J. Ball
Centre national de la recherche scientifique
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Featured researches published by J. Ball.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1996
J. Ball; M. Combet; J.L. Sans; B. Benda; P. Chaumette; J. Deregel; G. Durand; A. P. Dzyubak; C. Gaudron; F. Lehar; A. Lesquen; T. Kasprzyk; Z. Janout; B. A. Khachaturov; V. N. Matafonov; Yu. A. Usov
Abstract A SATURNE polarized target has been used for nucleon-nucleon elastic scattering and transmission experiments for 15 years. Continuous improvements resulted in a flexible and reliable facility for spin physics. The polarized proton target was a 70 cm 3 cartridge loaded with pentanol-2, a promising material according to the results obtained. The new acquisition system and data processing was based on the LabView/PC software and increased the accuracy of polarization measurements. For a polarized neutron target, two cartridges loaded with 6 LiD and 6 LiH were set in the refrigerator and could be quickly inserted in the beam. Results from the the first experiments using 6 Li materials in quasielastic pp or pn analyzing power measurements are compared with the same observables measured in free nucleon-nucleon scattering using polarized proton targets. The angular resolution distributions for θ CM determination and azimuthal coplanarity are shown for different targets in nucleon-nucleon scattering. A comparison of analyzing power results for elastic and quasielastic scattering suggests that the contribution of inelastic processes to quasielastic pn scattering may be suppressed by additional constraints.
Nuclear Physics | 1993
J. Ball; Ph. Chesny; M. Combet; J.M. Fontaine; C.D. Lac; J.L. Sans; J. Bystricky; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; M. de Mali; F. Perrot-Kunne; L. van Rossum; A. Ahmidouch; P. Bach; Ph. Demierre; G. Gaillard; R. Hess; R. Kunne; D. Rapin; Ph. Sormani; J.P. Goudour; R. Binz; A. Klett; E. Rössle; H. Schmitt; D. Lopiano; H. M. Spinka
Abstract We present a total of 427 np analyzing power data points in a large angular interval at 12 energies between 0.312 and 1.10 GeV. The SATURNE II polarized beam of free monochromatic neutrons was scattered either on the Saclay frozen-spin polarized proton target or on CH2 and C targets. Present results are compared with existing elastic and quasieleastic data.
Physics Letters B | 1994
J. Ball; P.-A. Chamouard; M. Combet; J-C Fontaine; R. Kunne; J.M. Lagniel; J.L. Lemaire; G. Milleret; J.L. Sans; J. Bystricky; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; M. de Mali; Ph. Demierre; R. Hess; Z.F. Janout; E.L. Lomon; D. Rapin; B. Vuaridel; L.S. Barabash; Z. Janout; V.A. Kalinnikov; Yu. M. Kazarinov; B. A. Khachaturov; V. N. Matafonov; I.L. Pisarev; A.A. Popov; Yu. A. Usov; M. Beddo; D.P. Grosnick
Abstract The angular dependece of the pp elastic scattering spin correlation parameter was measured in the angular range from 60° to 97° CM at 14 energies between 1.96 and 2.23 GeV. A rapid decrease of the energy dependence of this observable at 90° CM is observed around 2.11 GeV kinetic energy. This agrees with the behavior of A oonn predicted on the basis of an exotic six-quark structure. The A oonn (90° CM ), together with the known differential cross section, allows the determination of the absolute value of the pure spin-singlet amplitude. The energy dependence of this amplitude shows a shoulder centered at 2.11 GeV, corresponding to a total mass of 2.735 GeV and an estimated width of 17 MeV.
