Itsik Pe'er
Columbia University
Featured researches published by Itsik Pe'er.
Nature Genetics | 2005
Paul I. W. de Bakker; Roman Yelensky; Itsik Pe'er; Stacey Gabriel; Mark J. Daly; David Altshuler
We investigated selection and analysis of tag SNPs for genome-wide association studies by specifically examining the relationship between investment in genotyping and statistical power. Do pairwise or multimarker methods maximize efficiency and power? To what extent is power compromised when tags are selected from an incomplete resource such as HapMap? We addressed these questions using genotype data from the HapMap ENCODE project, association studies simulated under a realistic disease model, and empirical correction for multiple hypothesis testing. We demonstrate a haplotype-based tagging method that uniformly outperforms single-marker tests and methods for prioritization that markedly increase tagging efficiency. Examining all observed haplotypes for association, rather than just those that are proxies for known SNPs, increases power to detect rare causal alleles, at the cost of reduced power to detect common causal alleles. Power is robust to the completeness of the reference panel from which tags are selected. These findings have implications for prioritizing tag SNPs and interpreting association studies.
Nature | 2009
Jianxin Shi; Douglas F. Levinson; Jubao Duan; Alan R. Sanders; Yonglan Zheng; Itsik Pe'er; Frank Dudbridge; Peter Holmans; Alice S. Whittemore; Bryan J. Mowry; Ann Olincy; Farooq Amin; C. Robert Cloninger; Jeremy M. Silverman; Nancy G. Buccola; William Byerley; Donald W. Black; Raymond R. Crowe; Jorge R. Oksenberg; Daniel B. Mirel; Kenneth S. Kendler; Robert Freedman; Pablo V. Gejman
Schizophrenia, a devastating psychiatric disorder, has a prevalence of 0.5–1%, with high heritability (80–85%) and complex transmission. Recent studies implicate rare, large, high-penetrance copy number variants in some cases, but the genes or biological mechanisms that underlie susceptibility are not known. Here we show that schizophrenia is significantly associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the extended major histocompatibility complex region on chromosome 6. We carried out a genome-wide association study of common SNPs in the Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia (MGS) case-control sample, and then a meta-analysis of data from the MGS, International Schizophrenia Consortium and SGENE data sets. No MGS finding achieved genome-wide statistical significance. In the meta-analysis of European-ancestry subjects (8,008 cases, 19,077 controls), significant association with schizophrenia was observed in a region of linkage disequilibrium on chromosome 6p22.1 (P = 9.54 × 10-9). This region includes a histone gene cluster and several immunity-related genes—possibly implicating aetiological mechanisms involving chromatin modification, transcriptional regulation, autoimmunity and/or infection. These results demonstrate that common schizophrenia susceptibility alleles can be detected. The characterization of these signals will suggest important directions for research on susceptibility mechanisms.
Nature Genetics | 2009
Ann K. Daly; Peter Donaldson; Pallav Bhatnagar; Yufeng Shen; Itsik Pe'er; Aris Floratos; Mark J. Daly; David B. Goldstein; Sally John; Matthew R. Nelson; Julia Graham; B. Kevin Park; John F. Dillon; William Bernal; Heather J. Cordell; Munir Pirmohamed; Guruprasad P. Aithal; Christopher P. Day
Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is an important cause of serious liver disease. The antimicrobial agent flucloxacillin is a common cause of DILI, but the genetic basis for susceptibility remains unclear. We conducted a genome-wide association (GWA) study using 866,399 markers in 51 cases of flucloxacillin DILI and 282 controls matched for sex and ancestry. The GWA showed an association peak in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region with the strongest association (P = 8.7 × 10−33) seen for rs2395029[G], a marker in complete linkage disequilibrium (LD) with HLA-B*5701. Further MHC genotyping, which included 64 flucloxacillin-tolerant controls, confirmed the association with HLA-B*5701 (OR = 80.6, P = 9.0 × 10−19). The association was replicated in a second cohort of 23 cases. In HLA-B*5701 carrier cases, rs10937275 in ST6GAL1 on chromosome 3 also showed genome-wide significance (OR = 4.1, P = 1.4 × 10−8). These findings provide new insights into the mechanism of flucloxacillin DILI and have the potential to substantially improve diagnosis of this serious disease.
