J.A.M. van den Biggelaar
Utrecht University
Featured researches published by J.A.M. van den Biggelaar.
Developmental Biology | 1979
J.A.M. van den Biggelaar; P. Guerrier
In mollusks with an equal four-cell stage, dorsoventral polarity becomes noticeable in the interval between the formation of the third and fourth quartet of micromeres, i.e., between the fifth and sixth cleavage. One of the two macromeres at the vegetal cross-furrow then partly withdraws from the surface and becomes located more toward the center of the embryonic cell mass than the other three macromeres. Only this specific macromere (3D) contacts the micromeres of the animal pole, divides with a delay, and develops into the stem cell of the mesentoblast (4d). After suppression of the normal contacts between micromeres and macromeres either by dissociation of the embryos or by deletion of first quartet cells, the normal differentiation of the macromeres fails to appear. By deleting a decreasing number of first quartet cells, an increasing percentage of embryos shows the normal differentiation pattern. Deletion of one of the cross-furrow macromeres does not preclude formation of the mesentoblast, which then originates by differentiation of an other macromere. It is concluded that initially the embryo is radially symmetrical and that the four quadrants have identical developmental capacities; mesentoblast differentiation from one macromere is induced through the contacts of the first quartet cells and that single macromere.
Developmental Biology | 1978
P. Guerrier; J.A.M. van den Biggelaar; C.A.M. van Dongen; Nico H. Verdonk
Abstract The development of dorsoventral polarity in Dentalium dentale has been analyzed after inhibiting first polar lobe formation with cytochalasin B and bisecting the egg into two equal parts at an early trefoil stage. Cleavage pattern and morphogenesis have been studied in both in vivo and permanent cytological preparations. After bisecting the egg, each blastomere may fuse with its adhering polar lobe half and subsequently behave as a CD blastomere. The polar lobe substance may induce both halves to develop an apical tuft and probably also a posttrochal region. Cytochalasin B embryos which pass through an equal first cleavage form a four-cell stage in which the two D blastomeres are situated opposite or adjacent to each other (CDCD or CCDD embryos, respectively). During further development the larvae show a duplication of lobe-dependent structures. It is concluded that dorsoventral polarity originates epigenetically by fusion of the polar lobe with one of the first two blastomeres and is not preformed in the uncleaved egg.
Developmental Biology | 1987
F. Serras; J.A.M. van den Biggelaar
We have studied the pathways of cell communication in embryos of the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis in which the developmental fate of a cell or a group of cells is known from cell lineage studies. We iontophoretically injected Lucifer Yellow CH and followed the spread of fluorescence between cells interconnected via gap junctions. In early stages all blastomeres appear to be dye-coupled, but later on communication is restricted within compartments. The pattern of cell communication corresponds with the development of compartments with specific cell fates. Dye-spread is limited by communication boundaries which completely or mostly prevent the passage of dye to adjacent compartments with different developmental fates. These boundaries appear progressively during development. Our results suggest that, during the development of Lymnaea, the progressive changes in the pattern of dye spread correspond with the progressive restrictions of the developmental fates of individual cells or groups of cells. We conclude that changes in the pattern of cell communication and in the appearance of communication compartments are not exclusive features of regulative embryos.
Developmental Biology | 1982
A. W. C. Dorresteijn; S.M. Biliński; J.A.M. van den Biggelaar; J. G. Bluemink
Abstract The presence of gap junctions has been examined up to the sixth cleavage in the early Patella embryo. Gap junctions are located all over the blastomere borders. In 2-, 4-, and 8-cell embryos they were also observed at peripheral contacts. The frequency and size of the gap junctions increase at the 32-cell stage. The structure of gap junctions is similar in all stages investigated with hexagonally arranged equal-sized particles (11 nm) having a constant center-to-center spacing (13.0 nm). At the 32-cell stage formation plaques were observed, indicating an increase of gap junctions.
Experimental Cell Research | 1971
J.A.M. van den Biggelaar
In eggs of Lymnaea RNA synthesis can be detected autoradiographically from the 8- to the 16-cell stage. From the 16- to the 24-cell stage distinct nucleoli reappear which are immediately engaged in RNA synthesis.