Nuclear Physics | 1993
J. Ball; Ph. Chesny; M. Combet; J.M. Fontaine; R. Kunne; M. C. Lemaire; J.L. Sans; J. Bystricky; C.D. Lac; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; M. de Mali; F. Perrot-Kunne; L. van Rossum; P. Bach; Ph. Demierre; G. Gaillard; R. Hess; D. Rapin; Ph. Sormani; J.P. Goudour; R. Binz; A. Klett; E. Rössle; H. Schmitt; L.S. Barabash; Z.F. Janout; B. A. Khachaturov; Yu. A. Usov; D. Lopiano
Abstract We present a total of 273 independent data points of the analyzing powers A oono (nP) and A ooon (nP) in a large angular interval at four energies between 0.477 and 0.940 GeV. The SATURNE II polarized beam of free neutrons obtained from the break-up of polarized deuterons was scattered on the polarized Saclay frozen-spin proton target. Part of the data was obtained with a CH 2 target. A comparison of the two measured observables allows one to determine the polarization of the neutron beam. The present results provide an important contribution to any future theoretical or phenomenological analysis.
Nuclear Physics | 1998
C.E. Allgower; J. Ball; M. Beddo; Y. Bedfer; A. Boutefnouchet; J. Bystricky; P.-A. Chamouard; Ph. Demierre; J-C Fontaine; V. Ghazikhanian; D.P. Grosnick; R. Hess; Z. Janout; Z.F. Janout; V.A. Kalinnikov; T.E. Kasprzyk; B. A. Khachaturov; R. Kunne; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; D. Lopiano; V. N. Matafonov; I.L. Oisarev; A.A. Popov; A. N. Prokofiev; D. Rapin; J.L. Sans; H. M. Spinka; A. Teglia; Yu. A. Usov
Abstract A polarized proton beam extracted from SATURNE II was scattered on an unpolarized CH2 target. The angular distribution of the beam analyzing power Aoono was measured at large angles from 1.98 to 2.8 GeV and at 0.80 GeV nominal beam kinetic energy. The same observable was determined at the fixed mean laboratory angle of 13.9° in the same energy range. Both measurements are by-products of an experiment measuring the spin correlation parameter Aoon.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1997
C.E. Allgower; J. Arvieux; P. Ausset; J. Ball; P.-Y. Beauvais; Y. Bedfer; J. Bystricky; P.-A. Chamouard; Ph. Demierre; J-C Fontaine; Z. Janout; V.A. Kalinnikov; T. Kasprzyk; B. A. Khachaturov; R. Kunne; J.M. Lagniel; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; A.A. Popov; A.N. Prokofiev; D. Rapin; J.L. Sans; H. M. Spinka; A. Teglia; V.V. Vikhrov; B. Vuaridel; A.A. Zhdanov
The polarization of extracted SATURNE II proton beam as a function of different ion source configurations was studied. Two distinct experiments were necessary for this purpose. In the first one, the LEFT-RIGHT instrumental asymmetry of the beam polarimeter was determined using an unpolarized beam. In the second one this correction factor was applied to asymmetries measured with the beam from the polarized ion source in all polarization states. The measurements were carried out at the proton beam kinetic energy 0.80 GeV, where the pp-elastic scattering analyzing power is near its maximum. The results confirmed that the two so-called “unpolarized states” of the source were polarized to several percent, whereas the absolute values of the beam polarizations in the so-called “polarized states” were equal and opposite. It was observed that the hexapole lens of the ion source produced beam polarization in the absence of any transition. The beam polarization as a function of hexapole current, transition field attenuation, and spin rotation solenoid current was measured. It was also shown how to obtain a strictly unpolarized beam using the polarized source only. The results obtained with the SATURNE II ion source HYPERION may also be relevant to similar sources at other accelerators.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1999
E. Tomasi-Gustafsson; J. Yonnet; V.P. Ladygin; J. Ball; L. Bimbot; Y. Bisson; M. Boivin; Yu.T. Borzunov; J.L. Boyard; N.E. Cheung; P. Courtat; R. Gacougnolle; R. Skowron; L. B. Golovanov; T. Hennino; M. K. Jones; R. Kunne; C.F. Perdrisat; N. Piskunov; V. Punjabi; I. Sitnik; E. A. Strokovsky; A. P. Tsvinev
