
Featured researches published by J. Berchem.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1993

Shaping of the magnetotail from the mantle - Global and local structuring

Maha Ashour-Abdalla; J. Berchem; Jörg Büchner; Lev M. Zelenyi

This paper discusses kinetic modeling of the properties of magnetotail formation from a plasma mantle source and develops a unified view of the structure of the central part of the magnetotail plasma sheet as well as the structure of its boundary layer. Trajectories of mantle protons in the presence of a uniform dawn-dusk electric field have been traced using the Tsyganenko magnetic field model for quiet periods of magnetospheric activity. The most important portion of the particle trajectories is each particles first interaction with the sharp reversal of the magnetic field in the tail midplane, because this interaction results in particle energization and chaotic scattering. The closer this interaction takes place to the X line, the larger a particles energy will become. The intensity of the chaotic scattering in the tail midplane depends also on the position in the tail at which it occurs. The energization and scattering result in a significant restructuring of the tail ion distributions, both in space and in velocity coordinates. Our model shows the evolution of the global structure of the tail with a clearly defined central plasma sheet and plasma sheet boundary layer developing from its beginnings as a plasma “nucleus” in the distant tail current sheet. This large-scale restructuring is accompanied by the creation of small-scale features in the particle distribution functions. For example, the model not only correctly reproduces the spatial distribution and velocity dispersion of the fast ion beams moving both earthward and tailward in the plasma sheet boundary layer, but also indicates that these beams should be highly structured spatially into 5-6 smaller beamlets with distinct velocities. In addition the model shows that complementary ring distribution structures should also exist in the central plasma sheet. Our analysis indicates that the ion distribution functions in the central plasma sheet should take a rather specific form in velocity space with loss regions oriented predominantly orthogonal to the magnetic field. Our results also emphasize the importance of counterstreaming populations, not only in the boundary layer, but also in the central part of the plasma sheet. Analytical calculations indicate that the properties of chaotic scattering in the magnetotail under realistic conditions (x dependence of the normal magnetic field and dawn-dusk electric field) are quite different from those predicted by earlier simple xindependent models. Finally the model results are compared with recent observations of ion distribution functions and their moments for various regions of the magnetotail, and quantitative estimates from the model are shown to be in good agreement with observations. Small-scale structuring and the presence of counterstreaming are also discussed, as well as their possible importance in explaining the observed intermittency in the plasma sheet bulk flows.

Geophysical Research Letters | 1991

Large and small scale structures in the plasma sheet: A signature of chaotic motion and resonance effects

Maha Ashour-Abdalla; J. Berchem; Jörg Büchner; Lev M. Zelenyi

Solar wind ion trajectories were computed using the Tsyganenko magnetic field model and assuming the presence of a uniform dawn-dusk electric field. As a result of the energization and scattering produced by stochastic processes near the tail midplane, two distinct regions are formed, the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL) and the addition to these large scale structures the existence of new small scale structures, called beamlets, in the PSBL are predicted. Beamlets correspond to a structuring of the plasma distributions both in configuration and in velocity space. Beamlets consist of particles which experienced relatively small scattering when interacting with the tail neutral sheet and have Speiser or open trajectories at the point of observation.

Advances in Space Research | 1985

On the source region of flux transfer events

C. T. Russell; J. Berchem; J. G. Luhmann

An examination has been conducted of the region of occurrence of flux transfer events for three distinct orientations of the interplanetary magnetic field: nearly horizontal in the solar magnetospheric equator, diagonally southward at 45 deg to the magnetospheric equator and nearly due south. For horizontal IMF conditions the FTEs occur in a horizontal band about + or - 6 earth radii wide. For diagonally southward IMF conditions, the FTEs occur in a diagonal swath about + or - 6 earth radii wide passing through the subsolar point. For duskward but nearly due southward IMF conditions, the observations reveal FTEs throughout the northern morning quadrant. These observations are consistent with a near equatorial source for flux transfer events and hence with component merging and not anti-parallel merging. These observations also help understand the energetic ion anisotropies seen in these events. 21 references.

