Isabel Parada
Stanford University
Nature Neuroscience | 2013
Jeanne T. Paz; Thomas J. Davidson; Eric S. Frechette; Bruno Delord; Isabel Parada; Kathy Peng; Karl Deisseroth; John R. Huguenard
Cerebrocortical injuries such as stroke are a major source of disability. Maladaptive consequences can result from post-injury local reorganization of cortical circuits. For example, epilepsy is a common sequela of cortical stroke, but the mechanisms responsible for seizures following cortical injuries remain unknown. In addition to local reorganization, long-range, extra-cortical connections might be critical for seizure maintenance. In rats, we found that the thalamus, a structure that is remote from, but connected to, the injured cortex, was required to maintain cortical seizures. Thalamocortical neurons connected to the injured epileptic cortex underwent changes in HCN channel expression and became hyperexcitable. Targeting these neurons with a closed-loop optogenetic strategy revealed that reducing their activity in real-time was sufficient to immediately interrupt electrographic and behavioral seizures. This approach is of therapeutic interest for intractable epilepsy, as it spares cortical function between seizures, in contrast with existing treatments, such as surgical lesioning or drugs.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2010
Yunxiang Chu; Xiaoming Jin; Isabel Parada; Alexei Pesic; Beth Stevens; Ben A. Barres; David A. Prince
Excessive CNS synapses are eliminated during development to establish mature patterns of neuronal connectivity. A complement cascade protein, C1q, is involved in this process. Mice deficient in C1q fail to refine retinogeniculate connections resulting in excessive retinal innervation of lateral geniculate neurons. We hypothesized that C1q knockout (KO) mice would exhibit defects in neocortical synapse elimination resulting in enhanced excitatory synaptic connectivity and epileptiform activity. We recorded spontaneous and evoked field potential activity in neocortical slices and obtained video-EEG recordings from implanted C1q KO and wild-type (WT) mice. We also used laser scanning photostimulation of caged glutamate and whole cell recordings to map excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connectivity. Spontaneous and evoked epileptiform field potentials occurred at multiple sites in neocortical slices from C1q KO, but not WT mice. Laser mapping experiments in C1q KO slices showed that the proportion of glutamate uncaging sites from which excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) could be evoked (“hotspot ratio”) increased significantly in layer IV and layer V, although EPSC amplitudes were unaltered. Density of axonal boutons was significantly increased in layer V pyramidal neurons of C1q KO mice. Implanted KO mice had frequent behavioral seizures consisting of behavioral arrest associated with bihemispheric spikes and slow wave activity lasting from 5 to 30 s. Results indicate that epileptogenesis in C1q KO mice is related to a genetically determined failure to prune excessive excitatory synapses during development.
Epilepsia | 2009
David A. Prince; Isabel Parada; Karina Scalise; Kevin Graber; Xiaoming Jin; Fran Shen
The sequelae of traumatic brain injury, including posttraumatic epilepsy, represent a major societal problem. Significant resources are required to develop a better understanding of the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms as targets for potential prophylactic therapies. Posttraumatic epilepsy undoubtedly involves numerous pathogenic factors that develop more or less in parallel. We have highlighted two potential “prime movers”: disinhibition and development of new functional excitatory connectivity, which occur in a number of animal models and some forms of epilepsy in humans. Previous experiments have shown that tetrodotoxin (TTX) applied to injured cortex during a critical period early after lesion placement can prevent epileptogenesis in the partial cortical (“undercut”) model of posttraumatic epilepsy. Here we show that such treatment markedly attenuates histologic indices of axonal and terminal sprouting and presumably associated aberrant excitatory connectivity. A second finding in the undercut model is a decrease in spontaneous inhibitory events. Current experiments show that this is accompanied by regressive alterations in fast‐spiking γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneurons, including shrinkage of dendrites, marked decreases in axonal length, structural changes in inhibitory boutons, and loss of inhibitory synapses on pyramidal cells. Other data support the hypothesis that these anatomic abnormalities may result from loss of trophic support normally provided to interneurons by brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).
