
Featured researches published by Iván Godoy J.

Revista Medica De Chile | 2004

Cirugía valvular reparadora en endocarditis infecciosa

Ricardo Zalaquett S; Luis Garrido O; Francisca Casas R; Morán S; Manuel J Irarrázaval Ll; Pedro Becker R; Sandra Braun J; Samuel Córdova A; Gastón Chamorro S; Iván Godoy J; Fernando Yáñez D; Jaime Labarca L; Carlos Pérez C

Background: Valve replacement has been the treatment of choice for patients with valvular complications of infectious endocarditis (IE). However, excellent results with valve repair allowed it to become a new therapeutic alternative for these patients. Aim: To evaluate the results of valve repair in patients with valvular complications of IE. Patients and Methods: From January 1991 to December 2000, 14 patients with valvular complications of IE underwent valve repair. Mean age was 37.9 ± 14.9. Results: New York Heart Association (NYHA) class was 2.8 ± 0.9. IE was located in the aortic in 6 (42%), in the mitral valve in 4 (29%) and in both valves in 4 cases (29%). Surgical indication was hemodynamic in 50% of the cases, echocardiographic in 29% and septic in 21%. Five aortic valves were bicuspid, 3 mitral valves were myxomatous and the rest were normal. The most common septic lesions were vegetations and leaflet perforations. A total of 23 aortic and 21 mitral valve repair procedures were performed. There were no deaths. Only 1 patient had a surgical complication (renal failure and prolonged mechanical ventilation). Follow-up was 100% complete. There was not late mortality. One patient with bone marrow aplasia required reoperation for a new episode of IE 19 months later. At the end of the follow-up NYHA class was 1.3 ± 0.6 and echocardiography showed a mild or absence of valve regurgitation in most patients. Conclusions: Valve repair surgery in IE has good results, with advantages over valve replacement (Rev Med Chile 2004; 132: 307-15). (Key Words: Cardiovascular surgical procedures; Endocarditis, bacterial; Surgical procedures, operative)

Revista Medica De Chile | 2003

Resultados alejados de la cirugía reparadora de la insuficiencia mitral degenerativa

Ricardo Zalaquett S; Cristóbal Camplá C; Samuel Córdova A; Sandra Braun J; Gastón Chamorro S; Manuel J Irarrázaval Ll; Morán S; Pedro Becker R; Iván Godoy J; Fernando Yáñez D

Background: Mitral valve repair is probably the procedure of choice for the surgical treatment of degenerative mitral insufficiency. Aim: To evaluate the late results of mitral valve repair in degenerative mitral insufficiency. Patients and method: The records of 88 patients who underwent mitral valve repair for degenerative mitral insufficiency from December 1991 through June 2002 were reviewed. Mean age was 59.9 years (range 22 to 82). At least moderate mitral insufficiency was present in every patient. Mean left atrial diameter was 55 mm and mean end diastolic and end systolic left ventricular diameters were 61 and 37 mm respectively. Results: The most common underlying lesion was ruptured chordae tendineae (66%) and posterior leaflet prolapse (68%). The surgical procedure most frecuently performed was quadrilateral resection of the posterior leaflet (68%). A Carpentier-Edwards ring was placed in 97% of patients. An associated procedure was performed in 34%. Operative mortality was 2.3%. A complete follow up was obtained in 93% of cases with a mean of 54±36 months. Overall survival rate was 98% at one year, 88% at 5 and 82% at 10 years. Free of cardiac death rates were 94% at 5 and 89% at 10 years. Only 2 patients were reoperated during follow up, resulting in a 98% reoperation free rate follow up. Functional class improved in all patients at the end of follow up. Late echocardiographic evaluation showed absent or minimal mitral regurgitation in 83% and mild mitral regurgitation in 17%. Conclusion: Good late results have been obtained with mitral valve repair, avoiding the inconveniencies of prosthetic replacement. Therefore, mitral valve repair should be the procedure of choice to treat degenerative mitral insufficiency (Rev Med Chile 2003; 131: 1355-64). (Key Words: Mitral valve insufficiency)

Revista Medica De Chile | 2002

Cirugía de la insuficiencia mitral isquémica

Ricardo Zalaquett S; Luis Garrido O; Sergio Moran; Manuel J Irarrázaval Ll; Pedro Becker R; Gustavo Maturana B; Gastón Chamorro S; Sandra Braun J; Iván Godoy J; Samuel Córdova A