Geophysical Research Letters | 1995

Magnetic flux ropes at the high-latitude magnetopause

J. Berchem; J. Raeder; Maha Ashour-Abdalla

The authors examine the consequences of magnetic reconnection at the high-latitude magnetopause using a three-dimensional global magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the solar wind interaction with the Earth`s magnetosphere. Magnetic field lines from the simulation reveal the formation of magnetic flux ropes during periods with northward interplanetary magnetic field. These flux ropes result from multiple reconnection processes between the lobes field lines and draped magnetosheath field lines that are convected around the flank of the magnetosphere. The flux ropes identified in the simulation are consistent with features observed in the magnetic field measured by Hawkeye-1 during some high-latitude magnetopause crossings. 24 refs., 4 figs.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1998

The distant tail at 200 RE : Comparison between Geotail observations and the results from a global magnetohydrodynamic simulation

J. Berchem; J. Raeder; Maha Ashour-Abdalla; L. A. Frank; W. R. Paterson; K. L. Ackerson; S. Kokubun; Takashi Yamamoto; R. P. Lepping

This paper reports a comparison between Geotail observations of plasmas and magnetic fields at 200 R E in the Earths magnetotail with results from a time-dependent, global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of the interaction of the solar wind with the magnetosphere. The study focuses on observations from July 7, 1993, during which the Geotail spacecraft crossed the distant tail magnetospheric boundary several times while the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) was predominantly northward and was marked by slow rotations of its clock angle. Simultaneous IMP 8 observations of solar wind ions and the IMF were used as driving input for the MHD simulation, and the resulting time series were compared directly with those from the Geotail spacecraft. The very good agreement found provided the basis for an investigation of the response of the distant tail associated with the clock angle of the IMF. Results from the simulation show that the stresses imposed by the draping of magnetosheath field lines and the asymmetric removal of magnetic flux tailward of the cusps altered considerably the shape of the distant tail as the solar wind discontinuities convected downstream of Earth. As a result, the cross section of the distant tail was considerably flattened along the direction perpendicular to the IMF clock angle, the direction of the neutral sheet following that of the IMF. The simulation also revealed that the combined action of magnetic reconnection and the slow rotation of the IMF clock angle led to a braiding of the distant tails magnetic field lines along the axis of the tail, with the plane of the braid lying in the direction of the IMF.

Geophysical Research Letters | 2009

Tracing solar wind plasma entry into the magnetosphere using ion-to-electron temperature ratio

B. Lavraud; J. E. Borovsky; Vincent Génot; S. J. Schwartz; Joachim Birn; Andrew N. Fazakerley; M. W. Dunlop; M. G. G. T. Taylor; H. Hasegawa; A. P. Rouillard; J. Berchem; Y. V. Bogdanova; D. Constantinescu; Iannis Dandouras; J. P. Eastwood; C. P. Escoubet; H. U. Frey; Christian Jacquey; E. V. Panov; Z. Y. Pu; Chao Shen; J. K. Shi; David G. Sibeck; M. Volwerk; J. A. Wild

When the solar wind Mach number is low, typically such as in magnetic clouds, the physics of the bow shock leads to a downstream ion-to-electron temperature ratio that can be notably lower than usual. We utilize this property to trace solar wind plasma entry into the magnetosphere by use of Cluster measurements in the vicinity of the dusk magnetopause during the passage of a magnetic cloud at Earth on November 25, 2001. The ion-to-electron temperature ratio was indeed low in the magnetosheath (Ti/Te ∼ 3). In total, three magnetopause boundary layer intervals are encountered on that day. They all show that the low ion-to-electron temperature ratio can be preserved as the plasma enters the magnetosphere, and both with and without the observation of Kelvin-Helmholtz activity. This suggests that the ion-to-electron temperature ratio in the magnetopause boundary layer, which is usually high, is not prescribed by the heating characteristics of the plasma entry mechanism that formed these boundary layers. In the future, this property may be used to (1) further trace plasma entry into inner regions and (2) determine the preferred entry mechanisms if other theoretical, observational and simulation works can give indications on which mechanisms may alter this ratio.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2008

Effect of a northward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field on cusp precipitation as observed by Cluster

C. P. Escoubet; J. Berchem; J. M. Bosqued; K. J. Trattner; M. G. G. T. Taylor; F. Pitout; H. Laakso; Arnaud Masson; M. W. Dunlop; I. Dandouras; H. Rème; Andrew N. Fazakerley; P. W. Daly

