
Econometrics Journal | 2011

A Simple Approach to Quantile Regression for Panel Data

Ivan A. Canay

This paper provides a set of sufficient conditions that point identify a quantile regression model with fixed effects. It also proposes a simple transformation of the data that gets rid of the fixed effects under the assumption that these effects are location shifters. The new estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal as both n and T grow.

Econometrica | 2012

On the testability of identification in some nonparametric models with endogeneity

Ivan A. Canay; Andres Santos; Azeem M. Shaikh

This paper examines three distinct hypothesis testing problems that arise in the context of identification of some nonparametric models with endogeneity. The first hypothesis testing problem we study concerns testing necessary conditions for identification in some nonparametric models with endogeneity involving mean independence restrictions. These conditions are typically referred to as completeness conditions. The second and third hypothesis testing problems we examine concern testing for identification directly in some nonparametric models with endogeneity involving quantile independence restrictions. For each of these hypothesis testing problems, we provide conditions under which any test will have power no greater than size against any alternative. In this sense, we conclude that no nontrivial tests for these hypothesis testing problems exist.

Econometrica | 2017

Randomization Tests Under an Approximate Symmetry Assumption

Ivan A. Canay; Joseph P. Romano; Azeem M. Shaikh

This paper develops a theory of randomization tests under an approximate symmetry assumption. Randomization tests provide a general means of constructing tests that control size in finite samples whenever the distribution of the observed data exhibits symmetry under the null hypothesis. Here, by exhibits symmetry we mean that the distribution remains invariant under a group of transformations. In this paper, we provide conditions under which the same construction can be used to construct tests that asymptotically control the probability of a false rejection whenever the distribution of the observed data exhibits approximate symmetry in the sense that the limiting distribution of a function of the data exhibits symmetry under the null hypothesis. An important application of this idea is in settings where the data may be grouped into a fixed number of “clusters” with a large number of observations within each cluster. In such settings, we show that the distribution of the observed data satisfies our approximate symmetry requirement under weak assumptions. In particular, our results allow for the clusters to be heterogeneous and also have dependence not only within each cluster, but also across clusters. This approach enjoys several advantages over other approaches in these settings.

Econometrica | 2012

Distortions of Asymptotic Confidence Size in Locally Misspecified Moment Inequality Models

Federico A. Bugni; Ivan A. Canay; Patrik Guggenberger

This paper studies the behavior, under local misspecification, of several confidence sets (CSs) commonly used in the literature on inference in moment (in)equality models. We propose the amount of asymptotic confidence size distortion as a criterion to choose among competing inference methods. This criterion is then applied to compare across test statistics and critical values employed in the construction of CSs. We find two important results under weak assumptions. First, we show that CSs based on subsampling and generalized moment selection (Andrews and Soares (2010)) suffer from the same degree of asymptotic confidence size distortion, despite the fact that asymptotically the latter can lead to CSs with strictly smaller expected volume under correct model specification. Second, we show that the asymptotic confidence size of CSs based on the quasi-likelihood ratio test statistic can be an arbitrary small fraction of the asymptotic confidence size of CSs based on the modified method of moments test statistic.

Quantitative Economics | 2017

Inference for subvectors and other functions of partially identified parameters in moment inequality models

Federico A. Bugni; Ivan A. Canay; Xiaoxia Shi

This paper introduces a bootstrap-based inference method for functions of the parameter vector in a moment (in)equality model. These functions are restricted to be linear for two-sided testing problems, but may be non-linear for one-sided testing problems. In the most common case, this function selects a subvector of the parameter, such as a single component. The new inference method we propose controls asymptotic size uniformly over a large class of data distributions and improves upon the two existing methods that deliver uniform size control for this type of problem: projection-based and subsampling inference. Relative to projection-based procedures, our method presents three advantages: (i) it weakly dominates in terms of nite sample power, (ii) it strictly dominates in terms of asymptotic power, and (iii) it is typically less computationally demanding. Relative to subsampling, our method presents two advantages: (i) it strictly dominates in terms of asymptotic power (for reasonable choices of subsample size), and (ii) it appears to be less sensitive to the choice of its tuning parameter than subsampling is to the choice of subsample size.