Nature Genetics | 2007
Robert M. Plenge; Chris Cotsapas; Leela Davies; Alkes L. Price; Paul I. W. de Bakker; Julian Maller; Itsik Pe'er; Noël P. Burtt; Brendan Blumenstiel; Matt DeFelice; Melissa Parkin; Rachel Barry; Wendy Winslow; Claire Healy; Robert R. Graham; Benjamin M. Neale; Elena Izmailova; Ronenn Roubenoff; Alex Parker; Roberta Glass; Elizabeth W. Karlson; Nancy E. Maher; David A. Hafler; David M. Lee; Michael F. Seldin; Elaine F. Remmers; Annette Lee; Leonid Padyukov; Lars Alfredsson; Jonathan S. Coblyn
To identify susceptibility alleles associated with rheumatoid arthritis, we genotyped 397 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis for 116,204 SNPs and carried out an association analysis in comparison to publicly available genotype data for 1,211 related individuals from the Framingham Heart Study. After evaluating and adjusting for technical and population biases, we identified a SNP at 6q23 (rs10499194, ∼150 kb from TNFAIP3 and OLIG3) that was reproducibly associated with rheumatoid arthritis both in the genome-wide association (GWA) scan and in 5,541 additional case-control samples (P = 10−3, GWA scan; P < 10−6, replication; P = 10−9, combined). In a concurrent study, the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC) has reported strong association of rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility to a different SNP located 3.8 kb from rs10499194 (rs6920220; P = 5 × 10−6 in WTCCC). We show that these two SNP associations are statistically independent, are each reproducible in the comparison of our data and WTCCC data, and define risk and protective haplotypes for rheumatoid arthritis at 6q23.
Genetic Epidemiology | 2008
Itsik Pe'er; Roman Yelensky; David Altshuler; Mark J. Daly
Genomewide association studies are an exciting strategy in genetics, recently becoming feasible and harvesting many novel genes linked to multiple phenotypes. Determining the significance of results in the face of testing a genomewide set of multiple hypotheses, most of which are producing noisy, null‐distributed association signals, presents a challenge to the wide community of association researchers. Rather than each study engaging in independent evaluation of significance standards, we have undertaken the task of developing such standards for genomewide significance, based on data collected by the International Haplotype Map Consortium. We report an estimated testing burden of a million independent tests genomewide in Europeans, and twice that number in Africans. We further identify the sensitivity of the testing burden to the required significance level, with implications to staged design of association studies. Genet. Epidemiol. 2008.
Nature | 2013
Samir Zaidi; Murim Choi; Hiroko Wakimoto; Lijiang Ma; Jianming Jiang; John D. Overton; Angela Romano-Adesman; Robert D. Bjornson; Roger E. Breitbart; Kerry K. Brown; Nicholas Carriero; Yee Him Cheung; John Deanfield; Steve Depalma; Khalid A. Fakhro; Joseph T. Glessner; Hakon Hakonarson; Jonathan R. Kaltman; Juan P. Kaski; Richard Kim; Jennie Kline; Teresa Lee; Jeremy Leipzig; Alexander E. Lopez; Shrikant Mane; Laura E. Mitchell; Jane W. Newburger; Michael Parfenov; Itsik Pe'er; George A. Porter
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most frequent birth defect, affecting 0.8% of live births. Many cases occur sporadically and impair reproductive fitness, suggesting a role for de novo mutations. Here we compare the incidence of de novo mutations in 362 severe CHD cases and 264 controls by analysing exome sequencing of parent–offspring trios. CHD cases show a significant excess of protein-altering de novo mutations in genes expressed in the developing heart, with an odds ratio of 7.5 for damaging (premature termination, frameshift, splice site) mutations. Similar odds ratios are seen across the main classes of severe CHD. We find a marked excess of de novo mutations in genes involved in the production, removal or reading of histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methylation, or ubiquitination of H2BK120, which is required for H3K4 methylation. There are also two de novo mutations in SMAD2, which regulates H3K27 methylation in the embryonic left–right organizer. The combination of both activating (H3K4 methylation) and inactivating (H3K27 methylation) chromatin marks characterizes ‘poised’ promoters and enhancers, which regulate expression of key developmental genes. These findings implicate de novo point mutations in several hundreds of genes that collectively contribute to approximately 10% of severe CHD.
Nature Genetics | 2014
Laurent C. Francioli; Androniki Menelaou; Sara L. Pulit; Freerk van Dijk; Pier Francesco Palamara; Clara C. Elbers; Pieter B. T. Neerincx; Kai Ye; Victor Guryev; Wigard P. Kloosterman; Patrick Deelen; Abdel Abdellaoui; Elisabeth M. van Leeuwen; Mannis van Oven; Martijn Vermaat; Mingkun Li; Jeroen F. J. Laros; Lennart C. Karssen; Alexandros Kanterakis; Najaf Amin; Jouke-Jan Hottenga; Eric-Wubbo Lameijer; Mathijs Kattenberg; Martijn Dijkstra; Heorhiy Byelas; Jessica van Setten; Barbera D. C. van Schaik; Jan Bot; Isaac J. Nijman; Ivo Renkens
Whole-genome sequencing enables complete characterization of genetic variation, but geographic clustering of rare alleles demands many diverse populations be studied. Here we describe the Genome of the Netherlands (GoNL) Project, in which we sequenced the whole genomes of 250 Dutch parent-offspring families and constructed a haplotype map of 20.4 million single-nucleotide variants and 1.2 million insertions and deletions. The intermediate coverage (∼13×) and trio design enabled extensive characterization of structural variation, including midsize events (30–500 bp) previously poorly catalogued and de novo mutations. We demonstrate that the quality of the haplotypes boosts imputation accuracy in independent samples, especially for lower frequency alleles. Population genetic analyses demonstrate fine-scale structure across the country and support multiple ancient migrations, consistent with historical changes in sea level and flooding. The GoNL Project illustrates how single-population whole-genome sequencing can provide detailed characterization of genetic variation and may guide the design of future population studies.