The immediate effect of the rotation of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) from southward to northward on cusp precipitation has been rarely observed by a polar orbiting satellite in the past. The four Cluster spacecraft observed such an event on 23 September 2004 as they were crossing the polar cusp within 2–16 min from each other. Between the first three and the last spacecraft crossing the cusp, the IMF rotated from southward to northward with a dominant By (GSM) component. For the first time we can examine the changes in the particle precipitation immediately after such IMF change. The first two spacecraft observed typical IMF-southward ion dispersion, while the last one observed both an IMF-southward-like dispersion in the boundary layer and an IMF-northward dispersion in the cusp. After the IMF turning, the cusp is shown to have grown in size in both the poleward and equatorward directions. A three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation is used to determine the locations of the sources of the ions and the topology of the magnetic field during the event.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2016

Impacts of Spontaneous Hot Flow Anomalies on the Magnetosheath and Magnetopause

N. Omidi; J. Berchem; D. G. Sibeck; Hui Zhang

Spacecraft observations and global hybrid (kinetic ions and fluid electrons) simulations have demonstrated that ion dissipation processes at the quasi-parallel bow shock are associated with the formation of structures called spontaneous hot flow anomalies (SHFAs). Previous simulations and recent spacecraft observations have also established that SHFAs result in the formation of magnetosheath filamentary structures(MFS). In this paper we demonstrate that in addition to MFS, SHFAs also result in the formation of magnetos heath cavities that are associated with decreases in density, velocity, and magnetic field and enhancements in temperature. We use the results of a global MHD run to determine the change in the magnetosheath properties associated with cavities due to ion kinetic effects. The results also show the formation of regions of high flow speed called magnetosheath jets whose properties as a function of solar wind Mach number are described in this study. Comparing the properties of the simulated magnetosheath cavities and jets to past spacecraft observations provides good agreement in both cases. We also demonstrate that pressure variations associated with cavities and SHFAs in the sheath result in a continuous sunward and anti sunward magnetopause motion. This result is consistent with previous suggestions that SHFAs may be responsible for the generation of ion cyclotron waves and precipitation of ring current protons in the outer magnetosphere.

Geophysical Research Letters | 1991

Simultaneous excitation of broadband electrostatic noise and electron cyclotron waves in the plasma sheet

J. Berchem; David Schriver; Maha Ashour-Abdalla

Electron cyclotron harmonics and broadband electrostatic noise (BEN) are often observed in the Earths outer plasma sheet. While it is well known that ion beams in the plasma sheet boundary layer can generate BEN, new two dimensional electrostatic simulations show that field-aligned ion beams with a small perpendicular ring distribution can drive not only BEN, but also electron cyclotron harmonic (ECH) waves simultaneously. Simulation results are presented here using detailed diagnostics of wave properties, including dispersion relations of all wave modes.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2017

On the origin of the crescent‐shaped distributions observed by MMS at the magnetopause

Giovanni Lapenta; J. Berchem; M. Zhou; R. J. Walker; Mostafa El-Alaoui; M. L. Goldstein; W. R. Paterson; B. L. Giles; C. J. Pollock; C. T. Russell; R. J. Strangeway; R. E. Ergun; Y. V. Khotyaintsev; R. B. Torbert; J. L. Burch

MMS observations recently confirmed that crescent-shaped electron velocity distributions in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field occur in the electron diffusion region near reconnection sites at Earths magnetopause. In this paper, we reexamine the origin of the crescent-shaped distributions in the light of our new finding that ions and electrons are drifting in opposite directions when displayed in magnetopause boundary-normal coordinates. Therefore, E × B drifts cannot cause the crescent shapes. We performed a high-resolution multi-scale simulation capturing sub-electron skin depth scales. The results suggest that the crescent-shaped distributions are caused by meandering orbits without necessarily requiring any additional processes found at the magnetopause such as the highly asymmetric magnetopause ambipolar electric field. We use an adiabatic Hamiltonian model of particle motion to confirm that conservation of canonical momentum in the presence of magnetic field gradients causes the formation of crescent shapes without invoking asymmetries or the presence of an E × B drift. An important consequence of this finding is that we expect crescent-shaped distributions also to be observed in the magnetotail, a prediction that MMS will soon be able to test.

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