Abstract The characteristics of a polarimeter to measure the tensor polarization of deuterons with energy of a few GeV have been studied by Monte Carlo simulations. The analyzing reaction is forward elastic dp scattering. The results of the simulation have been verified with a prototype hydrogen cell and a recoil proton detector using drift tubes inserted in the polarimeter POMME. The test used a vector and tensor polarized deuteron beam of 1.6xa0GeV kinetic energy at the accelerator Saturne. The feasability of a vector and tensor deuteron high-energy polarimeter based on deuteron–proton elastic scattering reaction has been studied. We present here the prediction of a Monte Carlo simulation and the first results of a test made with a prototype, at the Saturne National Laboratory.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1996
L. B. Golovanov; Yu.T. Borzounov; N.M. Piskunov; A.P. Tsvinev; J. Ball; Ph. Chesny; J.M. Gheller; G. Guillier; V.P. Ladygin; Ph. Theuré; E. Tomasi-Gustafsson
Abstract This article describes the design and working principle of a three-cell liquid hydrogen target produced for the high-energy deuteron polarimeter HYPOM. This target uses liquid helium as a cooling agent. After a general description of the apparatus, tests and operating modes are thoroughly explained. In particular the air controlled self-regulation of helium flow in the cryostat to stabilize the liquid hydrogen level is presented. The main feature of this target is the simplicity of the design as well as its safeness towards any incident. Results of cooling down, filling up of the target and stabilization regime were processed during one experiment of physics at synchrotron Saturne II.
Nuclear Physics | 1993
J. Ball; Ph. Chesny; M. Combet; J.M. Fontaine; C.D. Lac; M. C. Lemaire; J.L. Sans; J. Bystricky; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; M. de Mali; F. Perrot-Kunne; L. van Rossum; P. Bach; Ph. Demierre; G. Gaillard; R. Hess; R. Kunne; D. Rapin; Ph. Sormani; B. Vuaridel; J.P. Goudour; R. Binz; A. Klett; E. Rössle; H. Schmitt; L.S. Barabash; Z.F. Janout; B. A. Khachaturov; Yu. A. Usov
Abstract We present a total of 323 data points of the spin correlation parameter A oonn (np) in a large angular interval at eight energies between 0.8 and 1.1 GeV. The SATURNE II polarized beam of free neutrons obtained from the break-up of polarized deuterons was scattered on the polarized Saclay frozen-spin proton target. The present data are the first existing results above 0.8 GeV.
European Physical Journal C | 1998
C.E. Allgower; J. Ball; L.S. Barabash; M. Beddo; Y. Bedfer; A. Boutefnouchet; J. Bystricky; Ph. Demierre; J-C Fontaine; V. Ghazikhanian; D.P. Grosnick; R. Hess; Z. Janout; Z.F. Janout; V.A. Kalinnikov; T.E. Kasprzyk; Yu. M. Kazarinov; B. A. Khachaturov; R. Kunne; F. Lehar; A. de Lesquen; D. Lopiano; M. de Mali; V. N. Matafonov; I.L. Pisarev; A.A. Popov; A. N. Prokofiev; D. Rapin; J.L. Sans; H. M. Spinka
A polarized proton beam extracted from SATURNE II and the Saclay polarized proton target were used to determine the spin correlation parameter Aoosk and the rescattering observablesKos″ so; Dos″ok, Nos″sn, andNonsk at 1.80 and 2.10 GeV. The beam polarization was oriented perpendicular to the beam direction in the horizontal scattering plane and the target polarization was directed either along the vertical axis or longitudinally. Left-right and up-down asymmetries in the second scattering were measured. A check for the beam optimization with the beam and target polarizations oriented vertically provided other observables, of which results forDonon andKonno at 1.80, 1.85, 2.04, and 2.10 GeV are listed here. The new data at 2.10 GeV suggest a smooth energy dependence of spin triplet scattering amplitudes at fixed angles in the vicinity of this energy.