American Journal of Psychiatry | 2011
Douglas F. Levinson; Jubao Duan; Sang Oh; Kai Wang; Alan R. Sanders; Jianxin Shi; Nancy R. Zhang; Bryan J. Mowry; Ann Olincy; Farooq Amin; C. Robert Cloninger; Jeremy M. Silverman; Nancy G. Buccola; William Byerley; Donald W. Black; Kenneth S. Kendler; Robert Freedman; Frank Dudbridge; Itsik Pe'er; Hakon Hakonarson; Sarah E. Bergen; Ayman H. Fanous; Peter Holmans; Pablo V. Gejman
OBJECTIVE To evaluate previously reported associations of copy number variants (CNVs) with schizophrenia and to identify additional associations, the authors analyzed CNVs in the Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia study (MGS) and additional available data. METHOD After quality control, MGS data for 3,945 subjects with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder and 3,611 screened comparison subjects were available for analysis of rare CNVs (<1% frequency). CNV detection thresholds were chosen that maximized concordance in 151 duplicate assays. Pointwise and genewise analyses were carried out, as well as analyses of previously reported regions. Selected regions were visually inspected and confirmed with quantitative polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS In analyses of MGS data combined with other available data sets, odds ratios of 7.5 or greater were observed for previously reported deletions in chromosomes 1q21.1, 15q13.3, and 22q11.21, duplications in 16p11.2, and exon-disrupting deletions in NRXN1. The most consistently supported candidate associations across data sets included a 1.6-Mb deletion in chromosome 3q29 (21 genes, TFRC to BDH1) that was previously described in a mild-moderate mental retardation syndrome, exonic duplications in the gene for vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 (VIPR2), and exonic duplications in C16orf72. The case subjects had a modestly higher genome-wide number of gene-containing deletions (>100 kb and >1 Mb) but not duplications. CONCLUSIONS The data strongly confirm the association of schizophrenia with 1q21.1, 15q13.3, and 22q11.21 deletions, 16p11.2 duplications, and exonic NRXN1 deletions. These CNVs, as well as 3q29 deletions, are also associated with mental retardation, autism spectrum disorders, and epilepsy. Additional candidate genes and regions, including VIPR2, were identified. Study of the mechanisms underlying these associations should shed light on the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.
Nature Genetics | 2006
Itsik Pe'er; Paul I. W. de Bakker; Julian Maller; Roman Yelensky; David Altshuler; Mark J. Daly
Emerging technologies make it possible for the first time to genotype hundreds of thousands of SNPs simultaneously, enabling whole-genome association studies. Using empirical genotype data from the International HapMap Project, we evaluate the extent to which the sets of SNPs contained on three whole-genome genotyping arrays capture common SNPs across the genome, and we find that the majority of common SNPs are well captured by these products either directly or through linkage disequilibrium. We explore analytical strategies that use HapMap data to improve power of association studies conducted with these fixed sets of markers and show that limited inclusion of specific haplotype tests in association analysis can increase the fraction of common variants captured by 25–100%. Finally, we introduce a Bayesian approach to association analysis by weighting the likelihood of each statistical test to reflect the number of putative causal alleles to which it is correlated.
Genome Research | 2008
Alexander Gusev; Jennifer K. Lowe; Markus Stoffel; Mark J. Daly; David Altshuler; Jan L. Breslow; Jeffrey M. Friedman; Itsik Pe'er
We present GERMLINE, a robust algorithm for identifying segmental sharing indicative of recent common ancestry between pairs of individuals. Unlike methods with comparable objectives, GERMLINE scales linearly with the number of samples, enabling analysis of whole-genome data in large cohorts. Our approach is based on a dictionary of haplotypes that is used to efficiently discover short exact matches between individuals. We then expand these matches using dynamic programming to identify long, nearly identical segmental sharing that is indicative of relatedness. We use GERMLINE to comprehensively survey hidden relatedness both in the HapMap as well as in a densely typed island population of 3000 individuals. We verify that GERMLINE is in concordance with other methods when they can process the data, and also facilitates analysis of larger scale studies. We bolster these results by demonstrating novel applications of precise analysis of hidden relatedness for (1) identification and resolution of phasing errors and (2) exposing polymorphic deletions that are otherwise challenging to detect. This finding is supported by concordance of detected deletions with other evidence from independent databases and statistical analyses of fluorescence intensity not used by GERMLINE.