for Analysis of Indoor Human Activity

Irina V. Vatamaniuk; Victor Budkov; Irina S. Kipyatkova; Alexey Karpov

In this chapter, the methods and algorithms of audio and video signal processing for analysis of indoor human activity are presented. The concept of ambient intelligent space and several implementations are discussed. The main idea is the development of proactive information services based on the analysis of user behavior and environment. The methods of image processing, such as illumination normalization and blur estimation based on focus estimation methods and image quality assessment, are described afterwards. A short overview of face recognition methods including the principal component analysis, Fisher linear discriminate analysis, and local binary patterns is presented. Their efficiency was subjected to comparative analysis both in terms of the processing speed and precision under several variants of the area selected for image analysis, including the procedure seeking face in the image and limitation of the size of the zone of interest. Several approaches to audiovisual monitoring of meeting room participants are discussed. The main goal of the described system is to identify events in the smart conference room, such as the time, when a new user enters the room, a speech begins, or an audience member is given the floor. The participant registration system including face recognition accuracy assessment and recording system involving assessment results of the pointing of the camera, when photographing participants are presented.

International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics | 2018

Providing Availability of the Smart Space Services by Means of Incoming Data Control Methods

Dmitriy Levonevskiy; Irina V. Vatamaniuk; Anton I. Saveliev

This paper deals with estimating and providing availability of corporate smart space services on the example of the interactive corporate television service. For this purpose, the authors explore the known methods of traffic flow filtering, propose a technique to estimate the service availability, build the mass queuing model of the service and carry out the experiments with filtering methods. The experiments show that the effect values have peaks that depend on the conditions of operating and the filtering method parameters. So, the problem of determining the filtering method parameters can be represented as an optimization problem in a multidimensional space. The changing conditions of operating may be taken into account using adaptive approaches. Further research direction include: classifying and analyzing different ways (models, scenarios, modalities) of interaction between users and service, exploring the possibility of applying non-temporal parameters to analyze request flows, building the general threat taxonomy for the corporate smart space services including threats to confidentiality, integrity and availability, considering the possibility of implementing the complex service protection taking into account threat sources, threats, risk events and effects.

International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking | 2016

Neural Network System for Monitoring State of a Optical Telecommunication System

Anton I. Saveliev; Sergey Saitov; Irina V. Vatamaniuk; Oleg Basov; Nikolay Shilov

The paper presents a methodology for the synthesis of systems for monitoring the state of a fiber-optical linear path of the optical transport networks, based on the information and measuring control system that implements neural network recognition algorithms with synthesis by dominance. The proposed information-measuring system processes levels of the average intensity of the optical signal received at various carriers in a certain retrospective over a defined period of time. It is seen that the reliability of control increases with the growth of size of the watch window.

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