Background. Ischemic mitral regurgitation (IMR) is a severe condition which may be best treated by surgery, nowithstanding a relatively high mortality rate. Objectives. To evaluate the results of mitral valve replacement or repair in patients with IMR. Patients and methods. Retrospective review of the clinical records in 29 patients with IMR who were surgically treated from 1990 to 1999. They represent 8% of surgical procedures on the mitral valve. Results. Mean age was 67 ± 9 years. Surgery was performed urgently in 19 patients (66,5%). NYHA functional class was 3.4 ± 0.8. The mechanism of IMR was annular dilatation and spreading of papillary muscles in 18 patients, papillary muscle rupture in 9 and fibrosis in 2. Mitral valve replacement was performed in 14 patients and mitral valve repair in 15. Twenty four patients (83%) had concomitant myocardial revascularization. Overall surgical mortality was 24%; 26% for mitral replacement and 13% for mitral valve repair (p=0.215). On follow up of 26±33 months, one year survival was 76±0.8% and 5 years survival was 59±12%. Excluding in hospital mortality, survival was 100% at one year and 78±14% at 5 years. Functional class improved in all survivors, to 1.4±0.5. Late echocardiographic evaluation of patients with mitral valve repair showed absence of mitral regurgitation in 58%, 1+ MR in 17% and 2+ MR in 25%. Conclusion. In spite of a high perioperative mortality, surgery for IMR is a valuable procedure for patients with an otherwise highly lethal disease (Rev Med Chile 2002; 130: 9-16)

Revista Medica De Chile | 2008

Tratamiento endovascular de la disección aórtica tipo B mediante endoprótesis

Renato Mertens M; Ivette Arriagada J; Francisco Valdés E; Albrecht Krämer Sch; Leopoldo Mariné M; Michel Bergoeing R; Sandra Braun J; Iván Godoy J; Samuel Córdova A; Alvaro Huete G; Jeannette Vergara G; Claudia Carvajal N

Background: Dissections that involve the ascending aorta are classified as type A, regardless of the site of the primary intimal tear, and all other dissections as type B. Type B dissections can have fatal ischemic and hemorrhagic complications. In the chronic state, dilatation and rupture can be mortal. Endovascular surgery is a therapeutic alternative, considering the high rate of complications of conventional surgery Aim: To report the results of endovascular treatment of type B aortic dissection. Material and methods: Report of 36 treated patients (30 males) aged 43 to 87 years, with a type B aortic dissection. Seventy eight percent were hypertensive and 39% smoked. The diagnosis was connrmed by CAT sean. Acute patients were treated for complications and chronic patients, for dilatation. In the operating room, an endoprothesis was placed through the femoral artery, to cover the tear. The tear was located and the lumens were differentiated using angiography and transesophageal echocardiography. Results: All procedures were successful. In 16 acute dissections the indications were malperfusion syndrome or unmanageable hypertension in seven patients and imminent rupture or persistent pain in nine. Twenty chronic patients were operated due to dilatation (mean 6 cm). One patient died due to cardiac failure. One patient had a transient paraparesia and two had pulmonary embolism. No patient died in a follow up period ranging from 2.5 to 74 months. Four patients required a new aortic endovascular procedure due to progressive dilatation or endoleak. Conclusion: Endovascular treatment of type B aortic dissection has good immediate andlong term results

Revista Medica De Chile | 2005

Ciruguía reparadora de la válvula aórtica bicúspide insuficiente

Ricardo Zalaquett S; Cristóbal Camplá C; Maximiliano Scheu G; Samuel Córdova A; Pedro Becker R; Sergio Moran; Manuel J Irarrázaval Ll; Cristian Baeza P; Claudio Arretz V; Sandra Braun J; Gastón Chamorro S; Iván Godoy J; Fernando Yáñez D

Background: Surgical valve repair is a good alternative for correction of incompetent bicuspid aortic valve. Aim: To report the early and late surgical, clinical and ecochardiographic results of surgical repair of incompetent bicuspid aortic valves. Patients and methods: Retrospective review of medical records of 18 patients aged 19 to 61 years, with incompetent bicuspid aortic valve in whom a valve repair was performed. Four patients had infectious endocarditis and 17 were in functional class I or II. Follow up ranged from 3 to 113 months after surgery. Results: A triangular resection of the prolapsing larger cusp, which included the middle raphe, was performed in 17 cases; in 13 of these, a complementary subcommisural annuloplasty was performed. In the remaining case, with a perforation of the non-coronary cusp, a pericardial patch was implanted; this procedure was also performed in 2 other cases. In 3 cases large vegetations were removed. Postoperative transesophageal echocardiography showed no regurgitation in 11 patients (62%) and mild regurgitation in 7 (38%). There was no operative morbidity or mortality. There were no deaths during the follow-up period. In 3 patients (17%) the aortic valve was replaced with a mechanical prosthesis, 8 to 108 months after the first operation. Reoperation was not needed in 93%±6,4% at 1 year and 85%±9,5% at 5 years, these patients were all in functional class I at the end of the follow-up period. 60% had no aortic regurgitation, 20% had mild and 20% moderate aortic regurgitation on echocardiographic examination. A significant reduction of the diastolic diameter of the left ventricle was observed, but there were no significant changes in systolic diameter or shortening fraction. Conclusions: Surgical repair of incompetent bicuspid aortic valves has low operative morbidity and mortality and has a low risk of reoperation (Rev Med Chile 2005; 133: 279-86)

