
Ciencia Rural | 2009

Atividade antibacteriana, antioxidante e tanante de subprodutos da uva

Rui Rotava; Irineo Zanella; Leila Picolli da Silva; Melânia Palermo Manfron; Carla S. Ceron; Sydney Hartz Alves; Ana Kátia Karkow; João Paulo Aquino Santos

The aim of this research was to determine in vitro the antibacterial, antioxidant and tanning activity from grape by-products (Vitis vinifera), for its use as alternative ingredients in the poultry industry and food conservation. Polar compound had been extracted of the defatted grape seed (SUD) in a solution with acetone, water and acetic acid, in the 90: 9.5: 0.5 ratio respectively, resulting in a yield of 10.3% of defatted grape seed extract (ESUD). ESUD has high antibacterial activity against strains of S. aureus and E. coli, but not against Salmonella sp. The antioxidant activities of the ESUD had comparable to the ascorbic acid. The capacity to bind proteins was considered low for the seed and high for the ESUD.

Ciencia Rural | 2007

Dietas para frangos de corte contendo quirera de arroz

Berilo de Souza Brum Júnior; Irineo Zanella; Geni Salete Pinto de Toledo; Eduardo Gonçalves Xavier; Thiago Alves Vieira; Edílson Campos Gonçalves; Homero Souto Brum; Joyce Leite Siqueira de Oliveira

O experimento foi realizado para avaliar o uso da quirera de arroz na dieta de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 240 pintos machos, alojados em galpao, contendo 12 boxes de 2m2 de area. Cada box continha comedouro tubular, bebedouro pendular e campânula nos 21 dias iniciais. As aves foram distribuidas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com tres tratamentos e quatro repeticoes, as quais receberam dietas contendo 0, 20 e 40% de inclusao de quirera de arroz. Os dados foram submetidos a analise de regressao e a analise de variância e, quando houve diferenca, aplicou-se o teste de Tukey. O ganho de peso, o consumo de racao e a conversao alimentar de 1-21, 1-35 e 1-42 dias (P>0,05) nao foram afetados pela substituicao do milho por quirera de arroz. A umidade de cama, o indice de eficiencia produtivo, o rendimento de carcaca quente, de figado, coracao, coxa, sobre-coxa e peito nao apresentaram diferenca (P>0,05). No entanto, os rendimentos de moela, bem como a pigmentacao da canela e do bico, diminuiram linearmente com o aumento do nivel de quirera de arroz na dieta. Conclui-se que a quirera de arroz pode ser incluida nas dieta, substituindo o milho, para frangos de corte.

Ciencia Rural | 2002


Antonio Carlos Mortari; Alexandre Pires Rosa; Irineo Zanella; Carlos Beretta Neto; Paulo Roberto Visentini; Lourdes B. Padilha Brites

The objective of this research was to determine the influence of the bird density: 10, 12, 14 and 16 birds/square meters on broilers performance, during winter time. After 21 days, the feed consumption was affected by different densities. The highest feed consumption was found on the lowest bird density (10 birds/square meters). The body weight was influenced by the density after 35 days. The lowest body weight was obtained on the highest density (16 birds/square meters). However, the carcass yield was not affected by density. The feed conversion was not affected significantil, When the body weight was reduced, the food intake was decreased too. The viability was not influencied by the densities. The economic analysis concluded that a linear benefit was found in increasing the bird density by 10 to 16 birds/square meters.

Ciencia Rural | 2001


Elizabeth Santin; Alex Maiorka; Irineo Zanella; Leandro Magon

Mycotoxins are fungi toxic metabolites, heterogeneous in their nature and with varied pharmacological actions. They can cause injuries to animals, resulting in decreased performance and serious pathologic lesion. In the last years, the mycotoxicosis has received special attention worldwide due to losses in poultry industry. Fusarium fungi are reported as producers of diverse mycotoxin. Therefore, intoxication caused by Fusarium mycotoxins will hardly be due to one separate substance and more information is needed about the interaction effect of these.

Ciencia Rural | 2008

Digestibilidade aparente de dietas e metabolismo de frangos de corte alimentados com dietas contendo soja integral processada

Amanda d’Ávila Carvalho; Irineo Zanella; Cheila Roberta Lehnen; Ines Andretta; Eloiza Lanferdini; Luciano Hauschild; Paulo Alberto Lovatto

Foi realizado um experimento para avaliar a digestibilidade aparente de dietas e o metabolismo de frangos de corte alimentados com dietas contendo soja integral (SI) processada a vacuo (SIvac) ou a vapor (SIvap). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos (dieta controle - DC; DC com substituicao isometrica de 40% de SIvac ou SIvap; dieta com SIvac e dieta com SIvap). Os tratamentos com substituicao isometrica avaliaram a digestibilidade das sojas processadas; os demais, a digestibilidade de dietas contendo ou nao soja processada (controle). A ingestao de N foi 23 e 20% menor (P 0,05) pelas dietas. A excrecao de energia foi 19 e 22% menor (P 0,05) para a soja integral processada a vacuo ou a vapor. A soja processada a vacuo ou a vapor e uma alternativa ao farelo de soja e ao oleo vegetal em dietas para frangos de corte.

Ciencia Rural | 2004

Uso de enzimas em dietas contendo níveis crescentes de farelo de arroz integral para frangos de corte

Elivelton Luiz Bonato; Irineo Zanella; Ricardo Feliciano dos Santos; Sandra Paula Gasparini; Leandro Magon; Alexandre Pires Rosa; Lourdes Padilha Brittes

This experiment was conducted to determine the performance and carcass yeld of broilers fed diets based on increasing whole rice meal levels (WRM), with or without multienzyme complex supplementation. Nine hundred and sixty Cobb chicks, males and females, were allocated in a completely randomized design with eight treatments and six replicates with 20 birds. Four levels of WRM (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%), with and without supplementation of a multienzyme complex composed of protease, pentosanase e phytase enzymes were used in the experiment. The diets had the same levels of energy, protein, calcium and phosphorus in all the treatments. With the use of increasing levels of whole rice meal, there was significant reduction (P 0.05), however, in the diets supplemented with enzymes, the bio-economic index was 1.4% higher than the diets without supplementation.