Journal of Neuroscience Methods | 1991
Guo-Fang Tseng; Isabel Parada; David A. Prince
Corticospinal neurons retrogradely labelled with rhodamine-labelled latex microspheres (RLMs) in vivo were studied intracellularly in a slice preparation up to 13 months later with electrodes containing biocytin. The physiological properties of these double-labelled corticospinal neurons were indistinguishable from those of comparable neurons which were impaled with biocytin-containing electrodes without prior RLM-labelling, and neurons studied with potassium acetate-filled electrodes in similar areas. Thus, neither labelling with RLMs nor injection of biocytin affected neuronal properties. This important advantage of RLMs makes them suitable for prelabelling projection neurons in vivo for subsequent studies that take advantage of the versatility of a brain slice preparation. In addition to its lack of effects on neuronal properties, intracellular labelling with biocytin also provides high-quality morphological details ideal for anatomical analysis. The compatibility of retrograde labelling with RLMs and intracellular staining with biocytin make this a useful combined technique for tracking electrophysiological and anatomical changes in identified projection neurons over time.
Epilepsia | 2000
Kimberle M. Jacobs; Kevin Graber; V.N Kharazia; Isabel Parada; David A. Prince
Summary: Lesions that occur either during fetal development or after postnatal brain trauma often result in seizures that are difficult to treat. We used two animal models to examine epileptogenic mechanisms associated with lesions that occur either during cortical development or in young adults. Results from these experiments suggest that there are three general ways that injury may induce hyperexcitability. Direct injury to cortical pyramidal neurons causes changes in membrane ion channels that make these cells more responsive to excitatory inputs, including increases in input resistance and a reduction in calcium‐activated potassium conductances that regulate the rate of action potential discharge. The connectivity of cortical circuits is also altered after injury, as shown by axonal sprouting within pyramidal cell intracortical arbors. Enhanced excitatory connections may increase recurrent excitatory loops within the epileptogenic zone. Hyperinnervation attributable to reorganization of thalamocortical, callosal, and intracortical circuitry, and failure to prune immature connections, may be prominent when lesions affect the developing neocortex. Finally, focal injury can produce widespread changes in γ‐aminobutyric acid and glutamate receptors, particularly in the developing brain. All of these factors may contribute to epileptogenesis.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2010
Jeanne T. Paz; Catherine A. Christian; Isabel Parada; David A. Prince; John R. Huguenard
Focal cortical injuries result in death of cortical neurons and their efferents and ultimately in death or damage of thalamocortical relay (TCR) neurons that project to the affected cortical area. Neurons of the inhibitory reticular thalamic nucleus (nRT) receive excitatory inputs from corticothalamic and thalamocortical axons and are thus denervated by such injuries, yet nRT cells generally survive these insults to a greater degree than TCR cells. nRT cells inhibit TCR cells, regulate thalamocortical transmission, and generate cerebral rhythms including those involved in thalamocortical epilepsies. The survival and reorganization of nRT after cortical injury would determine recovery of thalamocortical circuits after injury. However, the physiological properties and connectivity of the survivors remain unknown. To study possible alterations in nRT neurons, we used the rat photothrombosis model of cortical stroke. Using in vitro patch-clamp recordings at various times after the photothrombotic injury, we show that localized strokes in the somatosensory cortex induce long-term reductions in intrinsic excitability and evoked synaptic excitation of nRT cells by the end of the first week after the injury. We find that nRT neurons in injured rats show (1) decreased membrane input resistance, (2) reduced low-threshold calcium burst responses, and (3) weaker evoked excitatory synaptic responses. Such alterations in nRT cellular excitability could lead to loss of nRT-mediated inhibition in relay nuclei, increased output of surviving TCR cells, and enhanced thalamocortical excitation, which may facilitate recovery of thalamic and cortical sensory circuits. In addition, such changes could be maladaptive, leading to injury-induced epilepsy.