Revista Medica De Chile | 2000

Rechazo humoral en trasplante cardíaco: Comunicación de dos casos

Pablo Castro G; Germán Arriagada S; Mauricio Moreno S; Sergio Moran; Pedro Becker R; Ricardo Zalaquett S; Iván Godoy J; Samuel Córdova A

Heart transplantation is a therapeutic alternative for selected patients with refractory heart failure. Acute allograft rejection is one of the main causes of early death after transplantation. The cellular rejection is characterized by cellular infiltrates with or without miocyte necrosis. However, some patients develop left ventricular dysfunction due to rejection without evidence of cellular infiltration. In these patients, the rejection is mediated by antibodies and complement. Humoral rejection is a relative rare but potentially fatal form of acute allograft rejection. We report two patients with left ventricular dysfunction secondary to humoral rejection, shortly after cardiac transplantation. Both patients were treated with methylprednisolone, and azathioprine was substituted by cyclophosphamide. One patient underwent plasmapheresis. The clinical outcome was satisfactory and the left ventricular function returned to normal in both cases. The diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for the management of humoral rejection are reviewed (Rev Med Chile 2000; 128: 1245-49)

Revista Chilena De Cirugia | 2012

Ligadura de la arteria coronaria descendente anterior izquierda en ratas: Técnica quirúrgica

Gabriel Olivares R; Morán S; Cristian Palacios M; Felipe Apablaza E; Iván Godoy J; Ricardo Zalaquett S; María Paz Ocaranza J

Introduccion: El modelo experimental de ligadura de la arteria coronaria descendente anterior izquierda (ADA) en ratas, ha sido de gran ayuda para el estudio de la cardiopatia isquemica. Sin embargo, es un procedimiento dificil de realizar y con alta mortalidad operatoria. Existe poca informacion de sus aspectos tecnicos. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue describir en detalle la tecnica quirurgica de la ligadura de la ADA en ratas. Material y Metodo: Se utilizaron 51 ratas machos Sprague-Dawley 230 ± 20 gr de peso anestesiadas y conectadas a ventilacion mecanica. A traves de una toracotomia izquierda se ligo la ADA, 2 mm debajo de la interseccion entre la arteria pulmonar y la orejuela izquierda. Al dia siguiente se realizo una ecocardiografia transtoracica para confirmar la presencia de hipocinesia. Resultados: La mortalidad operatoria fue de 7,8% (4 de 51). La principal causa de muerte fue la hemorragia en el intraoperatorio durante la curva de aprendizaje. El tiempo operatorio promedio fue de 45 ± 5 min. Se confirmo la presencia de una hipocinesia de la pared anterolateral en el 100% de las ratas supervivientes. Discusion. Esta tecnica es un procedimiento reproducible y seguro, con una mortalidad menor al 10%.

Revista Medica De Chile | 2008

Tratamiento endovascular de la diseccin artica tipo B mediante endoprtesis

Renato Mertens M; Ivette Arriagada J; Francisco Valdés E; Albrecht Krämer Sch; Leopoldo Mariné M; Michel Bergoeing R; Sandra Braun J; Iván Godoy J; Samuel Córdova A; Alvaro Huete G; Jeannette Vergara Ga; Claudia Carvajal N

Revista Medica De Chile | 2005

Cirugua reparadora de la vlvula artica bicspide insuficiente

Ricardo Zalaquett S; Cristóbal Camplá C; Maximiliano Scheu G; Samuel Córdova A; Pedro Becker R; Sergio Moran; Manuel J Irarrázaval Ll; Cristian Baeza P; Claudio Arretz V; Sandra Braun J; Gastón Chamorro S; Iván Godoy J; Fernando Yáñez D

Revista Medica De Chile | 2002

Ciruga de la insuficiencia mitral isqumica

Ricardo Zalaquett S; Luis Garrido O; Sergio Moran; Manuel J Irarrázaval Ll; Pedro Becker R; Gustavo Maturana B; Gastón Chamorro S; Sandra Braun J; Iván Godoy J; Samuel Córdova A

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