J. Hawthorn
St George's Hospital
Brain Research | 1984
J. S. Jenkins; V.T.Y. Ang; J. Hawthorn; L.L. Iversen
The concentrations of arginine vasopressin, oxytocin, and their related neurophysins were compared in many areas of postmortem human brain and spinal cord using specific radioimmunoassays. In the hypothalamus the ratio of vasopressin to oxytocin was approximately 3:1, and in the extrahypothalamic areas of the brain the greatest amount of both peptides was present in the locus coeruleus, and to a lesser extent the periaqueductal grey. Vasopressin only was found in the substantia nigra, and globus pallidus. In the medulla, including the nucleus of the solitary tract, the dorsal nucleus of the vagus, and the nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve, the amount of oxytocin was greater than that of vasopressin. In the spinal cord oxytocin predominated over vasopressin to an even greater extent, and reached particularly high values in certain segments of the intermediolateral grey column and dorsal horn. Estrogen-stimulated and nicotine-stimulated neurophysins (ESN and NSN) were both found in large amounts in those areas of the brain and spinal cord where the concentrations of the nonapeptides were greatest, but when the molar ratios of ESN to oxytocin and NSN to vasopressin were compared there was an excess of ESN.
Brain Research | 1985
J. Hawthorn; V.T.Y. Ang; J. S. Jenkins
The content of arginine vasopressin and oxytocin in various extrahypothalamic sites of the rat brain and spinal cord was determined by specific radioimmunoassays after lesions had been made in either the paraventricular (PVN), supraoptic (SON) or suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). In some animals all 3 nuclei were destroyed together. The PVN provided a considerable amount of the vasopressin innervation of the solitary tract nucleus, and most of that in the spinal cord. Oxytocin was removed from some areas after lesions of the PVN and, again, most of this peptide was lost from the spinal cord. Lesions of the SCN did not appear to be followed by significant quantitative changes in either hormone in any of the areas studied. Lesions of the SON resulted in loss of oxytocin, particularly in the periventricular grey and some other areas, suggesting that extrahypothalamic projections from this nucleus may be more important than was previously assumed. Lesions of all 3 nuclei which included destruction of accessory hypothalamic nuclei resulted in a much more widespread loss of vasopressin and oxytocin, but there was preservation of both peptides in the dorsal raphe nucleus and much of those present in the locus coeruleus. It is concluded that the contribution of the classical hypothalamic nuclei to the extrahypothalamic content of vasopressin and oxytocin in rat brain is less than was originally believed, and that there are areas of the brain such as the locus coeruleus and dorsal raphe nucleus in which the source of these peptides may be outside the hypothalamus.
Brain Research | 1980
J. Hawthorn; V.T.Y. Ang; J. S. Jenkins
The distribution of arginine vasopressin (AVP) in the rat brain was studied using a sensitive radioimmunoassay. The highest concentration of AVP was found in the hypothalamus. Individually, the supraoptic, paraventricular and suprachiasmatic nuclei contained in the order of 10% of the total hypothalamic content. Vasopressin was also found in the thalamus, medulla, cerebellum, amygdala, substantia nigra and hippocampus. Much lower levels were detected in the pons, spinal cord, frontal and occipital lobes and caudate putamen. No AVP could be detected in any other regions of the cortex or corpus callosum. Chromatographically the vasopressin found outside the hypothalamus is of a similar nature to that of hypothalamo-hypophysial origin. This study supports previous reports of extrahypothalamic localization of vasopressin by immuno-histochemical methods. It is clear that AVP is not confined to the hypothalamo-hypophysial axis, and the possibilities that this may reflect an involvement in brain function are discussed.
Brain Research | 1981
Leslie Iversen; J. Hawthorn; V.T.Y. Ang; J. S. Jenkins
The distribution of arginine vasopressin immunoreactivity in post-mortem human brain was examined using a radioimmunoassay. The highest concentration was found in the hypothalamus but substantial amounts of vasopressin-like immunoreactivity were also found in the locus coeruleus, periaqueductal grey, substantia nigra compacta and reticulata and in lower concentrations in the globus pallidus. The extrahypothalamic vasopressin was immunologically and chromatographically similar to hypothalamic vasopressin. The possibility arises that the high levels of vasopressin in the locus coeruleus may relate to an effect on noradrenergic transmission.
Clinical Endocrinology | 1988
S. S. Nussey; J. Hawthorn; S. R. Page; V.T.Y. Ang; J. S. Jenkins
Apomorphine, a centrally‐acting emetic, was administered subcutaneously (50 /μg/kg) to nine normal subjects (four male, five female; aged 22‐36 years) and four patients with idiopathic diabetes insipidus (DI) (one male, three female; aged 24‐49 years). In the normal subjects this stimulus caused nausea (and vomiting in seven of nine) with a latency of 9‐5 ± 0‐9 min which was followed by a large increase in plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) concentration (from 0‐9 ± 0‐2 pmol/1 to 249 ± 104 pmol/1 at 15 min after the onset of symptoms; mean ± SEM, P<001). There was a small but significant increase in plasma oxytocin (OXT) concentration (from 1‐6 ± 0‐4 pmol/1 to 6‐2 ± 3‐4 pmol/1; P<005). Mean arterial pressure (MAP) fell slightly (from 87±1‐9 mm Hg to 71±4‐4 mm Hg; P < 005) 15 min after the onset of nausea; there was no change in blood haematocrit or plasma osmolality and sodium concentration. In the DI patients apomorphine produced nausea (with vomiting in three of four) with a latency of 100±1 ‐4 min but failed to cause an increase in either plasma AVP or OXT. In the DI patients the fall in MAP did not reach statistical significance (83 ± 4 mm Hg to 71 ± 11 mm Hg); there was also no change in haematocrit, osmolality or sodium concentration. Ipecacuanha, an emetic with both peripheral and central actions, was administered orally to seven normal subjects (three male, four female; aged 22‐36 years) six of whom also underwent apomorphine tests. Nausea followed with a latency of 16‐9 ± 3‐2 min (with vomiting in five of seven). However, despite producing symptoms considered by the subjects to be as severe as those caused by apomorphine there was no increase in plasma AVP or OXT. In contrast to apomorphine, ipecacuanha produced a significant increase in MAP (from 82 ± 2 mm Hg to 11101+7 mm Hg; P<0‐05) and pulse rate (62 ± 3 min‐1 to 76 ± 4 mm‐1; P<0‐05); there was no change in haematocrit, osmolality or sodium concentration.