Journal of Neurophysiology | 2010
Brian Halabisky; Isabel Parada; Paul S. Buckmaster; David A. Prince
The density of somatostatin (SOM)-containing GABAergic interneurons in the hilus of the dentate gyrus is significantly decreased in both human and experimental temporal lobe epilepsy. We used the pilocarpine model of status epilepticus and temporal lobe epilepsy in mice to study anatomical and electrophysiological properties of surviving somatostatin interneurons and determine whether compensatory functional changes occur that might offset loss of other inhibitory neurons. Using standard patch-clamp techniques and pipettes containing biocytin, whole cell recordings were obtained in hippocampal slices maintained in vitro. Hilar SOM cells containing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) were identified with fluorescent and infrared differential interference contrast video microscopy in epileptic and control GIN (EGFP-expressing Inhibitory Neurons) mice. Results showed that SOM cells from epileptic mice had 1) significant increases in somatic area and dendritic length; 2) changes in membrane properties, including a small but significant decrease in resting membrane potential, and increases in time constant and whole cell capacitance; 3) increased frequency of slowly rising spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs) due primarily to increased mEPSC frequency, without changes in the probability of release; 4) increased evoked EPSC amplitude; and 5) increased spontaneous action potential generation in cell-attached recordings. Results suggest an increase in excitatory innervation, perhaps on distal dendrites, considering the slower rising EPSCs and increased output of hilar SOM cells in this model of epilepsy. In sum, these changes would be expected to increase the inhibitory output of surviving SOM interneurons and in part compensate for interneuronal loss in the epileptogenic hippocampus.
Epilepsia | 2013
Yunyong Ma; Naomi Ford; Isabel Parada; David A. Prince
To determine whether developmental synaptic pruning defects in epileptic C1q‐knockout (KO) mice are accompanied by postsynaptic abnormalities in dendrites and/or spines.
Neuroscience Letters | 2011
Huifang Li; Whitney McDonald; Isabel Parada; Leonardo C. Faria; Kevin Graber; D. Koji Takahashi; Yunyong Ma; David A. Prince
Prophylaxis of posttraumatic epilepsy will require a detailed knowledge of the epileptogenic pathophysiological processes that follow brain injury. Results from studies of experimental models and human epilepsy highlight alterations in GABAergic interneurons and formation of excessive new excitatory synaptic connectivity as prominent targets for prophylactic therapies. Promising laboratory results suggest that it will be possible to experimentally modify these aberrant processes and interfere with epileptogenesis. However, a number of key issues must be addressed before these results can be used to frame clinical antiepileptogenic therapy.
Neuroscience | 2009
Yunxiang Chu; Isabel Parada; David A. Prince
Na(+),K(+)-ATPase contributes to the asymmetrical distribution of sodium and potassium ions across the plasma membrane and to maintenance of the membrane potential in many types of cells. Alterations in this protein may play a significant role in many human neurological disorders, including epilepsy. We studied expression of the alpha3 isoform of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase in the freeze lesion (FL) microgyrus model of developmental epileptogenesis to test the hypothesis that it is downregulated following neonatal cortical injury. FL and sham-operated rat brains were examined at postnatal day (P)7, P10, P14, P21-28 and P50-60 after placement of a transcranial freeze lesion at P0 or P1. Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization were used to assess the expression of the alpha3 isoform of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase (termed alpha3, or alpha3 subunit below) in neuropil and the perisomatic areas of pyramidal cells and parvalbumin-containing interneurons. There was a significant decrease (P<0.05) in alpha3 subunit immunoreactivity (IR) in the neuropil of FL cortical layer V of the P14 and P21-28 groups that extended up to 360 mum from the border of the microgyrus, an area that typically exhibits evoked epileptiform activity. Alpha-3 was decreased in the perisomatic area of pyramidal but not parvalbumin-containing cells in P21-28 FL animals. A reduction in alpha3 mRNA was observed in the neuropil of FL cortical layer V up to 1610 mum from the microgyral edge. The developmental time course for expression of the alpha3 subunit between P7 and P60 was examined in naive rat cortices and results showed that there was a significant increase in alpha3 IR between P7 and P10. The significant decreases in Na(+),K(+)-ATPase in the paramicrogyral cortex may contribute to epileptogenesis.