
international conference on intelligent systems | 2017

Use of Intelligent Informatics Module for Registration and Assessment of Causes of Breaks in Selected Mining Machines

Kinga Stecuła; J. Brodny; Magdalena Tutak

Growing competition and an unstable energy market force mining enterprises to take actions aimed at decreasing production costs. The area in which there are great reserves linked with costs is a use of mining machines that are owned by mining companies. In practice, it has been observed that underutilization of mining machines at present is one of the main problems in mines. The paper presents the results of research whose aim was to determine availability and performance of the studied machines and quality of the excavated material which was the product of the machines’ work. Based on the results, the effectiveness of the machines was determined. In the area of availability a large number of the unidentified breaks during the machines’ work was registered. To find the causes of the breaks, many interviews with expert workers from maintenance departments were made. Using their knowledge, the special and intelligent module for the reasons for the breaks registration were developed and implemented. This module has been permanently linked with the integrated management and maintenance system that had been used in the mine. The application of the developed solution made it possible to indentify more than 72% of the breaks in the studied machines’ work and it was an increase by 90% in relation to the level before its installation. It appeared that the main cause of the low efficiency of the reasons identification was the lack of dispatchers’ knowledge and motivation. The obtained results make it possible to take activities in order to reduce the breaks in the studied machines’ work and subsequently improve their effectiveness.

international conference: beyond databases, architectures and structures | 2017

The Use of the TGŚP Module as a Database to Identify Breaks in the Work of Mining Machinery

J. Brodny; Magdalena Tutak; Marcin Michalak

The article presents the results of the causes of breaks in selected mining machines work. The studied machines belong to the mechanized longwall system. Identification of the causes of these breaks was carried out using author’s database that was created on the basis of the information coming from the application, which is an integral part of the Means of Production Management Module (TGŚP). This module is one of the basic parts of the integrated enterprise management system SZYK2. The results clearly show that the developed solution enables more efficiently to identify the causes of breaks in examined machines work than previously used systems. It is the result of acquiring the tacit knowledge from dispatchers thanks to developed solutions.

Tehnicki Vjesnik-technical Gazette | 2018

Analysis of Methane Hazard Conditions in Mine Headings

J. Brodny; Magdalena Tutak

One of the most dangerous and the most common hazards in coal mines is methane hazard. This threat is associated with inflammation and/or explosion of methane in the mixture of air. Analysis of the scale of methane hazard allows the selection of such a longwall ventilation system operating, which provides the requisite provisions of the chemical composition of the mine atmosphere, and the required efficiency of methane drainage. The article presents the results of numerical analysis of the flow of the mixture stream of air and methane by the layout of workings of one of the mines. The aim of this study was to analyse the workings and the designation of zones of the ventilation system in question, where there may be dangerous, explosive concentrations of methane. The results are important when taking preventive actions aimed at reducing methane emissions to the external environment in the process of methane drainage.

international conference: beyond databases, architectures and structures | 2017

A Data Warehouse as an Indispensable Tool to Determine the Effectiveness of the Use of the Longwall Shearer

J. Brodny; Magdalena Tutak; Marcin Michalak

The effective use of machines and devices in the mining industry is significant. In a competitive energy market, such effectiveness can decide about the further functioning of the company in many cases. The article subject refers to these issues, in particular, to the way of determining the availability of a longwall shearer used in underground coal mining. The article presents the proposal of using the data warehouse to determine the level of load of a longwall shearer during its work on the basis of shearer motor power consumption time series.

international conference on intelligent systems | 2017

Application of Neural-Fuzzy System in Prediction of Methane Hazard

Dariusz Felka; J. Brodny

In the paper there are presented possibilities of use of artificial intelligence to build predictive models based on the measurement data. Fundamental problems concerning fuzzy logic, neural network and ANFIS system were discussed. This system connects capability of representation and processing of fuzzy logic and capability of learning of neutral networks. The ANFIS interface has been characterized relating to training a fuzzy model of Sugeno type. An example of using its interface to predicting of methane hazard in the region of mined longwall was presented. Predictive model based on the real methane measurement data from this longwall was developed.

Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering | 2018

Analysis of Powered Roof Support Operation Based on a Virtual Driver

Dawid Szurgacz; J. Brodny

Abstract The article presents the results of tests and analyses of control functions performed by a powered roof support which is the basic part of a powered longwall system. The research was based on an innovative registration and measurement system dedicated to this specific range of tests. The basic element of this system is a virtual driver. It is equipped with input and output systems to connect standard physical voltage signals. The tests were carried out on a prototype powered roof support type ZPR- 15/35-POz. The presented research methodology and obtained results are an element of new research methods developed for powered support based on virtual controllers. The applied solution generates less costs than the devices currently used, while its functionality is significantly greater. The system developed by the Authors supports innovative and, to a certain extent, intelligent IT solutions for testing control elements. This developed system is suitable to be applied in a wide range of research such as diagnosis of mining machinery control elements and other industries in the near future.

Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering | 2018

Literature Research in the Field of Technology Assessment Using a Tool of a Systematic Literature Review

Dorota Palka; J. Brodny; Tamer Rızaoğlu; Utku Bağci; Jozef Maščeník

Abstract The article presents the results of literature research in the field of Technology Assessment (TA). In particular, the attention was focused on searching for trends determining the directions of development of this research area. Research gaps constituting the basis for undertaking new cognitive challenges were identified. As a research method, a systematic review of literature was adopted, the methodology of which was described in the first part of the article. The analysis includes a total of 1788 TA-related scientific articles available in Google Scholar and BazTech databases. The practical part of the article presents fragments of literature research and an attempt to define the concepts of Technology Assessment on their basis. The collected research material showed a high degree of variation in the scope of definitions and the research area covered by TA. This indicates the need to conduct further research in this area for the purpose of clarifying the research area which TA deals with. It is legitimate to say that the development of research in this area is necessary due to the increasing impact of technology on society.

Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering | 2018

Innovative Visualization System Designed to Monitor Parameters of Mining Systems Operation

Dawid Szurgacz; J. Brodny

Abstract Mining machines suitable for hard coal mining, due to the specifics of this industry must be characterized by very high technical parameters. In particular, it concerns their durability, reliability and availability. Currently used machines approved for operation in underground conditions meet such requirements. Nevertheless, during their operation it is reasonable to conduct supervision and control of work parameters. This applies to both machine manufacturers and users, which is especially important in the event of a failure. Mine employees should be able control of the entire operation process. This control can be effective thanks to a visualization system developed to monitor the working parameters of mining systems. The paper discusses the innovative system and presents the results of efficiency tests. They concerned the visualization of the operation of a powered roof support. The obtained results indicate that the assumed goal of the system has been achieved. The system is built on elements of industrial automation, which guarantees the reliability of the indicated values. Its graphic layout and selection of the presented parameters are also approved. It should also be emphasized that the system can work with currently operating systems and is easy to expand. According to the Authors, the system should find a wide application in practice.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2018

Exposure to Harmful Dusts on Fully Powered Longwall Coal Mines in Poland

J. Brodny; Magdalena Tutak

The mining production process is exposed to a series of different hazards. One of them is the accumulation of dust which can pose a serious threat to the life and health of mine workers. The analysis of dust hazard in hard coal mining should include two aspects. One is the risk of coal dust explosions, which poses a direct risk of injury or even loss of life, the second is the risk of harmful dust, associated with the possibility of negative health effects as a result of long-term exposure to dust in the worker’s body. The technologies currently applied in underground mining produce large amounts of coal and stone dust. Long-term exposure to dust and crystalline silica may cause chronic respiratory disease. The article presents the results of tests on the dust levels in the area of a fully-powered longwall. The tests were conducted for five longwalls from different hard coal mines. In each of them, the average values of inhalable and respirable dust as well as the percentage content of free silica in the dust were determined in ten selected working positions. Additionally, for the longwall with the highest dust concentration, the levels of dust were determined for the basic activities related to the phases of the technological cycle. The comparative analysis conducted and the results obtained demonstrate large variations in the dust levels in the different areas. The permissible values were significantly exceeded in a number of cases. This poses a great threat to the health of Polish miners. The results obtained indicate that it is necessary to undertake more effective measures in order to improve the working environment of the crew in hard coal mines.

Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology. Organization and Management Series | 2017

Assessment of the occupational health and safety training organization through example of mining plant

J. Brodny; Dorota Palka

The article presents the results of research on organizing of the 21 occupational health and safety training on the example of a mining plant. It was 22 assumed that a properly prepared training program can affect its efficiency, 23 increase of the employees awareness of the validity of the presented issues and the 24 direct employees’ involvement. The research was conducted using a survey and 25 an interview with participants of the OHS training in the mining enterprise. 26 The results of the research were submitted to the managers of the company which 27 offers a will for assessing and possible revision of the OHS training of its 28 employees. 29

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