Ciencia Rural | 2007

Índices produtivos e rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte alimentados com dietas contendo níveis de extrato etanólico de própolis ou promotores de crescimento convencionais

Silvana da Silva Franco; Alexandre Pires Rosa; Silvio Lengler; Rodrigo Uttpatel; Irineo Zanella; Carolina Gressler; Harvey Machado de Souza

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a adicao de niveis de extrato etanolico de propolis ou promotores de crescimento convencionais nas dietas de frangos de corte, de 1 a 42 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 924 frangos de corte machos, Ross, compondo um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos de sete repeticoes cada. Os frangos receberam dietas isonutritivas que continham diferentes promotores de crescimento (T1 - controle negativo, sem promotor;T2 - 0,1% de Extrato Etanolico de Propolis (EEP);T3 - 0,2% EEP;T4 - 0,3% EEP;T5 - 0,03% Bacitracina Metileno Dissalicilato (BMD) e T6 - dieta contendo 0,005% Olaquindox mais Clorotetraciclina). O consumo alimentar diferiu significativamente (P 0,05), e a mortalidade ocorrida nao foi relacionada aos tratamentos. Quanto as caracteristicas de carcaca, somente o rendimento e peso de peito foram afetados, sendo que a dieta contendo Olaquindox mais Clorotetraciclina foi inferior as dietas sem promotor, contendo 0,1% EEP ou BMD. Conforme desempenho geral dos animais avaliados, conclui-se que a utilizacao de extrato etanolico de propolis em ate 0,3% na dieta de frangos de corte proporcionou desempenho similar ao controle negativo.

Ciencia Rural | 2004

Diminuição dos níveis de cálcio e fósforo em dietas com farelo de arroz integral e enzimas sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte

Ricardo Feliciano dos Santos; Irineo Zanella; Elivelton Luiz Bonato; Alexandre Pires Rosa; Leandro Magon; Sandra Paula Gasparini; Lourdes Padilha Brittes

The objective of this work was to study the effect of the growing levels of whole rice meal (WRM) on the performance of broilers chickens and to evaluate the reduction of the calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P), when the diets were supplemented with enzymes exogenous. A total of 480 chicks (females) Cobb 12 days old were used, distributed in 8 treatments evaluating 4 levels of WRM (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%), with and without supplementation of a multienzyme complex, with 3 repetitions of 20 poultries for treatment. In the diets that contained enzymes, the levels of Ca and P were decreased in 0,1%, in all the development phases. With the addition of growing levels of Whole rice meal in the diets, there was a significant lineal regression (P 0.05). The enzymatic supplementation in the different levels of WRM didn’t present significant statistical difference. The use of low levels of Ca and P didn’t harm the acting of the birds.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2007

Processamento da soja integral e uso em dietas para suínos: digestibilidade e metabolismo

Amanda d’Ávila Carvalho; Paulo Alberto Lovatto; Luciano Hauschild; Ines Andretta; Cheila Roberta Lehnen; Irineo Zanella

An experiment was carried out to evaluate the full-fat soybean (FFS) processed by vacuum (FFSvac) or by steam (FFSstm), by means of digestibility and metabolism of pigs. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with five treatments (control diet, diet with FFSvac, diet with FFSstm, 40% FFSvac + 60% control diet, 40% FFSstm + 60% control diet) and four replications each, being the animal the experimental unit. The digestibility coefficients of gross energy were 4% and 3% lower for the diets with replacement of soybean meal by FFSvac or FFSstm, respectively. The replacement of soybean meal by FFSvac or FFSstm did not influence the digestion and the metabolism of nitrogen of the pigs. For FFS, the content of digestible protein and energy were 10.4 and 4.0% higher with vacuum processing. The diet digestibility and energy metabolism are similar in pigs fed with diets containing FFSvac or FFSstm. For pigs fed with diets containing FFSvac or FFSstm, the diet digestibility and nitrogen metabolism are not different. The vacuum processing improves the digestible contents of protein and energy of full-fat soybean.

Ciencia Rural | 2012

Métodos de incorporação da enzima fitase em rações para poedeiras

Patrícia Diniz Ebling; Irineo Zanella; Ana Kátia Karkow; Débora Aline Alves; João Paulo Aquino Santos; Julio Cesar Pigozzo

The objective of the study to evaluate two methods of incorporation of the enzyme phytase by comparing them to a basal diet and the method of increasing the supplementation of inorganic phosphorus in the diet, in search of a more effective way to mitigate the anti-nutritional factor phytic acid. Were observed performance characteristics of Isa Brown hens for 63 days trial period. The experimental design was completely randomized design with four treatments and five replicates of six birds. The birds received the treatments (diets): basal diet (BD), diet with defatted rice bran treated with phytase (DRBF), the traditional method of incorporation of dietary phytase untreated defatted rice bran phytase (MTF) and diet with defatted rice bran and without phytase (DRB). The methods of incorporating phytase in the diets did not significantly (P>0.05) broiler performance, both equivalent to the basal diet. The treatment of DRBF with phytase at 300 FTU kg-1 is effective, ie, treating only one ingredient of the diet with phytase onboard allows a smaller amount of phytase, while maintaining good performance. Therefore, methods involving phytase, regardless of method of incorporation, are indicated in the diet of laying hens.

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