Brain Research | 1988
J. Hawthorn; P.L.R. Andrews; V.T.Y. Ang; J. S. Jenkins
The aim of this study was to investigate whether direct afferent stimulation of the abdominal vagus could promote release of the neurohypophyseal hormones. The nucleus of the solitary tract is the major recipient of vagal afferent information, and this region of the brainstem may also be activated by stimulation of the area postrema. For this reason apomorphine, a D2 dopaminergic agonist which acts on the area postrema, and can evoke vasopressin secretion in man, was also investigated for its effect on vasopressin and oxytocin release. Our results show that vasopressin, but not oxytocin is released in vast amounts in response to electrical afferent stimulation of the abdominal vagus. Administration of apomorphine also evoked a massive vasopressin release with less marked effects on oxytocin. The possible functional implications of these results are discussed especially in the context of nausea and vomiting.
Brain Research | 1982
Stephen P. Hunt; Leslie Iversen; R. Bannister; J. Hawthorn; V.T.Y. Ang; J. S. Jenkins
Vasopressin immunoreactivity was measured post-mortem in the locus coeruleus and substantia nigra of 16 cases of Parkinsons disease and multisystem atrophy, 10 cases of Huntingtons chorea and 28 normal controls. Amounts of vasopressin did not differ significantly (P greater than 0.05) between the 3 groups. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated vasopressin within nerve terminals. These data are consistent with an extrinsic vasopressin system in the human locus coeruleus and substantia nigra.
Brain Research | 1984
J. Hawthorn; V.T.Y. Ang; J. S. Jenkins
While immunohistochemistry has been used extensively to map both oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (VP) pathways in the brain, little information is available concerning the quantitative distribution of these hormones--particularly oxytocin. We have isolated oxytocin from extrahypothalamic regions of the rat brain and shown it to behave identically with standard oxytocin in radioimmunoassay (RIA) and on high-performance liquid chromatography. Using sensitive RIA we have measured and compared levels of both oxytocin and vasopressin in the rat brain. Both hormones are widely distributed, with the largest amounts outside the hypothalamus being found in the locus coeruleus. Considerable quantities of both peptides (but particularly oxytocin) are found in mesencephalic, pontine and medullary nuclei. This distribution is similar to that of the catecholamines, and the possible interaction of oxytocin and vasopressin with catecholaminergic pathways in the central control of various functions is discussed.
Progress in Brain Research | 1983
J. S. Jenkins; V.T.Y. Ang; J. Hawthorn
Publisher Summary The neurohypophysial peptides may have functions within the brain, which are quite distinct from their well-established actions on the kidney and uterus. This chapter presents an overview of the human brain and the spinal cord, using specific radioimmunoassays to determine in a quantitative manner the distribution of both vasopressin and oxytocin. The presence of appreciable quantities of oxytocin, and smaller amounts of vasopressin in the dorsal horn of the cord, in the substantia gelatinosa, the nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve, as well as the solitary tract nucleus, suggests that these neurohypophysial peptides may have a role in modulating sensory afferents to the central nervous system. However, in the human brain the greatest concentration of vasopressin and, to a lesser extent, oxytocin is found in the locus coemleus and periaqueductal grey matter, which, together with their presence in the dorsal nucleus of the vagus and intermediolateral grey column of the cord, suggests that there is a close relationship with the ascending and descending noradrenergic pathways. In the medulla, oxytocin predominates over vasopressin in the dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve, nucleus solitaries, and nucleus of spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve. While, in the spinal cord, the greatest concentration of the peptides is in the intermediolateral grey column where the amount of oxytocin is four times that of vasopressin.
Life Sciences | 1985
J. Hawthorn; J. S. Jenkins
Vasopressin is known to mediate its action on the kidney through increasing the concentrations of cyclic AMP. As vasopressin is widely distributed in many extra hypothalamic areas of the brain and can be shown to act centrally, we have investigated the effect of vasopressin on cyclic AMP levels in homogenates of the striatal and locus coeruleus areas. In contrast with the effect obtained on the kidney, vasopressin did not stimulate adenyl cyclase activity in rat brain homogenates in a dose-related manner. The stimulation of cyclic AMP observed with dopamine or noradrenaline in these brain areas and the hippocampus was not affected by the presence of vasopressin. These observations suggest that the action of vasopressin on the brain is not mediated through cyclic AMP.