Iwo Labuda
University of Mississippi
Archive | 2009
Lech Drewnowski; Iwo Labuda
For a sequence x=(x n ) in a Banach space, define C(x) to be the set of all elements (e n ) of the Cantor cube K={0,1}ℕ for which the series \( \sum\nolimits_{n = 1}^\infty {\varepsilon _n x_n } \) is subseries convergent. The main result of the paper is that a Banach space X contains no isomorphic copy of c 0 if and only if, for every sequence x in X, the set C(x) is F σ in K. A similar equivalence involving ‘ideals of Pettis integrability’ is also shown.
Mathematische Annalen | 1988
Iwo Labuda; Pawel Szeptycki
On considere des operateurs integraux non singuliers a noyaux mesurables arbitraires. On etudie des conditions sur des espaces de mesures assurant la completude des domaines propres. On introduit des domaines relatifs, propres et etendus, et on demontre des resultats sur la continuite et la maximalite des extensions des operateurs integraux
Mathematica Slovaca | 2007
Brian L. Davis; Iwo Labuda
Stability of some classes of filters under the (infinite, Tikhonov) product operation is investigated. Applications to productivity of some types of set valued maps are given.
Quaestiones Mathematicae | 2007
Brian L. Davis; Iwo Labuda
Let X be paracompact, that is, every open cover P of X admits a locally finite open refinement R covering X. Does there exist a class D of covers of X such that the paracompactness of X is equivalent to its D-compactness (each D ∈ D admits a finite subcover of X)? We address the question in a more general framework of P/R-compact versus D-compact families of subsets in a pretopological space and obtain an affirmative answer as a corollary.
Note di Matematica | 1992
Iwo Labuda; Pawel Szeptycki
The paper generalizes the known construction of the extended domain of an integral operator relative to an arbitrary range space.The aim of the generalization is to get rid of excessive solidity hypotheses imposed in the previous work on the subject.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society | 1998
Lech Drewnowski; Iwo Labuda
Bulletin of The Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics | 2006
Iwo Labuda
Illinois Journal of Mathematics | 2002
Lech Drewnowski; Iwo Labuda
Studia Mathematica | 2000
Lech Drewnowski; Iwo Labuda
Mathematische Zeitschrift | 1987
Iwo Labuda