Iwo Pollo
Saga University
Ozone-science & Engineering | 2002
Joanna Pawlat; Nobuya Hayashi; Chobei Yamabe; Iwo Pollo
Abstract This works reports on electrical discharge performed in a foaming environment. This new method allows for an effective treatment of polluted gas by contacting the large streams of gas with small amount of liquid. The possibility of generation of oxidants in the foaming column was examined. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hydroxyl radicals and the small amount of ozone were generated in the foam. It was possible to obtain 40 mgH2O2/dm3 at 14.5 kV of applied voltage and 5 dm3/min oxygen substrate gas flow. In case of air the maximum concentration was 35 mgH2O2/dm3 in the same applied voltage and gas flow conditions.
Advances in Environmental Research | 2004
Joanna Pawlat; Nobuya Hayashi; Satoshi Ihara; Saburoh Satoh; Chobei Yamabe; Iwo Pollo
Abstract A new foaming environment for a discharge application was described. The possibilities to obtain electrical discharge and to generate oxidizing agents in a foaming column with a dielectric covered plate-to-metal plate electrode system were investigated. The liquid and gas flowed co-currently in a compact apparatus. The presence of hydrogen peroxide, gaseous ozone and dissolved ozone was confirmed. This fact suggested that the foaming system could be useful for environmental protection. This method, belonging to the advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) can be potentially used in a treatment of the large volume of polluted gas.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | 1999
Tomasz Cieplak; Chobei Yamabe; Satoshi Ihara; Saburoh Satoh; Joanna Cieplak; Iwo Pollo
The effect of electrode rotation on the ozone generation process is presented. An ozonizer with an electrode rotating system might be one possible way to increase ozone-synthesis efficiency. The research presented shows that with electrode rotation the ozone-generation efficiency increases by about 15% compared to an ozonizer with a non-rotating electrode; discharge also becomes more homogenous.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects | 2003
Joanna Pawlat; Chobei Yamabe; Iwo Pollo
Abstract An innovatory apparatus for the discharge generation in foaming conditions was constructed. The main goal of the research was to obtain various kinds of oxidants, useful in Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) in one compact reactor, potentially even in the treated medium. Such an application of dynamic foam, created without the addition of surfactant has not been investigated as yet. To find the optimum conditions for the efficient foam generation and the discharge development and moreover, to assure the presence of oxidants in sufficient concentrations several electrode materials and electrode set-ups were tested. The experiments were done in the metal plate-to-metal plate, metal plate-to-dielectric plate, needles-to-metal plate and needles-to-dielectric plate electrodes’ set-ups. The discharge gap space ranged from 4 mm in the case of plate-to-plate electrodes to 7 mm in the case of needles-to-plate electrodes. Generally, the highest oxidants’ concentrations at the highest comparable gas flow rate were obtained in the needles-to-dielectric plate arrangement, where 521 and 875 ppm of gaseous ozone, 0.36 and 0.5 mg dm −3 of dissolved ozone and 59 and 62 mg dm −3 of hydrogen peroxide were obtained at 14 kV of applied voltage and at 5 dm 3 min −1 of the substrate gas flow in air and oxygen, respectively. The presence of OH radicals was confirmed by the spectroscopic measurements. The larger gap size was more advantageous from the foam formation point of view and the dielectric layer assured more uniform spatial discharge development between the electrodes.
Ozone-science & Engineering | 1997
Janusz Ozonek; Stefan Fijakowski; Iwo Pollo
Abstract The main objective of the paper is to establish an arrangement of sources of exergy losses (internal and external ones) and to estimate the value of the losses in an industrial ozone production installation. An exergetic model of industrial installation in a system approach corresponding to real conditions has been formulated.
Ozone-science & Engineering | 1999
Iwo Pollo
Abstract A review of the state of knowledge, science and technology connected to ozone in Poland in presented. Examples of research direction as well as applications are described. Some details concerning the problems of supplying water regions with high population density and having a developed heavy industry are presented. It is shown that using ozone in various water treatment systems helps to solve complicated problems connected to the management with limited water resources in Poland. The needs to develop ozone technology are large as in the next several years the Polish market will need ozonizers of various capacities and producing ozone at higher concentrations.
Plasma Processes and Polymers | 2005
Joanna Pawlat; Satoshi Ihara; Chobei Yamabe; Iwo Pollo
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing | 2003
Joanna Pawlat; Nobuya Hayashi; Satoshi Ihara; Chobei Yamabe; Iwo Pollo
プラズマ応用科学 | 1999
Joanna Pawlat; Iwo Pollo; 長兵衛 山部
電気学会研究会資料. ED, 放電研究会 | 1999
Tomasz Cieplak; Chobei Yamabe; Satoshi Ihara; Saburoh Satoh; Szulzyk-Cieplak Joanna; Iwo Pollo