Archive | 2018

The wild bootstrap with a "small" number of "large" clusters -

Ivan A. Canay; Andres Santos; Azeem M. Shaikh

This paper studies the properties of the wild bootstrap-based test proposed in Cameron et al. (2008) in settings with clustered data. Cameron et al. (2008) provide simulations that suggest this test works well even in settings with as few as five clusters, but existing theoretical analyses of its properties all rely on an asymptotic framework in which the number of clusters is “large.” In contrast to these analyses, we employ an asymptotic framework in which the number of clusters is “small,” but the number of observations per cluster is “large.” In this framework, we provide conditions under which the limiting rejection probability of an un-Studentized version of the test does not exceed the nominal level. Importantly, these conditions require, among other things, certain homogeneity restrictions on the distribution of covariates. We further establish that the limiting rejection probability of a Studentized version of the test does not exceed the nominal level by more than an amount that decreases exponentially with the number of clusters. We study the relevance of our theoretical results for finite samples via a simulation study.

arxiv:econ.EM | 2017

Inference under covariate-adaptive randomization with multiple treatments

Federico A. Bugni; Ivan A. Canay; Azeem M. Shaikh

This paper studies inference in randomized controlled trials with covariate-adaptive randomization when there are multiple treatments. More specifically, we study inference about the average effect of one or more treatments relative to other treatments or a control. As in Bugni et al. (2018), covariate-adaptive randomization refers to randomization schemes that first stratify according to baseline covariates and then assign treatment status so as to achieve balance within each stratum. In contrast to Bugni et al. (2018), we not only allow for multiple treatments, but further allow for the proportion of units being assigned to each of the treatments to vary across strata. We first study the properties of estimators derived from a fully saturated linear regression, i.e., a linear regression of the outcome on all interactions between indicators for each of the treatments and indicators for each of the strata. We show that tests based on these estimators using the usual heteroskedasticity-consistent estimator of the asymptotic variance are invalid; on the other hand, tests based on these estimators and suitable estimators of the asymptotic variance that we provide are exact. For the special case in which the target proportion of units being assigned to each of the treatments does not vary across strata, we additionally consider tests based on estimators derived from a linear regression with strata fixed effects, i.e., a linear regression of the outcome on indicators for each of the treatments and indicators for each of the strata. We show that tests based on these estimators using the usual heteroskedasticity-consistent estimator of the asymptotic variance are conservative, but tests based on these estimators and suitable estimators of the asymptotic variance that we provide are exact. A simulation study illustrates the practical relevance of our theoretical results.

arxiv:econ.EM | 2018

Testing continuity of a density via g -order statistics in the regression discontinuity design

Federico A. Bugni; Ivan A. Canay

In the regression discontinuity design (RDD), it is common practice to assess the credibility of the design by testing the continuity of the density of the running variable at the cut-off, e.g., McCrary (2008). In this paper we propose an approximate sign test for continuity of a density at a point based on the so-called g-order statistics, and study its properties under two complementary asymptotic frameworks. In the first asymptotic framework, the number q of observations local to the cut-off is fixed as the sample size n diverges to infinity, while in the second framework q diverges to infinity slowly as n diverges to infinity. Under both of these frameworks, we show that the test we propose is asymptotically valid in the sense that it has limiting rejection probability under the null hypothesis not exceeding the nominal level. More importantly, the test is easy to implement, asymptotically valid under weaker conditions than those used by competing methods, and exhibits finite sample validity under stronger conditions than those needed for its asymptotic validity. In a simulation study, we find that the approximate sign test provides good control of the rejection probability under the null hypothesis while remaining competitive under the alternative hypothesis. We finally apply our test to the design in Lee (2008), a well-known application of the RDD to study incumbency advantage.

Journal of Econometrics | 2010

EL inference for partially identified models: Large deviations optimality and bootstrap validity

Ivan A. Canay

Journal of Econometrics | 2013

Specification tests for partially identified models defined by moment inequalities

Federico A. Bugni; Ivan A. Canay; Xiaoxia Shi

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