Development Genes and Evolution | 1989
F. Serras; Peter Damen; Wim J.A.G. Dictus; R.G.E. Notenboom; J.A.M. van den Biggelaar
SummaryPatterns of gap junctional communication in the ectoderm of embryos of Patella vulgata have been studied by intracellular injection of the fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow, and by analysis of its subsequent spread to adjacent cells (dye-coupling). We found that dye-coupling became progressively restricted to different domains of the ectoderm, forming communication compartments. These communication compartments are characterized by their high coupling abilities within the compartment, and reduction of coupling across their boundaries. During development, the pretrochal (anterior) ectoderm becomes subdivided into two communication compartments, the apical organ and the anlage of the head ectoderm. The posttrochal (posterior) ectoderm becomes subdivided into different communication compartments in two successive phases. Firstly, in the 15-h embryo the dorsal and ventral domains of the ectoderm form separate communication compartments. A dorso-ventral communication boundary restricts the passage of dye between the two domains. Secondly, in the 24-h embryo dye-coupling becomes further compartmentalized in both the dorsal and ventral domains. These compartments correspond to the anlagen of different ectodermal structures. In order to study whether any level of coupling persists between the ectodermal compartments we injected currents through a microelectrode inserted into one cell of one compartment and monitored its spread by means of a second microelectrode inserted into one cell of another compartment (electrical coupling). Despite the absence of dye-coupling, electrical coupling between the ectodermal dye-coupling compartments was detected, which suggests that some level of communication is maintained between compartments. Our results demonstrate that within the ectoderm layer of Patella vulgata the transfer of dyes becomes progressively restricted to communication compartments and, concomitantly with the specification of the different ectodermal anlagen, these compartments become subdivided into smaller communication compartments.
Cell Biology International Reports | 1985
F. Serras; Wiel M. Kühtreiber; M.R.L. Krul; J.A.M. van den Biggelaar
Early embryos of Patella vulgata have been injected with Lucifer Yellow. No restriction of dye spread was found. We show that later in the development, the larval trochophore stage present evidence of compartments of cell communication. These dye compartments coincide with different presumptive regions.
Archive | 1981
J.A.M. van den Biggelaar; A. W. C. Dorresteijn; S.W. de Laat; John G. Bluemink
Most organisms develop from eggs that possess some degree of cytoplasmic heterogeneity. The heterotropy of the ooplasmic constituents is used as a morphogenetic instrument as determination and differentiation of the blastomeres are influenced by the inheritance of special parts of the ooplasm. The partitioning of different regions of the ovum over the cleavage cells can only partly account for the diversification of their developmental pattern. A second important morphogenetic instrument is the interaction between cells.
Developmental Biology | 1990
F. Serras; Wim J.A.G. Dictus; J.A.M. van den Biggelaar
In early embryos of molluscs, different clones of successively determined trochoblasts differentiate into prototroch cells and together contribute to the formation of a ciliated ring of cells known as the prototroch. Trochoblasts differentiate after cell cycle arrest, which occurs two cell cycles after the commitment of their stem cell. To study the changes of junctional communication in embryos of Patella vulgata in relation to commitment, cell cycle arrest, and differentiation of the trochoblasts, we have monitored electrical coupling as well as transfer of fluorescent dyes. The appearance of dye coupling in embryos of Patella occurs after the fifth cleavage (at the 32-cell stage), when the cell cycles of all embryonic cells become asynchronous and longer. At the 32- and 64-cell stages all cells are well coupled. However, after the 72-cell stage dye transfer to or from any cell of the four interradial clones of four primary trochoblasts becomes abruptly reduced, whereas electrical coupling between these cells and the rest of the embryo can still be detected. From scanning electron microscopical analysis of the cell pattern we conclude that this change in gap junctional communication coincides with cell cycle arrest and with the development of cilia in all four clones of primary trochoblasts. Similarly, after the 88-cell stage the four radial clones of accessory trochoblasts stop dividing, reduce cell coupling, and become ciliated. By the formation of the prototroch, the embryo becomes subdivided into an anterior (pretrochal) and a posterior (posttrochal) domain which will develop different structures of the adult. At the 88-cell stage, the cells within each of these two domains remain well coupled and form two different communication compartments that are separated from each other by the interposed ring of uncoupled trochoblasts. The relations among control of cell cycle, changes in junctional communication, and differentiation are discussed.
Development Genes and Evolution | 1981
A. W. C. Dorresteijn; J.A.M. van den Biggelaar; J. G. Bluemink; W. J. Hage
SummaryIn early cleavage stages ofLymnaea stagnalis, three kinds of intercellular junctions could be distinguished up to the sixth cleavage: intermediate, septate and gap junctions. The first two form “junctional belts” located on the cell border at the periphery of the embryo. For the purpose of our study we were most interested in gap junctions as they are alleged to be structures that allow cell-to-cell communication. Gap junctions first appear at the four cell stage. Up to the sixth cleavage no difference in the distribution pattern could be found between and within each of the four quadrants of the embryo. Some of the cell tiers along the animal-vegetal axis lack gap junctions either between the blastomeres within the tier or between the blastomeres from adjacent tiers. All gap junctions observed in freeze fracture replicas show plaques with an irregular IMP pattern. The average IMP diameter measures 12 nm (SD±2 nm). In stages fixed after the fifth cleavage, gap junctions are found between micromeres at the animal pole and the central 3D macromere. This is in agreement with the presumed interaction between these cells at this stage. The possibility of a transition of non-functional into functional gap junctions after the fifth cleavage is discussed.