
Polymer | 2013

Predicting multidimensional distributive properties of hyperbranched polymer resulting from AB2 polymerization with substitution, cyclization and shielding

Ivan Kryven; Piet D. Iedema

A deterministic mathematical model for the polymerization of hyperbranched molecules accounting for substitution, cyclization, and shielding effect has been developed as a system of nonlinear population balances. The solution obtained by a novel approximation method shows perfect agreement with the analytical solution in limiting cases and provides, for the first time in this class of polymerization problems, full multidimensional results.

Physical Review E | 2016

Emergence of the giant weak component in directed random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions

Ivan Kryven

The weak component generalizes the idea of connected components to directed graphs. In this paper, an exact criterion for the existence of the giant weak component is derived for directed graphs with arbitrary bivariate degree distributions. In addition, we consider a random process for evolving directed graphs with bounded degrees. The bounds are not the same for different vertices but satisfy a predefined distribution. The analytic expression obtained for the evolving degree distribution is then combined with the weak-component criterion to obtain the exact time of the phase transition. The phase-transition time is obtained as a function of the distribution that bounds the degrees. Remarkably, when viewed from the step-polymerization formalism, the new results yield Flory-Stockmayer gelation theory and generalize it to a broader scope.

Macromolecular Theory and Simulations | 2016

Random Graph Approach to Multifunctional Molecular Networks

Ivan Kryven; Jorien Duivenvoorden; Joen J. Hermans; Piet D. Iedema

Formation of a molecular network from multifunctional precursors is modelled with a random graph process. The random graph model favours reactivity for monomers that are positioned close in the network topology, and disfavours reactivity for those that are obscured by the surrounding. The phenomena of conversion-dependant reaction rates, gelation, and micro-gelation are thus naturally predicted by the model and do not have to be imposed. Resulting non-homogeneous network topologies are analysed to extract such descriptors as: size distribution, crosslink distances, and gel-point conversion. Furthermore, new to the molecular simulation community descriptors are invented. These descriptors are especially useful for understanding evolution of pure gel, amongst them: cluster coefficient, network modularity, cluster size distribution.

BMC Systems Biology | 2015

Solution of the chemical master equation by radial basis functions approximation with interface tracking

Ivan Kryven; Susanna Röblitz; Christof Schütte

BackgroundThe chemical master equation is the fundamental equation of stochastic chemical kinetics. This differential-difference equation describes temporal evolution of the probability density function for states of a chemical system. A state of the system, usually encoded as a vector, represents the number of entities or copy numbers of interacting species, which are changing according to a list of possible reactions. It is often the case, especially when the state vector is high-dimensional, that the number of possible states the system may occupy is too large to be handled computationally. One way to get around this problem is to consider only those states that are associated with probabilities that are greater than a certain threshold level.ResultsWe introduce an algorithm that significantly reduces computational resources and is especially powerful when dealing with multi-modal distributions. The algorithm is built according to two key principles. Firstly, when performing time integration, the algorithm keeps track of the subset of states with significant probabilities (essential support). Secondly, the probability distribution that solves the equation is parametrised with a small number of coefficients using collocation on Gaussian radial basis functions. The system of basis functions is chosen in such a way that the solution is approximated only on the essential support instead of the whole state space.DiscussionIn order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method, we consider four application examples: a) the self-regulating gene model, b) the 2-dimensional bistable toggle switch, c) a generalisation of the bistable switch to a 3-dimensional tristable problem, and d) a 3-dimensional cell differentiation model that, depending on parameter values, may operate in bistable or tristable modes. In all multidimensional examples the manifold containing the system states with significant probabilities undergoes drastic transformations over time. This fact makes the examples especially challenging for numerical methods.ConclusionsThe proposed method is a new numerical approach permitting to approximately solve a wide range of problems that have been hard to tackle until now. A full representation of multi-dimensional distributions is recovered. The method is especially attractive when dealing with models that yield solutions of a complex structure, for instance, featuring multi-stability.

Physical Review E | 2017

General expression for the component size distribution in infinite configuration networks

Ivan Kryven

In the infinite configuration network the links between nodes are assigned randomly with the only restriction that the degree distribution has to match a predefined function. This work presents a simple equation that gives for an arbitrary degree distribution the corresponding size distribution of connected components. This equation is suitable for fast and stable numerical computations up to the machine precision. The analytical analysis reveals that the asymptote of the component size distribution is completely defined by only a few parameters of the degree distribution: the first three moments, scale, and exponent (if applicable). When the degree distribution features a heavy tail, multiple asymptotic modes are observed in the component size distribution that, in turn, may or may not feature a heavy tail.

Journal of Mathematical Chemistry | 2018

Analytic results on the polymerisation random graph model

Ivan Kryven

The step-growth polymerisation of a mixture of arbitrary-functional monomers is viewed as a time-continuos random graph process with degree bounds that are not necessarily the same for different vertices. The sequence of degree bounds acts as the only input parameter of the model. This parameter entirely defines the timing of the phase transition. Moreover, the size distribution of connected components features a rich temporal dynamics that includes: switching between exponential and algebraic asymptotes and acquiring oscillations. The results regarding the phase transition and the expected size of a connected component are obtained in a closed form. An exact expression for the size distribution is resolved up to the convolution power and is computable in subquadratic time. The theoretical results are illustrated on a few special cases, including a comparison with Monte Carlo simulations.

Physical Review E | 2017

Finite connected components in infinite directed and multiplex networks with arbitrary degree distributions

Ivan Kryven

This work presents exact expressions for size distributions of weak and multilayer connected components in two generalizations of the configuration model: networks with directed edges and multiplex networks with an arbitrary number of layers. The expressions are computable in a polynomial time and, under some restrictions, are tractable from the asymptotic theory point of view. If first partial moments of the degree distribution are finite, the size distribution for two-layer connected components in multiplex networks exhibits an exponent -3/2 in the critical regime, whereas the size distribution of weakly connected components in directed networks exhibits two critical exponents -1/2 and -3/2.

Computers & Chemical Engineering | 2018

Automated reaction generation for polymer networks

Yuliia Orlova; Ivan Kryven; Piet D. Iedema

Abstract Most of the theoretical studies on polymer kinetics has been performed by manually reducing the chemical system to a few simple reaction mechanisms having a repeatable nature. Not being constrained by such reducibility, this work considers the polymerization as a product of a complex network of reactions that need not to be known in advance. Combining various ideas from graph theory, combinatorics and random graphs, we introduce a new modeling approach to complex polymerization that automatically constructs a reaction network, solves kinetic model, and retrieves such topological properties of the final polymer network as, for instance, distribution of molecular weight. In this way, the new approach acts as an intermediate layer that propagates the knowledge of the basic chemistry in order to capture and understand the complexity of the real world polymerizing systems.

Macromolecular Theory and Simulations | 2013

A Novel Approach to Population Balance Modeling of Reactive Polymer Modification Leading to Branching

Ivan Kryven; Piet D. Iedema

Macromolecular Theory and Simulations | 2014

Population Balance Modeling of Aggregation and Coalescence in Colloidal Systems

Ivan Kryven; Stefano Lazzari; Giuseppe Storti

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